Marvel Women Oneshots

By Winter_Widow__

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Marvel Women Oneshots I will be taking requests for this if anyone has any This is a book I've created with m... More

Quick Note
Close with the Power Broker
Close with the Power Broker 2
Assassinating the Assasin
The Other Barton
You Won't Like the Movie
Our Family
8 Month Mission
Meeting the Family
Just Another Day at the Base...Right?
Movie Theater
I'm Not Who You Think I AM
That One Night
Got A Secret
Press Tour
Who Are You?
We Finally Found You
Is It Really You
I Will Always Be With You
The Woods Brought Us Together
The Switch
The Switch 2
Eight Years Later
Road Trip
A Simple Spell Can't Fix Everything
Multiversal Confusion
Pumpkin Carving
Lock the door
Always Pulled Apart
Mission Gone Wrong
Siblings from Talokan


403 2 0
By Winter_Widow__

A/n: this is one shot that ties into my story Freya Odinsdottir 

Valkyrie: "King Freya"

Freya: "Valkyrie, you are back"

She hugs her friend

Freya: "how was your journey to Midgard and what have I told you about calling me that"

Valkyrie: "it was amazing and I will never stop"

They both laugh

Valkyrie: "where is the little one?"

Freya: "he is asleep. He is still little so he sleeps half of the day"

Valkyrie: "I can not believe he is already 4"

Freya: "I know, my little one is growing up. I am going to check up on him if you would like to join"

Valkyrie: "why wouldn't I, he is my nephew"

Freya chuckles and they walk down the palace halls to Rune's room

Freya opens teh door and the two women see Rune sitting on the floor playing with some toys

Freya: "you are awake, that is surprising"

Rune: "mamma!"

He gets up and runs over to Freya who kisses her son's forehead

Freya: "look who is here. 'Tis aunt Valkyrie. Say hi to her"

Rune runs over and wraps his arms around Valkyrie's legs

Rune: "I missed you"

Valkyrie: "I missed you too my little warrior"

She messes with Rune's dark black hair

Freya: "what are you doing?"

Rune: "playing with these!"

He holds up his action figures

Rune: "do you want to play with me mamma, aunty?"

Valkyrie: "I do not see why not"

Valkyrie and Freya sit down next to the four-year-old. They play with the young prince. As they are playing, the door to Rune's door flys open with multiple guards standing at the doorway

Freya: "what is the meaning of this?"

She stands up, angered by the guards

Guard: "My king, something has happened"

Freya: "what do you mean?"

Guard: "'tis about the queen"

Freya: "what about her?"

Guard: "she has returned from battle and is in the infirmary"

Freya: "what, why?"

She looks down at Valkyrie who is just as shocked

Freya: "Val, watch Rune"

Valkyrie: "of course"

Freya takes off running down the halls to the infirmary, the guards close behind

When she arrives, she throws the king metal doors open and sees Sif lying on one of the beds with multiple people surrounding her

Freya: "James, what is wrong. Is Sif alright?"

James: "the queen is just fine, your majesty. We have stopped the bleeding"

Freya can see the discomfort written all over Sif's face

Freya: "everyone out. Now!"

The room clears quickly leaving Sif and Freya

Freya: "darling"

She rushes over to Sif's side

Freya: "darling what happened?"

She sees that most of Sif's left arm is gone

Freya: "what happened?"

Sif: "when we were in battle, I was attacked from behind and I couldn't react in time. I do not remember much...I remember Fandral picking me up and then I, I cannot remember"

Freya: "I am glad you made it out"

Sif nods as Freya kisses her

Sif: "I want to go to our bedroom...I do not want to stay in here"

Freya: "of course darling"

Sif: "I do not want others to see me like this"

Freya: "of course"

Freya looks around and sees a blanket folded up on top of a medical bench. She grabs the blanket as Sif sits up from the bed

Freya: "here"

The blonde woman wraps the blanket over her wife

Freya: "come"

Sif stands up from the bed and both women make their way out of the infirmary to their bedroom

Servant: "your majesty-"

Freya: "not now, I will be with you later in the day, not at the moment"

Both women continue to walk down the long halls of the palace until they reach their bedroom. Freya opens the door and shuts it once the both of them are inside the room

Freya: "do you need anything?"

Sif shakes her head

Sif: "I just want to rest, please" 

Freya: "of course my love, do you need anything else?"

