Summoning Poseidon: A New Ame...

נכתב על ידי YMPlays

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(Nihonkoku Shoukan belongs to Minorou. This is merely a fanfic written by me) 23 October 2077. After years of... עוד

Chapter 1: Rapture
Chapter 2: Contact and Deals
Chapter 3: Niter
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Defections and Responses
Chapter 8: Past and Future
Chapter 9: Strike at the Heart
Chapter 10: Fall of Hark XXXIV
Chapter 11: Parpaldia by Gaslight
Chapter 12: Battle of the Sea of Altaras
Chapter 13: Unrewarded Treachery
Chapter 14: Promises of the Ancestors
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: New Years Port Strikes
Chapter 18: Fall of Leifor
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23: The Seal is Broken
Chapter 24: Arms Deals and Tech Sharing
Chapter 25: Green Mist
Chapter 26: Rodenius Never at Peace
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 22: Even more negotiations

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נכתב על ידי YMPlays

Welp, there's a discord now if you're into that sort of thing
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Central Calendar April 9, 1640

Frenau Air Base, Not far from Vourle, Empire of Parpaldia

Eduard Clavel absolutely hated this place. Calling it an air base was a travesty. The base was quite literally a badly flattened strip of land with a few tents and one single antenna for lineless magic comms device. However, the higher-ups wanted a fly-by, and since he is the one appointed to do so. There's not much he could say.

Eduard watched as the ground crew filled up the water tanks of the recon plane. The one good thing he could say about these aircraft is that it's less of a hassle to carry all the way out here than a wyvern lord, especially since wyvern lords absolutely hate train rides. However, that's all the good things he can say.

Eduard absolutely despised his recon plane especially when he had to take off from or land on rough "airstrips" such as these. There's always a chance that the ones tasked with flattening the strip of land did a shoddy job, resulting in a potentially fatal tip over, or the landing gears breaking, or the various different potential ways this fragile craft could break apart.

As the ground crew finished filling up the water tanks on the plane. Eduard and the photographer, Louis Lemair, got onto the plane. After some checks, Eduard started up the magic steam engine in the plane, waited for the yellow gems to heat up the water. As the propeller in front spun faster and faster, Eduard pushed the throttle stick forwards, letting the recon plane accelerate down the "runway". He then pulled the control stick backwards, pitching the nose of the recon plane up to take off. Despite the bumpy ride, the plane took off just fine.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Airspace above Vourle, Empire of Parpaldia

As the recon plane flew over the town of Vourle, Eduard was surprised to see so much greenery where there shouldn't be much. Even with intel from earlier reports, he was shocked at how widespread the plant life was.

Below him, it seemed like the entire town was swallowed up by the greenery. It was surreal. He had flown over this exact place many times before. Never before has it been this green.

"Frenau Air Base, this is Scout-1, the entire town of Vourle seems like it is covered in plantlife,'" Eduard reported through the lineless magic comms.

""'Scout-1, this is Frenau Air Base, please elaborate further as to the extent of the situation,'"" a voice came back in.

"The entire town is covered in plant life. From town center to the very edge, it's all covered in plantlife'" Eduard reported.

""'What kind of plant life?'""

"Basically all the normal plantlife present in this region, except deformed and odd looking in some. Like some being too tall and thin, others being thick and squat, you name it," Eduard reported.

'""Are there any survivors?""'

Eduard looked around. At first, he didn't see anybody that registers, then he saw one.

"I've spotted one survivor, he is being chased by a bunch of humanoid beings, no doubt the reanimated deceased the train passengers were talking about," Eduard reported.

"Hang on, the survivor is running into what appears to be a giant green mushroom," Eduard reported as he observed the survivor.

"The mushroom seemed to have sprayed some sort of mist on the survivor. It didn't seem to be poisonous," Eduard continued.

The survivor continued to flee the undead. However, from above he can be seen visibly coughing. After a while, the man just dropped unconscious.

"Scratch that, the mist is poisonous as well." Eduard reported. "The survivor just dropped unconscious, presumably dead," Eduard reported, watching the situation unfold.

All the time, Louis was busy creating magic photographs. Using low level powers of telepathy, he proceeds to transmit and print what he is seeing onto pieces of paper that are treated with special chemicals. Photographs were taken on various sections of the town.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Central Calendar April 10, 1640

Fort Norath, Empire of Parpaldia

Colonel Bonnot looked at the photos from the town of Vourle taken from the sky. From what he could tell, most of not all the population in the town had been reduced to these shambling corpses, which is not ideal. Due to the population being completely dead, using naphtha on the city would do the job. Even a few recon planes could start fires all across the town by dropping small grenades filled with them, burning everything down.

