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Willa: "test 48 is a fail...once again"

Willa sighs and digs her face into her hands

Willa: "I'm never going to get this right"

She takes off her glasses and rubs her eyes. Glancing at the clock on the wall, she realizes it is now late at night

Willa: "shit, I should get to bed, I have been up for way too long"

Standing up from her desk, she walks into the bathroom getting ready for bed

It is now the next morning, the sun is shining on her face

Willa pulls the blanket over her head, shielding herself from the light. Her phone starts to buzz, peeking out from the blanket, she sees that it is her alarm. Willa turns off the alarm and gets out of bed, walking to the bathroom

She brushes her teeth  and walks out to the kitchen. Starting her day, as usual, she pours herself a cup of coffee and watches the sun rise from her balcony

A bit later

Willa: "I should start work again..."

She sighs

As she turns around to walk into the house. A blonde figure with a silver type of helmet lands on the balcony, a few feet away from Willa

Willa: "fuck! W-who the hell are you?"

??: "Willa"

Willa: "how do you know my name?"

??: "right"

The helmet disappears to reveal Willa's girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, not sure what since she disappeared a few years ago without a trace

Willa: "J-Jane"

Jane: "hey"

She carefully places Mjölnir down on the ground

Willa: "where have you been? Its been so long"

Jane: "I know, I know and I apologize"

Willa: "Wow, you're a lot taller'

Jane: 'yeah"

She chuckles

Willa: "Jane, where did you go?"

Jane: "I had something to deal with something"

Willa: "you left me, Jane, I was worried. You left me without any message or, or"

She starts to cry

Jane: "I know, I know"

Jane pulls Willa into a hug

Jane: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I did but I promise you, I'm not leaving you again, I promise you"

Willa cries into Jane's shoulder

Jane: "come on, let's get you inside"

Willa nods and they walk into Willa's house

Jane: "nothing has changed since I was last here"

Willa: "I kept everything the same. God, I can't believe you're here"

She starts to lose balance

Jane: "why don't you sit down"

The blonde woman pulls out the kitchen stool so Willa can sit down

Jane: "let me get you some water"

Jane walks over to one of the cabinets and grabs a glass, then she walks over to the fridge to the water dispenser. As she is filling up the glass with water, she sees a photo on the fridge of her and Willa from one of their dates years ago

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