Sif shakes her head

Sif: "I need to use the bathroom"

She rushes over to the bathroom and Freya sighs. Freya stands in the middle of the bedroom not knowing what to do

A knock can be heard coming from the door

Freya: "I said that I wished to not be bothered!"

Valkyrie: "Freya, 'tis me"

Freya: "come in Valkyrie

The door opens

Valkyrie: "how is she?"

Freya: "not doing well"

Valkyrie: "what happened?"

Freya shakes her head at her best friend

Freya: "I do-"

They both hear a loud noise coming from the bathroom

Freya: "oh no"

She rushes into the bathroom to see Sif on the ground

Freya: "darling, what happened?"

Freya: "I just wanted to change. After I finished changing into my night garments, I slipped on my gown and fell"

Freya: "I will clean all of this up. Get some rest"

She kisses Sif's forehead. Sif nods and walks out of the bathroom as Freya cleans up the bathroom. Once she finishes, she walks out of the bathroom to see Sif laying in bed

Freya: "I will join you soon, darling. I need to check on Rune" 

She walks out of the bedroom and to Rune's bedroom

Valkyrie: "that did not sound good so I left"

Freya: "thank you for doing that"

They walk towards Rune's bedroom

Freya: "can you watch him, please. I need to take care of Sif"

Valkyrie: "of course, anything you need"

Freya opens the bedroom door

Rune: "mamma"

Freya kneels infront of her son

Freya: "your aunt is gooing to watch you for a bit while I watch over your mother. Will you behave?"

Rune: "mhm"

Freya: "good"

She kisses Rune's temple

Freya: "be good"

Freya gets up and walks back to the bedroom

Sif: "love"

Freya: "what is it darling?"

Sif: "can you lay down with me, please"

Freya: "of course darling"

Freya lays down next to Sif, pulling her close

Freya: "get some rest darling"

A few days later

Sif: "Rune, sweetheart please clean up your toys for me"

Rune: "okay mamma!"

He notices Sif's arm

Rune: "mommy, what is wrong with your arm?"

Sif: "nothing sweetheart clean up your room and get ready for your classes"

She kisses his cheek and walks out of the room. Sif walks to her bedroom and starts to cry

Freya: "Sif, what's wrong?"

Sif: "nothing"

Freya: "darling you can talk to me"

Sif: "nothing is wrong. I am a bit tired, that is all"

Freya: "are you sure?"

Sif: "I am sure"

She kisses Freya's cheek and walks off

Adam: "your majesty, you are needed in the throne room"

Freya: "of course"

She walks away with Adam to the throne room

Fandral: "my queen"

Sif: "please do not play, I am not in the mood"

Fandral: "I apologize. Sif, what is wrong?"

Sif: "nothing is wrong"

Fandral: "Sif, I have known you for quite some time. I can tell that something is bothering you"

Sif: "please, not now Fandral"

Fandral: "is it about what happened when we were fighting?"

Sif: "please Fandral, I do not want to speak of this anymore"

Fandral: "I-"

They both hear crying coming from outside

Sif: "Rune"

She takes off running out of the room and through the halls, outside

Sif: "Rune!"

She sees her son on the floor, knee bleeding

Sif kneels in front of her crying son,

Sif: "Rune, sweetheart, what happened?"

Rune: "mommy"

Sif: "I'm right here, tell me what happened"

Rune: "I was running and tripped on one of the steps"

Sif: "why were you running?"

Rune looks down

Sif: "I am not upset, I just want to know"

Rune: "I saw a goat... I wanted to pet it so I ran after it"

Sif: "and that is how you tripped?"

Rune: "mhm"

Sif: "it will be okay sweetheart, I promise you"

She wipes Rune's tears away

Sif: "let's take you to the infirmary so they can help you"

Rune nods

Sif stands up and extends her hand to her son

Sif: "come along now"

Rune takes his mother's hand and stands up

They both walk to in infirmary

10 minutes later

James: "all done prince Rune"

Sif: "how long will it take for it to heal?"

James: "a few days. It was nothing major"

Sif: thank Odin. Rune, come on"

Rune: "okay mommy"

They walk out of the infirmary

Rune: "mommy"

Sif: "yes?"

Rune: "can I get a cookie?"

