Stories of Emily the Electric...

By Emilythecat66

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Backstory about me and stories of my adventures 😋 Stories from these fandoms - Lazytown Doctor Who Some IRL... More

Backstory of My Character
My Artwork/FanArt
Fandom Fanfic Shorts
LazyTown - Sportacus' Brother
LazyTown - The 'Arranged' Marriage
LazyTown - The Descendent of Mr.Kicker
Doctor Who - Emily's Adventure
Doctor Who x Scooby Doo - The Space Sea Goblin of Old OakTree Mansion
Doctor Who - The 60th Anniversary Prologue
Doctor Who - The Aftermath
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The DreamCatcher and The Baby
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Krampus's Elf on the Shelf
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Adventure in Area 51
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Animals Screamer
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Simulation Nightmare
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - Domestic Times
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Toy Factory
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Commutator's Ship
Marvel - The Return of Hydra
IRL Movie Fic - Emily!
My IRL Dreams
The Lifes of Popular Youtubers
IRL Fanfic Shorts
IRL - The Party Pooper
IRL - A Cat's Fortress
IRL - The Infinity Interviews
IRL - The Diamond Quest
IRL - Emily the Host
IRL - The Stolen Bus
IRL - The Chaotic Panel
IRL - The Bird at the Award Ceremony
IRL - The Panel with Friend
IRL - The Bus Tour (X-Men Edition)
IRL - The Flower Gem
IRL - Emergency Visit to Equestria - Part 1
IRL - Emergency Visit to Equestria - Part 2
IRL - The Power of The Rings
IRL - Intagram Story Time
IRL - The Online Interview
IRL - The Emily Show
IRL - Snow Day
IRL - The Evil Animatronic
IRL - The Clown Virus
IRL - Emily Saves Christmas
IRL - The Robot Party
IRL - The Creepy Doll
IRL - The Haunted Mascot
IRL - The The Thing's Last Appearance
IRL - Mima's New Friend
IRL - Scary Ghost at the BAFTAs
IRL - The 24 Hour Mansion Visit
IRL - The Red Nose Day Blob
IRL - The Baby Shower Stream
IRL - The Robot Madpony
IRL - The Return of the Overminder
IRL - The Classic Days
IRL - The Beach House Haunting
IRL - The Dragosaur and the Dyragon
IRL - The Eggerite
IRL - The Christmas Stream Disaster
IRL - The New Year's Day Babies
IRL - Mima The Stowaway
IRL - The Ego Shadows
IRL - Birthday Boy!
IRL - The Cog Invasion
IRL- A Fun Day
IRL - a Wedding and a Second Child
IRL - Emily and The Car Loving Trio
IRL - The Appeance of Grogar
IRL - The Disaster at The British Theater Awards
IRL - The Phone Invasion
IRL - The Mystery Island and Family Reunion
IRL - The Werewolves at the BAFTAS
IRL - The 100 Year Comet

IRL - The Govenment Robot

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By Emilythecat66

it was a rainy sunday in the middle of september and inside the top of a building in london, a group of people were gathered together around a big rectangle table, there were about 5 people on each side of the table and at the top end of the table was a serious looking man with 2 bodyguard like men next to him on either side looking still like robots turned off
"so, what's on the agenda today?" the boss man says starting the conversation
"well, sir, for the past almost year now, lots of strange things have been happening" a lady on the right says as she shuffles her papers
"and when those strange things do happen, emily the cat with her elemental friends does save us from those strange things" a man on the left says looking concerned
"but...what if emily and her friends aren't around when these strange things happen? or if they are injured? who going to protect us then?" a man next to the other man on the left says looking scared
" do have a point, is there a solution to this issue?" the boss man says and a everyone hums with a nod
"yes and we came up with..." a lady on the right end table says and she grabs a remote that was in front of her
she pushes a button on the remote and then a smoke starts coming out of the floor, the lady presses another button and then a hole in the flooe appears and rises up like a elevator, the boss man watches as the elevator goes up and then he looked amazed and what he sees inside it
"i-it looked amazing!" the boss man says and everyone smiles at each other
"it's called the hero bot 1000, he's a prototype robot that can save everyone and anyone in seconds" a man on the right says as he gets out of his chair and shows off the robot
"he has super speed, flies really fast, has multiple tools in his arms, can jump super far and is super intelligent" the lady says with the remote going opposite the man
"as i mentioned, this is a prototype and if this one is successful with people, we'll have more in development for every country" the man says as he put his hand on the robot
"good, good, i like this, try it out tomorrow and let see how it goes for a week" the boss man say with a grin smile
"yes sir!" the man and lady by the robot says at the same time trying not to grin
"and make sure it doesn't do any malfunction or glitches, i don't want the people in danger" the boss man says with a serious tone as he points to the man and lady by the robot
"of course, sir, we made sure that the robot will only harm bad people and hostile supernatural beings" the man says and the boss man nods as well as the other people at the table
"good, good, meeting dismissed, i have someone to meet" the boss man says and he gets up
he leaves the room and so do the other people in the room, the lady pushes a button to send the robot down the elevator and she with the man leave the room, everyone from the meeting went down to the lab under the building and they all were standing around the robot, the robot was turned off but then the eyes turn on and they were a bright green.
