Kimetsu Academy! | A Tanjiro...

By Cholonea

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Tanjiro and his family move into their new home of Kimetsu City. Starting a new chapter on their lives comes... More

Chapter 1 {Moving In}
Chapter 2 {Familiar Faces}
Chapter 3 {This Strange Girl}
Chapter 4 {In The Jist Of Things}
Chapter 5 {Love At First Sight}
Chapter 6 {I'm Inosuke Hasibira!}
Chapter 7 {The Daily Depressing Life Of Giyu Tomioka}
Chapter 8 {It's Your Future, Kanao}
Chapter 9 - (full episode)
Chapter 10 {The Janitor Named Urokodaki}
Chapter 11 {Dodgeball With The Temari Girl And Arrow Boy}
Chapter 12 {Fast as light, Calm as water, Arrogant as a beast}
Chapter 13 {Group Chat}
Chapter 14 {Kimetsu Mall!}
Chapter 15 {The Daily Depressing Life Of Giyu Tomioka... Again...}
Chapter 16 {UMAI!}
Chapter 17 {Ara Ara~}
Chapter 18 {Brothers}
Chapter 19 {Kyojuro Rengoku Part 1}
Chapter 20 {Summer's Eve}
Chapter 21: {The Sun! It's Too Hot!!}
Chapter 22: {Problematic Romantic}
Chapter 23: {Beach Episode}
Chapter 24: {Get Used To The City Life, Ya Bumpkin!}
Chapter 26: {...I'm Gyuta- I'M DAKI!!}

Chapter 25: {Back To School}

708 11 13
By Cholonea

Tanjiro placed his hand on the man's shoulder in an attempt to get him to stop, which worked. Catching his breath, Tanjiro watched as the man slowly turned around to face him. The man's appearance was like that of a tall and fairly muscular man in his late twenties with an unnaturally pale complexion and curly black hair. Still, the thing that sent a shiver down Tanjiro's spine was the man's eyes, his red snake-like eyes locking onto his.

The two said nothing to each other, it was as if time had slowed down completely. The scent coming from this man wasn't like anything Tanjiro had smelt before, it wasn't one of hate or anger, and only a little bit of what was coming from the dumpster in the alleyway, but Tanjiro soon came to realize that it was something more than that.

It was something he never knew he could take the scent of. Someone's intent to kill...




Tanjiro, still panting, noticed a small red stain on the man's white tie. Assuming the worst, He removed his hand from the man's shoulder and took a step back with multiple thoughts running through his mind.

Tanjiro: "What does that mean? Is that really blood? It smells like the same thing from the dumpster back then... Was that a person in there? Did- Did he kill someone? I have to go back... I should tell the police- I should-" He stopped after noticing a well-dressed young boy with blue eyes look back and up at Tanjiro as well.

The Boy: "Father? Why'd you stop?" He held the man's hand.

The Man: "Sorry, it seems as though someone needs something from me." He turned to Tanjiro with a relaxed smile. "Is there anything I can help you with, young man?" He asked calmly. Tanjiro stood there in silence, speechless as to what he was seeing. "You two are aware that if you keep moving at such a slow pace we'll be late to the opera correct?" A woman spoke from behind the man. "Right dear, we just got a little..." He turned to Tanjiro with a leer. "...inconvenience."

The Woman: "Oh? Do you know him?" She along with her husband shared similar eyes, only that hers were blue instead. You could tell that she not only looked but spoke like an elegant woman at a glance. She wore a long black yukata, and seemed to share the same complexion as her husband and son. "No... He must have mistaken me for someone else." The man responded. His wife took one look at Tanjiro and then his stained tie and knew that her husband was lying but decided not to say anything.

Tanjiro: "..."

The Woman: "Is that right? Well, I'm sure whatever it was you needed I hope that you'll find it elsewhere, however, we're going to be late for where we need to be." She flashed Tanjiro a warm and kind smile before wrapping her arm around her husband's. "Farewell."

Tanjiro didn't know what to think after that moment. Was he going insane? How could he have mistaken a normal family for being responsible for something so terrible? Looking around the city, he only realized how far he ran to find that man.

Tanjiro: "What was I thinking, I should just go home and get some sleep. Zenitsu and Nezuko are probably worried sick..." He placed his hand on his head and chuckled in anxiousness.




