Second Chances

By glittershims

3.2K 67 7

"Watch me fuck this whore baby! Watch as I ruin her with and make her scream my name since you won't let me."... More

Authors note
~Twenty One~
~Twenty Three~
~Twenty Four~
~Twenty Five~
~Twenty Six~
~Twenty Seven~
~Twenty Eight~
~Twenty Nine~
~Thirty One~
~Thirty Two~
~Thirty Three~
~Thirty Four~
~Thirty Five~
~Thirty Six~
~Thirty Seven~
~Thirty Eight~
~Thirty Nine~

~Twenty Two~

41 1 1
By glittershims

Jimin stayed with Y/n until she was calm, then called Hobi to bring Aeri back. She painted a happy face when Aeri ran in and jumped on her lap. "How's my angel? Did you have fun today with uncle Hobi and Jimin?" She nodded. "Uncle Hobi took me to his house after the park and we played Mario Kart. I beat him almost every time too!" Y/n exaggerated her surprise. "You did?? Wow! You must be really good then because uncle Hobi used to beat me every time when we were kids." "I am, huh uncle Hobi?" He smiles and nods. "You sure are Ri. Beat the pants off of me." He looks at Y/n and winks, she knows he let her win. "How about you go get ready for your bath." Aeri gives Hobi and Jimin hugs and runs out of the room. She turns to the guys and tries to smile. "Thank you guys. Really. I'm sorry I put you both in that situation." Hobi scoffs and hugs his sister. "What situation? I spent the day with my niece. We had a blast." She nodded and pulled away. He looked closer at her and asked, "are you ok Y/nnie?" She smiles and nods. "I'm fine. I'll be fine." Hobi sighs. "I know that's a lie but I'll let you lie to me today. But you're going to have to do something about this Y/n. It's not getting any better, it's getting worse." She bites her lip and nods. She swallows tears and he hugs her again. "You know I'm always here for you and Ri. I'll do anything for you. We all will. You have an army of support behind you." "I know. Thank you Hobi." He lets her go and Jimin walks up and hugs her. "Try to rest after you get Ri to bed. And call me, day or night, I'd you need anything. I'll be here in a second if you need me." She nods into his chest. "I know. Thank you for everything today Jimin. I'm sorry I ruined your evening." He rubs her back. "Stop it. You didn't ruin anything. I love you Y/n. I'll always be here for you."  She says goodbye to the two and they leave.

"I want to go to FNC right now and beat the shit out of that asshole" Hobi grits out in anger. Jimin chuckles. "Calm down sunshine. I'd love to too, but that's not the answer. Y/n will have to make her own choice of when she's had enough." Hobi scoffs. "Maybe he'll open his eyes soon and fix this" Jimin says, trying to give hope to the hopeless couple. "I wish you'd just steal her back. Take her away from him." Jimin laughs. "I'd never do that. Then I'm no better than he is. I've hurt her like she's hurting now once already. I'd never be a part of it again. I'll only be there to pick her up now." Hobi looks over at Jimin and smiles. "I know you still love her Jiminie." Jimin smiles and nods, half laughing. "Everyone knows that. I tell her all the time I love her. I'll always love her." Hobi grabs his arm to gain his attention. His face is serious. "No Jimin...I know you're still IN love with her." Jimin's eyes grow wide and he quickly looks away. "You can deny it all you want. To us, to Y/n, to yourself even. But I see it. I know how you really feel. I can't imagine how hard the last four years have been, watching her be with another man and them raise their kid together." Jimin sighs and shakes his head. "I'd rather have her this way than not have her any way. As for me being in love with her....I don't know what you want me to say." Hobi chuckles. "You don't have to say anything Chim. I know you've changed and aren't who you were all those years ago. So, just be there for her when this all falls apart. And it's going to fall apart, I can see it happening. They're barely together now and it's been getting worse by the day for months. So be there for her when she falls. Pick her back up and you just never know. You might get your second chance she wouldn't give you all those years ago." Jimin chuckles and smacks Hobi's back shaking his head.

