SHE'S THE MAN (Jinkook)

By Leahs_archive

184K 12.3K 2.7K

Jeon Hyewon, somehow manages to convince her look alike brother to marry her fiancé in her place for just a f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Final Chapter

Chapter 37

3.8K 261 91
By Leahs_archive

Jungkook, stood tall and proud in his graduation robe that was neatly draped over his shoulders, he had a very gorgeous smile etched on his face as he walked up the stage to receive his certificate. The head of the student board, further went ahead to offer him a congratulatory handshake while they posed for photos.

Bowing to the whistling and cheering crowd in front of him, Jungkook catches a glimpse of his mother, his sister, Jisoo and his best friend Daniel all gearing for him, with equally gorgeous smiles gracing their various faces.

As soon as he stepped down the stage, his mother was the first one to run towards him, instantly pulling him into a hug, "I'm so proud of you my son, you did it, you made all of us proud. Thank you for not giving up even after making your life hard, I'm so sorry Jungkook ah, I love you my son"

Jungkook stayed in his mothers embrace for a while, appreciatively rubbing over her back. He could clearly still feel her uneasiness with him, but he was determined to make her realize that he had indeed long forgiven her for everything. "I love you too Eomma and I forgive you"

Then, along came his sister with Jisoo, who practically sprinted up from their seats hand in hand, while running towards him. "Congratulations kiddo, you did it" they both chorused uniformly, taking turns in hugging him.

Daniel was obviously the last one to walk up to him, throwing peace and boxing sings in the air, "We did it man, we're finally saying goodbye to this shit hole and I couldn't be happier, damn it almost cost my dear life!" He exaggerated, before he continued. "Congratulations man and for the record, I knew you could it from the very start, there's literally no stopping you, not even a damned wedding dress stood a chance"

Jungkook blurted out laughing, playfully punching Daniel across the arm while nodding in agreement. Actually, he owes a whole lot to the boy, he was such a eye opener while being a source of strength and encouragement at the same time. If anything, Daniel had grown to hold such a special place in Jungkook's heart and he was ready to admit it, paying no mind to how cliche any of it might sound.

"I really, really want to say I love you, but I don't know__"

Daniel snorted, sparing Jungkook a look of disgust, "Please don't, I can feel the love oozing from your heart, so trust me, you do not need to verbally confess any of it" He scolded, with an hint of humor of course.

Jungkook, snorted in return with an eye roll. "I was never going to say that, don't be stupid and unfortunate"

"Yeah right"

They both exchanged a few heart felt laughters, before they went ahead to pose for pictures together, along with both of their families who had come to celebrate with them.

Jungkook ended up returning home with his family that evening, for a quick celebratory dinner organized by his mother. He could attest in the depth of his heart, that this was the first time in a very long time that he felt whole. Watching his family seated round the small table, sharing small talks and soft giggles while they ate, made his soul leap for absolute joy.

After dinner, he bid his family warm goodbyes through hugs and cheek kisses, before boarding a taxi and returning back to the penthouse.

By the time Jungkook arrived at the house, it was already late into the evening and he felt totally exhausted. As he made his way towards Seokjin's bedroom, he immediately started shrugging out of his clothes, then dumping them into the wash basket, before heading straight into the bathroom.

After a long ass session of pampering himself with steamy warm water and essential oils, he finally exited the bathroom feeling and smelling fresh. Jungkook proceeds to throw on a pair of sleeping shorts and sleeveless tees, before curling underneath the covers and drifting off to dreamland.

A few hours into his sleep, he could certainly feel pairs of long crooked fingers gently combing through his hair, this action involuntarily causes him to smile even in his slumber.

"J-jin, is that y-ou?" He slurred out, still very much sound asleep.

Seokjin smiled down at him, his fingers still softly ghosting through his hair. "Shhh, go back to sleep hmm"

"I did it, mmm, I finally graduated today" he murmurs yet again.

"I know baby" Seokjin acknowledged, before leaning down to softly whisper in his ears, "I'm so damn proud of you and I'm sorry I couldn't make it"

Jungkook shuffles on his bed, somehow he'd come to realize that even in his sleep, his body could recognize Seokjin's so well. So he often would instinctively turn and inch closer towards him without stress. He smiles, faintly, "Thank you so much my Seokjin"

Now noticing the quietness stretch on for a while, Seokjin realizes Jungkook had returned back to his sleep, so he gently slides off the bed and shrug out of his clothes in order to take a shower.

