Wounds That Won't Heal (Peter...

Par Youtuber_01

316 85 4

Faith Carter wasn't your average 17 year old girl living in Westchester New York...on the outside she looked... Plus

Chapter 1: Faith Carter
Chapter 2: Alone
Chapter 3: Someone New?
Chapter 4: New Friend?
Chapter 5: Lost In You
Chapter 7: Numb To The Feeling
Chapter 8: Lay All Your Love On Me
Chapter 9: It's Always You
Chapter 10: It's Unbelievable
Chapter 11: One Touch and I Ignite
Chapter 12: Pretty Poison
Chapter 13: Happy Birthday To You...
Chapter 14: What Hurts The Most
Chapter 15: Dying On The Inside
Chapter 16: I Will Try To Fix You
Chapter 17: I Love You
Chapter 18: You're Fucking Incredible
Chapter 19: I Want You
Chapter 20: You're My Everything (SMUT)
Chapter 21: Time Heals All Wounds

Chapter 6: Welcome To My Darkside

16 4 0
Par Youtuber_01

(Faith's Pov)

After training more of my abilities yesterday, I didn't do much for the rest of the day because it certainly drained me a lot so I pretty much relaxed and studied and then once it was nighttime, I hit my bed and was out like a light.

The next day, I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining through my bedroom window. I sighed as I looked at the time to see it was 7am which made me sigh as I sat up and rubbed my face and head tiredly.

I hopped out of bed stretching and yawning and headed over to my dresser. I put my hair in a messy bun, hopped out of my clothes from yesterday since I forgot to change into pj's last night because I was too damn tired to change. I hopped into regular blue jeans with a cropped t-shirt.

I sighed and yawned again as I slid on my shoes, grabbed my bag and headed out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen...however...I could feel people staring at me and I could hear the other kids laughing and snickering at me...I frowned and sighed wishing it would all just go away but it doesn't...and it never will...

While walking to the kitchen, some teens shoved me which made hiss "Watch where you're going freak!" The teen girl screamed in my face, I sighed and fixed myself and continued to head to the kitchen but of course every kid that had walked past me whispered among each other, laughed at me, called me names, gave me these disgusting looking faces and shoved or tripped me out of their ways like some monkey in some circus...

I bit my cheek and clenched my fists tightly trying desperately not to cry. My heart raced and chest ached. I clenched my fists as hard as I could hoping to feel something else then this pain I feel inside. I took a few deep shaky breaths and blinked the tears away before heading into the kitchen seeing the professors and Peter talking with his friends which made me sigh as I went and grabbed a mug and poured myself a cup of coffee.

I didn't want to bother Peter while he was with his friends...I'll admit though...does kinda suck but I know I can't be selfish and have him all to myself...he's allowed to mingle and make and have other friends...I have nothing against it...guess it just still sucks how truly alone and lonely I feel and how no one understands...or even cares...

I could feel the tears wanting to escape my eyes but I refused to let them fall while I'm around everyone...I mean not like it matters but still. I sighed and sipped my coffee in silence until I saw Peter walk up to me "Morning Faith" he greeted, I smiled sadly "hey" I greeted softly, Peter frowned "Are you okay?" He asked,

I looked at him and smiled even though it hurt my heart to do so but I can't break down right now...not here...and especially in front of him, "Y-Yea I'm okay" I said lying straight though my teeth hoping Peter bought it. He glared at me for a moment "you sure?" he asked unsurely, I nodded and sipped my coffee "Just didn't get much sleep but I-I'm okay really" I lied again.

Peter nodded hesitantly "you wanna hang out today?" He asked, I smiled softly "Always" I said, he smiled "Great. See you later in our regular spot?" he asked, I nodded which made him smile and nod and walk out which made me drop my fake smile which hurt my face and sigh.

I saw Charles stroll up to me which made me look at him "Morning" I greeted pitifully, he nodded a bit "I don't have to be telepathic to know what's wrong ya know?" he asked and looked at me. I sighed and rolled my eyes "doesn't matter. Shit's always the same" I said with a shrug and sipped my coffee, Charles frowned "Maybe there's something I can do?" he questioned, I scoffed "Do what you always do? Expel the kids who bully me and then what? They always come back and shit gets worse so what else can you do?" I asked now a bit with frustration,

Charles sighed "I can kick them from my school" He said, I scoffed and laughed a bit "Yea okay. Kick every single mutant out of your school? Sure, good luck with that" I said sarcastically and finished up my coffee and walked back up to my room not caring about going to school today...

