Chapter 22: Even more negotiations

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Welp, there's a discord now if you're into that sort of thing
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Central Calendar April 9, 1640

Frenau Air Base, Not far from Vourle, Empire of Parpaldia

Eduard Clavel absolutely hated this place. Calling it an air base was a travesty. The base was quite literally a badly flattened strip of land with a few tents and one single antenna for lineless magic comms device. However, the higher-ups wanted a fly-by, and since he is the one appointed to do so. There's not much he could say.

Eduard watched as the ground crew filled up the water tanks of the recon plane. The one good thing he could say about these aircraft is that it's less of a hassle to carry all the way out here than a wyvern lord, especially since wyvern lords absolutely hate train rides. However, that's all the good things he can say.

Eduard absolutely despised his recon plane especially when he had to take off from or land on rough "airstrips" such as these. There's always a chance that the ones tasked with flattening the strip of land did a shoddy job, resulting in a potentially fatal tip over, or the landing gears breaking, or the various different potential ways this fragile craft could break apart.

As the ground crew finished filling up the water tanks on the plane. Eduard and the photographer, Louis Lemair, got onto the plane. After some checks, Eduard started up the magic steam engine in the plane, waited for the yellow gems to heat up the water. As the propeller in front spun faster and faster, Eduard pushed the throttle stick forwards, letting the recon plane accelerate down the "runway". He then pulled the control stick backwards, pitching the nose of the recon plane up to take off. Despite the bumpy ride, the plane took off just fine.

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Airspace above Vourle, Empire of Parpaldia

As the recon plane flew over the town of Vourle, Eduard was surprised to see so much greenery where there shouldn't be much. Even with intel from earlier reports, he was shocked at how widespread the plant life was.

Below him, it seemed like the entire town was swallowed up by the greenery. It was surreal. He had flown over this exact place many times before. Never before has it been this green.

"Frenau Air Base, this is Scout-1, the entire town of Vourle seems like it is covered in plantlife,'" Eduard reported through the lineless magic comms.

""'Scout-1, this is Frenau Air Base, please elaborate further as to the extent of the situation,'"" a voice came back in.

"The entire town is covered in plant life. From town center to the very edge, it's all covered in plantlife'" Eduard reported.

""'What kind of plant life?'""

"Basically all the normal plantlife present in this region, except deformed and odd looking in some. Like some being too tall and thin, others being thick and squat, you name it," Eduard reported.

'""Are there any survivors?""'

Eduard looked around. At first, he didn't see anybody that registers, then he saw one.

"I've spotted one survivor, he is being chased by a bunch of humanoid beings, no doubt the reanimated deceased the train passengers were talking about," Eduard reported.

"Hang on, the survivor is running into what appears to be a giant green mushroom," Eduard reported as he observed the survivor.

"The mushroom seemed to have sprayed some sort of mist on the survivor. It didn't seem to be poisonous," Eduard continued.

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