Once a Dream (Zayn Malik Fan...

By ForeverPrettyyy

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Victoria Justice was an 18 year old that works at the mall in a shoe store. Has a beautiful voice but denies... More

Once a Dream
Introduction :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 23

788 12 12
By ForeverPrettyyy


"Boys that was........" He said and trailed off to make it an intense moment.


The boys cheered and sighed in relief.

"Now for the both of you, how are your acting skills?" Simon asked pointing at me and Ari.

"They're good I guess." Ari said.

"Show me something.." Simon said.

*an hour later*

"So girls, my friend asked me to find actors and I guess I found them." Simon announced.

"REALLY?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yup!" He said popping the 'p'

Ari and I high-fived and sate down with large smiles on our faces.

"I'll make sure she'll call you to tell you the details." He said, getting up.

"Thank you very much! I can't thank you enough.." I said, Ari nodding in agreement.

"You can thank me by trying your best." He said smiling.

"We're on it!" I informed.

"Okay guys! You have two weeks to write a song and girls my friend will call you tomorrow.goodnight." Simon said.

"Night" we replied as he entered his car.

We got in the house and decided to call it a night.

"See ya tomorrow everyone." I said hurrying to my room.

I entered my room and decided to have a shower.

I showered and got out wearing my pajamas and tucking myself in bed.

I slipped into unconscious.

I heard a blood curdling scream in the middle of the night.

Ariana's P.O.V.:

Victoria went up to her room and I decided to follow her steps.

Okay today was kind of sad you know. If not I'll tell you.

So first this Kendall girl is getting on my nerves.. She' all like stay-away-from-Louis. Well guess what? I won't stay away from him.

Then there's Harry. Who I'm developing a huge crush on. He flirted with many girls today and that stunk. It hit to watch him with other girls.

Anyway but two amazing things happened today.

First Simon loved the boys song.

Second, Victoria and I are going to be actresses.

I'm so excited because in school Vic and I were always in plays.

I love acting.

Anyway while in my thoughts everything went black.




I was walking on the beach when I was suddenly pushed down. Can't people look where they're going?

Anyway I picked myself up and looked at the blond that was with him. Was with Harry Styles my crush. She pecked his lips and giggled.

"Did you think that I would ever love you?" Harry said harshly.

"As if he will. He's with me and guess what? Everyone hates you even your what you call best friend. She hates you and has another best friend." She said wickedly.

Tears streamed down my face as they insulted me.







I screamed as loud as I can....

*Dream Ended*

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed as loud as I could as I shook my head to get the insults out of my head.

The door was opened in a rush by my best friend. Or does she hate me?

No no she doesn't. It was just a dream. Just a dream.

I cried hysterically has she came by my side hugging me tightly rubbing my back.

Because of my loud crying, I didn't realize that the boys got in the room.

I realized that they were looking at me with sympathy. I pulled away from the hug and looked at everyone, wiping away my tears.

"Sorry for waking you up!" I said shyly looking down at my bed sheets.

"What happened?" Zayn asked quietly.

"Just a really bad dream." I said

"Awwww...We're here for you! Right boys?" Louis yelled.

"YUP" everyone replied at once.

"Thanks guys.." I said sending them a smile.

"Anyway everyone go to sleep. I'll stay with her." Victoria said as she plopped herself on my bed beside me.

"Nope. No one is leaving here. We'll get blankets and sleep on the floor, but we have to be by our friends side." Louis demanded.

"Since when am I your friend?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"Ummm since you came here." He told me.

"We'll I have only five friends that are in this room. Vic, Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Niall. I don't think I forgot anyone." I said cheekily.

He gasped and clutched his chest making a horrified face, "I'm hurt!"

"OH MY GOD!" I said looking shocked.

Everyone chuckled and went to their rooms.

Minutes later I found people entering my room with blankets.

I put my blanket on the floor and everyone made themselves comfortable and we slept.


I woke up with someone shaking me.

"Whaaaaaat." I moaned tired.

"Get up we need to be at the office for the movie in two hours." I think Victoria said.

"MMMMMMMMMMM!" I moaned turning around.

"Wait did you say about that woman that is Simon's friend." I asked mumbling.

"Yeeeeeees." She said slowly.

"I'm up!" I said all the sleep out of me.

I'm so excited.

I scurried from the blankets, but fell.

