Chapter 12: Battle of the Sea of Altaras

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Central Calendar August 5, 1639

Esthirant Naval Base, Esthirant, Empire of Parpaldia

Supplies and ammunition are being carried into the great black warships of the Imperial Navy. Many people had come to see the proud and grand Imperial Navy gear up for the war against Altaras. It's ironclad warships may not be a match against anything from the First and Second Civilization Areas, but it was generally believed that there was nobody outside those two areas that could fight the Imperial Navy.

The Imperial Navy warships left the base at 1100 hours. The fleet has, in total, 32 ships, not counting the transport ships, all armored. The fleet consisted of 9 ironclad battleships, 8 armored frigates, 9 armored screw corvettes, 2 carriers and 4 supply ships.

Onboard the ironclad battleship Glory, rear admiral Armos studied the invasion plans. They were to land at the coast Southeast and Southwest of Le Brias, where they would move out and surround the city itself. His shis would provide coastal artillery to the troops as well as launching aircraft to gain air superiority. It is a shame that aircraft tech in Parpaldia couldn't provide close-air support, but since half of the wyvern lords bred for the Navy died out in the Wyvern plague of 1635, aircraft had been preferred simply due to immunity to mass dying out caused by disease, even if maintaining them is a pain in the ass.

The ships under rear admiral Armos would be split into three divisions, each having roughly three ironclads. Carriers would be placed in the third division, which would be detached from the main fleet itself due to carriers being useless in a gun duel.

Armos had been in the navy for over 20 years. He knows full-well the capabilities of his fleet. He isn't too afraid of the Altaras Royal Navy.

As the ships reached open seas, the magic steam engines shut off and sails were raised. It wasn't because of fuel, water is heated up by yellow magic gems, and those could last quite a while. It was instead the issue of fresh water. Putting sea water into steam engines tends to create rust or salt deposits, both harmful to the engine. And since their marine evaporators aren't advanced enough, it's best they save water.

The Imperial Navy, the dagger of the great Empire of Parpaldia, now has its tip pointed at the Kingdom of Altaras.

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Le Brias, Kingdom of Altaras

Civilians started fleeing the city of Le Brias en-masse. If the Parpaldians land, there's no telling what kind of atrocities the Parpaldians would commit.

King Taara XIV doesn't blame any of them. Looking out to the long line of people leaving, carrying a little bit of their belongings with them. He does regret declaring war now. However, there is no turning back now. Even if he reached out to Parpaldia and offered surrender, the Parpaldian troops would have still entered the city and commited atrocities.

There's nothing they could do but fight this. All he could hope is that the Royal Navy could do some damage to the Parpaldian fleet.

It was at this moment that Princess Lumies approached him.

"'You wanted to see me?'" she asked.

"Yes, all the arrangements are in place. You must flee this kingdom immediately," the king ordered. He did not like ordering his own child like this, but he must.

"'Flee? Why must I?'"

"The Empire of Parpaldia has declared war on us...I have doubts that we could win,"

"'But that would mean abandoning the people! For me to abandon the people and escape, tha-'"

"The people won't be completely abandoned. I will stay back with the people. If you stay back, the entire royal family would be killed if we lose. Lumies, the only thing left here if they land is death. Please, just run," king Taara XIV said.

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