Second Chances

By glittershims

1.2K 62 7

"Watch me fuck this whore baby! Watch as I ruin her with and make her scream my name since you won't let me."... More

Authors note
~Twenty One~
~Twenty Two~
~Twenty Three~
~Twenty Five~
~Twenty Six~
~Twenty Seven~
~Twenty Eight~
~Twenty Nine~
~Thirty One~
~Thirty Two~
~Thirty Three~
~Thirty Four~
~Thirty Five~
~Thirty Six~
~Thirty Seven~
~Thirty Eight~
~Thirty Nine~

~Twenty Four~

24 1 0
By glittershims

Y/n sat and stared ahead at nothing for a long time. Trying to process everything he said. What was he expecting from her now? To just jump up and run into his arms and forgive him? He openly admitted to cheating on her. And with the person she'd questioned for months. She'd been humiliated publicly for months every time a new picture of the two of them was posted. And he acted like she was unreasonable and crazy every time she got upset and questioned the photos. He made her feel unworthy. Her head was swirling. "Y/n....please say something." She takes a deep breath and faces him. Her eyes are stinging from holding back her tears. She was so hurt but now she felt more angry. "What do you want me to say? That I forgive you? That it's ok you cheated on me because it was 'one time, just a kiss,' like it's no big deal??" Zuho looks down and shakes his head. "No. I hope you will give me another chance. Let me try to fix things. To fix us." She scoffs and stands. She starts to pace the room. She's so angry. "Really? Just like that? I'm supposed to just forget the hell of the past eight months just like that because you said you're sorry? Who cares how Y/n feels anymore because Zuho isn't cheating. That's all I thought when FNC just stopped denying the photos. I'm not their idol so I don't matter. Your fans were mad but they never stay mad forever. They'll never stop loving you even if you're a cheater. How about how you practically defended her! Made me feel like a delusional housewife! But I wasn't a wife, was I? We aren't married. Because you never thought about marrying me. We've been together for over five years...have a daughter together! Yet the thought of marrying me never seemed important enough to even talk about with me! Was I supposed to bring it up?? I didn't want to be clingy or put pressure on you so I never did. Every time my parents or Sorin asked if we were ever going to get married I avoided it because I was embarrassed. Five years, and even just a conversation about marrying me never entered your mind to have? I'm good enough to knock up, live with and fuck regularly, but not to marry? And then to be publicly humiliated for months!..." Zuho stands and walks toward her. "No baby." "I'm not done!" She yells and keeps pacing around the living room, letting every insecure feeling she's had over the past five years roll out. "I have been nothing but supportive since we met. I never pushed labels on what we had, never forced you into a relationship with me. YOU said you loved me first! I even said you didn't have to be a part of my pregnancy or Aeri's life if you didn't want. I gave you an out! I let you talk me into quitting my job to stay home with Aeri even though I loved my job. I let you talk me into not even fucking driving myself anymore, because you were worried about my safety! And I know you were. I have sacrificed so much to be with you and you have sacrificed nothing! You're still sexy SF9 rapper Baek Zuho. Yeah, he had a kid with some nobody but we still love and support him. Do you realize I have barely ever seen any of your fans ask why we weren't married? It's because they don't want you married. And I don't think you do either." She glares at him as he stares with wide eyes full of tears. "Tell me the truth Zuho, I deserve that. For five years I've waited and wondered. When are we going to talk about getting married? Does he even want to marry me? Year after year I'd wait and think, am I selfish if I bring it up first? So tell me, was marriage ever even an option for you with me? Did marrying me ever even enter your mind?" He stares at her as tears stream down his face. "Y/n-" she puts her hand up to stop him and nods. She looks to the ceiling and laughs. She knows all his faces too well. "Oh god! Well, you got me. You really got me." She then looks at him with tear soaked eyes and says, "You never even wanted a serious relationship with me, did you?" She whispers the last part. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. The realization of the past five years hitting her hard. She laughs again and nods. "Wow......"