the next day at the holiday home and it was really hot, it was about 37 degrees and it was really hot outside, luckily inside, it was nice and cool as the AC was on and the house felt like a cozy house, it had just reached noon and everyone was chilling, emily was in the middle of the 3 seated sofa napping, sebastian was on the left side of the sofa on his phone and tom was on the right side of the sofa enjoying the coolness of the room, the tv was also on in the background and it was on a random channel, suddenly the tv statics and then suddenly the news comes on.
"breaking news! live from 10 downing street, the president has a announcement to make as well as show off something new, oh! and here is the announcement live!" the news woman says and it changes to live footage to the president standing at a stand outside of downing street
"hello everyone, today i have a some people here today to show off a new invention that will change the uk and maybe soon the whole world" the president says and he steps out of the way as a man and a lady take his place
"hello everyone, today we are here to show you a new world changing invention that will replace all superheroes" the lady says into the mic and everyone looked confused
she pushes a button and then something shoots out from behind the building, everyone looked confused on what the noise was and what it was that zoomed off, then something lands next to the man and lady and it was a robot, the robot was really shiny silver, it was really tall, had really bright green eyes, a round egg head, thin legs, bulky bottom arms but thin top arms, metal shoulder pads, bulky chest but a thin waist and on the chest was a logo was of a gear with a robot face in the middle (its looks like the evil robot from be cool, scooby doo 'series 1 episode 11'), the robot stands next to the lady and everyone was looking at it amazed, both tom and sebastian were watching the tv and they both felt like they have seen the robot before but they both know they haven't
"umm...doesn't that robot-?" sebastian says to tom while pointing at the tv and looking at tom
"yeah, it does" tom replies looks at sebastian with confusion in his face then back at the tv
the pair keep looking at the tv as the lady stands to the left of the robot while the man goes to the mic stand
"this is the hero bot 1000 and he's here to be britain's first superhero robot" the man says as the lady shows off the robot "he's has multiple equipment in his arms, he is super fast in flying and running, he's super intelligent and he'll be able to save everyone all at once" he explains in a commercial voice as the robot shows off what he can do
the people behind the metal gate were quiet as they didn't know what to say but then a lady put her hand up
"umm...this is nice and all but...what about emily the cat and her elemental friends, they save all of us on a daily basis" the lady says and the man and lady look a little defensive
back at the holiday home and emily's ears twitch when she hears her name, she wakes up still tired and she looked at the tv with her eyes half open, she was a little confused what was going on but she watch as the man and lady with the robot look at each other then at the audience
"i just remembered where i've seen that robot before!" sebastian says suddenly and he looks over at tom "remember a while ago, me and you went to robert's party to celebrate our time in the MCU and then that giant robot attack the place we were in?" he says reminding tom and tom thinks for a moment before lighting up
"oh yeah! i remember!" tom replies with a 'i know now' smile "wait, did these people make this robot...from that robot?" he asks and sebastian shrugs while emily slowly nods
"you two are talkin' about da junk cop dat invaded dat party i didn't go to, right?" emily says and the pair nod as they remember emily talking about the robot "i tink it could be possible for dose peeps to do dat with da junk cop's confusing why dey wanted to make this robot in da first place" she adds then the trio look at the screen
"we made this robot so then the elemental friends...could take a break, yeah...they've been saving us for years now and we thought they needed a break" the man says and emily felt like he was lying
"yeah so anyway, would you like to see him in action?" the lady says and she pushes a button on the remote
the robot makes a beeping noise and then it takes off somewhere, the lady uses the remote again and she makes a screen appear from the stand, the video was a live feed of the robot's point of view and it was scanning the area for any danger, it then spots something and it was a robber sneaking up on a lady with a handbag and some shopping, the robot zooms down to help out the lady and he almost gets to the robber when something blue kicks the robber in the face, the robber goes down and a small blue jack russel terrier goes over to the lady with the bags in her mouth
"oh thank you!" the lady says to the dog and pets her on the head before walking off passed the robot
"darien?" emily says recognising the blue jack russel as darien
"oi! what are you?!" darien says with a australian accent with a little english twang in the voice to the robot and her body has a little blue flames around it
