Chapter 10: Fall of Hark XXXIV

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Central Calendar July 10, 1639

Castle Hark, 1500 hours

The 5th Lourian Army, once based in the last army camp still standing in Louria, now stood in the Castle Hark. They were ordered to march there due to rumours of potential peasants uprising. King Hark XXXIV personally inspects the troops. They were fine and mighty men. If it weren't for those pesky Americans, they would've dominated Rodenius. However, this is different. A bunch of peasants stood no chance against that powerful of a force defending such a sturdy fortress.

Unless the Americans supplied the peasants with weapons, his brain reminded him.

He wasn't very concerned though, Sukhud will call in reinforcements if the revolt really happens, and the peasants can't breach the walls before the reinforcements arrive.

He takes one last look at the soldiers, then goes back to the throne room.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2100 hours.

Sukhud watched the king ascended the steps that lead to his royal bedroom. Closing the door behind him as he went. This is what Sukhud was waiting for. There were 700 soldiers in this castle and only 100 royal guards.

Sukhud walks to the closest defensive wall. He walks up to a tercio commander, then he whispers: "the fish is in the barrel."

The man nods, then walks to up to one of his soldier, then whispers something in his ears. The soldier then walks off, presumably to pass the message to another terco commander. Things are going as planned.

About 30 minutes later, musket shots rang out from the lower portions of the castle, followed a few seconds later by a level closer to his and then from his level. Sukhud grinned. The royal guards are not equipped with muskets.

For the first time, Sukhud took control of the troops near him.

"Follow me now lads! To the king's quarters, FOR LOURIA!"

The troops followed him, the entered the throne room and cut down the two guards guarding the stairway to the king's quarters. They rushed up the stairs and barged into the royal quarters. There King Hark XXXIV was, with some young servant girl he brought in, most likely to have some fun time.

"King Hark XXXIV Louria, we have you cornered. Surrender to us, there is no escape." Sukhud said calmly. Im front him, a arquebussier aimed at Hark XXXIV's head.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

King Hark XXXIV froze. He never expected Sukhud to be a traitor. And yet, here he was, being held at gunpoint. He knew what happens if he gave in: he would be handed to the Americans. Hark XXXIV had no idea what would happen afterwards, but it can't be good.

Then, a primal instinct kicked in. Never before had Hark XXXIV tried to fight for his own survival. However, being handed over to the Americans means there is a chance of death. He wants to- no, he MUST get out of there!

So threw that random servant girl straight and the arquebusiers. A gunshot rang out as he
pushed past the other soldier. He onoy got to the stairs when a random peasant soldier tackled him to the ground.

He was hoisted back up, he saw what happened to that servant he threw at the soldier. Judging by the amount of blood coming out, the musket ball must've struck an artery.

""Pathetic. Wasted human life just lile that and still can't get away,"" Sukhud looks at him with utter distain. ""Alright lads, bring him to the comms room,"" Sukhud ordered the troops.

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