Zuho steps to her and grabs her arms. "Baby the past doesn't matter. Now matters. And I love you. I really do. I'm so in love with you. If you want to get married, we'll get married. I just want to be with you. With our daughter. Let's talk about this." She shakes her head and shakes out of his grasp. "Marry me as a consolation? I'm not going to get married to someone who doesn't want to marry me Zuho!" She wipes her tears and walks to the other side of the couch. "You're off the hook. You can calm down your irrational talk because I don't want to marry you anyway. Jesus! The past five years have been for fucking nothing! All an illusion!" She's pacing fast now, her mind feeling like it's going haywire. She's never felt so dejected and unwanted in her life. Not even from Jimin. "No baby! It hasn't! I love you. That's real. Our daughter is real. Just because....just because I don't want to get married doesn't mean I don't want to be with you. How I felt before you got pregnant is irrelevant now because my love for you is real. I don't want to lose you." She laughs again and she hears the code of the door being punched in. She glares at him and quietly says, "you've already lost me."

"Eomma, look what grandma got me!" Aeri waddles in holding a big squishmallow. Y/n gathers herself quickly and forces a laugh and smile for her daughter. "Ooh! So comfy and it's as big as you are princess! Grandma is too good to you. You want to take it with Eomma or leave it here at Appa's to have when you come?" Aeri squeezes the pillow and cheerfully says, "I'll leave it here at Appa's. I'll ask uncle Hobi to get me one for his house." Y/n laughs and nods. "Go put it in your room then princess." She runs out and Zuho's mom sets the shopping bags down. She eyes the both of them and then asks, "did you two talk?" Zuho nods and looks down. His mom sighs and nods her head. She walks up to Y/n and cups her face and looks lovingly into her red puffy eyes. "As much as I wish you could forgive my son, I know how hard this has to be for you sweetheart. And has been with all the media stuff the past few months. But, no matter how this turns out in the end, I'll always be there for you and I love you." Y/n let's tears fall as she smiles and nods. "Thank you." She nods and kisses her cheek, then wipes her tears away. "Now, pull yourself together for my granddaughter." She looks over at Zuho. "You too. You both are that little girls parents no matter what and she comes first. And she loves you both. This is very confusing for her so you both have to make this transition as smooth as possible for her. Put your own feelings aside when it comes to her." They both nod and Aeri comes running out. "I went potty and I'm ready to go so I can ask uncle Hobi to take me to get a squishy." Y/n laughs and shakes her head. "Give your Appa and grandma a kiss goodbye first and then we'll go beg uncle Hobi." She kisses her grandma and then runs to her dad and he scoops her up. She hugs his neck and says, "I love you Appa." He bites back tears and says, "I love you too princess. Be good for your Eomma." She nods and Aeri kisses him and he sits her down. He looks at Y/n with pained eyes asks, "when can I get her again?" "How about in two days you can keep her for two days. We can go like that until we can figure out something more permanent." He nods and they walk out.

"Wow Y/nnie. I always wondered why he hadn't proposed but I never thought it was because he never planned to. I'm sorry sis." Y/n shrugs at her brother and takes a drink of her beer. "I think deep down I knew everything from the beginning. I think I never asked what we were at the start because I knew we weren't anything. Then I got pregnant and everything changed. But after three years I knew in my gut he was never planning to marry me." Hobi and Jimin listened to Y/n explain what had happened earlier. Neither had expected her to come back and say what she did. "Are you ok Y/n?" She smiles but shakes her head. "Not yet. But I know I will be." Jimin nods, admiring just how strong this woman was. "So what now sis? Back to Busan?" Y/n laughs but shakes her head. "I can't do that. Zuho is a great dad and I'd never move Aeri away from him. We'll stay here and Zuho and I will work out a parenting plan. I'll need to find a job though." "I can get you on at HYBE. It's grown so much that we definitely need more trainers. Let me talk with Bang PDnim." Y/n smiles and nods. She's so thankful for her brother. She didn't care if he was using his status to get her a job. She just knew she needed a job because she has a little girl to raise.