Once I got to my room, I slammed the door shut and breathed heavily feeling my heart pounding against my chest. I felt my body tremble and felt my knees buckle under me. I fell to the ground and choked on sobs as I brought my knees to my chest and sobbed into my legs.

I couldn't do this, I can't handle this pain...it hurts too much, it hurts so much and there's nothing anyone can do about it...nothing works, nothing matters because it will all just end up the same way so why fucking bother? I clenched my fists tightly trying to feel something else other than this pain I feel inside.

I sighed as I weakly got off the ground feeling my head pound and vision blur over. I breathed heavily and sniffled as I weakly walked over to my bed and collapsed on it. I sighed and lied my head on my pillows and curled up under my blankets. I was suddenly hit by a wave of fatigue which made yawn as I soon enough fluttered my eyes closed and was out like a light.

(A Few Hours Later)

I fluttered my eyes open groggily to the sun shining through my bedroom window. I groaned and sighed as I looked at the time seeing it was around noon meaning lunchtime and when I'm supposed to go hang out with Peter even though everything in my being was telling me to stay in bed and not do anything but I know Peter will worry and I don't want that, I don't need that.

However, something in my gut was telling me that something was wrong. I don't know what it is but I know in my gut something...is off...I sat up and sighed as I rubbed my face tiredly and yawned. I looked around trying to get a sense of this strange sensation inside of me...I haven't felt this since...Oh no...

My eyes widen as I hopped off my bed and went to my window. I opened my blinds up letting the sun shine through, I hissed at the bright light and blinked a few times letting my eyes adjust. Once they did, I opened the window and looked around trying to see what was going on.

I only have feelings like this when something is wrong with my forest. Me and my forest have this strong connection so when someone messes with it, I can sense it, I can feel it...I know something is wrong. I looked out from afar seeing people messing up my forest. Stomping on the shrubs and flowers, slicing and burning down the trees.

My eyes widen with shock and anger as I quickly bolted from my room and outside not caring who I bumped into along the way. Once I reached outside, I ran as fast as I could "STOP IT!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I shouted, the kids had looked at me and just smirked evilly while continuing to destroy my forest and everything within it.

I ran up and tried to push them away but the kids then used their powers on me which made me scream in pain...but no one cared...no one came...no one helped...why? Why me? Why doesn't anyone care? The kids pointed and laugh like I was some freak in a circus and continued to chant and call me names...What's wrong with me? What did I do to deserve this? Why, why, why? I just don't understand.

Suddenly, I felt this boiling anger course through my veins. Just hearing them laugh at me and call me names and destroying what I love and had rebuilt makes my blood boil and knowing that no one is doing anything about it and won't help do anything about it, guess it's now time to take matters into my own my hands...It's time to see what damage I can really do.

I smirked evilly as I got up from the ground not caring about the stinging, burning or throbbing sensations I felt all over my body. The kids stopped and went quiet feeling confused for a moment on how I was still able to stand and take their pain and why I was smirking about it.

I laughed and looked at them feeling my blue eyes now turn the brightest of emerald, green "So you think you can get away with this unscathed huh? Well try again" I said evilly as I brought my hands out from the side of me and felt the ground rumble beneath me.

My heart was racing out of my chest, my stomach was churning. I was so goddamn angry that I could cause so much damage with what I can do...and this time...I don't think I care enough to stop. I'm tired of running, I'm tired of crying, I'm tired of dealing with these wounds that won't heal...so if it's a fight everyone wants, it's a fight they'll get!

I hummed my enchanting song to first restore what has been destroyed. The kids were still confused and remained in place unsure of what to do next. Once my forest was back to normal, I summoned some vines to lift me from the ground and landed on top of my trees.

I used my abilities to bring my trees to life to create what destruction and pain I know I can cause. I focused my powers feeling the trees rumble and shake beneath me causing some kids to be alarmed but still unsure of what's happening next. The roots from the trees shot out of the ground portraying as feet for the trees so they could move freely.

I even managed to use my abilities to create this scary looking face on my trees to ensure people to be scared by them because well...they really should be. The ground shook and quivered with each step they took causing more alarm. Some students grew to have some balls and tried to use their abilities on my forest friends...but little did they know, I'm stronger than them, I'm more capable than they ever will be, and I will not be pushed around any longer...I am in control, I will no longer run away.

