Wounds That Won't Heal (Peter...


316 85 4

Faith Carter wasn't your average 17 year old girl living in Westchester New York...on the outside she looked... Еще

Chapter 1: Faith Carter
Chapter 3: Someone New?
Chapter 4: New Friend?
Chapter 5: Lost In You
Chapter 6: Welcome To My Darkside
Chapter 7: Numb To The Feeling
Chapter 8: Lay All Your Love On Me
Chapter 9: It's Always You
Chapter 10: It's Unbelievable
Chapter 11: One Touch and I Ignite
Chapter 12: Pretty Poison
Chapter 13: Happy Birthday To You...
Chapter 14: What Hurts The Most
Chapter 15: Dying On The Inside
Chapter 16: I Will Try To Fix You
Chapter 17: I Love You
Chapter 18: You're Fucking Incredible
Chapter 19: I Want You
Chapter 20: You're My Everything (SMUT)
Chapter 21: Time Heals All Wounds

Chapter 2: Alone

23 4 1

(Faith's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the sound of my blaring alarm clock going off. I scrunched my nose up and groaned as I hit the snooze button hearing nothing but the silence again. I sighed and pulled the blankets over me just wanting to go back to sleep but it is a school day so I kinda can't.

I sighed and pulled the blankets off me and sat up. I looked outside seeing the sun rising behind the trees and shining brightly through the darkness of my bedroom window. I smiled softly and looked seeing it was 7am which school starts at 8am, Lunch is at Noon plus some free time and what not for an hour then back to class until 2:30pm.

It's a pretty broad schedule, I mean the classes are a lot better here than normal schools that's for sure because you get to learn more about mutants and mutant history and more in depth about your abilities and you even get to train and spar with other students to help train your abilities.

It's pretty cool...I mean I wouldn't really know since well I get bullied and I don't have any friends so me and Charles kinda work on my abilities together...which I'm not complaining of course, Charles has been there for me more than my parents have so he's like a father to me...He's helped me through basically everything and I can't thank him enough.

When I first arrived here, Charles had talked to my grandparents who told him about the situation and Charles did such a good job of raising and taking care of me...when my Grandparents died, I was such a wreck, Charles had pulled me into his office and had told me the news and once he told me, I don't think I stopped crying until I passed out in his arms.

He held me and always checked up on me to see if I needed anything and he let me off school for a couple of weeks to allow me to grief and he's always been there and I can't thank him enough...I mean it does make me overthink a bit though because he's not my dad...

He's a teacher...well kinda the principal here at his school that he built, created and made...I've been with him for only 7 years and yet he's shown me more love and affection than my parents ever could throughout my 10 years of life before coming here...

But it sucks because I'm not gonna be here forever and I don't have anywhere else to go...I don't have friends, I have no family to go to, I'm still too shy and timid for such a tough and hard world like this so how am I ever going to find a job? What about living on my own? I don't want to be alone anymore.

I can't die alone...I just can't...because what's the point of me being alive if it's gonna be on my own where I can't do jack shit with my life? It's pointless, my life is pointless and it hurts being alone because I have been alone for 17 years of my life...sure my grandparents were always there and Charles is always here...but mentally, I've been alone for 17 years...

Do you know what it's like basically growing up to 2 parents who had no time for you? Where you did everything you could and tried your damn hardest to get them to notice and love but all they did was push you away and abandon you to be someone else's problem?

You know what that does to a little girl? It destroys them to the point to where they have wounds that won't heal...People will never understand what it's like because everyone here has better powers, better abilities, have friends and loving and supportive parents...whereas the only people who ever loved me died and I never even got to say goodbye...

I frowned and sighed as I blinked back to reality by my eyes burning from the sunlight. I groaned and sighed as I rubbed my eyes tiredly before hopping out of bed and stretching and yawning. I sighed as I walked to my dresser and looked in my mirror seeing my hair was all over the place.

I rolled my eyes before grabbing my brush that was on my dresser and brushed my hair since it's too short to put it up. I grabbed one of my headbands and slid it on to get the hair out of my face and walked to my bathroom to wash my face. I was glad this place was big enough to where we could have our own bathrooms...