If only my job was THAT easy, Bonnot thought. The higher-ups had ordered against such moves. Apparently when the reports came in, some of the higher-ups thought it would be some sort of bioweapon they could use. Unfortunately, that meant NOT burning the town down, which meant that that area would remain a danger zone.

Bonnnot summons Lieutenant-Colonel Chuquet. There is only one order he can give, especially if the town is now a breeding ground for new bioweapons.

Lieutenant-Colonel Chuquet enters and salutes the Colonel.

"Lieutenant-Colonel Chuquet, ordered the troops to form a perimeter around the town of Vourle. Everything within 3 kilometers from the town is now a restricted area. Don't let anything into or out of Vourle," Colonel Bonnot ordered after saluting the Lieutenant-Colonel.

Chuquet was a little hesitant. It is almost unheard of for the Parpaldians to lock down a city like this. Bonnot could read the hesitance all over Chuquet's face.

"Listen, I too do not like to give this order. But if anyone gets in, it's pretty much a death sentence for them. And if any of those shambling corpses get out, well…let's just hope they can't spread whatever they're carrying. That's too risky. Do you understand me?" Bonnot said.

"'Understood, sir,'" Chuquet said.

"Good, now give the order."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Central Calendar April 11, 1640

Airspace near Otaheit, Kingdom of Mu

In the cloudless blue sky above Otaheit, a large, gray aircraft with 6 contra-rotating propellers soared. The appearance of this particular aircraft was extremely similar to the Guti Maun ultra long-range heavy bomber. However, there are a few key differences: the aircraft had more windows and only two 20mm guns instead of the usual four. Indeed, this was NOT the Guti Maun ultra long range bomber, but rather a passenger plane, the VIP variant anyway, built with the same parts as the Guti Maun. This particular one had a much more luxurious interior, for it is built to carry state officials.

Onboard this plane, callsign "Gra Valkas - 1", was First Minister Taras, Hamidall(Minister of Science and Technology), Cielia Oudwin(Director of the Foreign Affairs) and Shibata Yoshiro(Minister of Trade).

"Quite interesting that the Muish people  are willing to invite us for some state visit," First Minister Taras said, looking out of the window. The pressurized cabin was too silent, save for the engine noises outside.

<<Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now approaching Otaheit. Three of Mu's combat aircraft will soon be arriving as planned to escort us to Otaheit Aerodrome. Please do not be alarmed.>>

The in-flight broadcast gave this update to the passengers.

"Combat aircraft to escort us eh? Well…I wonder what they will send…" First Minister Taras said. 

""'Based on the intel we have gathered, first minister, they haven't developed jet propulsion. At least, not effective ones. I am pretty sure it will be a few single-engined, propeller-driven fighters,'"" Minister Hamidall stated. He had read the intel reports and other documents long before the invitation was even sent.

It wasn't long before the three single-engined propellor-driven fighter aircraft appeared to escort Gra Valkas-1 to Otaheit aerodrome.

""Interesting…I'm guessing that they could match the Antares Kai model of fighters. Still easy pickings for our jet-powered aircraft though.'"" Minister Hamidall said, remarking at what he can tell about the performance of the aircraft. ""'I still don't get why we decided to ally with them instead of invade them.'""

"And I don't get why my Minister of Science and Technology has such a narrow mindset. I thought the reason was obvious." First Minister Taras said. "Cielia, you're the expert on diplomacy and foreign affairs, explain to him why we aren't going on a warpath."

"'Yes, first minister," Cielia said. "'Our first minister is wise enough not to pursue a world conquest through purely military means. Remember our old days, back in Yggdra, where we have at least one major revolt in our colonial regions every year or two?'" 

Hamidall nodded.

"'That is precisely why we don't do it here. Likewise, Mu is only a few years behind in terms of tech. It will be much harder to occupy and keep the area under control. And that is assuming the big guy, the Holy Milishial Empire, stays out of this. This is also very unlikely, considering they have already issued warnings during our war with Paganda and Leifor. Considering the Holy Milishial Empire still has a lot of influence, they could use it to open multiple fronts,'" Cielia said.