Tanjiro luckily ended up finding his way back to Toyo's ramen shop, seeing that Zenitsu had been cleaning up his broken bowl he felt terrible about leaving so abruptly.

Nezuko: "Oh, Tanjiro. You're back." She greeted him with a soft tone.

Tanjiro: "Sorry... you must be pretty mad at me huh." He scratched his head and chuckled awkwardly. "What? No way, I'm just glad you're back. But, I would like it if you didn't do that so randomly again..." His sister replied with a smile.

Zenitsu: "Tanjirooooo!! Why'd you leave us behiiiiiind??!!" He cried. He was kneeling down on the ground, picking up the broken ramen bowl pieces. "Oh right! I'm really sorry Zenitsu-" Tanjiro tried to apologize but was cut off by frustrated Toyo.

Toyo: "You got some nerve coming back here kid!"

Tanjiro: "Um- I'll help clean up right away Mr. Iwata-" He stuttered. "I don't care what you do! You've done the most unspeakable actions by throwing my udon onto the ground! Only an animal would do something so ungrateful..." Toyo stated while holding his heart and shedding a tear.

Nezuko: "So dramatic..." She muttered.

Toyo: "I don't want to see any of your faces again! You three are nothing more than delinquents!" He yelled, folding his arms and puffing his chest as well. "Eh!? T-Toyo, my man... come on-" Zenitsu tried to reason with the street vendor but ended up dropping the shards back onto the ground. Tanjiro looked at Nezuko, who wasn't really bothered and still wanted to eat bread. But with Zenitsu looking more distraught, Tanjiro stepped in between him and Toyo asking for two bowls of udon.

Zenitsu: "Two?? I mean... I guess you didn't eat your first bowl but- how are you planning on getting through two bowls!?"

Tanjiro: "It doesn't matter if I'm unable to get through both, this is my fault, so I won't let you ban Nezuko and Zenitsu from your shop sir so I'll stay pay for two bowls. One for the ramen I spilled and another for the bowl I broke please!"

Toyo: "Well that's-! That's... actually respectable." He turns away to think. "B-But don't think that simply buying two more is going to win me ove-" He turned back to see that Tanjiro had cleaned up all of the mess and convinced Nezuko to finish her udon. "...whatever, you win... two udon bowls coming up." He sighed. Tanjiro smiled and slightly bowed to show his thanks. Devouring the first and suffering through the second, Tanjiro had gained Toyo's respect.

The blonde took the siblings out of the city, not wanting to have Tanjiro run off again even though he told him many times that he wouldn't. Before leaving to go back home, Zenitsu took them to a hill to see the view of the city from above. Both siblings were in awe, mostly Nezuko falling in love with the scenery. Once they all realized they had taken too many pictures together, they decided to call it a day and head home.

Zenitsu stopped by a shop and left the siblings to walk home as their home wasn't very far away from the store. When they arrived home Tanjiro told their mother of the places they visited while Nezuko went upstairs to her room, quickly drifting off to sleep the moment she touched her bed.

While fast asleep, Nezuko thought back to the summer she had so far. The Picnic, trying to avoid the hot sun, helped her older brother with his romantic problems, but the main one she thought about was the time she and her friends spent at the beach.

Nezuko: "I don't want this to end..." She thought to herself while dreaming about having fun with every one of her friends, even as adults.




Takeo: "Nezuko! We have to get ready, there's no more time for resting!"

Nezuko: "mmm..."

Takeo: "You can't be serious... how heavy of a sleeper could you be??" He groaned. Walking closer to the bed he began to shake her and yell, "If you don't wake up you'll be late for school!!!"

Nezuko: "eh? But I was out looking at the city with Zenitsu and Tanjiro yesterday..." She mumbled.

Takeo: "Sis... that was months ago, the summer's over. Are you okay?"

Nezuko: "Summer's over??! Is it school time again already?! Wh-What time is it?!" She exclaimed, sprouting up and startling Takeo to the point of falling down.

Takeo: "Um... not too late- but you should still hurry... Tanjiro's getting dressed right now and he asked me to wake you up so you both could leave at the same time... but you- well..." He stated while rubbing his back. Nezuko looked and her pajamas, then her hair, and then smelt her breath.

