Work In Progress |L.T| |A.U|

By Nivedita_1D

15.1K 1.3K 831

We all thrive for perfection, craving to be that one masterpiece; picturesque and flawless. But that's all wh... More

Work In Progress
I - Tomlinson
II - Atkins
III - Tomlinson
IV - Atkins
v - Tomlinson
VI - Atkins
VII - Tomlinson
VIII - Atkins
IX - Tomlinson
X - Atkins
XI - Tomlinson
XII - Atkins
XIII - Tomlinson
XIV- Atkins
XV - Tomlinson
XVI - Atkins
XVII - Tomlinson
XVIII - Atkins
XIX - Tomlinson
XX - Atkins
XXI - Tomlinson
XXII - Atkins
XXIII - Tomlinson
XXIV - Atkins
XXV - Tomlinson
XXVI - Atkins
XXVII - Tomlinson
XXVIII - Atkins
XXIX - Tomlinson
XXX - Atkins
XXXI - Tomlinson
XXXII - Atkins
XXXIII - Tomlinson
XXXIV - Atkins
XXXV - Tomlinson
XXXVI - Atkins
XXXVII - Tomlinson
XXXVIII - Atkins
XXXIX - Tomlinson
XL - Atkins
XLI - Tomlinson
XLII - Atkins
XLIII - Tomlinson
XLIV - Atkins
XLV - Tomlinson
XLVI - Atkins
XLVII - Tomlinson
XLVIII - Tomlinson
XLIX - Tomlinson
L - Tomlinson


780 44 16
By Nivedita_1D

Prologue - Atkins

Why? Just tell me why?


I know I've always been karma's favorite bitch, but does it really have to choose today out of all these days? I revive the engine one more time, hoping that this time my car starts up only to come to a conclusion that it won't.

Great! Just another cherry on top to my wonderful morning.

I'm already five minutes late for my work, my Bentley's not working, my boyfriend of thirteen months just dumped me, I woke up to find out that the heater in my flat (which is disgustingly expensive) has stopped working, what next? I wonder if karma ever has to face karma for what it does to other people. Hell, I don't even think I deserve half the things that happened to me today.

I clutch my tote under my arm as I make my way to my office. I must have bumped into at least thirty people within ten minutes. I cannot wait for this bloody day to be over. I just want to lie on my bed and try to forget everything. I get these weird looks from people as I walk, I'm pretty sure I look like a zombie; the swollen eyes from the crying, the messy hair and everything. I'm not even done crying over the fact that Joshua dumped me mere hours ago and it feels like I'm the universe's guinea pig for today.

Guess why he dumped me. Go on.... Think of the most pitiful reason why a guy would dump his girlfriend.

Wait, lemme tell you a bit of a back story first. Joshua Arnold had been my boyfriend for more than a year, for the past three months, he has been in Milan doing a fashion course. I know... I know... a guy studying fashion. I'd yell at everyone who'd give me weird looks when I told them what Joshua was doing. I'd tell them that it's very sexist, straight guys are very much capable of studying fashion, those judgmental people could shove their judgmental stares up their arses.

Have you guessed why he left me yet?

Well let me put you out of your misery (not that I think it was much of a misery anyways). He left me because he found someone else, and that someone else happens to be a male.

Go on, laugh at me; lord knows I did, until the tragedy of it all hit me. My ex-boyfriend lost hope in the entire womankind because I was so horrid. He said that he just realized he was bisexual, and he had feelings for this guy who went to the classes with him.

"I didn't want to do this Rory. I know you're hurt, but it's just not working out. I know I like him that way, I know I'm attracted to him. But I didn't want to cheat on you. Please, I hope you understand. I'm sorry. I-"

I remember snapping my laptop shut not wanting to hear anything more. People say that breaking up over text messages is the worst. Yeah, well try breaking up over a Skype call; listening to your boyfriend say that he doesn't want to date girls anymore and just to add the sprinkles on top, the guy that he liked was sitting right next to him watching it all happen. You cannot imagine the humiliation.

I walk my way trying my best (But hopelessly failing, might I add) not to bump into the busy London crowd. Right now, I'm so desperate that I have my left hand in front of me to get people out of my way so I don't bump into them. Just when I meekly manage to avoid bumping into this huge bearded guy, my ankle twists and I fall on the ground with a loud thump.

I silently thank the gods for not spraining my ankle only to realize that I broke my heels. I'd like to take my thank you back, gods. I take both the shoes off, holding it by my left hand whilst the right one holds on to my tote and walk my way to my office. I just hope I don't walk on any shards of glass or anything.


I hate repeating myself but, why? Why me?

When I finally get to my cubicle, I literally jump on my chair. Fuck! My feet hurt!