"Offff" I moaned as I tried to get up.

I looked over to see that I stumbled over Harry who was rubbing his nose.

"Ouch" he muttered.

"I'm so sorry Harry! I'm just excited about this." I said literally jumping.

"About?" He asked confused, probably still not fully awake.

"The acting thing." I said cheerfully.

"I hope you get it." He smiled sweetly.

"Thanks Harry!" I said then got up and headed to my room.

I entered and grabbed some clothes from the closet. I grabbed a yellow sundress that I love and went to he bathroom.

I showered using my coconut shampoo. I got out and dried myself.

I wore my undergarments and then put the sundress on top.

I brushed my hair and looked at it, I think it needs to be dyed. After all it's just my boring brown hair.

I got out the blow drier and dried my hair.

I took out the straightener and plugged it in waiting for it to heat up.

It heated up, and I grabbed it and straitened it to perfection.

I took a glance at it and nodded at myself in the mirror.

I took my make up bag out and set it down. I took the eyeliner out and put some on. I grabbed the mascara and added some. I took the blush and applied some. Lastly, I took the apple flavored lipgloss and put some on my lips.

I got my purse and put my head phones, iPhone, apple flavored lipgloss, sunglasses, money, and makeup: blush, mascara, and eyeliner.

I grabbed my bag tightly and left the room slipping on some sandals.

Victoria's P.O.V.:

I got in the shower and took a quick one. I washed myself with apple shampoo. I washed my body and jumped out.

I put a towel around my body and another on my hair.

After drying my body I put on my undergarments followed by a lace blouse. I put skinny black jeans on and brushed my hair with the brush.

I took out the curler and plugged it to get heated.

While waiting for it to heat up I blow dried my hair.

After some blow drying I grabbed the curler and curled my hair into tight ringlets. P

I curled them to perfection and unplugged the curler.

The curler cooled down and I put it in it's right place.

I walked out of the bathroom and put on a small amount of make up, which was mascara and eyeliner.

I really don't take much time getting ready, but this is a life changing thing.

I really wish we could be signed for acting because I love acting.

I put on my leather jacket which was laying on my bed.

I got black wedges and put them on my feet while walking to get my purse.

I grabbed my headphones, iPhone, mascara, eyeliner, my Gucci sunglasses and some money.

I looked behind to see if I forgot something, but nope I didn't.

I walked out of the room and saw Ari coming out of her room.

She had a yellow sundress and sandals on with her purse.

I gave her a thumbs up mentally telling her she looks good.

She gave me a thumbs up back and I was satisfied that I look good.

"Leggo" I said looping my arm with hers.

We walked down the stairs excitedly.

We walked to the living room but we didn't find anyone.

We walked to the kitchen, but none in there.

We walked to the game room to see the boys playing COD.

If you don't know what that means then get a life.


It's a game called Call of Duty is it's abbreviation.

It's a good game.

I'm good at it and so is Ari.

Not to brag or anything, but I'm a little better than Ari at this game.

"Boys we're heading to the audition." Ari informed them.

"Good luck!" They wished us and got up.

They gave us a hug and a kiss on the cheek each.

"Thanks boys! We better be heading out before we get late." I said dragging Ari to the door as I heard a car honk.

"BYE!" Ari and I screamed as we headed out.

I saw a limo.

Oh my God.

Are we going to be driven there by a limo!

Ahhhhh OH EM GEE!

Ari and I looked at each other and said "WOW!!" In unison.

The limo window scrolled down and I saw Simon.

He waved at us and motioned for us to come.

We walked towards the limo still in Awe.

We got in the limo.


Anyway we got in and were greater by Simon.

"Hello girls" Simon greeted us.

"Hi Simon!" We greeted him back.

"Excited? Nervous?" He asked us.

"Excited yes. Nervous Nope" I said with confidence.

"I'm excited but a tiny bit nervous." Ariana said nervously.

"Aww don't be nervous!" I encouraged squeezing her cheeks.

Simon chuckled and said, "You girls have a great future for you! I can just feel it."

I smiled as he smiled back and he was about to say another thing when he was interrupted by the limo driver.

"We arrived" he informed.

"Thanks Charles." Simon thanked him and we got out.

He nodded at us and drove off.

"So girls my friend is at first very serious, but let her be. She will get used to you and won't stay serious at all." He informed us.