It has been nine months since Y/n and Zuho split up. Zuho released his own statement about it, owning up to his infidelity and how he knew he messed up and lost the woman he loved. He asked for the public to not lash out at Y/n because she honestly did nothing wrong, she only fought to try and save their relationship. He said he loved her and wanted fans to give her the same love they give him because she is the mother of his child and will always be very special to him. He also asked that fans and media give Y/n and their daughter complete privacy, that he wants his daughter to be able to live a normal life. Fans were very supportive of both of them. Y/n never doubted for a second they'd forgive him instantly for cheating.
Y/n had started working at HYBE as a trainer and the set up was perfect. They had a daycare so Aeri could go to work with Y/n and Zuho still brought her there on his days. She'd always sneak down to see her every day, if even to grab a quick kiss. Aeri has adjusted well to this new normal for her. She spends three days with Zuho then three days with Y/n. If Zuho has activities that keeps him from getting her on his days Y/n makes sure they FaceTime every day and she spends a week with him as soon as he gets home. And Y/n and Zuho are in a better place too. She was very bitter and short with him the first couple of months, but realized it's not good for Aeri. She's forgiven him and they have been able to be friendly with each other. As time went on the hurt vanished more and the two begin to act as friends who have a kid.

"Does Aeri need anything else for school?" Zuho walks into Y/n's apartment to pick Aeri up for his visit. "I don't think so. Your mom went overboard with her uniforms. She only needed like four." Zuho chuckles. "You know my mom with her. Where is the princess anyway?" "She should be back any minute. Jimin stopped by to use her as an excuse to get ice cream. They've been gone a hot minute so they should be getting back any time." Zuho laughs and nods. He walks in and sits on the couch to wait. "So, how's the new album coming?" She asks. He groans and lays his head back on the couch, causing her to laugh. "That good huh?" He turns his head to look at her and smiles. "It's not good or bad per say. It's just so daunting. And Dawon and Inseong had an argument and you know how Inseong is. He won't be in the same room as him so we've had to rearrange recording times. And then Chani and Hwiyoung are doing that drama so their time is thin. Rowoon is always impossible to get into the studio. It's just stressful." She laughs. "Inseong can be such a drama Queen. But Dawon can be annoying too so.....I'm sorry you're stressed out." He smiles at her and then grabs her hand and holds it. "Thanks. You know...." Y/n pulls her hand back laughing. "Don't even start." He stomps his feet. "Why not?" He whines. She glares at him. "You know very well why not." He pouts and pretends to throw a fit. "You always gave into Jungkook though and slept with him." She laughs again. "He was different. I was never in love with him. I've told you it's a bad idea. I'm sure you can find someone else to quench your needs easily." He rolls toward her and smirks. "Very doubtful. Besides, why would I when you know me so well? You know what I like, I know what you like. We'd be helping each other out." She slaps him and pushes him away. "Sorry lover boy, not going to happen." He groans and slides back to his spot on the couch.