I smirked as I controlled the arms of the trees like a marionette. I swooped my arm down knocking some kid's miles away making them scream a bit. To the ones who had burned my forest down, I had summoned some vines and grabbed them by their necks and forced them to hang like ragdolls unable to escape my grasp.

They screamed and shouted for help and in pain, but I only laughed as I squeezed the vines tighter around their throats making them gasp for air as their eyes began to roll back into their heads...I could do it...one simple move and SNAP they could be dead, and the bullying will stop...it'll all just stop.

Some more kids tried to be helpful and run up on me and even tried to climb my tree to get to me directly, but hehe little did they know, I summoned some of the world's deadliest plants as sidekicks to really show them that if they mess with me again, I will not hesitate to kill them with these plants...now is that any heroic way to go out? Death by plants? Sounds pretty pathetic to me.

I summoned Water Hemlock which causes painful convulsions, cramps, nausea and death but to those who survive have to deal with amnesia or lasting tremors.
Deadly Nightshade which causes paralysis in the muscles of the body including the heart.
White Snake Root which cause nausea, weakness, abdominal discomfort, abnormal acidity of the blood and even death.
Castor Bean which causes severe vomiting, diarrhea, seizures and death.
Rosary Pea which causes organ failure.
Oleander which causes vomiting, diarrhea, erratic pulse, seizures, coma and death,
And the most deadly plant in the world, Tobacco, which contains toxic alkaloids, nicotine and anabasine which can be fatal if eaten and also addictive which causes more than 5 million deaths per year...and is quite possibly the most deadliest plant in the world.

I smirked and summoned these plants which sprouted all around the other kids who screamed in confusion unsure of what to do. I smirked and made them pounce on these kids and make sure to give them a little taste of what pain and agony feels like...the pain I have been feeling all these years.

I laughed evilly in victory seeing kids scream in agony, "FAITH!" I heard someone shout, I breathed heavily "FAITH RELEASE THEM THIS INSTANT!" I heard Charles shout, I stood there and looked at him "FAITH STOP THIS MADNESS!" He shouted once more; I clenched my jaw feeling more anger than ever before.


I breathed heavily trying to not give in to their words "FAITH, THIS ISN'T YOU!" I heard someone else shout. I looked seeing Peter standing next to Charles which made my eyes widen a bit...Not gonna give in...not this time "YOU DON'T KNOW ME PETER. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M CAPABLE OF!" I shouted,

Peter stepped closer to me which made me stare at him "You're wrong! I do know you Faith. I understand you! I know you are not a killer. You're sweet, kind, compassionate, caring and loving. You are not a villain; all you want is a friend and for someone to be there with you to make you smile and laugh. I know you're hurting but look around you! This isn't you! So come back to me Faith!" Peter shouted,

My eyes widen as I looked around seeing so much destroyed land, kids all around groaning in agony and in pain if not unconscious from what my deadly plants had done...what have I done? What did I do? He's right...this-this isn't me...I don't want to kill...I just wanted people to understand what it felt like...

I sighed as I dropped the kids from the vines making them wheeze in pain and made the deadly plants all disappear. I walked my trees back to their original places and put them back where they belonged. I looked seeing Peter rushing every kid to the infirmary to fix whatever damage I have caused...although part of me still doesn't regret what I did because they deserved it. They all did...so now they're suffering the consequences of their actions...

I hopped off the top of the tree and landed on the ground but then collapsed in pain. I breathed heavily feeling my body and muscles ache from not only controlling my abilities but taking whatever shit they had shot back at me. I wheezed and coughed a bit feeling my entire muscles and bones quiver and convulse in pain.

I looked seeing I was cut, sliced, burned, stabbed, even shot at with everything they had in them. I felt lightheaded and dizzy. I heard nothing but my ears ringing and heart racing out of my chest. Soon enough I was seeing spots that eventually, I just collapsed and I'm not too sure what happened after that...

(Peter's Pov)

During this morning, I woke up and got ready for school as I do every day despite how goddamn boring it is. I got dressed, headed to the kitchen to have breakfast with some of my other friends seeing as I didn't see Faith awake. We chatted about random shit until I saw Faith walk in the kitchen, however, she looked...upset.

