Chapter 23: The Seal is Broken

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Welp, there's a discord now if you're into that sort of thing

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Central Calendar April 26, 1640

Oval Office, White House, New Washington, United States of America

In the room that is almost the exact replica of the oval office, once more, the POTUS is meeting a few top officials. The meeting this time is about the proposal from the Empire of Parpaldia. If it wasn't for that weird material the Parpaldians offered, the proposal would be flat out rejected. This has formed a dilemma, however.

"So, the Parpaldians want our tech in exchange for some materials that may or may not work for us, they want tech that would most likely end up being used to improve their military," President MacPherson said. "What do you guys think?"

"'Mister President, I must admit, that Parpaldian guy does have a point here. Anything we trade with them will probably be used to improve their military, no matter how civilian it is. However, I don't think they will pose a threat to us anytime soon, even if we give them the tech,'" Defense Secretary John Powell stated.

"How so?" President MacPherson asked.

"'They are still only on 1860s level of technology. Even if they could ditch the use of wind power for their ironclads altogether, I don't see how they could gain naval supremacy over us. They still lack the firepower and fire control systems for that. Even the 5-inch guns could easily penetrate their armor.'" John Powell said. "Also, even if they used the cars we sold them to make armored fighting vehicles somehow, I believe the tech gap will still be great enough for us to win."

"But would that not set a dangerous precedent?" President MacPherson asked.

"'Regrettably, yes,'" Powell said. "'But right now, it might be our best option.'"

"Why?" President MacPherson asked.

"'Because we need those materials to actually keep our aircraft running, even if we don't produce new ones,'" Powell said. "'Our stocks of spare parts for the Phantoms and Stingrays are running out.'"

"Could we not produce more?" President MacPherson asked.

"'Yes, but we need materials for that. The alloys in the engine that needs to be able to withstand extremely high temperatures are the ones we lack the most. I regret to inform you, mister President, that our current rate of production of those alloys is too slow to actually keep up with the requirements, especially since we are producing them in the oil-rig's industrial parts,'" Powell informed.

President MacPherson was dumbfounded.

"Why hasn't the production been moved out? Why haven't we set up more production facilities for it?" President MacPherson asked.

""It was because we needed to manufacture civilian goods,"" Under Secretary of Commerce and Industry Arielle Luthor said. ""Without the ability to produce basic consumer goods, our nation would be, forgive me for my colorful language here, a shithole nation. That was, in fact, done under your orders.""

That stung President MacPherson. Something he ordered in the past, once seemingly so harmless, has now reared its head to bite him.

"'Mister President, there's also the problem of the air force. At this point, we merely have wyverns as all the aircraft belongs to the navy. Our air defense across the country belongs to the local wyvern forces, which is...dangerous. We don't know what other nations like the Holy Milishial Empire or whatever they're called have in their arsenal currently, but even their outdated aircraft could beat our wyverns with ease,"' Powell said. "Perhaps it's time we actually invested in a proper air force."

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