Mr. Head Hazer's Nong

Galing kay FlyingApsara

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A Cold Head Hazer who didnt want to open his heart for a certain Nong. But he could not avoid him since he wa... Higit pa

Chapter 1. Nong A082
Chapter 2. Arrogant
Chapter 3. Warming Up.
Chapter 4. Now and Forever
Chapter 5. Painful Memories
Chapter 6. Forgiveness
Chapter 7. Official Kiss
Chapter 8. Claiming
Chapter 9. Be My First. R๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter 10. Moving In
Chapter 11. Frustration
Chapter 12. Officially Fiancรจ
Chapter 13. Taking with Love R๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter 14. Leaving
Chapter 15. Surprise!!!!
Chapter 16. Breaking the News
Chapter 17. Pregnancy
Chapter 18. Getting into Routine
Chapter 19. Changes
Chapter 20. Complications
Chapter 22. Family
Chapter 23. Happily Ever After
Author's Note
Special Chapter.
Moon, Sky and Lexi
How We Met 1
How We Met 2
How We Met 3
How We Met 4
How We Met 5

Chapter 21. Parenting

394 35 7
Galing kay FlyingApsara


Mew was doing good recovering from the surgery and post trauma. Moon. He was a strong baby. The doctors were happy with how he was improving his health. Tae and Mew were so relieved to know that their son was free of so many needles. He would open his hazel eyes to see his dads hovering over him. He was a mixture of both his dads. He took Mew's warm eyes. And Tae's goofy gummy smile with chubby cheeks. He was tan as his Dad and dark brown haired like his Daddy.

Mom Shaina and Mom Marla would spend hours talking to the baby looking for his features matching with the proud fathers. Tae was happy that Mew and Moon both were healthy and doing great.

"Mew. I have packed everything baby. We will go home tomorrow". Tae said after he made sure that he had packed everything in the room they were staying for the last month.

"Phi. His formula milk"? Mew checked his bag.

"Baby. He has to drink till tomorrow. Then i will pack it too. Otherwise we will get it from the pharmacy. I have left your medicines for tomorrow and rest are in your bagpack with your mobile charger and accessories". Tae showed him.. "Also. Dad has cleared the bill. So tomorrow we just need to get a visit by the doctor and then home". He smiled looking at Mew who was holding Moon in his arms sitting on the couch.

"Home.. I miss home Phi. Moon misses too". Mew said animatedly. "Right Moon. You miss home. You want to see your room right". He booped their noses and smiled when Moon smiled at him.

"Yeah everything is ready at home. Everyone is missing Moon. The boys are so excited. Sek had send me the pictures of decorations. They are trying to cover the table corners, putting off everything from the floor and table to avoid Moon stumbling and getting hurt. Like he will start running the moment we reach home". Tae was telling him and Mew was laughing. For sure the boys were concerned about Moon.

"I have arranged the wall for Moon in our room like you said. His changing table, his crib. The drawers you chose online. Everything is arranged. This way it would be easy for you to check on the baby if he needs you. Your rocking chair has arrived too". Tae sat close to him. Kissing his cheeks softly before extending his arms to take Moon.

"Hey baby. Happy"? He said sniff kissing his cheeks and loved how Moon grab his nose gleefully.. He pulled Moon up to kiss his tummy who was giggling to grab his hair. Mew was just looking at The Father son interaction. He could see Tae wasnt disgusted even a single bit when Moon was licking his cheeks smearing his drool. He would kiss his high bridge nose. His fingers. His toes. Sniffing his baby scent.

"Phi". Mew couldn't stop himself. 

"Yes Love". Tae tickled Moon by rubbing his hair on his neck slightly. For sure Moon had a tight grip the way he was grabbing his hair. 

"You are glowing Phi". He said leaning his head on Tae's shoulder holding Moon's little hand who was now tired of the play.

"Am i"? He chuckled placing Moon on his chest as he leaned back comfortably on the couch pulling Mew in his other arm. He loved the feeling of Moon sleeping on him, holding his shirt tightly, trusting his Dad that he wont let him fall.

"Everyday that i spend with Moon is giving me new experiences. Its like  a rollercoaster of emotions. Everytime he laughs, smiles, cry. Or look at me. Its like a whole new world to me. Who knew being a dad would introduce me to stars and galaxies. Thank you Mew. I know i can never repay you for the pain your bear in these 8 and a half months. But i can assure that i will protect my family as you protected our son". Tae let his lips linger on the forehead while they both saw their son sleeping peacefully, sometimes puckering his lips as in suckling his bottle of milk.  


Mew and Tae were home, by noon next day. With their parents. Thanks to Thanitt and Tee for gifting the baby seat for Moon. Because Mew and Tae had forgot to get one.