Emerging from the bathroom, Seokjin made his way towards the closet, but he stops in his track when he felt two arms wound around his waist, as well as a face resting on his shoulder.

"Hey" he whispers, turning around, "did I wake you up?"

"You smell so nice" Jungkook mumbles, his voice sounding raspy as he complemented.

"That's because I just showered my love, why are you up though? Is everything okay?"

Nodding almost immediately, Jungkook goes back to resting his head on Seokjin's shoulder with a content sigh, "I missed you today, so much"

"Me too baby, me too"

Pulling away from the hug, Jungkook's eyes instantly lights up, "I saw everything in the living room, did you get them for me?

Seokjin sighs in defeat as he stroked the boys cheeks, "you weren't even meant to see any of those until morning, what was your curios ass doing snooping around while I was in the bathroom?"

Jungkook flashed him a mischievous smile after being caught neck deep in his mischief, "I only saw them from afar, I've not taken a good look at any of it, mind if you show them to me now? Please" he requested with a pout.

"Wait, I thought you were sleeping just minutes ago?"

"I'm too excited to go to bed now, so please show me hmm?"

Seokjin knew better than to argue with a determined Jungkook, so he blinked down at him and rubbed their noses together, "Fine, but can I atleast put on some clothes first?"

"Do you have to? I have a strong hunch they're  gonna end up on the floor for sure" He winked, making his way out of the closet, "Don't keep me waiting"

Jungkook's eyes were already teary by the time Seokjin was done unwrapping all his graduation gifts. At first, Jungkook had thought they were going to be things he would be immensely grateful for of course, but Seokjin out did himself. It all began with a tiny blue box which contained keys to a new car, bags of just newly released basketball jerseys and gears. But, what really piqued at his heart and made him feel all loved and weak in the knees, was the set of diamond incrusted gold necklace with both their initials as the pendant.

"Seokjin please stop," Jungkook wailed as he fell forward against the man's chest, "this is all too much, you do too much, I will never be able to repay you"

Seokjin couldn't help but chuckle as he pinned Jungkook in a hug, hushing him up with soothing words. "Shh, I don't need you to repay any of it Jeonguk, you presence in my life is more than enough, you mean the entire world to me and as long as you promise to always be by my side then that's all I'll ever need. You're enough my Jeonguk, more than enough, you've always been enough for me"

Words, had long since been taken out of Jungkook's mouth. He didn't know exactly what to say, Seokjin loved him and he never missed any ounce of time, or opportunity to let him know. Apparently, if there was a feeling much deeper than love, then that's exactly what he felt towards Seokjin.

Jungkook wasted no time in straddling Seokjin who was seated on the couch, after settling down on his hip, he wrapped both arms around his neck and peered deep into his eyes. "You mean more than the entire world to me too Seokjin, thank you for being you and thank you for loving me the way you do. Sometimes, I wonder in what direction my entire life would have steered in, if we never met eachother in such an inconvenient situation __"

"You're so right, it was inconvenient indeed" Seokjin butted in, cutting Jungkook off mid sentence. "I mean, how the hell did you even fit into that ridiculous looking ass wedding dress anyways?"

Even with the tears in his eyes, Jungkook instantly bursted out laughing, smacking Seokjin across his arm in the process. "Shut your mouth, you're so annoying"

"Annoying, but you love me" he teased, sticking out his tongue at Jungkook.

And Jungkook couldn't agree more, as he held Seokjin's face in his palms, leaving behind smooches wherever his lips could reach, "You're right, you're so annoying but I love you, i love you so much Kim Seokjin, thank you for everything" he voiced out genuinely, before allowing his lips to meet Seokjin's in a warm kiss.

The kiss was meant to be pure, innocent maybe? Moreover it was just an appreciative gesture of how they truly felt towards eachother. But, there was something in the way Seokjin's hand roamed over the expanse of his back while gently tugging on his lower lip, made Jungkook feel hot, very hot.

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