NOBLE: The Bad Batch

By ThyNoble

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Her name is Noble.. That's what many have called her for years. With a tragic past that cost the lives of her... More

NOBLE: The Bad Batch - REVISED
1: The Beginning - Part 1
1: The Beginning - Part 2
3: Commanding Shepard
4: Facing an Injury
5: The Ice is Melting
6: Critically Wounded
7: A Tense Decision
8: Nightmarish Situation
9: A Quake
10: Staying With the Batch
11: Anaxes - Part 1
11: Anaxes - Part 2
11: Anaxes - Part 3
12: Tech's Drunk Feelings
13: Unmarked Territory
14: Use The Force
15: Origins - Part 1 of 2
15: Origins - Part 2 of 2 (Finale)

2: Just Some Adjustments

2K 80 40
By ThyNoble

20 BBY | Month 6, Day 4
Deep Space, Havoc Marauder | 14:09

Tech's attention is engrossed in his datapad, absorbed in his own work and many messy files. A subtle movement to his right catches his notice, and he glances over to find Noble soundly asleep in Wrecker's seat. It's not an uncommon sight, as the entire group tends to find moments of rest during the stretches between hyperspace lanes. Tech, however, tends to be one of those individuals who neglect such downtime—his mind usually occupied with calculations and data analysis.

Amidst his focused work and lack of attention to his wound that still heals, a beep sounds, drawing his gaze back to the controls. Low on fuel, the alert blinks on his screen, and he can't suppress a faint sigh.

Silently, he rises from his seat, careful not to disturb Noble's peaceful slumber, and steps out of the cockpit with a subtle limp.

"Sarge, we've encountered an issue," Tech voices, adjusting his goggles as he draws Hunter's attention to him.

"What's the problem?" Hunter inquires, crossing his arms as he leans against the navigation console.

Tech points to his datapad, his expression serious. "We're running low on fuel. We need to find a suitable location to get more."

Hunter's brow furrows. "I thought we had enough to make it."

"I did too, until the recent alert, Wrecker must've done something," Tech explains, taking a seat beside Hunter to access the navigation systems and search for a nearby planet.

"I heard that!" Wrecker voices from his rack. "And that was just mean!"

"I am only stating a possibility..."

"Did you even consider Noble when those droids came aboard?"

"Oh look," Hunter mutters. "Wrecker has a brain this time..."

Tech shakes his head as he works on plotting a course. There is no end to his argument... Hunter moves toward the cockpit soon after, his steps carrying him past Crosshair, who is meticulously cleaning his sniper.

"Still sleeping, huh, Noble?" Hunter murmurs under his breath, his voice a soft whisper. "Wrecker must have worn her out with those games he made up."

Crosshair smirks faintly, sparing a glance toward the sleeping figure. "Seems like it."

"Perhaps she's still following her old schedule," Tech chimes in, his tone matter-of-fact as he takes his place in the pilot's seat.

Hunter yawns, stretching his arms as he leans against the cockpit wall. "Could be. She's an interesting one, that's for sure."

"Very interesting, considering what you told me..." Tech remarks in a hushed tone. Hunter nods, his eyes drifting toward Noble. "Yep... She'll open up more at a later time."


The Havoc Marauder continues its journey through the expanse of space, the rhythmic hum of the engines providing a soothing backdrop to the peaceful atmosphere within. Noble remains nestled in her slumber, blissfully unaware of the discussion that has unfolded earlier.

As the ship travels onward, Tech looks through the navigations, seeking a suitable location to refuel. The holographic displays flicker with data, and his analytical mind processes the options with precision. After a few moments of calculations, he narrows down the potential planets for refueling.

Hunter's gaze shifts to Tech's focused activity from Wrecker lifting Gonky. "Find anything?"

Tech's fingers dance across the controls as he responds, "Yes, I have. There are a few viable options within our current range. I'm cross-referencing them with potential risks and trade routes..."

"Good," Hunter acknowledges with a nod. "Let us know when you've locked in on where we are headed."

Meanwhile, Wrecker is now going to the pantry to grab something to eat. His eyes flickering at all his choices, catching glimpses of expressions on his brothers.

A small smile tugs at the corner of Hunter's lips as he glances at Noble once more, now waking up from her nap in the cockpit. She rubs her eyes sleepily and stretches her arms, before fixing her hair into a tidy bun.

Noble yawns as she looks around, her eyes landing on Crosshair who hadn't noticed her. "Where are the others?"

Crosshair refrains from looking up, his tone dry as ever. "In the back. Nothing exciting going on. Just Tech being annoying like usual."

"You really have a problem with your brother, don't you?"

"What? You don't like that?"

"Siblings always argue," Noble replies. "I have had my fair share of disagreements with my brothers growing up... They never really liked you clones."

"We aren't like the regs... we are better than them," Crosshair grunts in disgust before the silence returns between the two. 

Another minute presses and Hunter walks into the cockpit locking eyes with the clone medic. "We've got a few options. Tech is just taking forever to decide the best option. If anything, it is wasting more time from the mission we need to head to."

