Chapter 3: Niter

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[Author's note:

Due to lack of info on Fallout pre-war Naval and Air Force equipment, I'll be making some creative liberties. Also, if something too lore-breaking occurs, I apologize. But do keep in mind that Bethesda themselves sometimes ruin the lore of Fallout so uh...I guess I'm just being consistent]

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Calender Year 1639,
May 12th, 7 a.m.

New Mariposa Naval Base

It has been almost four months since the Enclave Oil Rig has been transported to the new world. Due to the Qua-Toyne leasing some land to the Americans, they were finally able to settle down and build a small Naval base. Pre-fabricated stuff and equipment provided by the Garden of Eden Creation Kit(G.E.C.K.) was somewhat helpful for the construction of some of the buildings, it wasn't the miracle tool most expected it to be. Trade with both the Qua-Toynians and Quilans has given them all the resources they would need. The new dollar system was set up to work as currency for trade. Likewise, it was a good thing that Qua-Toynian is very similar to early modern English, making it understandable to the most if not all American people here in the New World. Quilan, on the other hand, was a completely different beast, it was thanks to the Qua-Toynians that diplomacy and trade was easily conducted.

There was a reason why this particular area was leased to the Americans by the Qua-Toynians: it was an abandoned fishing village, which was also a place of immense bloodshed.

20 years ago, the Lourians had invaded this place. Due to a high non-human population, the village was completely exterminated. Till this day, none of the Qua-Toynians would resettle this place, especially because of the proximity of its location to the Lourian border.

However, the Americans would take whatever they could get, even if they were now settling on what is a dark memory for the Qua-Toynians, they at least have running water and electricity, barracks, and another place to dock their ships. There is a concrete wall surrounding the base(except for the opening to the sea of course). The walls are designed like a Star Fort so overlapping fields of fire could be used. However, the walls aren't nearly as thick as true Star Fortresses and would probably be taken down by any artillery worth their weight.

Within the few months the Americans were there, they did divert some percent of the Enclave Oil Rig's production capacity to produce some consumer goods which were sold to Qua-Toyne and Quilla. These started to slowly improve the quality of life in those two regions. Ironically, it was the ballpoint that was highly popular. They were very popular among those who had to do administrative work. It was far better than ink and quill as it was a self-contained writing device. Torchlights and other things helped as well.

"Amazing things, these Americans have. I wouldn't be surprised if they have actually surpassed the living standards of some superpowers in the past. It's a shame that weapons export is forbidden," remarked a Qua-Toynian government official.

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Kingdom of Louria, royal capital Jin Hark, Castle Hark, royal council

"My liege, the preparations for the invasion of Qua-Toyne is complete."

A man in silver armor knelt in front of the king and gave his report. He was a black-bearded man in his thirties and muscled to the point that it was noticeable even through his armor. This was General Patajin.

"We will be facing two nations, could we win?" so asked Hark XXXIV Louria, the 34th King of the Lourian Kingdom.

"One of them used to have walls we couldn't breach at one point, but with our newer weapons, it would be a cakewalk; the other can't even farm on their own land. If Qua-Toyne falls, Quila will starve to death anyway. Besides, they're full of inferior demihumans, they couldn't possibly win." General Patajin chuckled at that last point.

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