""'So we're doing this to spread our influence to counter the Milishial's?'"" Hamidall asked.

"Precisely," First Minister Taras said. "If we could dislodge the Holy Milishial Empire's influence, we could colonize the world with trade and influence, which is much easier to maintain than military occupation."

As the plane entered Otaheit airspace, the few looked out of the window to see the city down below. It was large. Not as large as Ragna, but larger than quite a number of Gra Valkan cities.

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Otaheit Aerodrome, Otaheit, Kingdom of Mu

"""'Look at the size of that thing, it's massive!'""" said one of the band members of the Muish military band in a whisper, reacting to the Gra Valkan aircraft landing.

None of the other band members said anything. While they were surprised, they did their best to keep their composure. 

Terenzio Fornaciari, the Dux of Mu, watched in amazement as the Gra Valkan aircraft touched down on the runway. He was surprised that such a large aircraft even exists. Not even the heavy bombers of Mu were this large. This just blows that out of the water. 

"Thankfully I'm not as dumb as the Pagandans," Dux Fornaciari uttered quietly. He was honestly still baffled at how reckless the Pagandans had been. Nobody really misses them.

As the Gra Valkan aircraft came to a stop after taxiing for a bit, the Dux and a few other officials approached the aircraft. He then greeted his counterpart, First Minister Taras with a handshake.

Not too long after the handshake, the Gra Valkan officials were escorted down to the front of the military band. First, the Gra Valkan national anthem was played. First Minister Taras was surprised at how well it was played. Despite the different choice of instruments, the anthem of the Gra Valkas Empire sounded as proud and majestic as ever. As the anthem was being played, a 17-gun salute was given, as per the way of the new world. The band then played the national anthem of the Kingdom of Mu. It was softer and less…majestic, but beautiful in its own way. 

After the anthems were played the army guards escorted the officials of both countries into the terminal, which is temporarily closed to the public.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Central Calendar April 11, 1640

Fort Norath, Empire of Parpaldia

Bonnot salutes Harukas, Development Chief of New Weapons Research and Development Department, as he enters the fort. The development chief returns the salute. "'You've done well so far, Colonel Bonnot. However, the Empire will require a bit more of your services in due time,'" Harukas said. "'Head inside, we shall discuss this in private.'"

As the two headed into the colonel's personal tent, Colonel Bonnot finally decided to ask.

"How much does your department know about the incident?"

"'I will admit, not a lot, but we do have a rough idea of how this started,'" Harukas said.

"'Not too long ago, some scientist tried to pitch the idea of using refined green magic gems to speed up the growth of crops and other plantlife by a lot to the Director of Agriculture. He turned the proposal down due to too much risk in the form of random mutations,'" Harukas explained.

"Let me guess, the department believes that this is the cause because said researcher lives in Vourle," Bonnot guessed.

"'Spot on," Harukas said.

"Wait, then what do you want with my troops?" Bonnot asked, remembering that Harukas had said something about requiring more services.

"'We need samples. So far, we have identified the mushrooms as a potential source of infection for those "shambling corpses", I need some of your men to go in and gather some spores from the giant mushrooms,'" Harakus said.

"Spores?" Bonnot asked, unsure of what that is.

"'Ah yes, remember that in the report, the mushrooms released some sort of mist? Our researchers believe that those are spores–means by which these mushrooms reproduce.'"

"Won't that mean losing my men?" Bonnot asked.

"'That's why we aren't telling you to go in just yet. We're waiting for the shipment of Milishial hazmat suits we bought off the black market. All you need to do for now is pick a few soldiers and keep the perimeter secure.'"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Central Calendar April 16, 1640

Otaheit Aerodrome, Otaheit, Kingdom of Mu

Dux Fornaciari watched as the Gra Valkan officials boarded their large aircraft. He smiles. Negotiating with the Gra Valkans proved to be fruitful. As it turns out, the Gra Valkans are willing to do tech sharing, as long as Mu is against the Holy Milishial Empire anyway. While they definitely won't be selling weapons directly, they could point Mu in the right direction. 

The Gra Valkan government officials seemed to be extremely well behaved as well. They were extremely punctual. In fact, they seemed to always arrive at least 10 minutes early. They were always well-mannered and spoke softly, unlike the slightly more pompous attitude of the Muish people. They made an extremely good impression on him.

As the Gra Valkan aircraft took off, another chapter of the world closed and another opened.