Y/n gets Aeri to sleep and then drags herself to her bed. She crawls under the covers and forces herself to breathe and not cry. She fails miserably. She cries herself to sleep like she does most nights anymore. She wakes up when she feels the bed dip beside her. Zuho wraps his arms around her and pulls himself into her and kisses her head. "I'm sorry baby. I'm going to do better." Her throat burns from holding back her tears. Empty words. Empty promises he recites almost daily now but never follows through with. "Are you asleep?" She keeps her eyes shut and prays he'll stop talking and go to sleep. He sighs. "I love you and I'm sorry." He holds her tight and not too long later she can tell by his breathing that he's asleep. She silently cries as he holds her tight. She feels so lost. She wakes to an empty bed. Her mind preparing her that he is gone already. She slides out of bed and heads down the hall. She hears Zuho and Aeri laughing in the kitchen and she walks in to see them making breakfast. "Eomma! You ruined the surprise! Me and Appa were going to bring you breakfast in bed." She feels anger seeing Zuho acting like everything is ok, but that's what they've been doing for months. Pretending for their daughter. She looks at him and sees the guilt in his eyes and paints on a smile as her focus shifts to Aeri and she sits at the bar. "Wow! You guys did this for me? What for?" Aeri smiled up at her dad and he nudged her, smiling back before flipping the pork. "Because we love you. That's what Appa said the reason was for." Y/n swallowed down tears and smiled. "I'm one lucky woman then to get this much love from Appa and you. Thank you guys." Zuho smiles and pours her some coffee. He brings it to her and leans down to kiss her softly. "I love you Y/n." "Yuck Appa!" Aeri giggles. Y/n smiles and he stands upright and walks back over to finish breakfast. Is he really trying?

Zuho seems to have been really trying to fix things the past couple of weeks. Spending more time with Y/n and Aeri and no pictures have been released by Dispatch. Y/n feels like they've taken a turn and she can now breathe again. He walks out with his bag and leans down to kiss Y/n. "I won't be late. I have to go over tracks with the producers and then we have dance practice. I should be home by seven. We can have dinner together." She smiles and nods. "I'll have it ready when you get home. Have a good day." He smiles and kisses her again. "I love you" he says. "I love you too." After he leaves Y/n calls Zuho's mom and asks if she would keep Aeri over night, thinking some alone time would be good for them. She comes to get Aeri in the afternoon and y/n starts to prepare dinner. She had everything ready and spent some more time on herself, having not really done that for a long time. She sat on the couch and waited for Zuho to get home. 7pm.....8pm.....9pm....10pm..... Y/n was really anxious by 10pm. She had called him several times but it always went to voicemail. She feels panic set in, knowing how this night was going to turn out. She grabbed her phone and went to Twitter. She typed in Dispatch and sure enough, a picture of Zuho and JiWon had been posted. She felt bile creep up her throat at the picture.

SF9's Zuho is at it again. The rapper and songwriter for the group was spotted only moments ago in a compromising position with Cherry Bullet member JiWon. What do you think it seems is going on? What would
Y/n think about seeing this?

In the picture was a clear face shot of Zuho kissing a woman that was clearly not her. She knew from the woman's red tips in her hair that it was Jiwon. She drops her phone and runs to the bathroom to throw up. Once she flushes the toilet she sinks back on the vanity and cries. How has this happened to her, again? She chokes and sobs and clutches her chest because it hurts so bad. She hears the door open and slam. "Y/n!! Baby!" Zuho is running down the hall. He runs past the bathroom but stops when he hears her. He rushes to her and falls to her on the floor. He cups her wet face and pulls her to look at him. His eyes look terrified and desperate. "Baby let me explain. It's not what you think." She just stares at him and feels her heart dying. "Let go of me please" she whispers. He listens because he's scared as she gets to her feet. She keeps her head down and walks out of the bathroom, not wanting to have this conversation where they use the bathroom. He follows her into their bedroom. "Baby please. Will you talk to me?" She says nothing but walks into the closet. She walks out with a bag and throws it on the bed. Zuho's eyes go wide and he runs to her. "No Y/n! Don't do this! Just talk to me." "Let go of me Zuho." She says the words with venom in her voice. "No. I won't let you go baby. Please just sit down and talk to me. Please!" He's pleading with her and she cries harder. She feels disgusted that his hand is on her and rage fills her. She grabs his hand and throws it off her arm and spins on him. He's terrified, she can see it clear. "Talk about what? The fact that there's a picture out there of you CLEARLY kissing another fucking woman for the whole world to see?! That that woman CLEARLY isn't me?! What do you want to talk about!! TALK!!!!" She's screaming now. Her anger and humiliation is fueling her now. "No baby. It's not like that! Let-let me explain." She scoffs and crosses her arms but takes a few steps back to give her space. "Then talk. Tell me the picture is photoshopped or it's not you. Feed me more fucking lies Zuho!!" He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. She scoffs again and walks to her dresser, pulling out clothes and throwing them on the bed. She walks over and opens the bag and starts to stuff the clothes in. Zuho grabs the clothes and holds them away from her. "No Y/n. Don't do this. I'm sorry!" She freezes. He's sorry. He's sorry? Really? She turns to him and her chin quivers when she sees him crying. "What are you sorry for? Is it true?" Zuho looks at her and then looks down and his shoulders shake as he cries. "Oh my god" she whispers. She turns and starts to frantically throw the clothes in her bag, not even caring what she has anymore. She runs out and into Aeri's room and grabs her bag.