They parked the car followed by other two cars. Tae opened the door to Mew helping him to stand and walk easily while holding the car seat in his other hand.

"Welcome Home Moon". They opened the door and were welcomed by a big banner and balloons. Thanks to heavens, their friends forgot to pop the balloons or else by now Moon would be crying buckets. Though it was a different story how Tae loved him pouting while crying without tears.

The lounge was decorated beautiuflly. Blue color dominating every thing. They had framed lots of pictures of Moon that they took in one month. They had placed a play pen in the center of the lounge for Moon to spend time in the day. His crib. And a small changing corner because it would be difficult for Mew to take him upstairs everytime for diaper change. They even placed his change of clothes and now they six boys were fighting to hold Moon who was looking at them with his crescent eyes. And Mew was really grateful for it.

They were in awee. Cooing at him. Playing with his hand and feet while Tae helped Mew to sit comfortably on the couch before handing him a glass of juice. They were just having a relax time when suddenly Moon started crying.

"Oh my god. Mew. Tae we didnt do anything. We were just playing. We swear. Moon baby dont cry baby. Mewwwwww". Tul panicked and Moon was crying and everyone was trying to calm him down although they were panicking the most.

"Relax Guys. Let me see". Mew walked up to see Moon who fell silently instantly looking at his Daddy. "Let me see Baby. Hmmm Diaper soaked. Come Daddy will change you into a fresh one". He was talking to Moon putting him on his changing table.

Shaina was looking at him with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes..

"My baby is all grown up". She said. Mew turned to her in a busy manner and smiled.

"Hmm? I have to Mom. I am a daddy now. I have a son to take care of. I know everyone is here to help me but i cant be dependent on you all. Someday i will be alone at home, what would i do if he cried? Or needs a diaper change? Or to be fed. I wont call you or Phi Tae to help me. I need to learn everything". He said seriously and checked Moon.

"Come here buddy. Sit with Dad, while i get your milk hmm"? Mew kissed his small nose making him giggle before handing him to Tae. He had learnt everything quickly. Call it Motherly instincts. He made formula milk and handed it to Tae who took the bottle and attached it to Moon's lips who hastly grasped the bottle and started chugging the milk.

Their parents spent time with them till night and left for home to visit some other day with a promise to call them if they need them.. Mew was tired by now. He had spent almost 3 weeks on the bed. And rest 1 week was ofcourse limited in the room so now with all the talking and little tasks of Moon, he felt drained. They ate their dinner and boys bid their good night to little Moon.

"Sleeping"? Mew came out of the washroom after a quick bath and peaked over Tae's shoulder to see Moon sleeping.

"Hmm. I changed his diaper and fed him. I have placed your milk and medicines on the side table. Go and drink it all. I will be back after the bath". Tae instructed and went to washroom to get free. Mew smiled looking at his back and turned to Moon. He was sleeping peacefully and that filled Mew's heart with love. More love than a moment ago. He laughed at his own thought. How can one fall in love more than before? But his son was the living proof. He fell in love with him more than before everytime he look at him.

He had just laid down with the bed head after taking medicine and milk when Tae came out.

"Took medicines. Very good". He was appreciating that Mew was really taking care of himself.

"Phi when are you starting your office"? Mew asked Tae who took a cream to apply on the incision cuts on Mew's tummy.

"Coming Monday". He replied in a casual style. "Would you be okay Meew"? He was worried.

"I will be fine Phi. We will spend the whole d downstairs. We can take a nap in the lounge too. It would be easy for me to commute. Also, am thinking to ask Dean for another 72 hours credits. What say"?

"Hmm good idea. But i suggest wait for a while. Lets be comfortable and adjust around Moon. His routine to sleep. Waking up. His milk. Everything. Once he adjusts then you can pick the subjects. Here the cream is done. Slip in the bed now. Take some sleep before Moon wakes up". Tae tucked him in the duvet and before he even could turn, Moon woke up with a cry. Mew and Tae looked at each other before they busted into laughter.

The first three months. It was a new day everyday. Somewhere between his sleeping routine. The sleepless nights when he wont feel good. The times when Mew would be too tired to stay awake but Moon being clingy to him since he was teething. Or his upset tummy. Sometimes Mew would himself start crying when Moon would vomit the milk out and kept crying for no reason.

Tae helped him in the journey until he was stable. He would calm Mew. He would take Moon out for a walk for Mew to sleep for a while. The boys were already hands on Moon. They would entertain him, would play with him as much as they could. Mew still remember when August said he cant get enough of the baby and took him to his room for the night, saying he would manage it.

Lets pretend, he didnt return the baby after half hour knocking frantically on Tae's door as Moon was crying.