Nezuko: "This is bad." She thought to herself with a dead stare.

Bursting out of her room, Nezuko ran to the bathroom to shower, brush her teeth, and freshen up, all while Tanjiro had been messaging Inosuke and Zenitsu about their whereabouts.


Where are you two now?

I'm by the grocery store we usually stop by,
I'm guessing Inosuke is still in the woods lol

I see you.



Oh great, now he's waiting with me...
Please hurry Tanjiro...

I'm ready, just waiting on Nezuko.
she woke up late again.

Then let her get her beauty sleep in!
oh god, Inosuke's yelling at a kid...
Get here quick I can't take this


Tanjiro: "I hope we don't get to school late on the first day back... Mr. Tomioka would hate me for the rest of the year..." He slouched back with a sigh. "I wonder if Nezuko is read-" He started thinking to himself until a loud bang came from the stairs. He turned, shocked to see Nezuko upside down with a happy smile on her face.

Nezuko: "I'm ready!"

Tanjiro: ". . .are you okay-. . ."

After a long confusing pause, the siblings said their goodbyes to the rest of their family before sprinting out of the house. The two ended up passing by a bakery that Tanjiro had to drag Nezuko away from to keep her attention span on getting to school. Eventually, after much running, they found the grocery store where Zenitsu and Inosuke were waiting then greeted them with tired smiles.

Tanjiro: "We're... here..." He panted.

Zenitsu: "About time. I had to stop this idiot from trying to fight kids over a kit-kat bar."

Inosuke: "It was worth it!" He proclaimed, chomping down on the Kit Kat bar. Zenitsu sighed, "So are you two going to buy anything or are we leaving now?"

Tanjiro: "Hmm... Do you want anything, Nezuko?" He looked over to his little sister who to his surprise had been munching on bread already. "Ehh!? How- When did you get that?! Wait... you didn't steal it from the bakery we passed did you?!" He asked with his sister simply replying with a calm smile.

Zenitsu: "She's so cute..." He thought. Behind him, another voice spoke out, a familiar trio.

Sabito: "Oh? Well isn't this a surprise?" He chuckled. Zenitsu and Inosuke turned around to see Sabito, Makomo, and Senjuro walking out of the store toward them.

Tanjiro: "Sabito, Makomo! It's funny seeing you two here again." He laughed. "And you must be Mr. Rengoku's brother right? Senjuro was it?"

Senjuro: "Y-Yeah... nice to meet you." He scratched the back of his head, not knowing how to make a good first impression.

Makomo: "mhm, we were just on our way to school so we stopped for snacks. Oh, hey Nezuko, you wanna come with us?"

Nezuko: "mmm" She turned to Tanjiro then back to Makomo and nodded. "Awesome! We have the whole gang together!" Makomo cheered.

Sabito: "Alright then, we'll see you at school Tanjiro- and... you two." He threw up a peace sign while walking off with the others. Nezuko waved to the three boys before leaving with her friends.

Tanjiro: "I'm glad she found herself a nice friend circle." He smiled.

Inosuke: "Alright!! Let's get going!!!"

Zenitsu: "Who would have thought you'd be excited to go back to school."

Inosuke: "Eh? School? I don't care about that, I just want to fight Tokkomokko (Tomioka) Again!! I've gotten way stronger during summer break!" He grinned beneath his boar mask. Tanjiro and Zenitsu sighed but laughed it off after realizing their reactions were the same.

Inosuke started the run, leaving them to catch up to him. Zenitsu ran after him first to make sure he didn't end up becoming road kill and as Tanjiro took in a deep breath, he smiled and thought about how this year was going to be a good one.

The trio ran through traffic, took shortcuts, and somehow ended up running on rooftops,
Inosuke challenged Tanjiro to do parkour with him which he agreed to since it was a quick way to get to school.

Zenitsu didn't rush his jumps and wanted to be careful, that is until two officers noticed the three of them and called for them to come down. Without a second thought, Zenitsu jumped from roof to roof as if his life depended on it, Inosuke and Tanjiro hearing Zenitsu scream and run past them made them book it as well.

After stupidly trying to play subway surfers in real life, the three ended up escaping thankfully, and eventually made it to their school, Kimetsu Academy.