There's about 1,000+ kids in this school and I would hate sharing, I'm also glad there's no P.E class which there's no gym cause it all takes place in our ginormous backyard where my forest area is, a basketball court, an area of a lake with targets on the other side which is mainly used for practice on our abilities which is pretty cool.

But I'm just glad there's no locker rooms because that's classic stereotypical bullying shit I don't wanna go through...not like it matters anyways because no one gives a fuck...And yes, I do tell Charles I'm getting bullied...I mean he's a telepath, he knows what's going on with me regardless and he does punish those who do harm,

But it's like the technical term for grounding, he has them stay in their room all day or for weeks depending on how bad they hurt me and have them do nothing but their schoolwork...but they eventually all come back and target me for being a 'tattletale' and it's just this endless loop so it really does fuck all.

I sighed as I turned on the water and splashed my face with cold water before scrubbing my face with some of my facewash. When I finished, I pat my face dry and sighed as I headed back to my room and figured out what to wear. I was a bit on the chilly side seeing as it was October.

I hopped out of my pj's which consisted of cute soft shorts with a comfy sweater. I decided to wear simply black jeans with a grey turtleneck. I slid on my flats, grabbed my bag and headed out of my room hearing kids all over the place as they were getting ready for school as well.

I sighed as I headed downstairs and to the kitchen to get something to eat and get some coffee. I'm glad Charles loves and trusts me enough to allow me to eat in his office. I walked in the kitchen seeing the other teachers like Hank McCoy and Logan Howlett plus some others who I've only met once because of Charles and because I only work with Charles and either never leave my room or my little forest area.

I sighed as I grabbed a mug and poured myself a cup of coffee and put some bread in the toaster. Once my toast had popped, I put butter on them and headed to Charles' office but being careful not to spill anything or bump into any other kids...who love shoving me and bumping into me.

When I got to Charles' Office, I struggled to open the door and sighed as I finally got it after putting a piece of toast in my mouth and balancing the other on my arm while holding my coffee mug. I walked in seeing Charles writing things up on his white board that I assume we would be working on today.

He looked at me and chuckled which made me smile as I closed the door with my foot before carefully sitting down in a chair and setting down my coffee mug and other piece of toast and taking a bite out of the one in my mouth, "Morning professor" I greeted once I finished the food in my mouth.

He chuckled and smiled "Mornin' Faith, shall we get started or do you wanna wait till your done with breakfast?" he asked, I smiled as I got out my books "I'm good. Let's go" I said, he smiled and nodded as he read a textbook and I followed along and jotted down notes and answered the questions he asked.

He'd then give me a worksheet to do and occasionally some tests and essays which was all good and I'm fine with because I do well in school and since I have no friends, it's all I basically work on. Plus, I like learning about this stuff, especially about my powers because Charles makes it seem like they're cooler and more important than I think they are and he knows how to make me feel better about it so.

He liked to dramatically explain about all the other heroes and villains that have my abilities and what more I could do with it if I trained hard enough...and I liked training so why not? I mean the other kids love to ruin my forest by running or stomping on them or simply using their powers to destroy them...but every day, I always fix what is broken...wish I could say the same for me but it doesn't work that way...because I have wounds that won't heal and they're inside...How do you fix the inside of what's broken and that won't fix within time?

But I know Charles does all he can to make me feel better and wanted in this school and I can't thank him enough...it just sucks being this lonely because I don't have anyone. I don't have anyone to talk to, study or hangout with, go out and do things with...no one to do anything...it's lonely...I hate it and I just wish it wasn't this way but there's nothing I can do about it...

Anyways, the bell rang meaning Lunchtime. I sighed and closed my book and gathered up my papers "I'll see you in a little bit Faith. Enjoy lunch" He said, I smiled and nodded as I put my books in my bag and headed out of Charles' office and to the kitchen to get something to eat. I opened the fridge, grabbed a soda, a small store-bought sandwich and a bag of chips.

I sighed as I headed out of the school and to the backyard seeing kids all over the place. I frowned as they all looked so happy training, talking, eating, playing basketball...just happy that they have friends and other people to talk to. I sighed and quietly walked over to my forest and saw my beautiful bright green trees and colorful flowers and shrubs...