Sif: "of course, I will get you one from the kitchen. Wait in your room"

Rune: "okay"

Later on

Freya: "darling, what happened with Rune?"

Sif: "he fell and hurt his knee"

Freya: "Is he alright?"

Sif: "he is. James aid that he should be healed in a few days"

Freya: "that is good. I must attend to a matter. I will be back soon"

Sif: "okay"

Freya kisses sif

Freya: "I love you"

Sif: "I love you too"

An hour passes

Freya walks into her and Sif's bedroom and sees Sif struggling to reach something in the closet

Freya: "darling let me help"

She walks over to Sif but before she can reach the item, Sif reacts 

Sif: "I can do it on my own!"

She yells which causes Freya to step back

Sif: "I- I am sorry. I-I"

Tears start to roll down Sif's cheek. Freya walks over to her wife and pulls her into a hug

Sif: "ever since I've been back, it's been hard. I feel so useless and everyone around treats me like nothing but a child. I just want to be treated normally"

Freya: "I know, I know"

She kisses her wife

Freya: "you are not useless and not a burden on anyone. You are much more. You are one of the greatest warriors Asgard has ever had. everyone in Asgard is lucky to have you fight for them"

Sif smiles

Sif: "thank you, no matter what, you always know how to make me feel better"

Freya chuckles

Just then, Rune runs into the room

Rune: "mamma, mommy! Can we go to the garden!"

Freya: "I don't see why not. We can have a picnic. How does that sound darling"

Sif: "lovely"

An hour later

Sif: "all of this food smells amazing"

Freya: "it does"

Sif: "where is Rune?"

Freya: "I am not sure, Rune"

Just then, Rune runs over to his moms

Rune: "mommy!"

Sif: "what is it, sweetheart"

Rune: "look at the rose"

He holds up an orange rose

Sif: "'tis beautiful"

Rune: "mhm. Can I put it in your hair?"

Sif: "of course"

Rune sticks the flower in Sif's hair

Sif: "how do I look?"

Freya: "you look gorgeous"

Rune: "yeah, you look pretty mommy"

Sif: "thank you, sweetheart"

She kisses Rune's forehead

Freya: "Rune, sit down so we can eat"

Rune: "okay mamma"

He sits in between Sif and Freya

The three of them spend time together

Rune is now running around the garden chasing after butterflies while Freya and Sif continue to talk

Freya: "I will be leaving Asgard tomorrow. I need to travel to midgard"

Sif: "why is that?"

Freya: "I must deal with something"

Sif: "okay, please be safe. I know midgard is relatively safe but please"

Freya: "I know, I will be safe, I promise you"

She wraps an arm around sif and kisses her

Freya: "I love you darling"

Sif: "I love you too"

The next day

Freya wakes up to a still sleeping Sif

She smiles and kisses her wife

Quietly, she gets out of bed and gets dressed in her midgard clothes. One she finishes, she walks to Valkyrie's room which is only a few doors down. Freya knocks on the door and a few seconds later, Valkyrie opens the door

Valkyrie: "Freya, what can I do for you?"

She yawns since it's still early in the morning

Freya: "Val, I need you to do something for me

Valkyrie: "what is that you need, and why are you in midgard clothes?"

Freya: "I need to visit midgard, will you look after the asgard as well as Sif and Rune"

Valkyrie: "of course, do you need anything else your majesty"

Freya: "that is all"

Valkyrie: "well whatever you are doing is quite severe if you did not get upset at me for calling you your majesty"

Freya: "I will see you when I return"

Quickly, she walks to Rune's room, slowly opening the door and walking to her son's bed

Rune: "mamma?"

Freya: "I did not mean to wake you"

Rune: "'tis okay"

Freya: "I will be gone for the day. Be good to your mother as well as your aunt valkyrie"

Rune: "mhm"

Freya: "good, now go back to bed"

She kisses Rune's forehead and tucks Rune back in

After, she makes her way back to her bedroom

Once she is in her bedroom, she digs around the huge closet, trying to find her jacket

Freya: "where can it be. I know I left it right here"

Sif: "looking for this, love"

Freya turns around and sees Sif standing behind her, holding out her jacket

Freya: "did I wake you, if so I did not mean to"

Sif: "you did not"

She hands Freya the jacket which she puts on

Sif: "how long will you be gone?"

