Second Chances

By glittershims

1.2K 62 7

"Watch me fuck this whore baby! Watch as I ruin her with and make her scream my name since you won't let me."... More

Authors note
~Twenty One~
~Twenty Two~
~Twenty Three~
~Twenty Four~
~Twenty Five~
~Twenty Six~
~Twenty Seven~
~Twenty Eight~
~Twenty Nine~
~Thirty One~
~Thirty Two~
~Thirty Three~
~Thirty Four~
~Thirty Five~
~Thirty Six~
~Thirty Seven~
~Thirty Eight~
~Thirty Nine~


26 2 0
By glittershims

Zuho rolls off her and lays beside her. He's feels inadequate. That had to be the quickest sex she's ever had. He stares at the ceiling, embarrassed. "I'm sorry Y/n." She looks over and sees him looking at the ceiling so she rolls to place her hand on his chest. "For what?" She kisses his chest and he looks down at her. "I wasn't enough for you. I'm sure I was awful. You're just so beautiful and sexy. I....I don't have a lot of experience either." She smiles at how intimate he's being with her. He's being so open and honest. This was a change from him. She kisses his chest again, then raises up and kisses his lips. "You are exactly enough. And it wasn't awful, so stop it. You said it had been what, two years? I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did." She giggles, trying to ease his mind. He chuckles and then says, "but look at you and look at me. You're perfect. I'm far from it. I don't even have abs." Y/n laughs at how insecure he is being. "I'm far from perfect Zuho. And what do you mean look at you and look at me? You're an idol for god sakes! Gorgeous at that! There's millions of women who would kill to be laying in my spot right now. I feel honored I am here. And your body is amazing. You don't have to have big huge abs to be sexy. I find you very sexy." She leans down and kisses him hard again. "I find you so sexy actually, that I can't just be done with getting you once. I'll build that stamina back up tonight." He laughs as she climbs on top of him. He pulls her down for a needy kiss. "And tomorrow too sexy girl. You promised to spend the day with me tomorrow. We don't even need to get out of bed." Y/n smirks at how brave he's becoming so quickly. She's glad though because she knows he could be amazing in bed.

Zuho falls down beside her, both panting heavily. "I think....I think we're getting your stamina up. That was amazing Zuho." She isn't lying either. She guided him the first couple times in what she likes and now, after round five, he's fucking her nice and hard like she likes. "You're amazing Y/n. I've never had this much sex in my life" he laughs, his hand over his eyes. She laughs too. Then he turns to her and kisses her shoulder softly. "And it's only lunch time. We have the whole rest of the day to get that number higher." She giggles as he kisses all over her face. She's loves how attentive he is to her. Showering her with affection. Something she hasn't experienced since him. She pushes him out of her mind and wraps her arms around Zuho. He pulls her into him and they lay there and cuddle for a while. Finally Zuho laughs and says, "I'm starving. I need to eat to get my energy back because I plan to fuck you all day and night beautiful" she smiles and sits up. "Let's go find some food then. But....after a shower because we are both all sticky from sweat." He laughs and stands, then pulls her up to stand and pulls her to the bathroom. "How about together? I've never taken a shower with someone before, aside the guys when we lived together in the dorm." She blushes knowing she'll be a first for something for him. They shower, and have round six, that was a little sloppy because he has never had shower sex before. But he was a fast learner and she loved when he had her pressed face first against the wall as he pounded into her and sucked on her neck.

"What sounds good to eat?" Zuho asks as they walk into the kitchen. She shrugs. "What do you have?" He laughs and scratches the back of his neck. "I don't cook a lot so there's not much. I usually order something. You want to do that?" She nods and they look and decide what sounds good. He makes sure to order enough to where it is enough for them both but doesn't look like he's ordering for two. He is an idol after all so he has to be careful. She hides in the kitchen when the food comes, not wanting to take a chance to be seen. Once the door closes she comes out to help him bring the food to the counter. "This looks so good! I'm hungrier than I thought." Zuho laughs and kisses her head. "Then let's fill our stomachs because I'm already dying to get you back into bed." They sit and eat and talk and as soon as she announces she's full, he puts his chopsticks down and scoops her up. "I feel refreshed Y/n. I'm ready to fuck you for the rest of the day." She giggles as he swiftly carries her back to his bedroom, kicking his door shut with his foot.

