By RoseEryna

5K 119 69

"Don't worry" "Everything is going to be okay" you hug your knees, as you sob. "No matter what happens.." "Pr... More

1: White space
2: Dreamworld
3: Heading to Draco's house
4: Late night meal
6: THE Captain Spaceboy?
7: Retrieving Captain Spaceboy's poem!
8: Into the Cattail Field
9: Three days left
10: Mission; Retrieving Draco's album
11: Arachnophobia
12: Pyrefly Forest
13: The amazing spectacular Sweetheart
14: The dungeon
15: Sweetheart is a big meanie
16: Lost Library
17: Two days left
18: The deep end
19: Lonely Eclipse
20: Pirating is bad
21: Walking the plank
22: Coral
23: Insect
24: The sea witches
25: Hungry Humphrey
27: Black space, the first half
28: Black space, the second half
29: One day left
30: The last sleepover
31: The truth.

5: Towards Cosmo City!!

190 7 3
By RoseEryna

You have finished your masterpiece.
It's a picture of you saving your sister from scary creatures with your epic shark powers... That you do have. There is a lot of blood, but you don't mind- it adds to the experience.

You shut the sketchbook after you've finally finish admiring the drawing. So far you've been in Whitespace for about.. 20 minutes, you should go and meet your friends now.. they must be bored waiting.. you stand up as you look towards Kitty, it's button eyes stare blankly at you. "I want to light this place up" "..." You are lucky they're no matches in Whitespace... You pet Kitty goodbye as you walk towards the white wooded door.

You close the door behind you.
You look around, literally nothing has changed.. like always. You see a girl on the ground, first thought is that she had fainted or that something serious had happened- but nope, she's just sleeping. You stand above Funneh, if Funneh's here.. then where had Gold gone?

Someone yells, startling you. Stomping sounds come from the staircase, as they get louder. Gold turns towards you and Funneh.. who was surprisingly still sleeping.

"ECLIPSE!" Gold yells, as she rushes over to hug you. "Where'd you go? You just vanished earlier- are you okay??" She keeps asking, you nod to her as you give her a reassuring back pat. "Well.. at least you're okay.. and-" her eyes fall onto her unconscious friend. "What- FUNNEH???" she yells, as she kicks her- waking her up instantly.

"GOD- WHAT????" Funneh yells, holding her back in pain. "Oh Eclipse! You're back!" Funneh exclaims, upon noticing your presence. "See Gold? I told you she'd be here!" Funneh smugly replies, as she gets up and leans on your shoulder.. as if she did something.


You walk behind your friends as they keep arguing over something, something something 'I TOLD YOU TO LOOK FOR ECLIPSE NOT SLEEP'. And something something 'I WAS SLEEPY'. You are now heading to the playground, where Gold had said that Rainbow was worriedly looking for you.

"Alrighty! We're here!"
Funneh exclaims, as she turns a familiar corner. Once again you're greeted with a picnic basket and blanket.. however this time, Rainbow is nowhere to be found.

"Eh? Where's Rainbow?" Funneh mumbles, as she turns towards Gold and you.. as if you would know. "She did say she was going to look for Eclipse and Draco.." Draco? He was missing?? Gold notices your confusion. "OH YEAH- forgot to tell you.. when you disappeared- Draco disappeared with you! And we don't know where he went!" Gold explains, starting to get worried again.

"Well- we did find Eclipse, then it should be pretty easy to find that boy eventually!" Funneh exclaims, with a smug like look. "As if you tried to help.." Gold mumbles to herself, you continue to look around. Where did your sister go? She normally doesn't leave the picnic blanket.. were you really that important??

She could get hurt. Your hand instinctively goes towards the handle of your knife, gripping it tightly. If something tries to hurt your sister.. you swear you'd-

"Oh hey guys" "OH! There's Rainbow!!"
A voice. You turn around towards the voice, to see your sister behind or.. in? A bush, not so far from her picnic blanket. "E- ECLIPSE! YOU'RE SAFE!" Rainbow exclaims, with stars in her eyes as she jumps up. Slightly, a tear can be heard. She jumps across and embraces you, you let her. From how tall she is, she practically lifts you a few centimetres off the ground..