Mew was getting used to being around a kid. 24/7. He learnt to take five minutes baths when Moon was sleeping. Or cooking for him instead of sleeping. He compromised his time to spend with Moon. He would take pictures to send it to Tae while he was in office. He listened to Tae and didnt pick any course as of yet. He knew he will graduate with high grades even if its late than his friends. His priorities had changed.


"Ready to meet Dad"? Mew picked Moon out of his car seat and secured on the harness around his chest. He was here at Tae's workplace. To pick Tae. It was after so many days that he went out like this.

Tae had been shifted to the main branch. He had to work in office and supervise the Workshop twice a week to check the progress. This was his office day, meaning he would be free soon.

"Excuse me. Can you tell me where can i find Mr Darvid Kreepolrerk"? Mew softly queried the staff at reception. The girl behind the desk could help but coo at the beautiful baby in the arms of a handsome man. She cupped her face looking at both. Mew turned around to see if she was looking at him or someone behind him. But.. He gulped waving his hand to get her attention.

"Miss. Umm Mr Darvid Kre....".

"Mewwwww. Oh my god you are here". Just then everyone heard a super excited project manager running to the main lobby.

"Hi Phi". Mew smiled looking at him but blushed instantly as Tae hug him tight before kissing him full on lips. It was a pin drop silence. Mostly people knew Tae was married to a man and had a son, but this act of PDA. Tae looked around to see everyone frozen on their places. Only then he realised what he did. He scratched his non itchy nape followed by a smack on his head by Max.

He unbuckled Moon from Mew and tickled on his tummy to make him giggles.

"So he is the little Kreepolrerk". They all turned hearing to Tae's immediate boss.

"Sawadee Phi". Mew wa'ied politely.

"Hmmm. Sawadee. How you doing. Can i hold him"? He extended his hands to hold Moon and Moon being a friendly child already surrounded by 6 uncles, he was happy to discover more people.

"Going home Tae"? He turned back to Tae handing him Moon after playing for a bit.

"Yes Phi. Am done for today".

"Good enjoy your weekend. And actually i was looking for you to give this. Your monthly incentives". He handed them all their white envelops. "And this is for the young master". He handed him another envelope after asking from the reception.

"Phi.. I... This wasnt necessary. Thank you". Mew thanked him at the act of love and smiled when Tae's boss patted his shoulder after kissing Moon's forehead who was looking around with his crescent eyes sucking on his Pacifier.

"Lets go baby. Lets have dinner out. Call Thanitt and Tee to reach Blue Sky". Tae asked Mew before heading out.


"Phiiii. Mmmpppp". Mew moaned softly.

"What baby.. Hmmmm". Tae moaned on his neck. Sucking a blue mark.

"Phiiii". Mew arched his back pushing his nipple into Tae's mouth who was sucking the buds hungrily. They had to make sure to tone down their voices not to wake up Moon. It was long pent up pressure. They had to wait until Mew recovers fully. And then couple more weeks until they got sure of Moon sleeping for 5 hours straight at night.

Tae had scooped Mew in his arms as soon as Moon fell into deep slumber. He almost threw him on the bed, crushing their lips together as Mew didnt let him breathe for even a single second. Yes they had their little blow-job times but he wanted more. That wasnt enough for now. And not at least now when Tae had already blown him once at his fingers, into his mouth. But now he wanted big to tear him apart.

"Phi.. Am readyyyyt. Do me now. I swear if you left me with blue balls you will sleep on the cou...  Aahahhhhhhh". Mew was threating that turned into deep grunt as Tae settled inside him in one go while kissing his lips to absorb all noises. .

"Sssshhhh. We dont want to wake Moon". Tae was thrusting hard hovering him. Mew could only brace himself, that he failed, to take the pounding by his hottie.

"Ohh fuckkk. Hard Phi. Moreee". Tae pulled out and flipped him on his lap to make him ride him.

"Go on beautiful, take daddy deep.. Annhhh". Tae growled when Mew bend down on his kissing and sucking his sweaty nipples while bouncing on his hard slippery dick.

"Am cumming. Am cumming. Aaaaaahhhhhhh". Mew bit on Tae's shoulder to supress his moan while he cum hard for the second time in between their bodies. Tae flipped him back on his back before moving his hips in animalistic speed.

"Just annhhh... Mewieeee. Haaaaa". Tae epmtied himself in those tight channel shuddering hard indicating how intense it was.

They were basking into each other's embrace, panting hard.

"Still 2 and a half hour to go baby". He turned to the bedside table. Mew giggled..

"What are you waiting for then. Bring it on Daddy". He winked biting his lips and he lost count of the times he cum in those 2 and a half hour before Moon woke up to get his diaper change and milk. Well Tae had to handle him because Mew had passed out.

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