Queen of Rosewood Forest (On...

By WyntyrRose

23K 1.7K 30

Evette lives in a medieval society and is in an abusive relationship. She has a flower shop and one day her a... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 1

1.6K 59 1
By WyntyrRose

Flowers can have many different meanings. Chrysanthemums are commonly used for funerary purposes, irises symbolize hope, and roses are often used as a proclamation of love, I think as I finish wrapping the daisies in a vase and tie a ribbon around the glass. I bite my lip in worry as I realize that my husband, John, should be home from work soon, so I don't have much time to get this done. I quickly walk out the shop and lock the door behind me. My flower shop is across the square from the clinic where Cameron currently is, so I visit him after work sometimes. He saved me from a falling beam two weeks ago, but the beam broke his leg in the process.

As I walk into the clinic, I see the doctor. He and John are friends, so he comes to greet me and tell me happy birthday when he spots me entering. I continue walking to the bed where Cameron is laying. He's been here for two weeks, but still hasn't gotten any better, unfortunately.

He opens his eyes and looks up at me. "Hello Evette. It's good to see you," His voice is groggy and rough from the medicine. "My mom came to see me today. She said you weren't going to be coming to visit me anymore. Is it true?"

"John doesn't want me to," I try to explain softly as I push my blonde hair behind my ear. My husband didn't like the idea of me spending time with other men, but since Cameron got hurt trying to help me, it only seemed fair that I visit him to check up on his injuries when I could. I smile softly, "He's just going to have to accept that there are other men in the universe, and he can't control who I interact with." I sit in the chair by the bed as the doctor walks up.

"Hey Doc. How bad is it?" Cameron asks seeing the grim look on the doctor's face.

"I'm sorry." The doctor sighed, "Your leg is infected. After the amputation it seems you came into contact with some bacteria. We can give you something to help ease the pain, but without the right medicine I'm afraid you only have a couple days left. We have reached out everywhere we could, but we can't find anyone that has the medicine you need, I'm sorry."

"I'm so sorry, Cam," I say softly as I reach out and touch his hand gently.

"I'm not," he shook his head, "I'd rather get hurt than you. Don't feel sorry for me, I don't regret saving you one bit. I would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant you didn't get hurt."

"Oh Cam," I whisper still feeling guilty about the whole thing.

"Hey Evette, what time does John get off tonight?" The doctor asked and I look up at the clock tower through the window, gasping softly when I realize the time.

"I'm sorry Cam but I really must get going," I say as I place the flowers on the table next to him. "I will try and see you tomorrow if I can."

"See you Evette," he calls out as I quickly leave the room.

I begin running home hoping for a miracle. As I round the block I freeze in my tracks, I'm too late. John spots me from the porch and storms inside the house. I stand there for a minute not sure if I should go inside or run while I have the chance. I decide to go inside seeing as I would have nowhere to run to. I walk up to the door and slowly open it. I can hear John throwing things in the bedroom. I walk to the kitchen trying to be as quiet as possible.

"I see that crippled wife stealer is more important than me!" John yells as he storms into the kitchen. "You would think my wife would be at home making me dinner or folding the laundry instead of flaunting herself about the hospital for a man she isn't even sworn to."

"I simply went to give him some flowers from the shop. It was a harmless visit," I say though I know it won't help the situation. "I've never thought of Cameron as more than just a friend and he feels the same. I was just trying to be a good friend."

"Good friend?" He asks dumfounded. "Don't be so daft! He is in love with you! And you just proved that he is more important than your husband!"

"No, he isn't," I whisper as I shake my head and start to shut down as he approaches me menacingly. "I'm sorry, John."

"No you aren't," he glared down at me with fists clenched. "You knew I didn't want you around him and yet you went anyway. You don't care about me at all!"

"I love you!" I whimper as I feel the burn before I hear the whomp of his skin hitting mine. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Be quiet!" he seethes, "this is all your fault! If you had only listened and been a good wife this never would have happened! Why can't you just listen?!"

I wanted to tell him I was sorry, and it wouldn't happen again, but I knew it would just irate him even further, so I just bit my lip and forced myself to be quiet. The sooner I just let him get it all out, the sooner it will stop. He was right, I never should have visited, I knew what would happen and yet I did anyway, why was I so stupid?

Eventually, he tires out and stands, "Get cleaned up and make dinner," he demands as he storms off further into the house.

It takes me some time but I finally manage to stand and head to the fridge to pull out ingredients to start cooking. He refuses to speak to me, or even look at me while he eats. Once he's done, he gently grips my chin and kisses my forehead, "I hate when you break my heart and force me to teach you a lesson." A tear slips down my face and he wipes it away, "I love you, Evette."

"Love you too, John," I say as he kisses my nose then heads to bed, leaving me to clean up.

I painfully sigh as I start washing the dishes then whisper, "One day, it will get better."

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