SHE'S THE MAN (Jinkook)

By Leahs_archive

174K 11.9K 2.7K

Jeon Hyewon, somehow manages to convince her look alike brother to marry her fiancé in her place for just a f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Final Chapter

Chapter 34

3.6K 274 109
By Leahs_archive

"Eomma, what are you talking about?" Hyewon asks, after allowing her mothers previous words sink in.

Mrs Jeon ditched her spoon, before turning in her daughters direction, "Yes Hyewonie, you've clearly realized your mistakes, isn't that why you came back home?"

Hyewon blinked a few times, it was a bit difficult to understand anything the woman was saying. "Yes you're right, I did come back home because I realized all of my mistakes, but I never once said nor insinuated I came home for Kim Seokjin"

"Does it matter?" Mrs Jeon argued, starring expectantly at her daughter, "He was rightfully meant to be your husband in the first place had you not run off, causing Jungkook to walk down the aisle to save our faces. You know he never wanted any of this, you convinced him and this is your cue to do right by your brother Hyewon. Relieve him of this burden of having to live like a woman instead of the man that he is, moreover he hasn't been doing much in terms of raking in enough money for this family. These excessive bills won't pay themselves you know? so you need to step in and I mean fast!"

"What makes you think Jungkook is okay with any of this?" Hyewon stated, arguing right back.

Mrs Jeon scoffed, tucking some stray hairs behind her ears, "This is what he has always wanted, he hated this whole idea of this charade from the very beginning, I can bet you he wants nothing more than to be free from Kim Seokjin. Right son?"

Jungkook who had been watching the mother and daughter go back and forth with words, was eventually reeled back to reality after hearing his mother call out to him.

"Jungkook, I'm correct aren't I? You need to be free from having to live with Kim Seokjin right?" She questions yet again.

For a few minutes that felt like eternity, only a deafening silence stretched on over the family of three. Jungkook opened his mouth to speak, but it felt like his brain was experiencing some sort of glitch that made it extremely difficult to form a simple sentence. All the while, the words free from Seokjin, kept echoing deep in his mind.

Finally garnering enough will power to hold himself up, Jungkook gripped hard unto the edge of the dinning table and just stared at his mother through hooded eyes in utter disbelief.

"Eomma" he began, voice barley audible from the state of shock he was currently in. "Y-you are really something else, not once did you ever bother checking in on me since this whole charade of yours began. You also never reached out to me, nor did you take into the tiniest bit of consideration just how my entire life was playing out all these time. All the while, you were only bothered about why I wasn't raking in enough money to fuel your bills?" As Jungkook spoke, the tears he'd been battling so hard to hold in, came prickling down his cheeks.

"B-but, this has always been your dream Jungkook, this is what you've always wanted, to be free from Seokjin so you can get your life back in order. So how is it such a terrible idea now? I'm simply trying to give you your life back"

"Eomma stop!" Hyewon yelled, trying to put her mother in check.

Sensing how both of her children were now taking sides against her, Mrs Jeon lashed out at Jungkook. "What! And so what if I want you both to switch places again? It wasn't like everything that happened was my fault from the onset, it was all your sisters. Afterall, she was the one who fled without taking any of our feelings into consideration, I was merely trying to save us first hand embarrassment"

"Even if it was Nonna's fault from the onset, you're still being very mean and selfish right now!" Jungkook yelled right back, his voice resonating through out the entire living room. "For crying out loud, she just came back home after having been through so much, but then, what's your very nest plan? To have her return to the same marriage she once dreadfully escaped from? Don't you vividly see it Eomma? This is all on you! This is all for your personal gains and nothing more!"

With every word he spoke, Jungkook's eyes moistened even more. His mother was just too much to handle mosttimes, to the extent he felt she was never going to change.

"Like I said before, non of you will see it now, but this is all for your futu__"

"Enough!" Jungkook spat, returning to the living room to grab his backpack, which he in turn pulled over his shoulder and angrily stomped towards the front door.

"Don't you dare walk out on me Jeon Jungkook"

"Or what? What Eomma?" Jungkook demanded, obviously no hint of humor was present in his tone.

Mrs Jeon stared at her son in disbelief, before she says "Or else I'll pick up my cellphone right this minute and call Seokjin. I'll tell him everything! Tell him how you and your sister are trying to make me out to be the bad guy when I was only trying to help" she threatened viciously.

Jungkook didn't mean to, but he couldn't help but chuckle menacingly. Quite amusing if you asked him.

"Sure Eomma, please go ahead and call him, I'm curious to know what exactly he'd say to you" He said, before walking out on his mother and sitter, slamming the door shut in their faces.

As soon as Jungkook clicked the lock on the door, he instantly sends his backpack flying towards a corner of the dorm. Because he was feeling absolutely nothing but despair and anger towards his family, he couldn't bring himself to return back to the penthouse, hence him settling for his dorm instead.

Pulling out a can of bear from the freezer, he plopped down on one of the sofa's and chugged it down until empty.