I wasn't sure about what, but I could sense something was off...I'd assume it had to do with the bullying which hurt me a bit because I felt helpless. There was nothing I could do about it, and I wish there was because she's my friend and she's hurting...It sucks man...I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

After my other friends headed off to class, I had to talk to Faith, so I walked over and greeted her. Her eyes looked red and glossy as if she were going to cry or was crying. I frowned and asked if she was okay which she told me she was, but I didn't believe her...she said she was tired, so I decided to not push her into telling me what's wrong until she was ready to say so...I just want her to be okay.

I asked if she wanted to hang out today which she always said she does, so I told her to meet me at our spot which made her nod as I headed off to class...but I couldn't focus on anything because all I thought about was her...I wish there was something more I could do to help...

(A Few Hours Later)

I must have dozed off because the next thing you know the bell went off meaning it was lunch time. I sighed and shook my head as I had not paid attention to a single thing I've been taught today...guess I can get notes from the others later but I had a gut feeling I should check on Faith because something feels off and I'm not sure what or how to explain it but something was wrong...I can feel it.

I gathered up my things and went to meet Faith at our spot...however, I saw kids running and screaming which made me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. I felt rumbling and the ground shake which made my eyes widen a bit...Oh no...

I was confused on what was going on and who was causing this but part of me knew who it was...I didn't want to believe it...I quickly looked around and saw the professor staring at someone which made me run up to him "Professor? What the hell is going on?" I asked, he sighed and shook his head "It's Faith. She's losing control" he said, it felt like my heart stopped, I had no idea what to think, "W-what do you mean?" I asked,

Charles sighed "She's been pushed too far to the edge and is losing control. We have to help her before she hurts herself and any others" He stated, I nodded as we quickly headed outside to witness what was going on and let me just say...Never in a million years did I imagine ANY of this happening and especially coming from Faith...Shy, timid, closed off little Faith...

But I guess no one has truly seen what she's truly capable of because as soon as I stepped outside...it was madness. I looked around seeing not only the other students trying to attack Faith, but so many kids on the ground screaming in agony.

I saw so many walking plants just attacking the students and most of all...I saw Faith ontop of one of her trees controlling and moving the tree into attacking the students. She had some vines wrapped around some kids' necks making them gasp for air and turn blue.

I looked seeing Faith's angry yet expressionless face. Her eyes were the brightest of green that I've ever seen. Charles tried talking to her but she was just so consumed by rage that she wasn't listening...I've never seen her this angry before...

But I mean I don't blame her honestly...I can't...how can I? She's been bullied ever since she got here, she got no love from her parents and the only people who ever loved her passed away just 3 years ago...so I mean I can't blame her for being so consumed with rage but this wasn't her...it just isn't.

So, I tried my hardest to talk her down and talk her out of everything she was doing...it hurt my heart to see she was so hurt and so angry that she's willing to literally kill the students who bully her. But Faith finally looked around and took into consideration of what she was doing and it seemed like it shocked her herself with what power she had.

She sighed in defeat and gave up as she dropped the kids from the vines who coughed and wheezed and made all her plants disappear. I looked seeing Faith retreating back to her forest area, "Quick Peter. I need you to run these kids to the infirmary" Charles said in a panic voice.

I was a bit confused "What did she do?" I asked, "She summoned the most deadly plants known to mankind, if these kids don't get the medical attention they need right now, all the affects will be fatal" Charles said, my eyes widen as I nodded and rushed nearly every kid down to the infirmary and helped Hank take care of them.

When they were given antidotes and were resting, I had to quickly go check on Faith. I ran back outside and over to the forest area to see Faith on the ground unconscious. I ran over to her body to see she had every wound possible on her. She was burned, cut, slashed, stabbed...hell even shot at with everything those kids had in them.

My eyes widen and I felt my heart stop. I gently picked up her limp and trembling body and ran her down to the infirmary as well, "Hank, help her please" I begged, Hank ran over as I carefully set Faith's body on the bed. Hank quickly attended to her wounds and made sure she wouldn't bleed out to death. He wrapped up and bandaged her wounds, hooked her up to an IV and breathing tube seeing as she's struggling to even breathe.

Looking at her in this state made me want to cry...I could feel the tears welled up as I brought a chair over and sat down because I refuse to leave her side. I gently held onto her hand and sighed "Will she be okay Hank?" I asked, he put a hand on my shoulder which made me look at him "She's a tough girl. She'll be okay" He reassured, I nodded as I remained by her side and never dared to leave because I never want to leave her alone again...

(Oof enjoy?)

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