I smiled softly and took a seat being careful not to sit on anything, "Afternoon my lovelies" I greeted as I got out my phone, put on music and enjoyed my lunch. The sun was bright the sky was cloudy despite it being October and kinda chilly but weather is strange here but I'm not complaining, I liked this kinda weather...although spring is a lot better because it's the perfect time for plants and flowers to bloom and become the most beautiful but because my powers are able to restore and heal I can savor plants and trees all year around which is great it's like no matter the seasons I can stay in my little bubble of beautiful nature and it's pretty great.

After lunch, I got up and headed back to Charles office to finish off school where he had me do some work sheets and read and then have homework by the end of the day. After class finished, I was pretty exhausted, I mean this wasn't uncommon, depression and PTSD does that to ya so...go me.

When the last bell rang, I gathered up my things and sighed "I'll see you later Professor" I said, he smiled and nodded "Good job today Faith" He complimented, I smiled and nodded as I headed out of his office and headed up to my room to just rest for the rest of the day.

Once I got to my room, I kicked off my shoes, slid off my backpack and set it on my desk. I sighed as I went to my window and opened up my curtains and window letting the bright sun and cool air in. I took a deep breath and sighed and looked seeing kids all over the place having fun with their friends or their cooler mutations.

I frowned and sighed and got insecure about my abilities again because I always do...I mean what the hell can I do? All I've known what to do is grow and restore plant life...I can't do anything cool with them...not yet anyways and I wouldn't even know how...Resorting plants already drains so much out of me; how can I do anything else if I get dizzy after each restoration?

I sighed and looked seeing some kids messing with my forest again which also isn't uncommon...happens daily. I rolled my eyes as I put back on my shoes and headed out of my room and outside greeted by the cold wind since it was a little after 4pm afterall which is when it starts to get colder.

I took a deep breath and sighed as I walked over to my forest and heard kids laughing at me. I frowned and sighed as I walked through seeing dead and shriveled flowers, burnt down trees and ashy shrubs. It's like when kids destroy my forest, it destroys a part of me inside because it's like these are my babies, these are my friends, the things I created and brought to live...only for rotten kids in this school to burn and bring down and not have a single care or decency in the world...

I sighed "don't worry my lovelies, you'll be better in no time" I said softly as I took a deep breath and held my hand out and started to walk around...there was a special song I had to sing in order to restore what was ruined. I closed my eyes and hummed softly feeling the energy resonating through my veins,

''Flower gleam and glow,
Let your power shine,
Make the clock reverse bring back what once was mine,
Heal what has been hurt,
Change the fates design save what has been lost,
Bring back what once was mine,
What once was mine''
I sang as I opened my eyes seeing everything around me glowing and all the dead plants, flowers and trees around me returned to brand new.

I smiled softly and heard birds chirping and flying around the trees as I made their homes all better and new again. I also really liked when nature animals came and made homes in my forest, made me feel comforting knowing I made them a new safe home...I felt a bit dizzy which made me sigh as I shook my head and took a few deep breaths...hope that goes away soon, really hate when that happens.

After my plants were restored, kids still continued to point and laugh at me like some freak...you think I'd be used to this by now but I'm not...I'm really not...what do you expect huh? I was taught jack shit from my parents and my grandparents didn't teach me anything either because they're from a generation where kids weren't assholes and sure, Charles gives advice but what the fuck am I supposed to do with it?

Just keep my head held high because I'm different and special and that makes me unique? Sure, let me just think like that and everything will immediately stop...I wasn't taught how to stand up to people, I wasn't taught on how to make friends, I wasn't taught how to love myself, I wasn't fucking taught to live in this fucking world because my parents never gave a single fuck about me since I was born!

I huffed with frustration and rolled my eyes as I ran back inside and up to my room, I kicked off my shoes and crashed on my bed and screamed into my pillow. I sighed and breathed heavily and sighed as I curled up against my pillow and blankets and waited until darkness took over.

(Shorter chapter but enjoy! and yes, I did get the inspiration from one of my favorite Disney Movies, Tangled. Enjoy!)

(2700 Words)

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