Chapter 15

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Author's note: there will be some changes from world history in this chapter.

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Central Calendar October 13, 1639

Fenn Palace, Amanoki, Shogunate of Fenn

Shogun Shihan watched as the representative from the Empire of Parpaldia bowed and left his court. On his face, he seemed friendly, but deep down, his heart was burning with anger and fury. If this was 100 years ago, the Parpaldian representative would have been beheaded for even coming close to the palace, much less propose the treaty which allowed Fenn workers to be hired to work overseas.

Unfortunately, he didn't have a choice. Altaras refused a treaty from Parpaldia, and they paid dearly. Shihan had to bite his pride and accept for now. He will someday pay the Parpaldian upstarts back.

However, Shogun Shihan knew that Fenn is outgunned and outmanned. Altaras had 20 years of technological sharing with the Parpaldians, and they were swept away easily. Shihan believed that the war came far too quickly, long before the Altaras could plan for it. Shihan would take his time.

He summoned the 4 daimyos of Fenn. He wants to start planning a potential war against a superpower sooner rather than later. Messengers were sent across the four corners of the shogunate to call them in, even if they had some hatred towards each other.

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Central Calendar October 20, 1639

Fenn Palace, Amanoki, Shogunate of Fenn

Shogun Shihan watched as the Daimyos of the clans Idsuma, Yatake, Naga and Yuge kowtowed to him. That's more like it, Shihan thought. At least these men have more respect for me, the Shogun of Fenn, than the Parpaldians.

Shogun Shihan gets to the point once the formalities are over with. "As you are very well aware by now, we have signed a treaty with the Parpaldians that allows workers to go work throughout various territories of the Parpaldian Empi-"

"'An utter humiliation to the shogunate! How could you sign it?'" the daimyo of the Naga clan shouted in anger.


When the court finally quieted down, Shihan spoke again.

"Yes, you are right that it is humiliating. And while we can't contest the Parpaldians yet, I do intend to humiliate the Parpaldians some day. Hasegawa of Yatake, your clan has the most experience dealing with the Parpaldians, tell me all you have learned about the Parpaldians, I want to know about their military strategy. Start with their navy. What are they capable of?"

""Yes, my liege. The Parpaldian ships are made of iron and are capable of motion without wind. They are equipped with breech-loading magic cannons. Our bunes wouldn't even come close, much less get a shot off.""

Shogun Shihan sighed. The tech gap is just too big. Unless...

"They're a superpower right? Usually superpowers are arrogant. Have they done anything of that sort during their war against Altaras? Or anything that could get our ships close to them?" Shihan asked. He's trying to find an opening he could exploit.

""Yes, my liege. During the opening phases of the war, the Imperial Parpaldian Navy let a bunch of Altaras merchant vessels sail through the fleet. They did so to save ammo, or say I've heard.""

"Correct me if I'm wrong, the Altaras did manage to sink a Parpaldian ironclad right?"

""Yes, my liege. They managed it through ramming and ammo-detonation at point-blank range.""

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