Zenitsu: "I'm never doing that ever again."

Tanjiro: "I agree.."

Inosuke: "Well it's because you followed my lead that we made it in time right?" he boasted. "Yeah, and it's also your fault that we almost got arrested too!" Zenitsu grumbled as he pressed a finger onto the nose of Inosuke's boar mask. "My fault?! You're the one who got caught! If it were just me and Tsumizomitchi that would have never happened!!!" The blue-eyed boar clapped back.

Tanjiro: "Is-...Is he talking about me? I seriously can't tell..."

Zenitsu: "Ugh... I can't believe it's only the first day back and I'm already back into this crap. I should be more professional than this."

Tanjiro: "Okay, Okay... we're sorry for dragging you along Zenitsu. But let's get to class before Tomioka chews us out for being late." Turning to join the crowd of students, the trio was quickly called out to by one of the three beauties of Kimetsu Academy, Kanae Kocho. "Ah~ Just the students I was looking for." She greeted them with a smile.

Inosuke: "Eh..? Pink woman? What does she want now?"

Zenitsu: "Will you shut up? Don't you realize that Ms. Kocho came to bless us with her wonderful elegance?!" He angrily whispered to Inosuke.

Tanjiro: "Oh, Good morning Ms. Kocho. Is there something you need help with?"

Kanae: "Yes, as you know since it's the first day back and all, but the principal wants to make a speech to all those returning in the gym hall. The reason I wanted to find you three and other students in your class is because Tomioka wants his students to help set things up, he's such a busy boy isn't he?" She playfully stuck her tongue out and softly bonked the side of her head.

Zenitsu: "He- wants us to do physical work... on the first day back?" He grumbled. "Like hell we'd agree to tha-..."

Tanjiro: "We'll do it!"

Zenitsu: "I hate you." he quickly responded under his breath.

Kanae: "Great! You can head to the sports hall, he'll be waiting on you and the other students there." She clasped her hands together, jumping with joy then turned to Inosuke. "Oh right, we're going to be leaving earlier today so look out for us when school's over okay?"

Inosuke: "Huh... well alright." He answered bluntly. Tanjiro and Zenitsu paused then looked back to their boar-masked friend with confusion written all over their faces. "What?" Inosuke asked, a little weirded out by their stares.

Tanjiro pouted and turned to walk onto the school grounds, Zenitsu followed behind him while Inosuke stood oblivious to their envy.

As they made their way to the gymnasium, Zenitsu made it very clear to Inosuke that he was angry at him, just like he is usually with Tanjiro when they're around girls.

Zenitsu: "I can't wrap my head around it... Seriously! How can... you... be hanging out with the Kocho sisters so casually? And- willingly too?"

Inosuke: "What are you talking about? I don't hang out with those losers! They just take me home!!" He yelled back in defense, Zenitsu not buying that as an answer, and crossed his arms in frustration while walking closer to Tanjiro. "What do you think, Tanjiro? I bet it's because of his Barbie doll face that they let him stick around..." Zenitsu nudged Tanjiro's arm as he leered back at Inosuke.

Tanjiro: "..." He kept quiet for a while, only getting jealous by thinking about Inosuke and Kanao sitting next to one another in the same car. A little bit later, Zenitsu snapped him out of his imagination and placed him back into reality. "It doesn't matter... we're almost at the gym, so let's just get ready for whatever it is Tomioka-San has planned for us. And we'll get to meet our friends too, so make sure to have your happy smiles." Tanjiro smiled, not making eye contact with Inosuke.

Inosuke: "Wha- What did I do wrong...?" He muttered.

Zenitsu: "Oh wow... They really want to impress the principal this time."

Tanjiro: "Hm? Is the principal a scary guy?"

Zenitsu: "Um-... well, not really. Every time I see him he seems so chill but I don't know, he's got a presence or something that makes them feel so calm... and I guess that's somewhat scary..." He responded, having to close his eyes and really think. "Oh wait-! You two would have never met him before since you're transfer students!" He jumped up with excitement at the realization.

Tanjiro: "Hmm, well he sounds like a nice man." He walked further into the gymnasium, looking at the teachers and students helping with the seats and decorations. "Oh wow, everyone's being so productive!" He watched them all with wonder in his eyes.