"oh no! she's in fight mode" emily says quietly as she sees darien in her fighting stance "do i stop her doe?" she adds debating if she wants to see the robot turned into a metal pile
"i don't think you have to" tom says as he points to the tv and emily looks at it too confused
she sees the robot picking up the body and he turns to darien looking like a mannequin
"CRIMINAL, UNCONSCIOUS, TAKE HIM TO JAIL!" the robot says and he flies away with the robber
darien watches the robot fly away and she looked really confused, suddenly a famillar teleporting sound appears darien recognises and she turns to her left to see emily there looking serious
"come with me, let's see where the robot goes" emily says as she sit stands on her hind legs and had her paws open
darien nods and she shakes her body to calm the flames on her body down, she then goes over to emily and emily grabs her under her arms, she then flies off and she follows the robot which emily had managed to catch up with rather quick, emily and darien follow the robot and he takes the unconsious robber to the police station, the robot then holds up the robber high in the air and then throws him into the station landing in the cell, both emily and darien look really worried and scared and they watch as the robot goes back to the downing street, emily follows the robot still darien in her arms and when she arrives at downing street, she and darien see the crowd looking shocked at what they saw and both the man and lady looked guilty
"umm...looks like the robot needs a little work but he'll be fully ready by tomorrow" the lady says changing the subject and both emily and darien didn't like the robot as they stare at it suspiciously
they go down and they go next to the man at the stand, everyone snaps out of their shocked trance and start cheering happily when they see darien and emily, emily puts darien down and then she lands next to her
"so, you make dis robot us take a break, but it can't even put a criminal in jail properly" emily says as she looks at the pair with a suspicious look with her paw pointing at the robot
"yeah, crashing though a building at the speed that robot threw that guy could of seriously hurt him" darien adds in her australian-english accent sounding as serious as emily and emily nods to agree with her
"well...umm...uhh...we have to do a few tweaks to him but we make sure he doesn't do something like that again" the man says sounding super nervous
"i hope so cuz if it does something like dat again or do something terrible to my family and friend, i'll get darien here to melt it down to a metal pile and we turn it into a table" emily says in a serious and threatening tone and this made the man and lady super spooked
emily gave a annoyed huff and then she teleports herself and darien to the base, when he pair get there, they see that all the others were there already and they were watching the screen
"we saw what happened" liam the blue cyan parson russell terrier says as he points to the screen and everyone else nods to confirm
"ok, good, lauren, i want you to hack into the robot and keep an eye on it" emily says seriously and she points to the computer
"got it!" lauren says and she hacks into the computer
"everyone else! carry on with your jobs and if you have to fight the robot from going hostile, do it" emily says to the others and they all hum to agree "also if the robot helps, let him but don't let it take your heroism" she adds and everyone agrees
"umm, emily, are you okay? you look-" ben says and he points to emily
emily looks at herself and sees that she became super poofy, she then gasps and gets excited
"dis means there is a thunderstorm coming" emily says as she hops a little "and it's coming...hmm...friday!" she adds as her electricity sparks off her fur now and again
"yep, i can confirm that it's friday, i can sense there is a rainstorm too" lauren says as her wings were slightly dripping with water
"ok, we now know there is a thunder storm on friday and today is the hottest day in the UK, we all should go to our room to cool down, except darien, she likes this weather" hollie the bear sized hamster says and the other agree
"i'm going back home now, see you all later and lauren, text me any updates" emily says and lauren hums a nod
emily then teleports away as everyone was getting out of their chairs to go to their rooms, emily reappears in the same spot she was before and both tom and sebastian sees that she was really poofy
"umm..." sebastian says and he was about to ask but emily cut him off
"dere's going to be a thunderstorm on friday and my friend lauren is going to hack into da robot to keep an eye on it for me and da others, in the meantime, we have to step up our hero game...starting tomorrow" emily says and she lies down on the sofa
suddenly emily's phone went off and she sees it was from lauren, she opens her phone and looks at the text
'i managed to hack into the robot which was pretty easy to do and looking though the camera installed in the eyes, the robot is in a invention room and people are fixing something in his chest' lauren says in her text and emily nods
'it seems they are doing what they told me and darien and are fixing the issue it had when it chucked the robber in the police station, probably adding some new things into it too' emily replies in her text and sends it to lauren
"so, what's going on?" sebastian asks a little confused and emily looks over at him then at tom