Zuho runs after her and grabs Aeri's bag from her hands. "Give it back" she grits. "No baby. Don't do this. I didn't mean it, I swear! Don't leave me. Please! You can't leave me!" She rips the bag from his hands and goes to Aeri's drawers, throwing clothes in it. Zuho drops to the floor crying but she ignores him. He's begging and crying as she packs Aeri's bag. Once it's full, she turns and runs out of the room toward the living room. Zuho jumps to his feet and chases her.
"Y/n please!! I'm sorry! I'll do anything baby, don't leave me!" She grabs her shoes and slides them on her feet. He comes up behind her and hugs her tight, crying into her hair. "Please baby. I love you. Don't leave me. Don't take Aeri from me. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it." She stands frozen as her own tears fall fast. "Let me go Zuho" she tries to calmly say. "No! I won't. I can't! God Y/n, don't leave me!" She shakes him off and opens the door and walks out. She runs down the hall and takes the stairs, almost falling. Her vision is blurred but she doesn't stop running until it feels like her lungs might give out. She sits on a bench and grabs her phone from her pocket. She dials a number and after one ring he picks up. "Y/n?!" His voice sounds alarmed. She cries into the phone. "Can you come get me Jimin?"

Zuho collapses to the floor when she walks out. He knows the gravity of what he's done. From one kiss. Just a kiss. One moment of weakness. "Ahhhhh!!!!" Zuho screams though his tears. He is sitting on the floor, head over on the floor in front of him. Cheating is bad enough, but after what Y/n had already went through, it made this that much worse. He fell asleep crying on the floor in front of the door. He is awaken to the door busting open. He looks up praying he'll see her beautiful face, but is met with a hard hit to the jaw. He falls backward on the floor. "YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!!!" Another blow to his face. He just lays and takes it, knowing this is what he deserves. He could never overpower Jungkook anyway. "I STOOD UP FOR YOUR ASS!! TOLD HER TO HANG IN THERE AND IT WOULD GET BETTER BECAUSE YOU LOVE HER!!" And a third blow. His ears ring now but he just lays there and takes everything Jungkook gives him. Jungkook punched him two more times before Hobi and Namjoon run in and pull him off. "Jungkook, stop!!" He fights against the two. "Why?!! He deserves it hyungs!!" He screams as he fights against the two's hold. "He is Aeri's dad Kook! STOP!!" Hobi yells and Jungkook stops fighting. He points at the pathetic man laying on the floor and spits, "you're lucky I love Aeri or I'd fucking kill you!"

Zuho sits up and wipes the blood from his lip, looking up at the five men standing above him, ignoring the searing burn all over his face. "We came to get her and Aeri's clothes" Youngbin says, his voice laced with disappointment. Zuho sighs in defeat and just looks down. "Y/n said there's bigger bags in her closet. Grab them and just throw everything you can in there for both of them for now. We can come back later for the rest." Hobi directs the guys and they all walk toward the bedrooms. Zuho doesn't move. Seeing her brother and friends, two that are his own members, he knows he's lost her. About twenty minutes later the guys walk out rolling two large suitcases. "We left some of Aeri's clothes because we aren't heartless bastards like you. She's going to need both of you to get through this. Don't call Y/n, she wanted me to tell you she'd contact you about seeing Aeri in a couple days" Hobi said and they all left. Zuho laid his head on the floor and cries until he had no more tears to cry. He picks himself up and drags himself to the bathroom. He turns the shower on, strips his clothes and steps inside. He lets the hot water hit him and it burns. His eyes well up again and his chest aches when visions of him and Y/n making love countless times in there over took him. He rested his head on the wall and cried. Once the water ran cold he got out and looked at himself in the mirror. Bruises were already forming on his cheeks and eye, his lip was busted and swollen. He had scratches and gashes in random places. He looked awful and it mirrored how he felt. He walked to their bedroom and seeing her drawers hanging open empty let the finality of what happened settle in some more. He went to his dresser and pulled a tee and shorts out and put them on. He crawled into bed and grabbed her pillow and hugged it to his chest. He cried as her scent invaded his brain. He's lost her.

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