"Uhuh anyway what is this thing about?" Ari asked.

"Well, I don't know. I guess we'll know in the meeting." He said.

"Oh chay!" I said smiling cheekily.

"Oh chay?" He asked confused.

"Instead of okay I sometimes say Oh chay!" I told him with a smile on my face.

We reached the secretary and Simon said, "Hello Alisha! I got new actors for Marina! Is she free?"

"Hello Simon! I'm sure Marina will be glad to hear that! And give me a second to inform her that you're here!" She replied with a smile on her face.

She looked at us and said,"Hello! Who would you be?"

"Alisha those are Victoria Justice and Ariana Grande. They're the actors. Paul is Victoria's uncle and Ariana is Victoria's best friend." Simon introduced. L

"Hello" she told us smiling.

I grinned at her and said "Hi!" at the same time that Ariana said, "Hey"

She smiled and said, "Give me a second"

She dialed a number and said, "Hello Marina! Umm you have a visitor! Okay I'll let them in!"

"Marina is waiting between Simon she doesn't know that. You're here as you heard right now while I was talking to her." Alisha said.

"Thank you!" The three of us replied as we entered the office that belonged to Marina.

"Simon! What a surprise!" A woman around the age of Simon said while hugging him.

I saw a blush appear on his cheeks as she hugged him and he hugged back.

"Hi Marina. Those are Victoria Justice and Ariana Grande! Girls this is Marina." Simon introduced.

After shaking hands and exchanging greetings Simon said, "Marina those girls are the actors I promised I'll get you.."

"Okay girls who is more confident from you?" She asked.

"I am." I said with confidence as Ari pointed at me.

"Well Victoria. You'll be the main one and Ari you'll be a friend of hers." She said.

We both smiled at her accepting the idea.

"I think I got the name." Marina said excited.

"What is it?" Simon asked her.

"Victorious!" She exclaimed clapping her hands.

"You named it after me!" I said happily.

They all gave me a YOU-DON'T-SAY look.

"What I'm just happy. Between our names would be different in the show thing, right?" I asked.

"Yup!" She said and then said, "It's such a coincidence that Victoria your name in the episodes is Tori, your full name is Tori Vegas and Ariana your name would be Kat Valentine."

"Okay!" We said in unison.

"Girls, I just need you to sign some papers." Marina told us.

"Of course." I said as I was handed a pen.

"Okay. Sign here, here,here. Over there. Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. Here. Right there. On your left. Here. Here. Here. Here. On the right. On the bottom. Thank you! That would be it." She said then smiled.

After Ari went through the whole process as mine Marina said, "Congratulations girls!"

"Thank you so much." I thanked her and Ari nodded in agreement.

We said our goodbye's and left.

We entered the limo.

"Simon,I really don't know how to thank you for this!" I said thankful for his help..

"Ya, and if you need a favor we're the first to help." Ari said.

"The only thing I'm going to ask you to do is to make me proud and act from your heart with the best you can do.." He said.

"Already done!" I informed him smiling.

"We're here." Charles informed us the second time today.

"Thank you Charles!" I said.

"Simon again Thank you!" I said.

"It's okay. Bye!" He waved his hand as we got out of the limo.

"Bye." Ari and I said in unison.

Before we entered the house I told Ari, "Hey, let us act as if we didn't get it."

"Yup!" She high-fived me and made a poker face.

We got in and saw the boys sitting in the living room watching T.V.

We popped ourselves on the couch and looked at the T.V. with poker faces.

"How did it go?" Zayn asked us.




Okay so first of all!



I received a hate comment on the story!

I mean come on! Seriously.


I'm disappointed that I only got two votes for the last chapter.


Thank @BeckyCookson that this chapter was updated.

Go fan her right now. :D

She encouraged me.

She was the first vote for the last chapter and the only one that commented.

Please stop being silent readers.

I work hard for this!

Give me credit for the least.

It's the only thing that I ask.

Fan. Vote. Comment.

That's all I ask for.

Anyway how was this chapter?



Needs more Drama?

Drama is coming later in the story! ;)

Anyway dedicated for my 90th fan @ZahraTheWanted

I love you all!

Thank you even if you're silent readers!

But please stop being silent readers.

3+ votes for the next chapter?


Between did you hear One Way Or Another for 1D?


It's on the side if you didn't watch it. :D

I love ya!


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