Chapter 9: Strike at the Heart

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Central Calendar July 3, 1639

Port town Cartalpus, Holy Milishial Empire. Some bar

The port town of Cartalpus had not been ravaged by war in over 300 years. Even during the Great War some 30 years ago, the port town remained safe and secure. Many merchants frequented the port town and traded freely here. It is also an important information hub, which is why a lot of spies try to get in, giving the Milishial Bureau of Intelligence a lot of work to do.

The Holy Milishial Empire is the most advanced nation in the world. Known for its magical technology and sophistication, no one else in this world could truly rival the Holy Milishial Empire. There is one nation that comes close though, the nation of Mu. However, Mu failed to do so and the status still stands.

In a bar in Cartalpus, merchants from across the world were exchanging information on current world events.

A man with a beer belly and long beard started talking about this new nation in the far east.

"Have you heard, the people of America had gone from completely non-existent to controlling a large chunk of Rodenius?"

A man in a robe with his face hidden responded first.

""Did they managed to piggy-back on Louria's conquests on that continent?""

"No, in fact, Louria barely even exists anymore."

For a moment, there was silence.

""Barely even exist? What?""

"Last I heard, the Americans used advanced aircraft to blow up enough Lourian bases to make the Lourian vassals lose trust in them. Once enough fear was struck, the dukes started switching sides one by one."

""D- did you say advanced aircraft?"" The man was now curious.

"Yes, aircraft. Not wyverns, aircraft. They have man-made vehicles. From what I heard, their combat aircraft was highly capable. Perhaps even rivaling the Holy Milishial Empire."

Again, there was a short moment of silence. That was something that nobody in this world could really believe in at the moment. Even Mu's aircraft could not fight the Holy Milishial aircraft.

""That is probably propaganda. And even if that was true, they just conquered a bunch of uncivilized land. If they were to introduce technology, they would cause so much sociopolitical changes that would criple the nation in the next few years. They might even see reactionary rebels at this rate.""

"Yeah, I doubt they would be a superpower in the next few years. Even with their advanced tech, there's too many things to deal with."

""What about that empire that appeared far west?""

"The Gra Valkas? They are suffering through an economic depression at the moment. It is doubtful they would do anything."

The drunks continued babbling on about world affairs for hours to come.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Central Calendar July 4, 1639

State of Kestrington

Eight Phantoms land on the Wyvern air field. For the first time, the people of Kestrington get to see one up close.

"Bloody thing is massive! How on earth does it even fly?" reacted one of the Wyvern riders.

The crude fueling services set up will give them fuel. However, if an enemy were to launch an air attack now, they would be vulnerable. There was barely any anti-air setups here. However, it is doubtful that the Lourian wyverns would appear this deep into Kestrington terrritory since there are more states further west. Flying their wyverns here would mean suffering losses due to wyverns from the different states.

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