"well...*licks lips* we are going to prove to dose robot peeps dat we don't need a robot to save the peeps, me and my friends do it all the teim and even if it's a good suggestion dat we take a break from the savin', it's not a good idea to leave it to a robot dat chucks the hoomans into jail cells so we are basically keepin' an eye on it" emily explaians as she looks to the pair and her phone
"so you and your friends are keeping an eye on a robot that may or may not snap and try and take over the world" tom says and emily nods with her tongue sticking out
"ynes!" emily says while she nods "we are just keepin' an eye on it so we will know when it will snap and start takin' over da world" she adds and looks back at her phone when she sees she got a text from lauren
'so it seems they have shut it off for now after fixing it and i heard they are resetting it and rebooting it tomorrow' lauren says in her text
'ok, we will have to wait for tomorrow to see what happens' emily replies and sends the text
she then jumps down and she walks to the stairs but then stops in the hallway by tom
"where are you going?" tom asks as not him and sebastian looks at emily a little confused
"goin' upstairs, me and the others don't have to deal with dat robot till tomorrow so i'm goin' to play on my computer, so bai" emily replies and then she goes off upstairs
tom and sebastian watch her leave and then they go to chill with sebastian on his phone and tom reading a book, emily was on her computer and she decided to play tf2 mvm for a few hours, while emily was playing her game at the holiday home, back at the base and lauren was drawing on her tablet while sitting by her computer, she was just chilling when she sees in the corner of her eye a flash, she looks at the computer and she sees that the robot was awake without anyone waking it up
"huh?!" lauren says confused and puts her tablet down next to her to watch what the robot was doing
meanwhile with the robot and it was looking around confused, he wondered where he was a little scared and thrn got more scared when he remembered those people in coats, then the robot notice his hands and he freaks out to see that they were metal, he looks around and then he sees a mirror on the wall so he goes over to it, he then gasps when he sees he was all robot and he wanted to cry in both fear and sadness but he couldn't cry as he had robot eyes, suddenly he hears a door opening noise and he panics for a second before going back to where he was and shutting his eyes making him go into his robot mode, the door opens and it was the man and lady that showed off the robot earlier at downing street and they looked annoyed
"so what are we going to do?" the lady asked the man annoyed "those elemental friends are on to us!" she adds and the man looked angry
"i know they are and i have no idea what to do!" the man replies looked ready to explode in anger
the man and lady both huff annoyed and they walk over to the robot who was still in robot mode
"i know what we can do!" the lady says happily and the man looks at her annoyed and confused
"what?" the man asked annoyed and the lady points to the robot
"we can get the robot to capture all the friends and then we can use them for the other robots" the lady says and the man looked to be thinking about it
"and what if everyone asks where they've gone?" the man says wondering what her answer would be
"umm...we could say that...uhh...they've all gone on holiday?" the lady says with a worried shrug
"no, no the public won't buy that...ah-ha! i have a better idea" the man says and he lights up coming up with an idea
"what is it?" the lady says curiously and then the man looks at her with a very evil grin
"we can convince the prime minister that the elemental friends are bad and tell him to ban them from saving people" the man says and the lady grins at the man's idea
"i like it but...aren't both the prime minister and the royal family really good friends with the elemental friends?" the lady says and the man dies a faceplam
"of course they are...*growns*" the man says and he looks annoyed again
"...the only thing i can think of is to hypnotise the prime minister to do your idea" the lady says and the man looks at her stunned "...what, it was just an idea" she adds thinking she did something wrong
"you are a genius!" the man says and kisses the lady on the forehead
"i am?...i mean, of course i am!" the lady says first confused and then proud
the man grabs the lady by the arm and he runs off with her to the control box near the door
"if we use the hypnotising feature in the robot, we can first hypnotise the prime minister then the royal family to change the rule about the elemental friends helping people and let only the robot to help people" the man explains as he points to a holographic board with a moving image of the robot's hypnotising feature
"that's a great idea!" the lady says excitability "shall we get to work?" she asks and the man shakes his head
"not now, tomorrow" the man says and he grabs the lady's arm "come, we need to talk" he adds and the pair leave the room
meanwhile back at the base and everyone was watching the tv as the loud talking of the man and lady made everyone come out of their rooms wondering what was going on