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Central Calendar April 24, 1640

Port of New Washington, New Washington, United States of America

Kaios stepped off the Magenta. This place was barely recognisable from the magic photos from Leeta's visit. Sure, sections of the city are under construction, but it is impressive how much was already done in this year since the establishment of the Naval Base. The influx of inhabitants is interesting as well, such as merchants settling down, refugees and others.

Part of it, Kaios assumes, is due to the animatronics, or robots as the Americans call it.  They can work day and night without rest and there are versions dedicated to law enforcement, which makes it slightly easier to control the people. That coupled with heavy machinery and whatnot made them more advanced than even the Holy Milishial Empire.

Kaios was greeted by none other than Paul Epstein himself. Behind him, an automobile, similar to what Mu has. However, it looks much more different, both in terms of size and appearance.

After being greeted, they got in the automobile. Kaios was impressed. The vehicle was far less bumpy than the carriages he was used to back home. It was colder inside as well, despite the windows being shut, which makes this vehicle much more impressive.

"Quite a nice means of transport you have here," Kaios said.

"'Courtesy of the failed manufacturers in the Kingdom of Mu. Mixed with some technical knowledge from the old world, of course. While it is still not comparable with our old tech, it works for now,'" Epstein said. He did not mention fusion power to Kaios, not that it would make a difference as Kaios would NOT understand.

While Epstein was not exactly boastful in his tone, Kaios still felt like the American was boasting. He did not mention this, however. His pride for the Empire of Parpaldia had already been shattered by the view of the rapidly growing city.

So much for being a superpower, some nation that barely existed a while back seemed to be doing better than us. At least, capital-wise, Kaios thought.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Some Conference Room, Foreign Affairs Building, New Washington, United States of America

For a government building, it was bland, by Parpaldian standards. It was not ornately decorated or exceedingly luxurious. In fact, it was extremely utilitarian. However, being bright(brighter than gaslight) and cool, it was still not too bad.

"'So, Mr. Morreau, what exactly do you wish to discuss?'" Epstein asked, cutting straight to the point.

Kaios handed the American diplomat a proposal document. Epstein took some time to read it.

"'Mr. Morreau, you know that I can't approve this. After all, my government has forbidden the sharing of military technology,'" Epstein said.

"But these are also common civilian tech, are they not? Are automobiles not just a means of transport and evaporators a method of improving a ship?" Kaios asked.

"'Both of those could be used to make your military stronger. For instance: automobiles could be modified to carry weapons. Slapping armor on them effectively makes them a combat vehicle. Likewise, would your empire NOT use the evaporator tech to improve your warships?'" Epstein asked.

Kaios expected this. Anybody with a brain could see this coming from a mile away. There's no point pretending ti be dumb.

"I must admit, our military will take anything to improve themselves. However, let me just ask you this one question: aren't all civilian tech linked to the military in one way or another?" Kaios asked.

"Let's start with an example both of us are familiar with: trains. Are trains not just a means of transport, much like your automobiles?" Kaios asked. "And yet, for militaries, trains are useful as they can improve logistics and deployment times. If anything can be linked to the military, there are no 'civilian' or 'military' technologies," Kaios said.

"Likewise, we believe we have something else that you might want," Kaios said.

"'Which is?'" Epstein said. He was not really curious, more asking out of respect instead if directly shutting him down.

"Your aircraft. Since they are propellerless, I assume that they operate by compressing air, burning it and releasing it out back right?" Kaios said.

That caught Epstein's attention. While he didn't know the details of how a jet engine works, that is the rough, extremely simplified, gist of it. He wasn't expecting anyone from Parpaldia's tech level to know this.

"'How did you-'"

"Remember, the Holy Milishial Empire has such aircraft. While you may not know the details of it, surely you must have heard about it," Kaios said. "Anyway, we have information about their older aircraft. Keep in mind that their aircraft is better than that now," Kaios said, handing out a document with the details.

"Likewise, since we figured that your aircraft similarly generates a lot of heat in the engines, we figured that you need something that could withstand the heat, which is why the empire is offering this," Kaios said, taking out a sample of ice steel.

"This is ice steel," Kaios said. Noticing that Epstein cringed a little at that name. Kaios clarified: "It's not the name us Parpaldians gave it, but since the Milishials in their all knowing wisdom called them that, the world eventually accepted that name. Anyway, this material can withstand a lot of heat. If you are skeptical, take this sample down to your labs to test it out," Kaios said.

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