Chapter 13: Unrewarded Treachery

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Central Calendar August 8, 1639

Kingdom of Altaras, 0900 hours

With the destruction of the Altaras Royal Navy, the people in the garrisons are on edge. Many sets of eyes are peeled on the horizon, where the Parpaldian fleet would appear.

Wyvern flights are grounded as the Altaras wished to not lose any of them to Parpaldian aircraft during recon flights.

It was around 0900 hours local time that the Parpaldian Navy first entered view. Far out of range of the antiquated coastal batteries, the Altaras garrisons could only watch as the enemy approached the coast. The Royal Altaras Air Force was called, requesting immediate air support.

Finally, as they entered range, the antiquated batteries opened fire. Unfortunately, due to poor accuracy, all that happened was splashes. Troops hastily reloaded the large muzzle-loaded cannon and fired again, missing all their shots except one, whose well-built Parpaldian hull was capable of protecting her.

It was at this moment that the garrisons saw the Parpaldian aircraft flew over, circling the Altaras coastal batteries. Several soldiers tried shooting down the aircraft with their breech-loading rifles, but were unable to do so.

Then the Parpaldian ships fired, barely missing the coastal batteries. It was now clear what some of those planes are doing: they are directing naval artillery onto the location of the guns.

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Knight-Captain Zaram was thrilled that the aircraft that were circling the coastal batteries were merely scout planes. By the looks of things, they weren't even armed.

Zaram ordered his air wing to dive on the planes. They were nothing more than easy targets for him. Coming down with the sun behind their backs, it is unlikely that the enemy would be able to see them clearly. As he got closed, he willed his wyvern to form a fireball. He then launched it at the small aircraft. With the wyvern guiding the fireball to the aircraft, it scored a direct ht, setting the wood and canvas construction on fire.

Then he felt something whiz by, a lot of somethings, and then he heard the distinctive noise of gunshots.

Looking up, Zaram saw aircraft diving down on him. He realized, too late, that the scout and artillery spotting planes were also bait, so his wyverns would drop their potential altitude advantage, giving the Parpladians the advantage. Some of Leuthar's wingmen went down, no doubt being hit by Parpaldian bullets.

Zaram did a hard bank to the right, losing as much speed as possible, hoping that the Parpaldians would conpress, overshoot and fly in front of his wyvern. He wills his wyvern to prepare another fireball. Surprisngly, the Parpaldian pilot managed to pull up before overshooting.

Zaram pulled up after the aircraft, but then he heard his wyvern shriek before flying in an out-of-control manner. He turned his head to see that his wyvern was bleeding from the wings, there were lots of bullet wounds.

Zaram closed his eyes, accepting his fate as he plummeted towards the ground.

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King Taaras XIV could see the warships blowing up the coastal batteries from his palace. However, there was something very odd about it: where are the troops?

The Parpaldians had essentially knocked out all the coastal batteries, so...where are the troops that were supposed to land and secure a beachhead?

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Southwest of Le Brias, Kingdom of Altaras

Parpaldian troops landed on the shores of Altaras unopposed. There the area was undefended, perfect for disembarking.

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