Kiss me already.. | Flintwood

By Loomyz

16.5K 711 291

It all started in first year.. More

Hogwarts express
The sorting
After the feast
Day dreaming
Hallway incident
The new seeker
A prank and quidditch
Shared detentions
The perfect plan
Early morning
Snake or lions
Christmas morning
Smashed faces
Quick brief
Whispers and sniggers
| dark eyes |
| Snow incident |
| just a kiss |
| too many drinks |

New Year

238 9 6
By Loomyz

A new day, a new start, a new year.
The bright sun shone through the gaps of the rigid curtains which lay restlessly by the frosty window.
Birds singing outside, starting off the new day.

A new day.

A school day..

Marcus awoke with a sudden explosion of pain bouncing off the walls of his head as if fireworks were going off in his skull.

"Shit.." Marcus swore, with one hand on his head and the other attempting to dress himself.

It was the first day of the new year meaning lessons started at 9am.
The time was 8:30.

The surrounding beds in the dorm were empty, untouched as if no one had even slept there that night.
"Could've woken me up a little sooner, those bastards." Marcus thought to himself, struggling to tie his tie with one hand.

His clothes were scattered everywhere, he must've had a rough night.

After a few attempts, Marcus finally gave in and decided to use two hands, tieing his tie while the fireworks in his head continued to explode.

He knew he had a bit too much to drink the night before and yet he still continued drinking. The whole night felt like a blur.

The Slytherin boy sprinted down towards the common room, people would think he'd had gone insane running to a class. It wasn't that he was worried about, it was his captain position.

Snape had warned Marcus about himself being late to classes and if it had continued there would be consequences considered.

Flint would look like a fool losing that position to late arrivals in classes he wouldn't even need in his later life, and yet his father insisted he took them still. Bloody herbology.

He made his way up to defence against the dark arts, joining the cue of early students awaiting their first class of the year. He looked like a right nerd stood outside the classroom.

| travelling elsewhere in the school grounds cause I can 😋 |

"What do you think Potters problem is?" Malfoy spat, stood in-between his goons Crabbe and Goyle.
Both boys shrugged, not really paying attention to what the blonde ferret had to say about his little first year crush.

"Are you even paying attention?!" The blonde boy said, glaring at the two trolls. "I mean look at him! With his little ginger freak of a friend and don't even get me started with the mudblood."

It was true, Draco did have a huge crush on Potter. But he wouldn't tell him, his father would give him a little more than just a whack.

Back at the defence against the dark arts room, the students had been let inside for their lesson. Marcus decided to take a seat in the far corner, hoping no one else would sit near him.

More and more students started piling into the small, cramped classroom, filling up all the seats.
No one had decided to sit by Flint so his worries were no more. He couldn't be bothered interacting today.

Just as the lesson started, a tall Scottish boy entered the class in a panic. Of course it were Wood.

Marcus glared at the Gryffindor, no shock he were the one to turn up to class late. Unluckily for Marcus, Oliver had caught Flints glare and decided to make his way towards the Slytherin with a smirk, filling in the empty seat beside him.

Yeah so it's been a while I know, kinda fell out my Harry Potter phase a long time ago but decided to update this dusty story for people still reading it, (yeah I see you PannaWood) . I know I say this every time but I will try update this story more often, to be honest, I did forget about it and I've had no intentions on finishing it, I'm not sure where I want this story to end but I'm sure it'll happen at some point in the near future 🙏

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