That's how much she missed you..


"Where were you? Gold and Funneh said you and Draco went missing.. Where's Draco? Is he here with you too??" Rainbow asks, putting you back on your own two feet. "We.. haven't found him yet.." Gold sadly mumbles, as Funneh nods. "Where'd that guy even go? There's not a lot of hiding spots here anyways.." "well we don't know if he's even 'hiding', Funneh" Gold mumbles bluntly, as she sits down on the picnic blanket, following Rainbow.

"All I know for certain.. we haven't found him yet" Gold continues, "wow really Mrs rocket scientist???" Funneh sarcastically remarks, as she squats down, upon noticing that she was the only one still standing. Gold stares back at her, annoyed. "Alright alright, come on now! No more fighting" Rainbow exclaims, successfully getting the both of them to stop. She puts her hands on her knees, you notice one of her socks has a little tear..

"Sorry Rainbow.. I guess I'm just really worried- gosh.. Where would he even go?" Gold mumbles, as she thinks to herself. "I went and checked the forest beside Neighbours room.. and there were no signs of him anywhere!" Gold exclaims, she checked the forest? Gold must be super worried then.. knowing that she left Funneh back at Neighbours room, sleeping peacefully.

"Well.. have you checked his house? He might've came back after you two left? Or something.." Rainbow asks, Funneh and Gold stare blankly at her. "We.. haven't done that yet.." "well, we did kinda just.. wake up back at Neighbours room so we hadn't had the.."
These idiots.

"Well! Now we have a place to check!" Rainbow exclaims, making that reassuring smile she always does. The three of you stand up, with determination.. you think. "Yeah! Why didn't we think of that??" Funneh laughs, "well! We should go check then! Who knows Draco was probably just sitting there the entire time?" Gold jokes, Rainbow was the only one to slightly giggle at it.

"Would you like me to come with?" Rainbow asks, her hand holding onto yours. No. Absolutely not, you will get hurt. "Well Eclipse, news flash, I'm three years older than you so I should be able to defend by myself" Rainbow explains, as she gets up. "Well sure! We'll need all the help we can get, and also because Gold is blind" Funneh exclaims, the last part not really being necessary. Gold sighs to herself.

The four of you head off, as you strongly grip onto Rainbow's hand.


Stomp stomp stomp*
You dropkick yet another sprout mole that tried to get in your way. You haven't really noticed the last time.. but these sprout moles are everywhere! And all those other creatures.. like that rabbit.. or those annoying grasshoppers from earlier.

You would usually let them have at least some time to prepare themselves, or better yet- get Gold to use her bat at them.. but this situation was different.. because this time.. you have someone to protect. "Oh look Eclipse! Another one!!" Funneh playfully yells, pointing at another sprout mole.. which was literally just minding it's own business.

It's business.. which would be to hurt RAINBOW WASN'T IT. You run towards it, kicking it into the sky. "God Eclipse- that sprout mole didn't even do anything" Rainbow exclaims, as Funneh and Gold laugh at the sprout mole in their own different ways.

You walk towards Rainbow, as you give her a reasurring pat on the back.. which didn't really do anything to her, but you feel accomplished.

The boot house was the same as you remembered, yet.. it looks empty. Walking inside, you're greeted once again to piles of flowers and plants. "I can't remember the last time I came here- I just love his carpet it's just so.. fluffy" Rainbow mumbles, as she gets down on her knees to touch the fluffy carpet. Funneh looks around, the boy not anywhere in sight.. and his house is quite small- so.. that ain't right.

"He isn't here, Rainbow" "who?" Funneh stares at her older friend, who's still petting the carpet.. like an animal. "Oh wait Draco." Rainbow looks around, just like Funneh had said.. he wasn't anywhere.