Jimin and Aeri finally get back and Zuho takes her and leaves. Y/n sits on the couch and groans as she runs her hands down her face. "What's wrong Y/n?" She laughs and shakes her head. She peeks one eye out from behind her hands. "Nothing." Jimin laughs and asks again, "it's something. So what is it?" Y/n moves her hands and laughs and says, "Zuho tried to get me to sleep with him. Again." Jimin smirks. "And did you?" "God Jimin. No!" He laughs. "Why not? I thought you guys were in a good place now?" She smiles. "We are, which is exactly why I would never sleep with him again. I'm not risking him knocking me up again for an orgasm." Jimin laughs and licks his lips. Y/n catches it and laughs. "Don't you start too." He keeps his smirk and scoots closer to her. "Start what?" The way he's looking at her now is making her nervous. Is he fucking with her? He runs his hand across her cheek and tucks her hair behind her ear. He scoots a little closer, his eyes growing serious. She's more nervous now but aroused a little as well. "If I asked, would I be a no too?" His face was dangerously close to hers. She swallows and then feels his hand on her thigh. Her breath comes out uneven. He leans in and she closes her eyes. He places a soft kiss on her neck. She shivers at the contact, having not felt him like this in so long. The electric stings coursing through her are still there too. "Still a no?" Her breath is uneven and he can see her cheeks tinting. She licks her lips and whispers, "y-yes." He nods and then places a soft kiss on her jaw. "Still?" He whispers. Her breathing quickens. He smirks seeing her so flustered. He raises higher and places a soft kiss on her cheek, close to her lips. Her breath quickens more but she keeps her eyes closed. "No?" He softly whispers. She can feel his breath on her lips and she's finding it hard to concentrate. He kisses the spot next to her lips again. "You've never thought of this Y/n? Of my lips on your body? Not once? Because I have. Many times." She opens her eyes and looks at him, their lips almost touching. He smiles sweetly at her. "I've thought of if your lips still taste as sweet as they used to so many times over the years. Have you ever?" She holds her breath as his dark orbs bore into hers. She can't look away. Can't will herself to back away. He smirks and she feels his fingers softly run down her cheek. "I can see you have. Your eyes have never lied to me
Y/n.....and they're saying so much right now." She feels dizzy. Is this really happening? "For how long Y/n? How long have you thought about kissing me? Months? Years? Do you want to find out how I taste now? If I taste the same or not?" His fingers ghost her jawline and her breath comes out again shakily. "I-I don't know" she whispers. She feels nervous and scared. Her brain is fighting with her other parts, wrestling if this is a good idea or a huge mistake. They've come so far since their ugly split. She's forgiven him and he's become a very close friend to her and a wonderful supporter of Aeri. He's never once overstepped or given an inclination that he still wanted her, always was respectful to her and Zuho's relationship. Was this just wanting to fill a need? Scratch an itch? He knows she hasn't had sex in almost a year. Has it been a while for him too? They aren't as detailed about his hookups or dating as her and Jungkook have always been. "I want to kiss you so bad Y/n." She looks at him with wide eyes and his sweet smile is still there as he watches her doe eyes give away her nervousness. His hand cups her cheek and he leans in to softly touch his lips to hers.

Her eyes close and as soon as his plump lips touch hers, and she feels the familiar jolt of electricity run through her, just as it had all those years ago. She lets out a huge sigh and he leans back a bit and smirks. He leans in again and kisses her, but is a little more daring. He pushes his lips on her a little harder and cups her face a little firmer. She responds and he tilts his head to deepen it more. He swipes his tongue over her lips and she immediately opens hers and he dives in and gets lost in her. She tastes amazing. His stomach doing flip flops that he's actually kissing her again. He brings his other hand up to cup her face now, guiding the kiss as it steadily grows more heated. After a moment he breaks the kiss and whispers, "tell me to stop Y/n. I'll stop if you tell me to." Her breathing is fast and shallow. He waits, fighting his urge to kiss her more. "I can't" she says. He looks at her and her eyes are closed, cheeks flushed. Does she mean she wants him to keep going or she can't do this? "Do you want me to stop Y/n?" He asks, trying to gain clarity. She slowly shakes her head and he smiles. He connects their lips again and this time he's showing his desire and the kiss quickly becomes needier. He runs his hands down her sides and rests them at her waist, gripping lightly. This is happening. She releases a soft moan as he grabs her and pulls her to his lap. She's straddling his thighs now and his hands are in her hair, holding her head sideways as he devours her face. She rests hers hands on his chest and he feels her grip his shirt. The kiss grows more heated and Y/n can feel his budge pressing against her core. She lets another moan as he nips her lips and he pulls back, keeping his hands in her hair. They lock eyes and he searches hers to try to see what she's thinking. "I want you so bad
Y/n. God I want you. Do you want to keep going?" She stares at him as she's panting and slowly nods. He smirks and grabs her thighs and lifts them both off the couch.

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