Freya: "I am unsure but I will be back before supper"

Sif: "promise"

Freya: "I promise"

Sif: "I do not know what you are up to in Midgard but please, be safe"

Freya: "I will. I promise you that I will"

Freya wraps her arms around Sif's waist, pulling her close and pulling her into a kiss. They break their kiss and put their foreheads together

Freya: "I shall be back soon, I love you"

Sif: "I love you too"

Freya walks out of the room and makes her way out of the palace, to the gate of the Bifrost

Heimdall: "your majesty, good morning"

Freya: "good morning Heimdall"

Heimdall: "by the look of your clothes, you are headed to Midgard"

Freya: "indeed I am. I have some business to attend to with some old friends"

Heimdall: "of course"

He places his sword in the center device and turns it, opening the Bifrost

Freya gets transported into the Bifrost and is transported to Midgard

Piper: "sir, there is someone outside saying that they would like to see you"

Coulson: "do you know who?"

Piper: "I'm not sure. She said she's an old friend"

Coulson: "an old friend?"

Piper: "she said her name is Freya, Freya Odinsdottir"

Coulson: "Freya? Let her in"

Piper: "of course"

10 minutes later

Coulson: "well if it isn't Freya Odisndottir, or should I say King Freya"

He bows

Freya: "stop that"

She laughs

Coulson: "it's nice to see you again Freya, it's been too long"

Freya: "I agree. Are the others here?"

Coulson: "yes they are, somewhere around the base"

Freya: "could I speak to all of you, if possible"

Coulson: "of course, just give me a few minutes and I should be able to round them all up"

Freya: "of course"

10 minutes later

May, Jemma, Fitz, Bobbi, Mack, and Hunter gather into Coulson's office

Daisy: "I don't understand why we have to come Coulson. Today was my day o-Freya?!"

Freya sees Daisy and smiles

Freya: "Daisy"

Daisy runs over and hugs her friend

Daisy: "it's been so long"

Freya: "way too long"

Daisy: "why are you here?"

Coulson: "she was going to get to that"

Daisy: "sorry"

Freya: "do not apologize, it was a simple mistake"

Daisy walks over and stands next to May and Bobbi

Coulson: "so, your majesty, to what do we owe the pleasure"

Freya: "I have a favor to ask, all of you but main Leopold and Jemma"

Fitz: "us?"

Coulson: "and what is that?"

Freya: "Sif returned from battle not too long ago and when she was in battle, she lost her arm"

Daisy: "what?"

Freya: "since then, she hasn't been well. Leopold has made amazing devices. Would you be able to do something like that for Sif?"

Fitz: "I'm pretty sure but she would have to come so I can do all the scans"

Freya: "so you would be able to?"

Fitz: "pretty sure"

Freya: "thank you,  Leopold"

May: "it's nice to see you again Freya"

Freya: "'tis nice to see you all again after quite some time. I've been meaning to visit but being the ruler of Asgard, I have no extra time"

Hunter: "well how about we all have a beer and spend some time chatting now that you are here. Who knows when you will be here again"

Bobbi: "I agree"

May: "how about the guys go get the drinks"

mack: "why us?"

Bobbi: "because we want to talk with Freya alone"

Hunter: "fine, let's go"

Coulson, Mack, and hunter leave teh room and the women go back to talking

May: "how's the little one doing?"

Freya: "he is doing well. Rune is now four which is unbelievable"

Daisy: "Wow, already"

Freya: 'he is very curious and at times his curiosity gets the best of him"

Bobbi: "sounds like a few people I know"

Freya chuckles

Daisy: "you need to bring him next time"

Freya: "I will, I just did not want him to come along at the moment. Rune keeps Sif happy and at the moment, she needs him"

Bobbi: "so what exactly happened?"

Freya: " i am not entirely sure. Sif was on the battlegrounds when she was attacked from behind. She blacked out and woke up in the infirmary back in Asgard"

May: "wow"

Freya: "'tis hard seeing her think she is worthless and- I am sorry, I do not know why I am crying"

Daisy: "hey, it's okay"

Freya: "'tis just that Sif is in so much pain and she struggles so much so it's hard to see her like that. It is also hard to see her shame herself"

May: "I can never imagine what she's going though"

Bobbi: "me either"

Daisy: "she's strong, Rune is lucky to have her as a mom"

Freya: "he is, and I am lucky to call her my wife"

Hours later

The Bifrost transports Freya back home to Asgard

Heimdall: "welcome back"

Freya: "thank you Heimdall. How were they while I was gone"

Heimdall: "the young prince got into some trouble while you were away"

Freya: "what?"