It's been a couple weeks of Zuho and Y/n sleeping together. Of course they hide it, not wanting to get in trouble. They had a no dating clause on their contract, but it was only for the first three years after debut. They're well past that. But they were still careful because they were sure it would be heavily frowned upon for a staff member to be sleeping with one of the idols. Neither could help it though. She was completely smitten with him and him with her. They tried to act normal around the other members, and even kept it from Youngbin, who she trusted enough to tell her about what happened with Jimin. They thought they were doing a good job too. "Y/n, can I talk to you for a second?" Yeji is standing in the doorway of the gym. "Sure." Y/n replies. She turns to the guys and sternly says, "finish your reps and remember, there's cameras in here I can review if I think your slacking or cheating. Especially you Theo." They all laugh at the pouting boy as she walks over to Yeji. She steps outside and Y/n follows. She can tell that whatever she wants to talk to her about is serious or not good because Yeji doesn't have her usual smile on. "Ok....I'm just going to come out and ask straight forward. Are you sleeping with Zuho?" Y/n feels like she got punched. What should she say? Her head is screaming DENY but her mind is telling her that Yeji is smart and if she's asking she already knows. She sighs and looks down. "Yes" she softly says. Yeji sighs and nods. "I had a feeling. It's pretty obvious." Y/n looks up at her with a scared expression. "Am I getting fired?" Yeji sighs again and shakes her head. "Not today. I don't know if anyone else knows. I could just see it with you two. You weren't obvious but you were obvious." Y/n keeps her eyes down. "I'm sorry. I take responsibility. We didn't mean for it to happen, it just sort of, did." Yeji nods and grabs her shoulders. "No one else suspects as far as I know. Just be careful. Dating an idol is risky. I know first hand." Y/n's eyes go wide. Yeji dated an idol? Yeji chuckles looking at Y/n's face. "Rinnie's dad is Jooheon from Monsta X." Y/n's mouth drops open. "Yep. My baby daddy is an idol. He's a good dad too. But we obviously didn't work out. The media almost found out when I was seven months pregnant and Starship made him choose. Me or Monsta X. You can guess which he chose." Y/n stood there in utter shock. "I was a trainer there, that's how we met. There was a spark as soon as we met and we were sleeping together within a month. I was head over heels for him. And I thought he was for me too. But, in the end, he chose himself over me and Rinnie. I shouldn't say that, he's still a daddy to her. And a good one. So I guess he chose himself over just me. We split parenting time and it's ugly and hard. He's not on her birth certificate in fear of a fan digging it up and exposing him. Rinnie is with me for a week and then a stylist comes to get her to take her to him for a week. Then back to me. That's why I take two hours at lunch when I have her. She's two and it still guts me every time she's carried away with that stylist. I'm sure the media thinks she's her kid because Jooyeon dotes on her and insists she's on set with them when he has her. Like I said, he's a great dad. I've seen a few posts from fans gushing over what a great dad he'll be someday because he's so sweet to his staffs kids. That's my kid.....HIS kid! But we can never let the world know."

Y/n sees tears glistening in Yeji's eyes. "I loved him so much. I still do. I don't know how he feels because once he made his choice, almost all correspondence went through his staff in fear of being caught. Still works that way now. The little we do talk is brief and only about Rinnie, like if she gets sick in the middle of the night or something. Emergency type situations. So that's why I'm telling you to be careful. I'm not saying Zuho's a bad guy or is going to knock you up and then leave you. I'm saying that when it comes out, and it will in some capacity, it can get ugly quick. So be careful." Y/n wipes a stray tear away and nods. Yeji sighs and rubs her arm. "I'm not being very nice or supportive. Zuho is a great guy. Like super sweet and nice and helpful. He's so smart and does most of the writing for their songs. I'm not saying he's like Jooyeon or that, if he had to, he'd choose himself over you. I just want you to be careful. And....if things get serious you need to talk about telling the company so they know upfront and aren't blindsided with it." Y/n nods again. "I will. I don't....I don't know what we are. But I enjoy being with him. We've never talked about it or put a label on anything." Yeji smiles and says, "you might want to talk about it. Because I can promise you it's going to come out at the very least in the company." Yeji squeezes her arm lightly and gives her a reassuring smile, then turns and walks down the hall to the easier group, SF9.

Y/n finished her session with the littles, as her and Yeji refer to the P1Harmony members, and packs up her stuff and decides to head home, having nothing else to do that day. Her mind quickly goes to Zuho and she shoots him a quick text as she's walking to the stairwell.

Y/n: I'm done for the day so I'm heading out. Hope you had a good day.

She slides her phone in her pocket and starts to run down the stairs to get a little cardio before she leaves. As she's in the garage, almost to her car, her phone rings. She pulls it out and a huge smile spreads across her face. She quickly accepts the call and squeals, "Kook!! Hey, how have you been? I've missed your stupid voice." Jungkook laughs loudly through the phone. "I've missed you too peach. I was calling because I'm in Seoul." Y/n gets excited. "What?? Like right now??" "Yup! Just got here a couple hours ago." She runs to her car and gets inside. "Why are you here? And where are you because I want to see your gorgeous face?" She's so excited to see her best friend. She's missed him so much since she's gotten to Seoul. FaceTiming is nothing compared to seeing someone in person. "I'm actually sitting on the steps of your apartment building. I wanted to see you first. And....I didn't book a hotel because I'm cheap and plan to stay with you. If that's ok?" Y/n laughs as she speeds out of the garage, turning toward her apartment. "Of course you can stay with me Kook, you don't even have to ask. I'll be there in like twenty minutes, traffic isn't too heavy." "I'll be right here looking like a hot street beggar." She laughs and they say goodbye so she can focus on driving.