"That boy.. where could he be..?" Rainbow mumbles, as she stands back up. "Guys.. I'm seriously getting worried, it's almost been a entire day! What if.. what if he's in danger???" Gold mumbles, tears starting to form in her eyes. "AW- Gold are you seriously gonna start crying???" Funneh mocks, however there were  slight softness in her eyes this time. "Don't cry Gold, we'll find him soon! You just have to keep your hopes up!" Rainbow exclaims, walking up to Gold and ruffling her hair.

"Yeah! Crying won't get Draco to come back" Funneh continues, you nod at this. Gold sniffs a bit, as she gives a small smile. "Yeah.. you're right.. but.. where should we look for him then?" Gold asks, looking towards the three of you. "Well.. you did say you looked almost everywhere.." Rainbow mumbles, as she thinks. "Well- we haven't tried the Vast Forest right? He could be there!" Funneh suggests, Gold thinks to herself.

"The Vast forest?? Do you really think Draco would be there? Aren't there.. what- large bugs there too?" Gold protests, "Well- no that's just the deeper parts of the forest, he might just be hanging out in the more shallower parts!" Rainbow explains, Gold stares at her in shock.

"Wait really?? But Funneh said.." immediately Gold figures out what was wrong and keeps her mouth shut, as Funneh starts laughing. "To the Vast Forest then?" Rainbow asks you, giving her signature smile. You can't help but smile back..


You enter Vast Forest.
The forest was like no other in the area, due to its large pinwheels that spin in the direction of the wind. It makes it easier to pinpoint the area!

"DRACO. DRACOOO??? DRACOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!?????" Funneh repeats, each 'Draco' being more high pitch then the last time. "What the hell are you doing" Gold asks her friend, who at one point had just started yelling complete gibberish. "Calling for Draco? What are you doing?" Gold sighs to herself, of course she had to be friends with a person like Funneh. Funneh accidentally kicks something, "hey.. what the.." It's a wallet!

"Oh dear- someone must've dropped their wallet!" Rainbow exclaims, as she picks the wallet up. Ooh interesting..

"He can't possibly still haven't heard me.. this calls for DETECTIVE DOMINGA!!" Funneh randomly yells, pulling out a rock with a little hat.

"detective what"
"Detective Dominga! My daughter duh" Funneh mocks, as she looks at the rock. "So to catch you up Dominga, my friend Draco has gone missing- he has purple hair like me with green eyes and has a flower in his hair" Funneh says.. to her rock daughter.

"And.. and he wears overalls too, Funneh!" Rainbow plays along, "oh yes! And overalls too! Find him Dominga- and I'll buy you pizza!" Funneh settles her rock daughter on the grassy ground, as if it was gonna magically come to life and start walking around, trying to find Draco. "Oh- we should totally bring Rainbow jr into this! She could be Dominga's assistant!" Funneh exclaims, looking at Rainbow.

"Oh yeahhh" Rainbow mumbles, pulling out a smaller rock from her skirts pocket. It has a smiley face on it, similar to Funneh's.. mostly because it was gift from her. Rainbow settles the rock beside Dominga, as Funneh starts explaining their situation again. "Oh my god." Gold sighs to herself.. you can't blame her, as you dropkick yet another sprout mole trying to get in your way.

It drops a flyer..
You pick it up.


Cosmo city?
"What's that Eclipse?" You hand the flyer over to Gold, "Oh.. I've heard of this city before, apparently THE Captain Spaceboy lives there.. if I'm not wrong"

Captain. Captain Spaceboy?
The Captain Spaceboy..?

"Captain Spaceboy???" Funneh repeats, getting up and rushing towards Gold, who shows her the flyer. Which apparently had a picture of his face, which you completely ignored. Somehow.