Jungkook's peace and quiet was unfortunately short lived by the insistent knocking on his door, which made him grumble nonstop as he held himself up from the couch. Sloppily pulling his callous legs behind him, he headed for the door and yanked it open, determined to shun away whoever it was.

"What the hell Jeonguk, I've been calling and texting, why are you ignoring me?"

"J-jin?" Jungkook stuttered as he swallowed down a huge lump, Kim Seokjin looked anything but pleased.

Seokjin exhaled, walking into the room and shutting the door behind him, before turning his undivided attention to the boy. "What's going on? Why haven't you been answering any of my calls? Did something happen with your family?"

Jungkook felt utterly stupid, he could clearly see the worry in the man's eyes, why on earth did he think or expect anything less from Kim Seokjin? The man cared and he knew it.

"I'm sorry, it's just_ I didn't_" he instantly choked on a sob as he tried getting his words out of his mouth.

Seeing this, Seokjin's worries doubles by a fold and his eyes instantly softens, causing him to promptly pull the crying boy towards his chest. Where he then began rubbing over the expanse of his back. "It's okay, I didn't mean to yell at you, I was worried, you left me very worried Jeonguk" he pulled back, cupping both of Jungkook's cheeks into his palms. "Did something happen back home? Did anybody hurt you?" He asks, inquisitively staring at him.

Jungkook shook his head, before allowing it to fall right back on Seokjin's shoulder, where he then muttered a small "I'm exhausted Seokjin"

Without further ado or forcing any information out from Jungkook, Seokjin made him lay on the sofa while he prepared a warm dinner for both of them with whatsoever he could lay his hands on in Jungkook's kitchen.

Cleaning was never considered a tough chore for him, so after dinner, Seokjin properly tucked Jungkook in before he returned to the small dinning area and cleaned up after himself.

By the time he finished organizing the entire dorm, it was already passed midnight and he couldn't return to the penthouse. So he opted to pass the night at the student facility instead.

Yawning awake from his sleep in the middle of the night, Jungkook's drowsy eyes tried making out the image or silhouette of Seokjin beside him, but to his surprise the space next to him on the bed was empty. Causing him to fully jerk up awake, his eyes cautiously raking over his entire surrounding.

The silence made his heart drop to the pit of his stomach. Had Seokjin gotten angry and left? Had he been so inconsiderate for not telling Seokjin all that actually happened?

Absolutely about to mentally facepalm himself, his ears faintly picked up the sound of running water coming from the small bathroom adjoined to the bedroom. Abruptly standing to his feet, Jungkook stripped stark naked out of his clothings and tiptoed towards the bathroom, where he carefully pushed the door open.

Right there, underneath the running faucet and fog stained glass was Seokjin. His back was faced towards the door, broad shoulder muscles flexing as he scrubbed his scalp gently. Jungkook couldn't help but gulp, his eyes greedily raking over the man's entire back, envying how the wash clothe dragged over very sensitive and private areas.

Oftentimes, Jungkook always found himself forgetting just how goddamn godly Seokjin was built, the lower part of the man's body was mostly made up of legs. He was a tall, insanely handsome and downright sexy man.

Swiping his tongue over his lower lip, Jungkook saunted forward until he was grabbing unto the handle of the glass door, before pulling it open.

Seokjin eventually turns around, startled by the sudden sound. "Hey, thought you were asleep?" He voiced out, setting the washcloth aside and reaching for Jungkook's hand.

Immediately he stumbled into the confined space, Jungkook wrapped both arms around Seokjin's neck and held him close. "I thought you left, I thought you got mad at me and left me" he mumbled underneath his breath, trying to control his now erratic breathing.

Senseimg the boy's uneasiness, Seokjin allowed his own hand to wound around his waist, exhaling in content. "I was going to, but it was late and moreover you looked like you needed company"

Nodding into his neck, Jungkook tightens his hold around him, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to behave like such a brat and make you worried" he apologized genuinely.

"It's okay. I didn't mean to yell at you either, my mind was just all over the place because I hadn't heard from you all day. But, I shouldn't have lost my cool in that manner and yelled at you, it wasn't nice of me and I'm so so sorry"

Jungkook instantly pulled back to stare at him, his heart tightening with utmost affection. "I don't deserve you, but please tell me you're mine and only mine. I do not want to share you Seokjin, so I want to hear you say you're mine only, please"

Somehow with Jungkook's request, Seokjin got a faint idea of what might have transpired between the boy and his family, that left him a sulking mess.

Exhaling deeply, he softly cups Jungkook's cheeks and bestowed a loving kiss on his forehead, allowing his lips to linger a tad bit longer before pulling back. "I love you, maybe I do not say it enough or quite often to your hearing, but I fucking do. I do not think any one is ever going to take your place in my heart, and the only way I'm ever letting go of you is if you suddenly tell me you're sick and tired of me already, in which I still won't let you go so easily, without putting up one hell of a fight for you. Do you get it now Jeonguk?"

I dislike this chapter so much, It doesn't sit well with me, I'm so sorry for this shitty job you guys, I keep trying but nothing else seems to be coming to mind. Please bear with me, I'll try to make the next chapter a lot better💜

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