"uhh...we should tell emily" hayley the rabbit says and looks over at ben
"yeah, i'll do that now" ben says and he takes out his phone
meanwhile with emily and she was still playing on her computer when her phone rings, she's scared at first as she doesn't like her phone ringing but she then calms down when she sees it was ben, she then smiles and answers the call
"hey ben, what's up?" emily says happily into the phone
"ok so, you know that reboot you told lauren to keep an eye on?" ben says and emily hums a yes "well, that man and lady you and darien met came in and told a plan they had where they want to hypnotise the prime minister and the royal family so they can ban us from saving people" he explains and emily looked shocked and surprised
"ok, dats odd and weird" emily says sounding and looking really confused "sounds like we need a plan to turn the tables on dem" she adds and she hears everyone agree with her on the other end
"...lauren says she's found something out about the robot" ben says and emily was curious
"what dat?" emily says in curiosity and wonder with a tilted head
"she says that she saw the robot come to life on its own without anyone turning it on so she says the robot might be sentient" ben explains and emily thinks on what to do
"wow! dats really weird, it's like dey used a hooman to control the robot" emily says and this made everyone on the other end go quiet " don't think-?" she adds with wide eyes at the thought she gave
"i think they did from the way the robot was acting, it was acting lost and looking for someone" lauren says and emily heard her as she was far from the phone
"dese guys sound worse and worse everytime we talk about dem" emily says with a annoyed tone "but anyway, we need to think of somethin' to stop the robot hypnotising the prime minister and the royal family, anyone got any ideas?" she adds and she with the others think of a plan
it was quiet both on emily's end and the base's end for about a few mintues till someone spoke up and it was chloe the peacock/dove hybrid
"i know, we can replace the prime minister with someone and let them hypnotise the robot as well as that man and lady" chloe says and emily gasps happily
"dat's a great idea...but who are we goin' to get to replace the prime minister for a while?" emily says then asks as she didn't know and the others went to think
"well, we need to find someone who either looks like the prime minister or can disguise as him...any ideas, emily?" ben says into the phone as he knew who to got but he needed emily to know too
"umm...umm...*gasp* i know!" emily says happily as she realises who ben was talking about "dad!" she adds quietly in excitment and then she puts the phone on mute
she runs downstairs and when she gets into the living room, she sees tom was still reading his book but sebastian had fallen asleep on tom's shoulder and had his phone on his chest
"hi emily, what's up?" tom says calmly and happily to emily and emily looks at him seriously
"nothing just doing a plwan for tomorrow dat involve you" emily says and she points at tom with a smile and her tongue sticking out
"oh? and what is this plan?" tom asks curiously and emily nods ready to explain
she tells tom what the others have found out whike watching the eye cameras lauren hacked into and then she told tom the plan her and the other elemental friends have come up with so far
"so you're telling me...that you want me to disguise myself as the prime minister as bait" tom says unsure if he heard right
"*gasp* yee!" emily replies with a nod and a open mouth grin
"...i'll do it!" tom says happily and emily open mouth smiles with her paws in the air "but...what about sebastian?" he adds and points to the sleeping sebastian on his shoulder
"don't worry, i'll make him a bodyguard so he can protect you!" emily says and she giggles mischievously
"i would love that" tom says happily and calmly and he pets sebastian on the head softly
sebastian smiles in his sleep and emily almost 'died' from the cuteness, she then runs off and goes back to the computer room where her phone is, she picks it up and unmutes the phone
"ok, i have a plan!" emily says happily and everyone on the other end were curious on what it was
emily explains her plan and the others seem to like her idea, after emily explains her idea, the others were happy with it and they all go to bed early so they can start the plan early tomorrow, emily went to bed too after turning off her computer and after getting comfy in her bed, she falls asleep happily and her mind was all over the place thinking of a plan causing her to have a dream she forgot about in the morning, early the next morning and the plan goes into motion, tom, sebastian and emily go to 10 downing street with darien already waiting for them and they all head inside, they tell the prime minister the plan and he was happily onboard with it saying he wanted a day off anyway, he then leaves and everyone watches him go
"ok, let's get dis plan goin'!" emily says and the others nod at her
tom disguises himself as the prime minister, emily uses her magic to put sebastian in a bodyguard outfit and then tom sits in the prime minister's chair, sebastian stood next to him and both emily and darien hid under the desk, emily used the bottom of the desk to peek out and she watches to see if she could see anyone which she can't, then she goes on her phone to text lauren