"Who's.. captain Spaceboy..?" Rainbow asks, startling all three of you. "Captain Spaceboy??? He's like THE space captain- he's like a pirate.. space pirate captain and like he owns a spaceship- and he can fly to like any planet and he beats up all these bad guys and-" Funneh starts info dumping on your sister. "And he apparently is Sweethearts boyfriend-" Gold butts in, "shut up, anyways-" "oh isn't that the person who has that show.. that love show or something" Rainbow butts in, "yes"

Captain Spaceboy is at Cosmo city.
You forgot completely on what you came here to do, you must. See. Him.

"Draco could be there too? He could've been interested by the flyers?" Rainbow suggests, looking at the flyer in hand. Oh yeah.. Draco..

"I see... So he makes us worry so he could go and see Captain Spaceboy for himself.. I see how it is.." Funneh mumbles, picking up Dominga and Rainbow jr. "GOLD. ECLIPSE. RAINBOW. WE MUST GET TO COSMO CITY RIGHT NOW" Funneh yells, as she points to the sky- her other hand giving Rainbow jr back to Rainbow. "Well I doubt he'd just leave us without telling us-" let's go."

"This is a line..?"
Gold mumbles, as she stares at the sheer amount of people in the line of the train station.  You're too lazy to count the people, but there should be about.. 156 people.. you guess?

"All to Cosmo City??? Are they crazy???" Funneh mumbles, peeking around the people to see how far they were from the actual train station. "There's no way we'll get in.. this is far too many!" Funneh exclaims, turning to you, Gold and Rainbow. "...we have to find a way to break in.." "are you stupid"

"It's not about breaking in- since we not only have to buy tickets first, then we have to wait till the train comes! Where are you even thinking of breaking in at??" Gold asks, looking at her dumbfounded friend. "Well.. this is an emergency isn't it? We're looking for our lost friend! Maybe.. we can talk to the guards.." Rainbow suggests, turning towards one of the many train station guards beside the line.

"Excuse me?" Rainbow calls, walking towards a guard. He looks like a polar bear, cute. He's taller than Rainbow and wears a dark blue security outfit. His black eyes fall onto your big sister. grip onto your sisters shirt, just in case..

"So- I have this friend you see.. and earlier today, he went missing?" Rainbow starts explaining, the guard stares back at her with his cold eyes.. he can't look at your sister like that..

"And we think he went into the city? Yknow Cosmo City..?? And we were wondering if there were.. yknow- any faster way.. to get.. there without waiting the lineee?" Rainbow asks, the guard stares silently at her. "No can do miss, you just have to wait in line like all the others" He replies with his deep voice, as he nods towards the long line.. which seems to have grown..

"Please sir! We just really need to find our friend!.. please!!" Gold begs, tears start forming in her eyes once again- you can't tell if they're legit or fake. "Yeah! Please sir!" Funneh chimes in, the guard doesn't seem to want to budge though.. maybe a little threat will loosen him up a bit- you won't hurt him, you just really need to get to the city.

You look for your knife in your pocket, and when you're just about to pull it out- something falls out your pocket.. and it isn't the knife your gripping. The guard looks at the item that dropped- the wallet!

"Hey...hold up- that.. that looks like my wallet?" The guard mumbles, picking it up and examining it. "Nice thinking Eclipse!.." Funneh whispers to you, yeah.. you meant to do that. "Is the wallet yours, Mr.. Polar?" Rainbow asks, glancing towards the guards name tag. "It is- I lost it earlier this morning and I couldn't find it anywhere.. oh gosh!" The guard sighs in relief, once he notices that nothing was missing as he puts the wallet into his pocket.

"Thanks for finding my wallet..!" "...."

You honestly thought he'd let you.. you let him think for a bit in complete silence. "I.. feel like I owe you something now.." yes he does. He sighs a bit, before glancing around to see if there were anyone listening. Once figuring out there's none, he turns back to you four. "You want to get to Cosmo City.. right? I think I know a way.. but I gotta warn you, it's not as pleasant than riding on a comfortable train " he mumbles, as he leads you away from the train station.

