Chapter 8: Past and Future

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**Author's note: Some incidents from world history will have different dates from irl


Central Calendar June 17, 1639

Road leading to Kestrington Castle 1000 hours

General Philandius didn't like the idea of switching routes without pre-planning. However, the traps on the original route were terrible. Had he marched through it, he would've lost a lot of men and lowered troop morale by a lot. He didn't like the idea of losing too many men unnecessarily before reaching the enemy castle.

However, as he marched forward, he realised that the terrain would slightly favour the defenders as it is an upwards slope. If anything, now he is sure that he would meet enemy troops here.

"Send out scouts to see if there are enemies up ahead. We need intel now!" he ordered.

Two men galloped ahead with their horses. They are to report any enemy formations up ahead if need be.

Not too long later, there was a crack coming from the distance, a gunshot.

General Philandius immediately knew what that meant: the enemies are right up ahead.

"Enter Battle formation. We will prepare to attack!" General Philandius ordered his troops.

The troops arrayed into the tercos formation that is common among the Lourian troops.

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US troop positions

Private Nelson and the rest of the troops are startled by the arrival of a Lourian scout on a horse. However, it became worse, now that some other random private fired his weapon, killing the scout. Now, it is clear that the enemy troops would know that they're here, and would thus already be ready for battle when they appear.

He deep down lamented the fact that they had no mines left. A few of those could cause havoc among the Lourian troops, making it easier for them. However, the higher-ups decided to throw all of it on the other areas to deter the Lourians.

At least the flanks aren't exposed. This location was chosen specifically because it's heavily forested on the two sides of the road. Cavalry can't charge from the sides even if they wanted to. However, even with tech advantage, Nelson hated the idea of fighting enemies more than 10 times their size, Kestrington reinforcements or not.

He grit his teeth and calmed his nerves. It wouldn't do him well to panic before the battle even started. He is a proud member of the United States military, he shall not fear these barbarians, numerical superiority or not.

With that, he hunkered down, waiting for the upcoming horde of Lourians.

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Truth be told, General Philandius hated the idea of attacking in this terrain. It is an upslope with trees on both sides and his troops are confined to the roads due to the denseness of the forest. It would severly break up their pike formations, making then vunerable to cavalry, and Kestrington does love their cavalry. This however, made him change up the formations quite a bit. First off, instead of arraying tercos in the checkered formation, they were arranged in a column -one square after the other- as they don't have the space for the checkered formation

Likewise, this time, instead of gunners being on the flanks, he put them on the front, as he knew the Americans would have at least similar capabilities in firearms. He wanted to be able to send a wall of lead downrange to compensate for the lack of accuracy. The mixed sleeves of troops detached from the tercos had to be cramped in to swell the pike square and shot line as well.

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