Chapter 27

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Central Calendar May 22, 1640

Skies above the ruins of the Doors of the World, Land Bridge between Grameus and Philades

An extremely old Milishial-made aircraft flies over the ruins of the doors of the world. It features wood and canvas construction for its biplane wings, but a metal fuselage with open cockpit. It had no propellor, but instead uses magic to compress air and forces it out through the rear to generate thrust. It's not very efficient, but it is just about enough for the aircraft to be airborne.

The Topan recon pilot looked down. Around the ruins, there are many signs of life. They range from goblins to orcs, trolls, and even Oni. The recon pilot reported it through magic coms, and described the number of troops, their equipment and everything. It was not something he enjoyed seeing. People who did not flee or were captured were herded into cages, as if they were nothing but livestock.

What's worse, he saw large antennas being set up. He is unsure what it is for. However, it is definitely not good. He also saw the monsters appropriating many things, including two old monitor-type ships, which surprised him as he was expecting them to all be scuttled by now.

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Nosgorath's base, ruins of the Doors of the World, land bridge between Grameus and Philades

In a Roman-styled villa, Nosgorath read the maps. He knew that the natives had progressed. The aircraft flying above them was proof that the natives figured out artificial flight instead of merely relying on beasts. However, by the looks of things, their flight capabilities are still extremely primitive.

Even so, the fact that they advanced so much is worrying. If we let them be for a few more decades, the Ravernal Empire might be in trouble. Nosgorath thought.

Nosgorath had hoped that he had left enough autonomy for the troops to carry out certain actions on their own. Especially if it is something as basic as "shoot down overflying enemy aircraft". However, it is obvious to him that his mind control had left them without the ability to take even the most basic initiatives. Not a good sign.

Are you all dumb? Shoot the recon plane down! Nosgorath willed. Across the camp, the troops can hear the voices in their heads.

Moments later, a single crescent-shaped Khons aircraft took to the skies, headed for the recon plane circling the base.

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The pilot of the Khons attack aircraft took advantage of the anti-grav to gain an altitude advantage over his opponent. Then, using maxing out throttle, he dove on the enemy craft, taking aim to fire two plasma bolts to take down the aircraft. He then depressed the trigger.

Instantly, one green plasma bolt is fired off. The other weapon on the craft seemed to be faulty, much to the pilot's disappointment. The bolt whooshed past the recon plane. The pilot of the Khons attack craft cursed as he had to use such primitive aiming methods on something with such a huge speed difference.

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The pilot of the recon plane looked in terror as an unidentified craft just whooshed past him. It was too fast for his senses to handle. It passed him by like he was standing still. The pilot was in shock. He had never expected to see any aircraft this fast here. Now all he could do is dive and try to run. Whatever it is, he wanted to avoid being near it.

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The pilot of the Khons craft rolled over and pulled down. This time, he would come in from below using a very low speed. It isn't something he enjoyed doing, but due to the lack of proper avionics, he needed all the guntime he could get, especially against something whose relative speed is that slow.

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