Zenitsu: "Well yeah, you aren't the only masochistic teenager here. But me personally, I'm not about doing all of that work for someone I meet like once a year." He shrugged.

Inosuke: "Why do you always try your hardest to make words up Gomichimitsu?" He asked bluntly as he picked the nose of his boar mask.

Zenitsu: "...Inosuke, you need help."

Inosuke: "Eh? Help?? I am the-" He stopped to clear his early morning throat. "I AM THE GREAT BOAR KING OF THE MOUNTAINS! RULER OF ALL BEASTS!!! I AM A KING WHO NEEDS NO HELP FROM ANYONE!!!" He declared clenching his fist and blowing steam from his boar mask nose. The other students surrounding them turned and paused, everything went to an awkward silence.

Tanjiro: "Inosuke! Quiet down!" He whisper shouted.

Zenitsu: "Ahaha... don't mind him, he's just something of an idiot is all." He sheepishly laughed with the girls while they walked away. "Inosuke... you do that 'king of the Saiyans' shit again and I'll shove my shoe down into that nonstop screeching sound you call a mouth."

Tanjiro: "Zenitsu don't say that-"

Inosuke: "I'd like to see you try, or hell you might even have it in you to do that much, the most you could do is flail around like a magmacarpet."

Zenitsu: "It's ma-gi-karp. How hard is that to understand!?"

Inosuke: "Well Mag-ma-karp sounds way cooler! So I'm going to say that!"

Tanjiro: "G-Guys..."

Zenitsu: "I want- ouuuu... I wanna punch you so bad."

Inosuke: "Do it then-"

Tanjiro: "Both of you stop it! You're acting like children, it's the first day back and you can't even act like decent human beings! Just put this ignorant feud behind and calm, yourselves, down!" He whispered, stepping in between them and pushing them apart.

Zenitsu/Inosuke: ". . ."

Genya: "...Are you three just going to stand there or can I pass?" He asked while tugging on the two chairs he was holding.

Tanjiro/Zenitsu/Inosuke: ". . . ."

Genya: "..."

Inosuke: "Who're you?" He questioned the boy bluntly. "I'm Genya." He responded bluntly. "Are you a new teacher or something?" Inosuke asked, pushing Tanjiro's hand off of his chest.

Genya: "What? No, I'm in your class." He responded and watched the three look him up to down.

Zenitsu: "Hmmm... I think I would remember someone having a mohawk in my class." He tilted his head and rubbed his cheek. "Yeah... are you sure you don't have things mixed up?" Tanjiro added.

Genya: "No- what? I've been on most of the trips with you guys so many times-" He stopped and groaned. "Look, you know what? I don't have time for this, I have to get these chairs set up and get out of here before Tomioka gets back." He walked through Inosuke and Tanjiro to place the two chairs down and line them up correctly.

Tanjiro: "Tomioka? Oh yeah, that's why we're actually here. We were supposed to help out with setting things up. Did he change his mind?"

Genya: "No." He dusted his hands and then turned to the three. "I was just kicking it back and chilling honestly. But uh... Actually, you guys should get out of here too. He's going to be pissed if he sees me all breaking the rul-" A shoe, coming literally out of nowhere collided with Genya's cheek making him do a 360 spin twice before falling to the ground.

Zenitsu: "Oh..." He muttered then slowly looked up from Genya on the floor to Tomioka blowing a whistle with his arms crossed and only one shoe on. "Oh..." Zenitsu, Tanjiro, and Inosuke muttered.

Giyu: "First day back and no one obeys any rules..." He sighed after removing the whistle from his mouth and fixing his hair. "Agatsuma Zenitsu! I'm removing you from the morals committee!! Kamado Tanjiro! You are going to suffer for wearing those earrings again!!! Hashibira Inosuke! I'm going to kick your ass!!" He yelled out all while keeping his same monotone tone.

Zenitsu: "WHAT??!! N-NO WAY!! YOU CAN'T!!! I-" The bottom of another shoe slammed right in the middle of his face. Tanjiro and Inosuke looked back to see Tomioka sprinting toward them without hesitation.

Tanjiro: "Inosuke, WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!!!"

The two ran for their lives, hopping over chairs and through other students in an attempt to lose their gym teacher but every time they turned around he was always there. After a few more minutes of being the entertainment of the morning for the students, They were caught in a headlock by Tomioka.