"Aurora, the boss wants to talk to you." Claire, a co-worker informs me popping her head from above the cubicle. I give her a nod before I make my way to the boss' office, barefoot.

"C'min." he says as soon as I open the door. I know something is wrong, just from the way he's looking at me, and judging from how my day is going so far, I don't think this is going to be good. Timidly making my way to the chair before him without a word, I take a seat.

"Rory," he sighs, "We are going to have to let you go."

My heads snaps up to his face, eyes widen in utmost horror. "But... But sir, I was only twenty minutes late. I haven't ever been late for the past four years. I-I'm sorry, my car wasn't working, I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. Please sir, I-"

"I'm sorry Aurora, there's nothing I can do about it." He says, his gaze never leaving the floor.

I look around searching for some inspiration; I need to say something... Something that can make him change his mind...

"But... But what did I do sir? I have done nothing to harm the company!" I try to reason with my boss.

"It's not you," his voice sounds so defeated, "The company isn't doing so good lately, we need to cut on the staff if we have to survive, the higher authorities picked out the staff to be cut out, I can't do anything." He explains.

"Two weeks ago you were telling me what a great job I was doing. Can't you tell them that?" I am starting to feel like this is of no use, but I need to give that one last shot.

"I did! I swear Rory; I told them how good you are. But the company thinks that we don't really need an environmental lawyer at the moment." He sighs sinking on his seat, "They said saving the environment can wait till the paychecks are back." He couldn't meet my gaze; he just sits there cowering before me.

I know I shouldn't be mad at him, I know it's not his fault, but I cannot help it. I just lost my fucking job!

"Fine! When global warming makes the boss boil with heat, or the acid rain corrodes their high ceilings, or when the ozone layer depletion gets them skin cancer, tell them Aurora Lillian Atkins said 'I told you so'!" I yell standing up as I bang on his desk. He jumps startled by my outburst. I bet the entire floor heard me, but right now, I couldn't care less. My chest heaves in deep breaths as I gather my tote.

I look back at him, I know he doesn't want to do it; he's a good man indeed; very kind and jolly. I immediately feel guilty for the man. "It was nice working with you sir." I say in a much calmer tone, "Have a good life." I turn around walking to the door.

"Likewise Rory, you can call me whenever yo-"

He gets cut off by me slamming the door in mid-sentence. I so don't want to hear his 'I'll always be here for you' bullshit. I storm to my cubicle, fairly aware of the gazes following me. I bet they heard what happened, they must already pity me right now.

"Hey Rory," I look up to see Clara standing on the door, she looks at me skeptically. She's one of my closest friends around here, I know she can tell when something's off and right now it's more than obvious, "You okay?"

"I'm fucking dandies Clara! I just got my ass fired, why wouldn't I be?"

Her eyes go wide in shock, "What? Why? I thought you were doing great..." she looks confused, the frown growing deeper on her forehead.

"Apparently, the company needs to set priorities and saving the environment isn't on it." I say shoving my last files inside the box.

"What? That's not fair... They can't just fire you!"

"They just did babe." I say lifting my box, "Goodbye, don't be a stranger yeah? Call me." I tell her making my way out.

"Rory..." she whines, "I'll miss you... this... it's not fair, the people around here love you."

"Don't do this right now Clara, I'm already really upset." I feel my throat going dry, the bitterness looming in my insides. I keep walking my way out to the lift, Clara walking along.

"Just heard what happened." Both mine and Clara's head shoot to where the sound came from. "I'm so sorry Rory, you'll be missed." He is that new kid who had just joined the firm. Henry? Is it?

He walks to us stopping only when he's close enough.

"Well, um... thank you I guess." I mumble turning around. I'm not that comfortable around new people and right now I'm not in the mood either.

The lift opens with a ding, "I guess I'll see you guys around then." I say before stepping inside.

"Hey, lemme get that for you." He reaches out for the box in my hand, but I snatch it away. I hate it when men treat women like the weaker gender. Being a gentleman doesn't mean you start thinking females are incapable of carrying shit, just be kind and you're good to go. If this box was really heavy and he was very muscular, I'd have agreed, but I can carry it just fine.

"I am perfectly capable of carrying it, thank you very much."

His eye-brows rise in shock, but before he could say anything more, the elevator doors close in giving me the much needed privacy.

On my way everything that just happened starts to take a toll on me. I'm unemployed now, jobless. I've been working here for four years, trying my best to save the environment and what not and now it's stopped. I'm not saving the environment anymore...

I'm a twenty-five year old, living in London, alone. I am unemployed, recently single and my chances of both getting a job and a boyfriend seem very close to non-existent to me right now.

What a day!

So........ How was it so far?
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Nivi XX

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