Noble glances out at hyperspace. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Tech, engrossed in his task as he walks back to the cockpit with his datapad, answers without taking his eyes off the screen. "I appreciate the offer, but this is a rather specialized process. We'll handle it."

Crosshair smirks at her. "Yeah, we wouldn't want you accidentally messing this up more than its already messed up."

Noble playfully rolls her eyes as Wrecker walks in with several different food choices and making crunching sounds. "Oh, please. I'm more than capable of handling complex calculations."

Tech lifts an eyebrow. "Is that so? But y-you are just medic..."

"You doubt me? I am a clone like you... I am pretty sure I know how ships work," Noble replies nonchalantly.

"Sure, you do... If that's the case... Why are you with us? and not your squad?" Crosshair asks with narrowing provoking eyes.

Noble pushes up her glasses with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Because apparently some of you like to get into danger and the 'regs' don't like you... so they sent me." Crosshair and Hunter share a look as Tech smirks. "Well, if you're that confident, by all means. Show me what you can do..."

Planet Bakura, Docking station | 14:56

Tech navigates the Marauder, expertly landing it inside a docking station. The urgency of their situation is evident as the team quickly sets out to note the items they need, aside from addressing the fuel emergency.

The commotion of thumping feet grabs Noble's attention from Gonky in the back. Wrecker, bursting into the back, greets her with his usual characteristic enthusiasm.

"We arrived little lady!" he exclaims, momentarily startling her.

"I felt the rough landing, Wrecker," Noble replies, her voice laced with a light chuckle. As the others file out, she follows suit, her gaze curious as she takes in the sight of the planet. Her lack of adventure and knowledge of different planets piques her interest, and she eagerly absorbs the new surroundings.

"Is this really Bakura?" she mutters in thought.

"Yes, I thought you knew?" Crosshair retorts. "You picked it out."

"Didn't mean I... ah... a waste it is, to argue with you."

Crosshair lets out a small, suppressed chuckle to her catching on as she turns her attention to the rest of the group. Tech is notably absent as Noble looks around for him. "Where is that genius at?"

"Tech insists on handling the situation," Hunter informs her, nodding toward Wrecker. "It'll give him a chance to do what he wanted."

Her curiosity heightens, but she holds her question as Tech approaches, engrossed in his datapad. "I have a list, so this shouldn't take long at the nearby market."

Hunter glances at him. "Take the doc with you. Maybe she'll find something useful for the medical crate. Or serve as a Jedi guard."

"Not even close... to a Jedi, Sarge," Noble replies.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure."

"...Hey doc, find me a new case for my toothpicks while you're useful," Crosshair chimes in, playfully placing the last of his toothpicks in his mouth.

Noble squints at him. "...I will look."

Turning her attention back to Tech, she sighs. "You ready, datapad lover?"

Wrecker lets out a loud laugh in response to the nickname given as he approaches the ramp. However, Tech seems engrossed in his thoughts and doesn't respond.

"Hey," Hunter voices, playfully nudging Tech's shoulder, snapping him out of his analytical moment. "Get going, before Noble decides to go shopping by herself..."


The streets are alive with the hum of conversation and activity as citizens walk by the various stores, crates of supplies, and food displays. The blend of human voices fills the air, a bustling scene of commerce.

Tech's pace is brisk, almost as if he's eager to be ahead of Noble like a soldier would intend to be. It's evident she's doing her best to keep up with the logical and speedy movements of the tall clone. They pause at a shop display, and Noble breaks the silence, inquiring about their mission.

"What are we looking for again?" she asks, examining the items on display.

"Mainly looking for a few bolts and screws for various parts on the Marauder, a new cap for the hyperdrive and..." Tech's voice trails off in explanation as he thinks.

Noble reaches into a box, pulling out a round white cap, holding it up for Tech's evaluation. He's surprised at how accurately she identified what they needed.

"Why... yes, this... looks sufficient enough," he says, extending his hand to take it from her. Noble continues to search through the box, her mind momentarily drifting to memories of Gregor's fascination with ship parts.

"I should give him a bolt..." she chuckles to herself. "Or this screw..."

"Crosshair? He hardly would accept such a thing, Doc," Tech looks over.

"Oh, not for Crosshair."


"Gregor. A friend of mine. A clone like you."

"... A reg named Gregor?"

"I suppose so... Your team likes to call your other brothers as such, he is a... Commando. Like you," she replies.

Meanwhile, an enthusiastic vendor interrupts their browsing, offering a sample of Butter Newt. Noble hesitates, unsure of how to respond.

"Maybe your... significant other here would like to try too?" the vendor playfully suggests, causing Noble to raise her eyebrows in surprise.

"Significant other...?"

Tech, overhearing the conversation, whirls around and reacts protectively, pulling Noble behind him. "Ma'am, we are not interested, and your assumption of a mere significance between us is false." 

His grip tightens around Noble's arm, as he decides to lead her away. Startled by Tech's sudden shift in demeanor, Noble insists that he calm down, sensing his unease. After a moment, Tech regains his composure and loosens his grip on her arm.