Inosuke: "Geh-! Lemme GAAAHH-!!!" He yelled with his tongue out and a pained expression.

Tanjiro: "T-Tomioka-Sa-... we- we're sorry!!" Their pleadings weren't going to phase Tomioka, he was too focused on thinking of what kind of punishment to give them.

Giyu: "I might make both of you help out Urokodaki with cleaning the bathrooms, I'm sure he'd enjoy having someone else do that for him-"

Sanemi: "Oi."

Giyu: "..."

Sanemi: "Did you throw your off-brand light-up sketchers at Genya's face?"

Tanjiro: "Ahaha, Shinazugawa! Could-... could you help us ou-"

Sanemi: "SHUT UP RED HEAD! I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU TWO!!!" He snapped. Tomioka watched the embarrassment flood into Tanjiro's soul then looked at Sanemi with his black gaze. "Yes, I did throw my pre-ordered neon blue light-up sketcher at Mohawks' face." He responded coldly.

A bitter grin formed over Sanemi's face as he finally had a good reason to throw hands with his coworker. As the two tyrants approached one another, Tanjiro and Inosuke fought even harder to try and escape Tomioka's headlock, especially on the off chance that the two did end up fighting.

Genya had jumped back up while rubbing his forehead, then looked over at Zenitsu curled up in a ball frightened for his life as if he just came back from a warzone.

Sanemi: "Not gonna let those lil' brats run off?"

Giyu: "...They're nice and comfortable in my arms." Inosuke and Tanjiro were in fact, not nice and comfortable in his arms, their heads were beginning to turn blue. "And it would be really satisfying to beat you only using my legs."

Sanemi: "Oh, I'm gonna enjoy breaking your face."

Uzui: "Oi! Oi! Oiiii!!! What the hell are you bird brains causing a fuss about?!" The music teacher yelled as he walked over to the pair with the walk of the exaggerated swagger of a black teen. The students who were still struggling to get out of their Gym Teacher, Tomioka's headlocks, had big smiles grow on their faces when they noticed Tengen's voice. 

Tanjiro: "U-Uzui-San! Can you get us out of here-... Please??!!"

Inosuke: "Get this punk offa' me!!!" The two students stopped crying after realizing they were being completely ignored by the three teachers who were still arguing with one another.

Tanjiro/Inosuke: "YOU'RE NOT HELPING AT ALL!!!"

The teachers went back and forth with their insults until the History Teacher, Rengoku, and the Biology Teacher, Kanae came to break them up and free Tanjiro and Inosuke from Tomioka's arms. 

After that event, time passed by and the group along with Genya joined the rest of the students in cleaning and setting up the Sports Hall in time for the principal of Kimetsu Academy to arrive.

And with a couple of minutes left before the speech, we'd find Tanjiro sitting between Zenitsu and Inosuke somewhere in the second row from the stage.

Zenitsu: "Hey, you guys think we'd make a good music band?" He asked quietly while scrolling through his phone with one hand while the other was messing with his hair.

Inosuke: "A music band? Why would we wanna be in that?" With his boar mask on his lap, he responded in a softer tone than his usual one. 

Zenitsu: "Well, we're back in school now and it's almost October. Just thought it would be funny if we ended up being a band for homecoming. What do you think, Tanjiro?" He asked, then waited, and waited for a response to only look over at his red-haired friend staring at his phone with a cheerful expression, completely oblivious to what his friends were saying. "Hey, Tanjiro... You alright?" The blond inquired.

Inosuke: "..." He looked over at Tanjiro's phone to see who he what he was doing, and it turns out he was messaging someone. But doing that snapped Tanjiro out of it and quickly turned off his phone.

Tanjiro: "Hm? Oh- Sorry, did I miss something?" He looked over at both of them with the same sunny smile he always has. "Eh-... Don't worry about it, pal." Zenitsu sighed with a slight smile.

Inosuke: "Who're messaging that's more important than us dude??" He looked his friend in the eyes with a confused look on his face until Tanjiro answered with a blush, "Oh-... I was just- It was um- uh-" 

Zenitsu: "And that's alright, don't even trip my g." 

Tanjiro: "Sorry..." he chuckled awkwardly. 