Twenty five minutes later she's running to the front of her building and squeals as she runs to Jungkook. He stands and holds his arms out as she jumps into him, wrapping her arms and legs around him. He stumbles a bit but hugs her tight back. "I can't believe you're here and I'm touching you" she sighs hugging him. "I'm here Y/n. And shit did I miss you. Now get off me before people think you're my girlfriend or some shit  and you kill my Seoul game before I've even gotten a chance to start it." She slides off him to stand and slaps his arm laughing. She beams at him and he smiles wide while he holds her face with his hands. "You look good Y/n. So happy. Seoul looks good on you gorgeous." He leans down and gives her lips a soft peck. He pulls back and they hear someone clear their throat behind her. She turns to see a tall man wearing a black ball cap and face mask. She knows instantly from his eyes who it is. "Oh! Hey!" His eyes looked a little narrowed at her and she tilted her head confused. Jungkook nudged her back and he smacks her head. "Oh right, this is....wait, let's go inside before I introduce you guys. He's been out on the street for too long already." She motions them and the two men follow her inside and to the elevator. "No stairs peach?" Jungkook asks, knowing what she prefers. She smiles and shakes her head. "No, he had a long day so I don't want to make him work anymore than he already has. And by the way, Kook this is Zuho. Zuho this is my best friend Jungkook." The two men eye each other as the elevator doors open and they step into the hall. Once they reach her apartment, she plugs in the code and they all step inside. Once in, Zuho pulls his mask off and is donning a warm smile. He extends his hand to Jungkook and says, "it's nice to meet you. Y/n has told me so much about you." Jungkook's eyes grow wide. "Oh shit! You're Zuho from SF9!"

Jungkook acts a little starstruck until Y/n slaps his arm to bring him out of his trance. "Yes he is, but he's my friend too." Zuho narrows his eyes at Y/n for just a moment, but Jungkook catches it. "Well, if you and
Y/n get along then we will too. We're practically identical. Except she's got tits and a nice ass. But my abs are way better." She punches him this time in his chest and he winces but laughs. "I hope we get along well Jungkook. Are you here for just a visit or business?" They all walk to sit in the living room. Y/n sits on the couch and Jungkook watches as Zuho sits next to her....very close. Jungkook takes a seat on the chair next to them. He already knows by the subtle things he's seen in the last five minutes that something is going on between them. "I'm just here for a visit. I haven't seen Y/n since she moved here and we were practically glued at the hip after her and her-" he stopped mid sentence and looked at Y/n apologetically. She smiles and shakes her head. "He knows about how I was engaged and how he cheated on me so I moved in with you. Don't freak out Kook." He sighs and nods relieved. "How long are you staying?" Y/n asks as she leans back on the couch. "I can only stay a week. We have a new trainer starting next week and I have to train him. We officially have no female trainers anymore. The gym fucking sucks now." Y/n laughs. She was the only female trainer there but the guys never made her feel like a piece of meat or uncomfortable. "Send them all my love. I miss those muscle pigs." Jungkook leans back now and watches as Y/n places her hand on Zuho's thigh without even thinking and he takes her hand in his. He smirks and leans back up, putting his arms on his thighs, narrows his eyes and asks, "you guys dating?" Y/n's smile falls and her eyes go wide. "What? No!" She quickly pulls her hand from Zuho's and Jungkook can see it hurt his feelings. He keeps his smirk. "Mhm. So what is this then" he motions to the two of them "dating or friends with benefits?" Zuho coughs and y/n throws a couch pillow at him. "Hey, I'm just asking. It's so obvious you guys aren't just regular friends. You were just holding hands." Y/n's cheeks heat up and she looks down smiling. "You said you're her best friend but I saw you kiss her a few moments ago" Zuho counters, although he's nervous because Jungkook is huge and he knows he'd kill him. Jungkook chuckles and sits back again. "Touché. I didn't even think about it, we've always been that way. Were you perhaps, jealous?" Y/n's eyes grow wide again. She's going to kill Jungkook for being so forward. "Kook! Stop it!" She glares at him. Zuho laughs though, seeing Jungkook is testing him. "I think I was." Y/n turns to look at him and he warmly smiles at her. "Honestly, I love it man. She's a great girl, don't fuck it up." "Shut.up." She grits at her best friend again as he cackles from the chair.

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