Life On Set

By Alianovna_Maximoff

85.2K 2.5K 1.7K

Lizzie and Scarlett comfort book / mother figures Y/n is a teenage girl who was given her first acting job. H... More

The Great News
First day on set
Movie Night
Unforgiving weather
Back Again
Family Discussion
The parentals
Mug brownies
back to the parents
Monopoly and movies
cause I'm being followed by a moonshadow
uh oh
it all started with the big bang
More doritos
home sweet home
She's Back
Beach days
Another friend
Law class
Lizzies house
Rose Jost
how exciting
the premiere

Call me Lizzie

3.7K 92 55
By Alianovna_Maximoff

I woke up at 5.30 this morning. I was already starting to get used to waking up early, though I still wasn't happy about it.

I stumbled out of the trailer after throwing on a hoodie. I had originally planned on a silent breakfast, but when I arrived at 'headquarters' I found Lilly already sitting at the table patiently. 

"Morning Y/n", she waved me over with a smile that I happily returned. 

As I sat down, she pushed a plate of toast with jam my way. A warm feeling spread through me, an my smile grew even more. 

Considering I had no friends allowed on set, it was nice to have a friendly face, and someone to talk to whose my age. 

I finished the toast and we walked over to the hair and makeup trailer together, as we had been told to do so the night before. It took just over an hour, and we were all ready to go by 7.00am

The place where we were filming was huge. So we had these vehicles that looked suspiciously like golf carts, that would drive us to the different sets.

Emma and Chris had gotten up earlier than usual and already shot a few scenes with just the both of them. 

As soon as I stepped into the set, Emma came up to me and gave me a hug. 

"A lot of new people are gonna be coming here today, most of the cast in fact", she informed me.
"Ooh not new people", I gave her a weak smile. She comfortingly squeezed my shoulder.
"I think you'll like these people".

Before she had a chance to elaborate, I was whisked away to shoot a scene. Today, my character had to be flung across the room, and as that was considered 'too dangerous', it was Lilly's time to shine. 

They hooked her up to ropes that were hanging from the ceiling, and once 'action' was called, the ropes sped along to the other side of the room, flinging Lilly into a bookshelf.

My eyes widened in horror at the sight of it, but her head popped up soon after, eyes twinkling with joy.

The second the cameras were cut, I ran over to help her up, heart still pounding.

"Y/n I'm fine, this is my job", she laughed as I checked her over, I didn't have time to be sure though, because we were both dragged off to have matching injuries drawn on us.

After they finished, we looked at each other. 

"Hey, we're identical" we exclaimed so perfectly it sounded rehearsed.

This earned us each an eye roll from the others in the trailer. 

Time Skip - Lunch

At lunch, groups of people began arriving. The place was quickly filled up, and more and more trailers were being parked around mine. Naturally I went wandering around, reading the names to see who else I was working with. Many names I didn't recognize, until I found two of the biggest trailers in the park, side by side.

'Scarlett Johansson - Marlene Abbott'   'Elizabeth Olsen - Cassie Summer'


I bolt down past the trailers, my head rushing with excitement. Nerves found themselves coursing through my body, only urging me to run faster. I finally make it to Lillys trailer, knocking twice before I let myself in immediately.

"Wha- Y/n?"

Lilly stood in her trailer, half dressed, she had evidently been midway through getting dressed before I barged in on her.

"OH SORRY!", I collapse with laughter, but still turn away politely to allow her to put on a top. 

"What's the occasion Quicksilver?" she questioned me as she finished. 

"SCARLETT JOHANSSON AND ELIZABETH OLSEN ARE STARRING IN THIS MOVIE!", I practically screech with excitement. Much to my relief, she matches my energy, and screeches back.


We decide we have to go see if they have arrived, so we slyly go for a walk past their trailers. 

As we get closer, we slow down, and continue walking at a slower pace. There was no sign of life in either of them, so we admit defeat and head over to headquarters instead. I opened the door and let Lilly in before me, I went to step in myself when a voice shouted from behind.

"Hold the door!"

Shit. That voice sounded so familar, and I didn't need to turn around to know who it came from. My heart made its way to my throat, and I turned my head in time to see both Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen walking towards me, both wearing huge smiles. 

I let them go in first and they both thank me. Elizabeth rubs my shoulder with a grateful smile and I suddenly choke on air, forgetting how to breathe. 

I make eye contact with Lilly and and she mouths "Oh My God", at me. 

Scarlett started the conversation which I was so extremely grateful for, because I otherwise would've just stood there in shock. She looks between Lilly and I before starting.
"Oh you guys look so alike. Are you two both in the movie?"

Somehow I found words, or rather they found me. "Oh- well yeah, we play the same person. Well I play Arabella, and shes's my double, we're not the same person, not that I said we were exactly". Lilly pats my back subtly, reminding me to shut up. I internally scold myself.

They both laugh, but not in a judgemental way. Instead it's more of a laugh that melts your insides and warms your heart. 

"Oh that's so cool! I'm Scarlett, and this is Elizabeth"
"Lizzie", the other interrupted with a breathy laugh. "You can call me Lizzie".

They're introducing themselves but its clear from my rambling and the fact that both Lilly and I had gone a deep crimson that we already knew who they were, and they both know that we know.

"I'm Lilly, and this is Y/n", Lilly speaks for me when it becomes apparent I can't. 

"Oh its so cool to meet you both!" Scarlett exclaims, and its clear she's the outgoing one of the two. Lizzie shoots me yet another friendly smile which I shyly return.

Cara comes in at that exact moment to welcome them. She greeted them like old friends as she had probably already worked with them previously.

She turned to Lilly and I with a bright face. 

"Oh good you guys are here, I was hoping to run into you guys, at 8.30 tommorrow morning, you guys are both needed on set 4. Y/n, Eric will drive you home at 12ish, and you can assess with your family if you'd like to stay for longer. We can work your scenes around both of your school hours", she finishes addressing us.

We leave after that, waving goodbye to the three. As soon as we're out of earshot we practically faint with excitement, giggling like preschoolers.

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