Zenitsu: "Oh wait! Finally, I think it's starting." He scooted back into his chair and looked up at the stage where one of the teachers had been walking over.

Inosuke: "About time. I was getting hungry!" His sudden yell was quickly followed by shushes from all of the other students sitting around him. Inosuke prompted himself to hiss back at them immediately after.

Sanemi: "Ahem." He cleared his throat into the microphone atop the stage, then took in a deep breath before continuing. "Hope you're all wide and awake because today we're opening up with a speech and some new info to be shared with the school. But not from me, this is a message coming straight from the Head principal of Kimetsu Academy... Kagaya Ubuyashiki!"

The entire Sports Hall went quiet after Shinazugawa's sudden interruption and the hearing of their principal's name. Not even before any of the students had time to properly get ready, a group of people walked through the doors of the Sports Hall closest to the stage.

Tanjiro and the others in the second row were able to get a close look at their principal and the others behind him. Just looking at his face, they would quickly take notice of his very light skin and black shoulder-length hair.

However, looking closer at his face, his eyes were the color of faded lavender making it look as though he was unable to see, and the fact that there were two people helping up the short staircase to the stage, made their observations correct. 

Zenitsu: "Woah... he's really.." 

Inosuke: "Deaf.."

Zenitsu: "...yeah. Wait what?" 

While Inosuke had caught Zenitsu out of concentration, Tanjiro stayed focused on the principal and the others with him. They all wore formal attire as expected, but there was someone else who had helped the principal onto the stage that Tanjiro had been fixated on, someone who looked familiar but he couldn't quite put a name on it.

And as for the other, it was a woman with pale skin and large, purple eyes and short eyebrows as well as white-colored right-swept hair in a short ponytail with two strands of hair let loose at the front.

Tanjiro: "Hey, Zenitsu. Do you know who the other person up there with the principal is?" He asked with an anxious look on his face.

Zenitsu: "Who? The guy? He's the headmaster of that other school in this area too. Can't remember the name but now that you mention it... Why is he here..?" He responded with a soft tone. Their conversation sparked the students in front and behind them to whisper conversations amongst themselves, some about who the man could be and what they were going to be talking about, others about how the woman could look so gorgeous for a school speech. Eventually, after a couple of minutes,  Uzui shut everyone up before principal Ubuyashiki began to speak.

Ubuyashiki with one hand wrapped around the woman's and the other holding the microphone to his mouth, took in a soft breath to then go on to say, "A pleasant morning to all returning staff, students, custodians, and more. It is with my utmost delight that we are all together again in this wonderful Academy." He had stated all of it with a smile that could only be described as the smile of a Buddha.

Murata: "I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying but something his smile just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside" The comment was made with a gleeful smile and confused stares from the trio since they had no idea he was there.

The principal continued to note new faces such as transfer students and staff, as well as changes that would be happening around the school which would go on to get either cheers or groans from many of the listeners. Tanjiro however, still being somewhat new to the school grounds and not having the proper time to get used to most things wasn't too bothered by these changes. 

Although, while the principal went on with his lecture, the trio would be reminded of the headmaster from another school still being up on the stage next to their principal due to the students in front of them still gossiping about it, although just a bit quieter now.

Tanjiro: "Hmm..." The boy groaned, keeping a clear vision of the unknown man from the unknown school. 

"—Now to wrap things up, we've brought a special guest for today's speech to make the closing notice. Many of you may know him from the school which rivals us in every Sports Day, but the one to end things off for this morning is none other than the principal of Kibutsuji Acadamy, Muzan Kibutsuji." Ubuyashiki said cheerily, handing the microphone to the woman holding his arm for her to place it in the hands of the newly introduced Muzan. 

As Kimetsu Academy's principal was helped off to the side of the podium for Muzan Kibutsuji to step up to, Tanjiro's eyes widened in realization once the light from the windows of the Sports Hall shined down on his face. 