"Was it that woman?" Noble asks, expressing her concern while rubbing her arm.

Tech nods, admitting. "Yes, I thought you might have been uncomfortable in that situation."

"I was confused, not uncomfortable," Noble replies, taking the bag from Tech. "I'm not particularly sociable, and when I tend to be, I am shut out. I didn't have many friends growing up... other than Gregor and some others, what you call regs."

Tech furrows his brow, puzzled, as Noble's expression brightens, reminiscent of a fond memory.

"Stay here," she instructs, taking a few quick strides toward a nearby storefront, leaving Tech bewildered. Who is Gregor, and why did the assumption of them being a couple affect him so strongly?


An hour passes, and during that time, Wrecker has been busy inside the Marauder, preparing a surprise for Noble. He's determined to make her stay on the ship as comfortable as possible. With a burst of his immense strength, he carves out a space within the storage area, creating a small room for her to use as she pleases.

The makeshift room is cozy, with enough room for her to sleep, sit, and work in private if needed. Wrecker is confident that Noble will appreciate the effort he's put in to make her feel at home during their long missions and travels for the time ahead.

"She'll like this," Wrecker grins, folding his arms in satisfaction. "Yeaaah!..."

"You did good, Wrecker," Hunter compliments, patting his shoulder plate, before the sound of commotion outside the ship draws their attention.

Crosshair, however, is quick to point out a missed spot, causing a disgruntled grumble from him.

Noble, now outside the ship, rummages through the bag, searching for her gift for Gregor and something else. Hunter and Crosshair make their way out of the Marauder, while Tech retrieves a bag of supplies back from the medic.

"Hey, sharp eyes!" Noble tosses a red case of toothpicks to Crosshair, who catches it effortlessly.

"Thanks, Doc," Crosshair acknowledges, offering a faint smile before Wrecker's booming voice interrupts them.

"LITTLE LADY!" Wrecker announces, appearing on the ramp. "I have a surprise for you! Come on! You are gonna love this!"

After a moment of silently exchanged gazes, Noble follows Wrecker up the ramp. Hunter, on the other hand, turns his attention to Tech, inquiring about the supplies.

"Got everything here," Tech hands over the bag to Hunter, his thoughts seemingly elsewhere. Hunter notices Tech's demeanor and raises an eyebrow.

"Everything okay?" he asks.

Tech, adjusting his goggles, replies, "I... I am. I will be. I just need to regain focus." With that, Tech walks up the ramp, leaving Hunter puzzled.

As Tech heads up the ramp, lost in thought, Hunter watches him with a sense of concern. He knows Tech well enough to realize when something is bothering him, even if the genius is not openly expressing it. But with the current mission and circumstances, Hunter decides to give Tech some space, trusting that he'll share if he needs to.

Crosshair, having finished inspecting the fixed spot, joins Hunter, leaning against the Marauder's hull. "Something on Tech's mind?" he asks, glancing at the genius brother of his. "Or did he finally meet his match, and got put in his place by the Doc?"

Hunter nods, still pondering. "Not sure, kinda seems that way. But let's not pry."

Inside the Marauder, Wrecker is beaming with excitement, revealing the surprise he has prepared for the clone medic. The makeshift room is simple but thoughtful, furnished with a bed, a small table, and some shelves for her belongings.

"Ta-da!" Wrecker announces proudly as Noble steps in, her eyes widening in surprise and gratitude at the drapes of curtains and almost straightened shelves. 

"Oh wow!" she exclaims, genuinely touched by his gesture.

"It's not much, but it's all for you," Wrecker grins, scratching the back of his head.

Noble walks around, examining the room. "Oh! Thank you, Wrecker. I love it. Feels home like. Now... let me deal with those crooked shelves."

"Told you the shelves needed to be fixed," Crosshair smirks.

"Aweee... I tried!"

Meanwhile, Tech is in the cockpit, deep in thought. He replays the encounter with the elderly woman in his mind, pondering the subtle anxiety he felt. His mind is a whirlwind of calculations, trying to analyze his emotions and reactions.

He mulls over the past, thinking about how he was different from the other clones, even when it came to social interactions growing up. Sometimes, it felt like a burden, but he had always found solace in numbers, logic, and technology.

However, Noble's presence seems to disrupt this equilibrium. She is a variable he can't compute, despite her short time spent around him and his brothers. Her kindness, her ability to effortlessly engage with others, interesting set of skills, her warmth—it's all puzzling to him.

He takes a deep breath, trying to recalibrate his thoughts. "Focus, Tech." he mutters to himself determined to keep his mind on the missions and the tasks at hand.

Back in the Marauder, Noble settles into her new space, feeling a sense of belonging to this squad of defectives like her. Despite her solitary nature, she is starting to understand what it means to be a part of a team, a family after years of on her own. The Bad Batch has welcomed her into their fold, and it's a feeling she never anticipated.

With a newfound sense of purpose and gratitude, she knows she's ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead, both as a medic, force sensitive and as a member of Clone Force 99.

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