Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante...

By Chimera_Regarion

565K 23.9K 7.8K

No one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored so... More

Silent Society
Local Orphanage
Chit Chat
Kids love me...
Hide and Seek
Phone call
The room!
So damn bruised
People's Support
Being SUS
Jesus Mom...
Coffee for the win!
A coffee and an unexpected visitor
Good morning...
Quirkless is a thing
What a show...
Shock as a Realization
... *sigh* ...
Ignorance is bliss
My lucky visit
Heart Beat
Just a talk between you and me
Cooking time with MIC!
Just a moment! It was JUST ONE MOMENT!
Bad Timing
Boom?! BAM?! WHAT?
Tornado of emotions
Why does this not surprise me?!
Out of her mind!
A bad feeling...
A boy with a knife...
Shit! Kid! Live!
Sleep Caterpillar!
New Home
Lost Belongings and harsh truth....
Hidden and safe
Oh my look at this!
Just a quick stroll around
News article
Open Questions
What the caterpillar?!
Welcome back Parallax!
The Skinner hottest topic of century!
The easy way!
The hard way
Was it really neccesary?!
Keep it easy!
Can I keep Him?!
Ignorance is Bliss
*sigh* Rat Satan
Ahm Why is he still here?
This rat isn't normal!
The fun starts here
Boom Boom Pow
Ohhh Nezu~ I am bored!
Hello class!
Information gathering is KEY
Anything else you wanna say?
Inhalation! No escape!
He knows! HE KNOWS! RUN!
Lesson learned
A talk with a detective!
I made a grave mistake
We going on field trip!
I am a huge fan!
Did I hear right?
Tracing a ghost
He is back
On the fly prepareations!
A soul who remembers!
A promise!
Missing Link
Your average breakfast talk
Preparation Done! Let it BEGIN!
First Event of the Sports Festival: The Perilous Obstacle Race
Let the chaos continue!
A casual break in between!
Another chaotic begin
Let the hunt begin!
Why not help?
Battle Tournament Begins!: Izuku vs. Hitoshi
The Fated Battle: Izuku vs. Shoto
Parallax! That's who I am!

A mother... No a demon

5.5K 249 38
By Chimera_Regarion

The door was just there but slowly yet surely it was starting to break. The metal of the axe my mother had in her hand slowly but surely ate at the door and managed to pray open a hole. It was enough for my mother to look through it.


Even if I wanted to, I couldn't do it. My anxiety had me. 



I can't!

Don't hurt me!

No more pain!

Please let me be!

I want to be alone!





I can't!

I don't want to hear it!


'Stupid Nerd'

'Waste of space'

Me: Stop *sob*

'Abomination of nature'


'I wish you were never born!'

Tears started to runn down my face. My mind blacked out. I saw Kacchan standing in front of me. I could hear him calling me a stupid waste of space. I could hear the voices of soo many people and all I wanted to do was run. I wanted it to stop. I... Why did it had to be me? I was just tired of this by now.

My mother managed to open up the door and was dragging the axe right by her side. The moment the door opened, my eyes went wide open and I started to back away till I hit something.

Me: NO!.... Please!.... I beg you.... NOOOOO!!!!

She came closer and closer and I screamed at the top of my lungs. Panic was all I knew right now. Still she came closer without any sign of stoppping at all. It honestly was the pure horror for me.

The moment she stood right in front of me, she had the axe right above her head. I knew one swing down and I would be a goner. It was the thing I soo desperately wanted but now that I was in front of her and seeing this with my own eyes... I wanted to live! I wanted to be myself.... I never wanted to die! It was just that I was soo afraid of her, the pain and everything that I was just in denial. Too bad that it was only now that I did realize that.

Being Parallax was not only my duty it was my personality. It was me! I was Parallax and the people I was helping out where looking out for me. 

I am soo dumb!

How can I only now realize that I want to live...

This is not what I wanted!

I want to escape this live by death....

But not like this!

Not being murdered!

That's not what I want....

But why... Death is what I want... right?



I want to live!

I want to continue being Parallax!

I have to!

It's me!


I screamed out the moment my mother let go of the axe and it came down at me. Thankfully I dodged that one on pure instinct or I would be dead by that axe by now. It was only seconds after I rolled to the side that it came down. The axe managed to to injure me as it grazed me. 

However more importantly it was stuck to the ground now and my mother tried to get it out before looking at me.


That was all that she said before grabbing me by my hear and pulling me behind her. Of course I struggeled. I kenw what was coming next and I couldn't stand it anymore. Is tarted struggeling more and more, screaming, scratching her and trying to escape but it was useless. This woman had a death grip on me and it was just like that, that she dragged and then threw into the torture chaimber she made out of my dads room.


Nothing. I could tell she was angry because she immediately got the whip and used it on me. Of course it wasn't a normal one. This one had spikes on it and it hit me my hands. My whole system and my body wasn't reacting as much as I wanted to and so it hit my arms and hands.


Mother: SHUT UP!

She once again used the whip but this time it hit my chest and I fell down backwards. All the effort I put in standing up was gone. My voice was also gone. The breath I had in my lungs was out and nothing came out. I was too shocked about everything. Not as if it was something new or anything but the anxiety I felt was nubbed my body sensation.

Without any warning before I could react, my mother grabbed me once again and forced my head to look up while I was laying there on the ground with my back against the floor. This time however she grabbed me by my throat and was chocking me as she was pushing me down.

Me:. ....

Mother: If only you were never born! If it wasn't for you! He would still be there.

It was hard to breath as she was chocking me but all of the sudden she stopped chocking me with both hands but forced me down on the ground with one hand while with the other one, I felt a very sharp pain on the left side of my stomach.

It hurts!

Stop it!

Kill me if you want but stop this!


I can't keep up with this anymore!

Let me be!


Me: ... HE...LP!..

Since the chocking grip she had on was losened a bit, I decided to try and scream for help. I knew how useless it was in this soundproof room but I had to scream. 

Mother: OHO this is how you wanna have it, huh?

The moment she said that she stabbed me way to close to my heart. Thankfully she didn't get it right and killed me but it was still enough for me to start coughing and screaming. Not only that but I knew I was done for if she would pull out that knife from my chest. So I mustered all the strength I had. It was my last straw. I panicked and I wanted to live soo badly. It was scary to die this way. I never wanted this to end like this too.

So I did the only thing I could do and punched her as she came to me and then headbumped her before quickly getting away from her. 

She forgot to lock the door which was rare but this time it was to my advantage since I ran out and locked the door.

Now what?....

I can't stay awake for long....

I have to... get help....

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