"Good morning Kimetsu Academy, how are we all feeling this morning?!" He called out with a gleeful eye-closed grin on his face as he attempted to pump up the army of students. Not many of the students responded, making the man stop and place his hand on his chin. "Well, that's not gonna do it... Come on Kimetsu Academy! We know you have more fire than that, I said how are we all feeling this morning!!" He asked again with more energy, with the response from the students being more loud and hyper back to the man, making him smile proudly.
"That's what I like to hear. Now we can get to business, you may all be wondering why a rival of your Academy is here for whatever reason. Well to be the answer to reason that I am, I'm here to inform you all of a grand change that will promise to bring a new way of education and companionship to this Academy and others."

Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Murata, and many of the other students stared with complete interest at the man's speech. Paying their fullest attention to every word.

"Some being... visual... learners like myself, I'll showcase this plan in proper effect for all." Kibutsuji continued. He looked down at the seated students and picked out three of them to come up and join him on the stage. 

The students the man had picked out who walked up to the stage were two from Nezuko's grade while the other was Tanjiro's. There was a familiar face that was called out, that being Senjuro, while the other had white hair and very pale skin. The older looking one that looked to be around Tanjiro's grade was a girl with white hair and pale skin as well. Needless to say, however, the unknown ones felt like they'd somehow been seen by the trio in person but hadn't at the same time.

"Very nice, very nice. Now I'm sure many of you have had the time to meet both Ryoko and her younger brother, Rui. But judging from the faces of most of you... I can tell that might have not been the case..." Kibutsuji's tone began to die down to mutters after seeing the Academy's reactions. "Ah, well! Long story short. Your excellent principal Ubuyashiki and I thought of a not at all premature plan to have a few of my students and his students transfer over to each other's schools." He then proceeded to slowly walk over to the two white-haired siblings with the same smile. "As you can probably guess by now, these two bright students were from my Academy." He then turned to Senjuro. "And you are from this one, looking just as bright if I do say so myself. May I have your name?" 

Senjuro: "Um-.. it's... Sen- Senjuro Rengoku..." 

"My, that's a very powerful name you have. You should aspire to admire it." The man flashed a warm smile, giving Senjuro a boost in confidence. He then moved the microphone away from his mouth to talk to the students on the stage. "I'd like for you three to shake hands." The white-haired students from his Academy didn't hesitate to extend their hands toward Senjuro.

Senjuro: "H-Handshake?" He stuttered, looking at the other two students with a bit of fear in his voice. "Yes, Yes. A simple handshake. And don't worry, they don't bite." Muzan chuckled. Senjuro awkwardly accepted the handshake from both of the students while their past principal placed the mic back to his mouth. "And there we have it! This is the symbol of friendship from school to school. We are moving forward together, both Kimetsu Academy and Kibutsuji Academy!" He exclaimed, expressing complete excitement in his speech. "And while we are still rivaled schools when it comes to sports and scores, that won't take away what we truly are underneath all of that. Our schools are known for their rich academic education and for that tradition of providing students with the highest version of that. But now, this will be no longer handled separately, but as one. Starting from this day onward, the will of Kimetsu Academy, and the mind of Kibutsuji Academy... Will be a joint school. It is an honor being able to join Uyabashiki as principal of this fine establishment he's built. Thank you." He ended with a bow.

Ryoko/Rui/Senjuro: "..."

Tanjrio: "..."

Zenitsu: "..."

Inosuke: "..."

Murata: "..."

Every other student: "..."

"Have a great day, everyone. And I wish you all a fruitful academic year." The principal of Kibutsuji Academy, and now the Co-Principal of Kimetsu Academy, added before placing the microphone back into the stand on the podium.

hello everyone, Choley here. I'm gonna just come out and say I'm honestly real sorry for leaving you all for a really... REALLY long time. So much has happened and the time I had for writing this story and others in general felt almost impossible to get done.
(trying so hard to not sound like a half assed apology 😭) 

but speaking honestly again, everyone who has somehow managed to put time into their days or nights to read this goofy story deserves more than just being left for milk. (sorry)

I'm really going to try my best to not just make more chapters but actually end this damn thing. being inspired by Her Chocolate Eyes from ShojiTentacle is what got me to making chapter 1, and seeing how far I've gotten is pretty crazy. I wasn't expecting this to have anywhere near 25 and more chapters lmao.

But that's enough rambling for now. I'll be seeing you all pretty soon again so stay tuned for more!

oh and... Hope you've enjoyed reading this far!

Thank you.

Next Chapter!
{...I'm Gyu- I'M DAKI!!}

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