Chapter 20

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Central Calendar March 17, 1640

Town of Signuno, Kingdom of Esperanto, Grameus Continent

The inland port of Sig is always busy. Riverboats from all over the Kingdom of Esperanto carry goods and cargo into the Signuno, the large city split into two –Sig and Nuno– by the river Bon. However, they rarely receive anyone important in this inland port, much less anyone from a different nation.

Envoy Bogdan took in the view from the bow of the riverboat Delphino, a muscle cranked water-wheel powered boat. The city is well known for its large public spaces and great architecture. Despite being a landlocked nation on this shithole continent, the Kingdom of Esperanto seemed to be doing well, no doubt a testament to the power of the Esperanto Kingdom.

As the riverboat reached the dock, Bogdan stepped off. Greeted by Akoni, his counterpart from Esperanto, they both stepped into a carriage. The carriage was small and not the most ornately decorated, unlike the buildings of the in Signuno. Closing the carriage door, Bogdan used as little force as possible. If Bogdan did not exercise control, he would have slammed the door extremely hard, possibly breaking the door off.

The carriage slowly pulled away from the inland port and onto the streets of Signuno. Bogdan looked out of the carriage, admiring the local architecture. He then noticed the reactions of people who stared at the carriage. They have either a look of fear or a look of distrust or hatred towards him.

Bogdan didn't blame them. Most humans have a fear of the Oni race. Even though they were a separate race from the demons of Nosgorath altogether, their appearance, magical capabilities and physical strength makes them fearsome to most humans.

"'Don't worry, Mr. Dascalu, they won't actually try to do anything to harm you, not with me in the carriage,'" said Akoni. Bogdan doubts that they could harm him without proper weaponry. However, he did prefer to avoid any…unpleasant incidents.

The cart rolled on until it reached the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where diplomatic talks are usually conducted.

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Some Conference Room, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Esperanto

In the well-lit conference room, the two men from different nations discuss the possibility of forming an anti-Nosgorath alliance.

"'So, you're proposing that the Esperanto and Heiskanen form a military alliance AND combine forces to launch an attack on the underground fortress of Nosgorath?'" Akoni asked.

"That is correct, Mr Gayle," Bogdan said, nodding.

"'And what exactly makes you think my government would agree to this? Even if the King himself liked the idea, most of the people here have a superstitious fear of the Oni race. The king will be overthrown in a revolution if he is seen collaborating with what people think are demon remnants,'" Akoni said.

Bogdan was not surprised. He knew that it was hard for the people of Esperanto to accept such a treaty with Heiskanen. Some even believed that Esperanto should invade Heiskanen and genocide the population of Heiskanen. However, for the survival of his beloved Heiskanen, he must try.

"Mr. Gayle, our intel shows that the magic seal that keeps the Demon Lord trapped in his underground fortress is weakening rapidly. We have at most a few months before the seal breaks, unleashing Nosgorath upon this world once more. Please, I urge you and your government to consider our proposal seriously," Bogdan said.

"'Mr. Dascalu, if what you said is true, then keeping our troops inside our borders would be better than sending them out to die. We have just enough troops to protect our capital and the fortified farming outposts. If they die, Esperanto would be defenseless against Nosgorath, then we would either starve or all die. Under these circumstances, we must reject your proposal.'"

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