"Well- it doesn't matter! We gotta head to the City to see Captain-.. I mean, find our friend!" Funneh exclaims, after accidentally staring into the glaring eyes of her friend.

"Besides.. how bad could it possibly be?"

The five of you stand under a long.. long ladder. It goes into the clouds!! You and Funneh stare in bewilderment- as Rainbow continues talking to the guard. "This used to be a emergency exit for the Cosmo Civilians, but due to a certain celebrity's appearance in the city- his fangirls just keep climbing up the ladder even when we tell them it's only to be used for emergencies!" The guards explains. "After that we were forced to completely lock away the ladder, so if they really want to see their celebrity.. they just have to wait in the line.."

"But since I do owe you guys for finding my wallet, I'll let you four slide" the guard says, as he walks towards the ladder. He pulls out a key as he unlocks the metal thing, which was blocking the ladder. "You guys can go up now" "Thank you so much!" Rainbow thanks, suddenly a sound is heard from the guards walkie talkie. He listens in for a bit, before turning back to the four of you, sighing.

"Emergency, some idiot is trying to climb the tracks because the train is taking too long- I have to go" The guard gives Rainbow the key, "lock the ladder after this! We don't want another incident!" Rainbow nods at this, as the guard runs off.

"How are you going to lock the ladder from the inside?" Gold asks, staring at your sister. Rainbow thinks for a bit, "maybe I'll just stay here" no..absolutely.. not. "Why??? Can't we just.. ask some other guard to lock it for you??" Funneh asks, a bit upset. "Well.. first of all, there's nobody else here.." Rainbow explains, looking around the place. She was correct, there was nobody there.

"And second of all, we can use this as an.. opportunity! We're not so sure that Draco is up there, so while you search from him in the city- I can continue searching for him down here!!" Rainbow explains, giving her reassuring smile.. "aw man.. I was hoping you'd get to come along.." Gold mumbles, "well- don't worry Gold! If you're done searching up there, you can always head back to our picnic zone in the playground! I'll be waiting" Rainbow exclaims.

You don't want to leave Rainbow. She could get hurt on the way back. You grip onto Rainbows vest, she seems to have noticed this. "Are you scared?" A simple question, but something you didn't really expect. Was she talking about her leaving or the tall ladder? Because in both cases.. yes.

You nod. Rainbow lets out a chuckle. "Eclipse, you're growing stronger every single day.. you can handle climbing up a ladder.. can't you?" Rainbow asks you, you think for a little.

Not with you away.

"Well.. I guess I can" Funneh butts in, wasn't she just as afraid? Rainbow smiles at this, she puts her hands on both your shoulders. "Come on Eclipse, face your fears! It's alright to be nervous at first but just know that we all believe in you.. right?" She asks, Funneh and Gold nods. This reminds you of the other day, when everyone was trying to get Funneh to face her fear of heights.. now she isn't that scared anymore. And now... Apparently it was your turn.

You sigh, as you give Rainbow a small smile. Rainbow smiles back, she puts her hands down and into your hands. "You're very brave.." she says, with her smile. "Well- let's go then! After you, Eclipse!" Gold exclaims, "why Eclipse first?" "So if she falls, she'll have at least someone to catch her" she continues, nodding at Funneh. "OH. COME ON- GOLD DONT SAY THAT" Funneh yells, a bit uneasy now.

"god.. I was just joking, what can I not joke now? Am I supposed to be the serious one??"

Rainbow chuckles a bit, "go on.. your friends are waiting..!" You sigh, slowly.. your hands leave Rainbows. As you walk towards the ladder, you hold onto it as you turn towards Rainbow once again. She gives you yet another smile that reads; 'you can do it!'.

★ You aren't afraid to heights anymore

You climb up a few steps, with every step you turn back to your sister.. hoping she wouldn't just dissapear. And once Gold was a few steps away from the ground, Rainbow locks the ladder once again. She waves you three farewell, as she makes her way back to the train station.

You miss her already :(

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