Road Trip

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Lexi: "do we have any snacks?"

Jen: "we should have some in the back seat

Lexi reaches back and pulls out a bag of hot Cheetos from a plastic grocery bag

Lexi: "yes!"

Jen: "I knew you were going to want some so I bought a few"

Lexi: "you're the best"

Jen smiles at the woman beside her

Jen: "anyways, back to what I was saying before, my theory"

Lexi: "really, not this again"

Jen: "Steve Rogers did not have a girlfriend before he went into the service"

Lexi: "and how do you know that?"

Jen: "because of the History Channel"

Lexi: "good old History Channel

Jen: "So, he became Captain America and from that moment on, a symbol of America. Eh is rushed to the front lines, he becomes a war hero. Then he is frozen in ice"

Lexi: "mhm"

Jen: "So based on everything Bruce has told me and the history channel after he gets unfrozen, he goes from world-threatening disaster to world-threatening disaster. That's when he's not a fugitive from the law, right"

Lexi: "please get to the point"

Jen: "you're hearing the whole thing"

Lexie groans and Jen continues to talk

Jen: "it seems like he was pretty, pretty busy"

Lexi: "please get to the point, I'm begging you"

Jen: "obviously Captain America was a virgin"

Lexi: "babe, why are you so obsessed with Captain America's love but more specifically his sex life"

Jen: "I don't know, this car ride has been a bit boring"

Lexi chuckles at her girlfriend

Lexi: "I can't with you at times"

Jen: "that's such a lie"

They both laugh

Lexi: "Well, since you are so interested in that topic, why don't you ask your cousin Bruce? He knew Steve"

Jen: "trust me, I tried and it got nowhere"

Lexi chuckles

Jen: "how's work going?"

Lexi: "it's going..."

Jen: "what's wrong?"

Lexi: "men just being men. Work has been overwhelming and it's not helping that they don't take me seriously. It's 2023/24 and it feels like we are still in the 50s"

She sighs

Jen: "why do you stay there, you know you can find somewhere else to"

Lexi: "but what if I don't"

Jen: "if you need to, I'm sure I can get you a job-"

Lexi: " I don't want to rely on you"

Jen: "well it would be better than working where you are at"

Lexi: "Jen, I will manage, you don't have to worry about me"

Jen: "Okay"

Lexi looks out the window at the scenery

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