Heimdall: "nothing that is catastrophic"

Freya: "for Odin's sake"

She shakes her head

Freya: "thank you Heimdall"

Heimall: "anything else my king"

Freya: "not at all, thank you"

She makes her way back to the palace and to her bedroom where she sees Sif and Rune, lying in bed. Rune laying against Sif as she is telling him a story

Freya: "I do not mean to interrupt"

Rune: "mamma!"

He gets up and runs over to Freya who picks him up and kisses his forehead

Freya: 'how were you while I was gone?"

Rune: "good"

Freya: "Heimdall said that you go into some trouble and you know he sees all"

Rune says nothing, instead, he digs his face into Freya's neck which makes the king chuckle

Freya: "what did he do?"

Sif: "cause ruckus in the stables"

Freya: "what else?"

Sif: "we can talk about it later"

Freya chuckles

Rune: "mamma"

Freya: "yes?"

Rune: "what are you wearing?"

Freya: "clothes. From Midgard"

Rune: "why?"

Freya: "because I had to visit. If I wore the clothes I usually wear, I would stand out"

Rune: "oh"

Freya: "'tis getting late and time for bed. Get ready for bed and we will come to say goodnight"

Rune: "okay"

Freya sets him down and he runs off

Freya: "hello darling, I am sorry it took so long"

Sif: "'tis fine, love"

They both kiss

Sif: "why did you have to travel to Midgard?"

Freya: "you may want to sit down"

Sif: "why?"

Freya: "trust me"

Sif sits on the bed while Freya continues to stand

Freya: "I visited our friends from SHIELD"

Sif: "why?"

Freya: "they want to help you"

Sif: "with what?"

Freya: "I have noticed how much you've been struggling and how much you curse yourself out because of what happened a few days ago on the battlefield. Leopold makes extraordinary hands that look incredibly realistic. They are functional. If you would like, he said he would make you one. If you do not, that is fine"

Sif: "I do not know Freya"

Freya: "you choose what you want. I do not want to pressure you into anything"

Sif: "I need to think about it"

Freya: "of course, we should probably tuck Rune in"

Sif chuckles

Sif: "we should"

A month later

Fitz: "I just need to fix the stabilizer, and done. Try it out"

Sif: "okay"

She picks up a pen that was laying on the table with her brand new realistic robotic arm

Sif: "this is extraordinary

Freya: "indeed it is"

Coulson: "nice job Fitz"

Fitz: 'it's my best work yet"

Sif: "it seems so lifelike"

She studies her arm, admiring it

Fitz: "the arm will need to be recharged at some point but since you don't do the whole electricity thing on Asgard, I made this. All it needs is a liquid made from these herbs that are pretty simple to find. Once you have that, you add it to the device and attach the arm to it and it should be charged within an hour"

Sif: "thank you Leopold, this is amazing"

Fitz: "I'm just happy I could help"

Freya: "what can we do to repay you?"

Fitz: "no, don't worry about it"

Freya: "we insist"

Fitz: "could I visit Asgard for a day...please"

Freya and Sif look at each other

Sif: "done"

Fitz: "yes!"

Freya: "I think we should check on Rune"

Sif: "agreed"

The four adults get up and walk out, into another room where Daisy and Jemma are playing with Rune

Rune: "cool! Show me again"

Daisy: "of course"

Daisy uses her powers to make a mug float

Rune: "I love it"

Daisy chuckles

Freya: "Rune"

Rune: " mommy, Mamma!"

He runs over and jumps into Sif's arms

Rune: "mommy"

Sif: "what is it, sweetheart"

Rune: "your arm"

Sif: "looks quite real, does it not"

Rune: "mhm"

Sif smiles and kisses her son's temple

Freya: "thank you for all that you have done we appreciate it"

sif: "I could not be more thankful" 

freya: "do you all have plans for today" 

coulson: "as far as i know, nothing"

Freya: "you should all come to asagard for supper as a way to say thank you and to spend time with you all. We also promised Leopold a trip to Asgard as a way of saying thank you"

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