Chapter 4

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Gim, Central Calender May 15th, 1639

0800 hours

General Staal has been pulling his hair out. Since pulling out the fire rockets, the Lourians had avoided attempting to scale the walls. However, the supply lines are still cut, which means that the Lourians are still intending to take the town.

Since day one, General Staal had been asking civilians to use the basements to listen for potential digging sound. Staal is very worried of tunnelers trying to undermine the walls. With their bombs, they could detonate the bombs without having their own men buried, taking the walls down with the tunnels. This is, at least for Staal, the only way the Lourians could breech the walls. At least, assuming they didn't have magic cannons.

However, even the listeners could not find any signs of tunneling. Which could mean that they were just trying to starve out the town. Their food stores were mostly fine, so they could definitely hold up until the siege is relieved. All he needed to do is sit down and wait.

His thoughts were interrupted when a military officer barged in, panting. There is a look a fear on his face.

" might want to see this."

The general climbed to the top of the tower. It took a while for him to register what he was seeing.

"The-they have cannons?" exclaimed General Staal

The cannons were huge and bulky, it looked crude, and the design and decorations were too different to be Parpaldian, which means...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

General Pandour looked proudly at the great bombards being loaded. After years of research, this monster was finally ready for war. Parpaldian aid or not, Lourian Engineers are innovative enough to come up something.

"All the bombards are loaded sir!"

General Pandour smiled. This is what he was waiting for.


All 12 of the cannons fired. The walls of Gim, designed to withstand shots from the heaviest trebuchets, were breached for the first time since they were built 200 years ago, the walls which protected generations crumbled and fell. Now the assault can begin.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Captain Rowling, the highest ranking officer left attempted to rally the troops and peasants to counter the incoming assault. However, the effects of low morale and fear reared its ugly head on him.

Peasants, terrified after the terror bombings that lasted those two days, are no longer willing to fight. They grabbed Captain Rowling and the remaining troops, trying to appease the Lourians to beg for mercy. Perhaps they would be spared if they surrendered.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"What? They want to surrender in exchange for safety?" General Pandour was surprised. He was expecting more fight out of them.

Although Pandour wasn't the biggest fan of massacres, he had promised his troops so. Breaking that would result in mutinies. He kept reminding himself that they were not humans.

"Tell them we accept, but have fun the moment they let you in." General Pandour instructed

""Yes sir!""

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

New Marioposa Naval Base, 0700 hours

"So you're telling me, that you lost a border town, and don't have means of sending people to find out what happened." General Blackwell said to the Qua-Toynian official. Mr. Epstein had sent the Qua-Toynian official to him because he couldn't really authorize anything military-related.

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