When. (Jc Caylen Fanfic)

By oCaylenCloudo

19.4K 544 69

Forgive & Forget More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty two

Thirty one

344 13 1
By oCaylenCloudo

"Connor's POV"

She understands.

It felt so amazing to get that off of my chest. It's been burning inside of me since before I even moved in with the boys.

"I'm so happy for you Connor. You are the bravest human being ever." She says and hugs me into her chest.
"What about the boys?" I let out a deep sigh, "They won't accept me. They'll make me move out. They won't want a gay guy living with them."

She looks at me like I'm an idiot.

"Are you crazy?" She lets out a small laugh, "The boys will totally understand. Connor you should know them by now, they won't ever treat you differently."

I just nod. I didn't know what to think. But I should tell them sooner rather than later.


"Bella's POV"

I am so proud of Connor for coming out today. He mentioned that he will tell the boys later tonight, which I told him was a great idea. They deserve to know, because they are basically his brothers. They won't treat him any differently, because he has always been gay, he just hasn't said anything. It was a half an hour later, I left his room a while ago and he stayed in there. I went downstairs and laid on the couch with Jc.

We were interrupted by a knock on the front door. Jc was falling asleep, so I decided to answer it. I open the door, expecting someone to be on the other side, but no one was there. I glance down to see that there is a beautiful bouquet of white roses. I pick them up and look for a tag.

A white card sits perfectly in the middle, and I pick it up and open it.

"These flowers are almost as beautiful as you ~Love, someone :)" I smile to myself at the cheesy gesture, smell the roses, and close the door. I walk into the living room, and Jc is sitting up now.

"Who was that?" He groans and rubs the back of his neck.

"I don't know, but I got these." I hand the card to him.

"Looks like you've got a secret admirer" He rolls his eyes but then smiles so I know he's kidding.

I giggle and he hands me the card. I put it back in the bouquet and place it on the counter in the kitchen.

I try and think of someone who would do that, but I can't think of anyone.

It was getting late, and I was really tired. I decided to wash my face, brush my teeth, and hop into bed. Jc followed behind shortly after. Connor never ended up telling the boys tonight, but I'm not going to force him into anything. He will do it when he is ready.

"Jc's POV"

I am feeling a lot better. My Eye is still swollen, but my cuts are healing really fast.

Having this lazy day today really helped me. I just needed to relax. I wanted to leave the house all day, but Bella wouldn't let me, which I understood. I needed to lay back, and let my body do it's job.

I will admit, I was pretty jealous of Bella getting those flowers from a random guy, but I'm happy if she's happy.

I'm laying here staring at the roof, with my thoughts around me. I grab Bella's hand and place it on my chest.

"I can feel your heartbeat" she whispers, barely hearable. I giggle and brush my leg on her leg.

We both drift to sleep.


My eyes jolt open to the sound of someone banging on our door. Bella groans beside me and digs her head into her pillow. I crawl out of bed and open the front door. Nobody is there, Just a heart shaped box, wrapped in cheesy heart wrapping paper. I let out a sigh, pick it up, and close the door. I bring the box into our room.

"Your secret admirer dropped a little something off for you babe." I roll my eyes and place the box on her.

She opens her eyes one after the other, takes a deep breath, and sits up. I sit next to her and she picks up the box, studying it.

"Well?" I say, and she looks at me, "are you going to open it?"

She begins to tear off the wrapping paper with no expression at all.

As the wrapping paper falls to the bed, the box reveals a nice set of chocolates. Inside the box, is a little white card, like the other one, that reads...

"These chocolates are almost as sweet as you. ~Love, Someone ;)" I let out a huge laugh. She hits me, "Whaaaaat" She expands her voice and blushes, "It's sweet, someone has a widdle crush on me"

We both giggle. She closes the box.

I think it's a little bit weird, how the chocolate box, was already opened by this "someone". It's kind of sketchy, but it's pretty cute. It's probably some little boy who lives down the street.


"Bella's POV."

After I received that gift, Jc and I fell back asleep for another hour or something. We slowly woke up to the noises the roommates are making from the living room. Jc and I decided to stay in bed for a little bit longer, because we are lazy little shits.

I was craving something sweet, so I reached over to the box of chocolates that I received I took one from the box and offered Jc one. He took one as well, and we both enjoyed it. They were really good which is surprising because I would have expected them to come from the dollar store or something.

After that, we make our way into the living room and join the other guys.
After watching TV for about an hour, Jc asked if I wanted to go for a walk and get some fresh air, since we haven't been outside in two days.

We both got ready, and started walking. It was such a beautiful day out. Perfect weather.

We walked down town for maybe 4 hours, and slowly made our way home. When we got home, I defiantly did not feel too well. I ran straight to the toilet, and threw up everything that was in me, with Jc holding my hair away from my face and rubbing my back. I was in that bathroom for maybe an hour throwing everything up. As I was finishing up, Jc ran to the bathtub and started throwing up. What was going on?

We both tried laughing because it was so ironic, but it wouldn't stop.

After there was nothing left in the both if us, Jc and I both brush our teeth, and clean up. As we walk to the living room, I hear a loud thump from behind me. I turn around abruptly, and see Jc looking dead on the ground. I kneel beside him and start to panic. I put my ear up to his chest, he was still breathing and his heart was still beating. He fainted. This probably happened because he had a fever and there was nothing in his system. I needed to wait it out. I can't move him. I call for Connor and he runs down the stairs.

"What the fucks going on" He runs and sits on the other side of Jc. He puts the back of his hand on his forehead. Jc is sweating buckets.

I started breathing heavily because it's been more than 2 minutes.

"Don't panic Bella, he's okay. He'll be awake in no time." He wipes my single tear with his thumb. I stroke my fingers through Jc's hair.

After about 3 minutes, one of Jc's eyes open slowly, and the other one opens shortly after. I lean down and kiss his forehead.

"what happened?" He groans and rubs his eyes as he sits up, "I'm so fucking dizzy"

"You fainted." Connor says and helps him up with me.

We both walk him into the living room on the couch. I go into the kitchen and pour him a glass of ice water. I bring the water to Jc, and he chugs the whole thing. I giggle and rub his back.

"Why the hell did I faint." He sketches the back of his neck, "And why the fuck were we both throwing up at the same time?"

I had the same questions until it came to me.

"You know how that box of chocolates were already opened and we thought it was sketchy?" I look at him.

"Do you think we were drugged?" He questions and I nod.

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