Wounds That Won't Heal (Peter...

By Youtuber_01

316 85 4

Faith Carter wasn't your average 17 year old girl living in Westchester New York...on the outside she looked... More

Chapter 1: Faith Carter
Chapter 2: Alone
Chapter 3: Someone New?
Chapter 5: Lost In You
Chapter 6: Welcome To My Darkside
Chapter 7: Numb To The Feeling
Chapter 8: Lay All Your Love On Me
Chapter 9: It's Always You
Chapter 10: It's Unbelievable
Chapter 11: One Touch and I Ignite
Chapter 12: Pretty Poison
Chapter 13: Happy Birthday To You...
Chapter 14: What Hurts The Most
Chapter 15: Dying On The Inside
Chapter 16: I Will Try To Fix You
Chapter 17: I Love You
Chapter 18: You're Fucking Incredible
Chapter 19: I Want You
Chapter 20: You're My Everything (SMUT)
Chapter 21: Time Heals All Wounds

Chapter 4: New Friend?

16 4 0
By Youtuber_01

(Faith's Pov)

After yesterday's events of Charles showing the new guy around and me actually having the confidence to show off my useless powers, I couldn't actually stop thinking about him...I really wish I had the confidence to walk up to him and introduce myself but I literally don't...like I'm so socially awkward and filled with so many insecurities and self-doubt that it's just made me have crippling social anxiety...

Not to mention I have extreme trust issues that I'm afraid if I get close to this guy that he'll be like everyone else...but I don't know...maybe something in my gut was telling me otherwise...I don't know...I felt like a mess if I'm being totally honest with you. But maybe Charles is right and I'll wait to see if he approaches me, but even that waiting is killing me because I've seen him around the mansion and we've shared smiles and such but he hasn't approached me yet...

Man I hate this feeling, I also felt super tense and filled with anxiety that I spent the rest of my days relaxing in my forest until it was time to go to go sleep because I felt so anxious and nauseous the rest of the day that I couldn't really do anything about it.

Eventually it got late seeing as the sun was slowly setting. I didn't want to leave my forest area so I didn't and just relaxed there for a while because why not? Can never go wrong with that and it was actually nice and quiet for once because the rest of the kids had gone inside for dinner so I was alone and I enjoyed the peaceful silence.

I leaned against a tree and sighed as I hummed softly enjoying my little nature area. The nice tall and healthy green trees, the nice and lovely fully blossomed colorful flowers and all the fresh shrubs and soil that helped my plants grow, I'm glad this is a state that gets rain and shine no matter what so my flowers basically survive all the seasons...And also because I'll never allow them to die on my watch so.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sounds of the birds chirping, squirrels barking, and I'm sure there were many tiny critters within my forest area that helps my plants and trees grow or simply enjoy the soil and made their homes here.

I smiled softly and sighed as I looked out at the sun slowly setting behind the mansion which made me smile softly at how beautiful and peaceful it really was. I furrowed my eyebrows as I saw a shadow of a person walk towards me. I glared my eyes a bit trying to see who it was seeing as no one approaches me and well Charles is in a wheelchair.

I hovered my hand above my eyes to block out the sun and looked to see it was that boy from earlier. My eyes widen and face flushed shyly as I felt myself getting shy and anxious. I wondered what he was doing here and why he was approaching me.

I tried to shake my head of all the negative thoughts as I sighed and took a deep breath. The boy sat down across from me which made my heart race and stomach churn "Hey" He greeted, I smiled shyly "hi" I said, "My names Peter, Peter Maximoff" He introduced himself, I smiled softly "F-Faith Carter" I said back...god this fucking tension can cut paper I wanna crawl under a rock and die.

Peter smiled "It's nice to meet you Faith. The professor told me I'd find you in your usual spot which makes sense" He said and looked around my forest area. He looked quite impressed if you ask me. I smiled softly and fiddled with my fingers "Oh yea Charles set this area up just for me because of my abilities" I said with an awkward chuckle,

Peter chuckled, "I can see that" He said with a small smirk, I blushed a little and nodded as it got quiet for a moment "So are you just enrolling?" I asked even though I knew but it was the only question that popped into my mind "Yeaaa I needed to get out of my mom's basement and well she suggested I come here so why not" He said with a shrug,

I nodded, "What's your power?" I asked, he smirked as he got up and zoomed to the school and back with a twinkie and drink in hand. I giggled "Superspeed? Sweet" I said, he chuckled and nodded as she shoved the twinkie in his mouth, "I assume you know my ability" I said and blushed shyly,

He smiled and nodded which made me shrug, "mines pretty stupid" I said insecurely, Peter looked confused "Not at all, your powers are amazing" He said, my eyes widen as I looked at him "Y-you think?" I asked, he smiled and nodded "T-thanks you'd be the only one aside Charles who thinks so" I said,

He looked confused "Everyone here bullies me because I can't really do much with my abilities but revive plans" I said, Peter still looked confused "Really? Well aren't they just assholes. Don't listen to them I think your powers are great" He said, I smiled shyly "T-thanks Peter" I said shyly,

He smiled and nodded "Of course, Charles told me you don't have any friends so I thought I'd come here and tell you that you now have a friend and that would be me" He said, my eyes widen as my heart raced a bit "r-really?" I asked, he smiled and nodded which made me smile shyly "t-thanks Peter I-I've never had friends before" I said, he chuckled "Well, now you do" He said, I smiled and nodded "I'm hungry, I should get going. I'll see you later Faith Carter" He said,

I smiled and nodded "Bye Peter" I said and waved him bye as he headed back inside with his hands in his pockets. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, I couldn't believe that happened...My first friend ever...was this what having friends felt like? Because it's such a good feeling and it felt...good...wow.


