Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante...

By Chimera_Regarion

565K 23.9K 7.8K

No one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored so... More

Silent Society
Local Orphanage
Chit Chat
Kids love me...
Hide and Seek
Phone call
The room!
So damn bruised
People's Support
Being SUS
Jesus Mom...
Coffee for the win!
A coffee and an unexpected visitor
Good morning...
Quirkless is a thing
What a show...
Shock as a Realization
... *sigh* ...
Ignorance is bliss
My lucky visit
Heart Beat
Just a talk between you and me
Cooking time with MIC!
Just a moment! It was JUST ONE MOMENT!
Bad Timing
Boom?! BAM?! WHAT?
Tornado of emotions
Why does this not surprise me?!
Out of her mind!
A mother... No a demon
A bad feeling...
A boy with a knife...
Shit! Kid! Live!
Sleep Caterpillar!
New Home
Lost Belongings and harsh truth....
Hidden and safe
Oh my look at this!
Just a quick stroll around
News article
Open Questions
What the caterpillar?!
Welcome back Parallax!
The Skinner hottest topic of century!
The easy way!
The hard way
Was it really neccesary?!
Keep it easy!
Can I keep Him?!
Ignorance is Bliss
*sigh* Rat Satan
Ahm Why is he still here?
This rat isn't normal!
The fun starts here
Boom Boom Pow
Ohhh Nezu~ I am bored!
Hello class!
Information gathering is KEY
Anything else you wanna say?
Inhalation! No escape!
He knows! HE KNOWS! RUN!
Lesson learned
A talk with a detective!
I made a grave mistake
We going on field trip!
I am a huge fan!
Did I hear right?
Tracing a ghost
He is back
On the fly prepareations!
A soul who remembers!
A promise!
Missing Link
Your average breakfast talk
Preparation Done! Let it BEGIN!
First Event of the Sports Festival: The Perilous Obstacle Race
Let the chaos continue!
A casual break in between!
Another chaotic begin
Let the hunt begin!
Why not help?
Battle Tournament Begins!: Izuku vs. Hitoshi
The Fated Battle: Izuku vs. Shoto
Parallax! That's who I am!


4.2K 186 69
By Chimera_Regarion

Mic's POV: 

I could see the pain in the childs eyes. It hurt to see him like this but we had to know it. The thing was that we didn't wanted to see him hurt either. So we had to know so we could be prepared. 

Once glance at Sho and it told me everything. He was about to bring the child up and spent some time with him since from the both of us, Sho was definitelly the one more rational person. I was too emotional and seeing how this all went down, I could say I would have screamed at the kid at one point.

So while I watched the kid cry, I went over and hugged him for a bit.

Me: Izu, how about you go up to your room with Sho for a bit? Calm down and wash up your face. It's fine okay.

Izu: *sob* Okay *sob*

Gosh he is soo pitifull.

I can't believe he went out on the streets because of that.

I mean... He just want people not to experience the pain he epxerienced.

Such a good child.

But it does worry me a lot.

What is making him cry so hard?

I have to call Tsukauchi.

He knows what is going on and if there is something we can do to save and keep him save or help him then we should know about it.

We are his parents now after all.

Poor little listener!

Poor Izu!

I watched my husband go upstairs with the kid and not soon after I stopped hearing them go upstairs, I pulled my phone to my hands and immediately dialed Tsukauchi's number. This had to be done and if this was betraying the kid then so be it. It was for his own good after all. We had to make sure nothing was about to happen to him again.

On that note, I was sure that we could also train the kid a bit more. The plan was to wait a week before actually putting him into one of our classes. Since he as quirkless, I thought my class would be better and Sho agreed with me. We both just didn't wanted to see him hurt this was why the both of us decided on gen ed and not hero class but now... 

It was a bit difficult doing this. He definitelly had the blood and the heart of a hero. His spirit was at the right place which meant that we have to get him into UA for sure.

Me: *sigh* I really should thinking about all this. I am starting to sound like Sho.

It was right after I said that to myself that Tsukauchi picked up the call.

Tsukauchi: Yes, Zashi?

Me: Oh Tsuki! Good that you picked up this quickly.

Tsukauchi: How can I help?

Me: What do you know about Parallax?

Tsukauchi: Not much, why?

Me: Oh really?

Tsukauchi: Yes. That person is like a shadow after all.

Me: How about it is my son.

Tsukauchi: Impossible.

Me: Tsuki, we caught him red handedly.

Tsukauchi: Really?

Me: Yes. 

Tsukauchi: Guess there is nothing I can do.

Me: Yes there is.

Tsukauchi: What?

Me: Why was he out yesterday?

Tsukauchi: Did he tell you something?

Me: No, he refused to tell us anythi-




Did he just put down the phone on me?

Did he really just do this?!



I once again called him but this time I was straight going to the voice box and I started to get annoyed so I called Sansa. That cat police officer knew something for sure too. Plus he was a lot easier to deal with than our friend Tsukauchi.

Sansa: Hewo Mic, Nya.

Me: Hey Sansa, I hoped you can tell me something about the lates things going on.

Sansa: Oh we are just busy with the recent murder case, why Nya?

Me: Oh we are trying to help out our own son Parallax.

Sansa: I see. Tell him we found the Skinner and are currently on our way there.

Me: The skiner?

Sansa: Mh, Nya! He brought us some blood sample from the crime scene which we didn't see. Nya!

Me: I see.

Sansa: Anyways we are abo-

Tsukauchi: Is that Mic on the phone?

Sansa: Yes, Sir, Nya!

Tsukauchi: PUT HIM DOWN NOW!

Sansa: Nya?

Tsukauchi: Parallax didn't approve of this! DO IT!

Sansa: Oh, Nya.




The hell...



They are backing a vigilante up but not a hero.

This is new.

Seems like he really saved all their lives.

That is quite the accomplishment.

I am sure he is a great vigilante but damn.

The Skinner?

He is going after that monster of a human on his own.

While I was starting to think what just happened and what is going on, I saw a coffe and a hand which put it right in front of me.

Aizawa: You need one too.

Me: Sure do.

Aizawa: Found anything out?

Me: Other than the police station is backing him up more than you think, yes.

Aizawa: What?

Me: He is going after the Skinner.

Aizawa: He what?

Me: I talked to Tsukauchi but guess what?

Aizawa: *sigh*

Me: Okay that is good enough of a guess for me. Our friend just hang up on me the moment I told him that Izu doesn't want us to know about this.

Aizawa: And?

Me: I called Sansa since you know that guy and how talkative he is.

Aizawa: Mh.

Me: Well he told me that our little listener just went out last night to look at the crime scene. He apparently found something the police missed and on that there was a blood sample too. They found the person and are now on the wa-

Izuku: They found them?!

Did I notice the little listener sneaking up on us?


Otherwise I would for sure not just said what I said. Not only that but the little listener looked at me and Shoto was if we just did something bad. It wasn't like this and before I knew it, he was running up the stairs again.

Aizawa: *sigh*

Me: I thought he was upstairs.

Aizawa: He was.... 

Me: Did you hear him sneak up?

Aizawa: .... no....

Me: Outstealthed a stealth hero huh... He has some talent.

Aizawa: I know.

Me: What do we do?

Aizawa: Be ready for when he needs us.

Me: Really?! Can't we-

Aizawa: No. Zashi, we are his parents now. We can't force him.

Me: I know...

Aizawa: You said it yourself. The police is backing him up so he isn't alone.

Me: That's not enough.

Aizawa: Don't worry about him. He will be fine. Believe in our problem child.

Me: Where do you get all the confidence Sho?

Aizawa: Saw what the kid can do.

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