'ok, we are ready, what's the robot doing?' emily texts lauren and sends the text
'...the robot is coming to the street with the man and lady next to them, get ready' lauren replies in her text and emily nods
"dey're comin'!" emily says to darien, tom and sebastian and they everyone gets ready
they didn't have to wait long and the robot, man and lady came in, the man and lady looked smug and the robot was doing what the lady was telling him to do as she had his remote
"ah, it's you two again, what do you two want this time?" tom says in his best impression of the prime minister which was really good
"well, we have finally fixed the robot and we want to show off a new feature it has" the man says and tom looked interested
"ok, what is this new feature?" tom says again in his prime minister impression and both the man and lady look at each other smugly
the lady pushes a button and then the robot's eyes change from purple to a spinning black and white, as the robot's eyes change, emily uses her magic to put up invisible mirror so the hypnosis was going to tom but then bouncing off the mirror and going to the man and lady
"you are getting sleepy, very...very...sleepy..." the man says first smugly but then him and the lady fell asleep standing up
the lady dropped the remote as she was asleep and darien sneaks out from under the desk to grab it, she then runs back under the table and hands the remote to emily who looks at it in wonder
"ok listen you two, when i snap my fingers, you'll go off to have a normal life together and forget what happened here and with this robot, okay?" tom says in his normal voice now and a little serious
"okay!" the man and lady say at the same time and tom smirks
tom then snap his finger and emily uses her magic to teleport the man and lady away to a random empty house in australia, when they were gone, emily and darien come out from under the desk and tom turns back to himself
"ok now dats delt with, what to do with dis robot?" emily says after she turns off the robot's hypnotising feature
"...hmm..." tom, sebastian and darien hum on trying to think on what to do with the robot
emily thinks too but she had no clue on what to do with the robot, suddenly the robot started moving on its own and it looked confused
"wha-where am i now?" the robot says and everyone was looking at the robot confused
"'re in the prime minister's office, you came 'ere with dat man and lady" emily replies looking confused and stunned
the robot looked to be thinking and then it gasps a little and looks around with shock in his face
"where are the that man and lady now?!" the robot asks and emily huffs a little
"don't worry, i've sent dem away after using your hypnotising feature to hypnotise dem" emily explains and the robot sighs in relief "did you know dem?" she asks and the robot nods a little
"well umm...that man and lady are called jack and megan, they came to my orphanage a few weeks ago to look for a kid to adopt around 4 to 12, they chose me, a girl and another boy from my orphanage and kept us together in a room, then the other boy disappeared a day after we were adopted and a week later the girl disappeared, i didn't know where they went and both jack and megan wouldn't tell me where they went and act like they didn't even exist, then it was my turn, they told me they were taking me to the park and then they stabbed something in my arm making me go to sleep, i then woke up in a big room and saw my arms were my real arms so i went to a mirror and saw i was now this" the robot explained and showed off his robot body
" you're saying that you are a child?!" darien says and the robot nods
"yeah, i'm 7 years old" the robot replies and emily looked shocked
"what's your name?" tom says and the boy robot smiles
"i'm nelson" the boy robot now named nelson replies and he looks around "and the 2 other kids that were with me then disappeared were called brittany and zack" he adds just in case he forgot
"it's quite shocking to know dat da man and lady used orphan children to make robots but i think they got their punishment for it, now...we still need to think on what to do with you" emily says and the others agree with her
"i-i think i know what o can do!" the nelson robot says looking happy and emily was curious on what he wanted to do
the next thing that happened was that the nelson robot decided to help out all the children in every orphanage in the world find a home being the orphanage mascot and then making sure they are happy in their homes, he basically became the hero of orphan children, also with the help of lauren, the remote that controls nelson robot's features was installed into nelson so he can control his features at will, nelson was now at his old orphanage and he was playing with all the kids there and emily and her friends were watching them him on the computer
"i'm glad we did somethin' good for nelson robot" emily says to the others and they all agree "well, now dats over with, time to go back home, see you all later" she adds then she teleports away
she ends up back at the holiday home to see tom and sebastian were eating their lunch and emily grabs a snack from the kitchen, she then goes upstairs into her computer room and play on it all day.
The End

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