It must have been at last 7am because not only did I not get any sleep, but I stayed outside in my forest all night until the sun came up. I couldn't sleep because I honestly couldn't stop thinking about Peter and how he's my very first friend ever and how happy he made me and how cool and chill he was...I wish I was like him...chill and laid back and doesn't have a care in the world...but nope I'm riddled with trust issues and crippling anxiety and care what everyone thinks about me and is insecure about her born with abilities who doesn't have parents who love them...so that's great :)

But I was glad Peter was my friend...I don't remember what it's like to not be so sad and lonely for 17 years of my life but I was just glad he's my friend and actually doesn't think I'm a loser...or he's pretending to be my friend because the professor said so and he feels bad for me and is pitying me...oh boy...we fucking love overthinking to the point of wanting to kill yourself...how fun :)

I groaned and rolled my eyes as I yawned and rubbed my face tiredly feeling a bit groggy considering I haven't slept, but whatever, who needs sleep these days huh? I sighed as I got up from the ground and dusted myself off before stretching and yawning.

I sighed as I headed back into the castle and headed to the kitchen seeing the professors and Peter which made me smile softly as I went and poured myself a cup of coffee. Peter was sitting at one of the tables just enjoying breakfast when Charles strolled up to me "Ah good mornin Faith, your lookin chipper today" He stated, I smiled softly and nodded "Peter here told me he's your friend now. That's amazing" He said with a big grin.

I giggled and nodded "Thank you professor" I said, he smiled and shook his head "don't thank me. Thank Peter, he's quite the troublemaker but I believe you'll be a good influence on him and he's a pretty laid-back young man so you both will get along just fine" He said, I giggled and nodded "well I'll see you in a few moments" Charles said and strolled away to his office.

I sighed as I grabbed a granola bar and walked up to Peter "mind if I sit?" I asked, he shook his head which made me smile as I sat across from him at the kitchen table "Morning Faith" He greeted, I smiled "Morning" I said, "did you sleep well?" He asked, I blushed bashfully and rubbed the back of my head "Didn't sleep at all actually" I said,

Peter furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "How come?" he asked, I shrugged "Just couldn't sleep so I just stayed in my forest all night" I said, he chuckled a bit "you look awfully energized for someone who didn't sleep" He stated which made me giggle and sip my coffee, "My forest gives me the energy" I said, he smiled "well that's good then" he said,

I nodded and sipped my coffee and ate my breakfast, "do you wanna have lunch later?" Peter asked, my eyes widen and face flushed "R-really?" I asked, he chuckled and nodded "Of course, you're my friend are you not?" He asked with a small smirk, I smiled shyly "well yea" I said softly,

He smiled "okay so I wanna have lunch with my friend" He said, I smiled and nodded "O-Okay then" I said, he nodded "Let's meet at your forest" He said, I smiled and nodded "Okay well I gotta get to class, I'll see you later Faith" He said as he hopped out of his seat and waved me bye which made me smile shyly and wave back. I didn't realize I was holding in a deep breath until I finally was able to breathe normally again.

My heart raced and stomached churned anxiously which made sigh and shake my head a bit. I took a few deep breaths and finished up breakfast before heading up to my room to shower, get dressed and head off to class. When I got to my room, I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

After my shower, I got dressed into cute light blue short overalls with a simple gray turtleneck. I slid on my flats, grabbed my backpack and sighed as I headed downstairs and to Charles Office. I walked in seeing Charles writing on his whiteboard which made him look at me and smile "Ah there you are" He stated,

I smiled bashfully and took a seat "Sorry I'm late, had to take a quick shower and get dressed" I said, Charles shook his head "No need to apologize, you're one of my star students. I trust you'll always be here" He said, I smiled and nodded "Did you sleep well?" he asked, I smiled nervously "Uh didn't really sleep at actually" I said, Charles furrowed his eyebrows a bit "Oh? How come?" He asked,

I sighed a bit "oh just couldn't was all. Felt too awake I guess" I said and scratched the back of my neck nervously. Charles looked at me and smirked "Oh I see now" he said, I furrowed my eyebrows a bit "What's that for?" I asked, Charles chuckled "no reason. Shall we get started?" he asked, I nodded "I suppose. I'm meeting Peter later on for lunch" I said,

Charles smirked again which made me roll my eyes "why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, he laughed a bit "nothin, I've never seen you like this before" He said, I tilted my head a bit "like what" I asked, "Happy" He stated, I smiled softly and nodded which made him smile "I'm glad you're happy Faith. You deserve happiness" he said, I smiled shyly "Alright. Shall we get started?" He asked, I nodded which made him nod as he started up class.


When lunchtime rolled around, Charles handed me some homework which made me thank him as I got up from my seat and stretched a bit. I headed out of Charles' office and outside greeted by the fresh cool air and bright warm sun. I took a deep breath and sighed and yawned because well...I'm fucking tired.

I walked to my forest area and saw Peter leaning against a tree looking like some cool dude. I smiled shyly and took a deep breath before walking over to him. He looked at me and smiled "Hey there you are. Took ya long enough" He joked, I giggled and smiled "How was your first couple classes?" I asked, he shrugged "it's school so kinda boring" he said,

I giggled and nodded "I find it rather interesting" I said with a shrug, Peter smiled then gave me a confused look "How come I didn't see you in any of my classes?" He asked, I smiled shyly "Oh Charles is my only teacher" I said, Peter titled his head a bit "why?" He asked, "Too much anxiety and because the other kids bully me, I thought it would drag on to the other classes so Charles just agreed to teach me one on one" I said, Peter nodded "I'm sorry other kids pick on you. That's not okay" He said sincerely, I shrugged and sighed "Eh what can ya do?" I asked,

Peter smirked "Throw them in the pond?" He suggested, I giggled and smiled "tempting but I don't want you to get in trouble" I said, Peter laughed which made me smile "Thanks Peter" I said, he smiled but looked confused "For what?" He asked, I blushed shyly "Being my friend" I said, he smiled softly "No problem. I don't see why the other kids bully you" He stated,

I shrugged and sighed "It's whatever" I said as it went quiet for a moment "You hungry?" Peter asked, I smiled and nodded "Let's go get something to eat then" He said, I nodded as Peter held his hand out which made me confused "I'm going to get us there much faster" He said smirking, I blushed and giggled as I held onto his hand which I swear I felt sparks for some reason. His hand was bigger than mine but it felt good. My heart raced and stomach churned as Peter sped us off into the City to get something to eat.

A few seconds later, we stopped and arrived at a Chinese place. My head pounded and vision spun and stomach was up in knots. It felt like I was on a rollercoaster ride. I put my hand on my stomach and took a deep breath "Whiplash. That'll happen. It'll pass" he said, I nodded and took a few deep breaths trying not to vomit or pass out...or both.

Once I felt fine, I shook my head as me and Peter headed inside and ordered something to eat. The city wasn't really my style because well...people so I had Peter speed us back to my forest area where we had sat down on the ground and ate our lunch "So what's your speed like?" I asked,

Peter smiled "It's kinda like slow motion for me. Like everything around me is just slowed down and that's because I run faster than the speed of time so. It's pretty cool" he said with a shrug, I giggled and smiled "That's awesome" I said, he chuckled "How about you?" he asked,

I smiled as I set my food down and walked over to some whittled plants and giggled as hovered my hands above them and took a deep breath ''Flower gleam and glow
Let your power shine,
Make the clock reverse bring back what once was mine,
Heal what has been hurt,
Change the fates design, save what has been lost,
Bring back what once was mine,
What once was mine''
I sang as all whittled plants around me glowed and were once restored and beautiful again.

I fluttered my eyes open and smiled as Peter just stood there speechless not knowing what to say ''Wow you are amazing'' He said sweetly, I couldn't help but blush and smile at his compliment and looked down at the ground feeling embarrassed.

Peter chuckled a little ''Wow the professor was right when he said you're known as the shy mutant, practically anything anyone says gets you all shy huh?" He asked with a smirk, I nodded which made Peter chuckle ''Well that's adorable'' He said, I looked at him with wide eyes which made my face flush more.

Peter smiled and chuckled as it went quiet for a moment "I don't see why other kids bully you" He said, I shrugged "no idea either. It is what it is I guess and you know teenagers these days, always gotta prove they're better than you" I said and kicked the ground a bit, Peter frowned "Still it's not a cool thing to do" he said, I sighed and looked at him and pressed my lips together "What can ya do huh?" I asked and threw my hands up in the air,

Peter sighed "Does the Professor know?" he asked, "of course he does and he expels them but they always come back and bully me more for being a snitch so it never does anything" I said, Peter frowned "I'm sorry Faith. I wish there was more I could do" he said, I smiled softly "It's okay. You being my friend actually helps a lot so" I said,

He smiled softly and nodded "well I'm glad I'm your friend" He said which made my heart and stomach flutter which made me smile shyly. The bell rang which made us sigh "Guess we should head back to class" I suggested, Peter nodded as we grabbed our garbage and threw it away and headed back to class to finish off today...

However, I was quite distracted during class which the professor seemed to notice although I told him nothing was wrong and I was just stuck in my head a bit. He asked if there was something on my mind but the only thing on my mind was Peter and I felt embarrassed about that considering he's my friend but for some reason I just feel something else towards him...I'm not sure what it is or what I'm feeling but all I know it's a strong feeling and I'm not exactly sure what to do about it...


(3200 Words)

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