Abandoned ✔️

By showerofgrace

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As the silver-haired alpha breathes in toxic smoke to numb his broken soul in the stormy night, lightning bri... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: October Gift
Chapter 2: Jin and Joon
Chapter 3: OB-GYN
Chapter 5: Our Pup
Chapter 6: Morning Pastel
Chapter 7: A Day Out
Chapter 8: Precious Gift
Chapter 9: Promise
Chapter 10: Happiness Shared
Chapter 11: Disrespect
🔞 Chapter 12: Heat
Chapter 13: Moved
🔞 Chapter 14: Sweet Darkness
Chapter 15: Beautiful
Chapter 16: Warmth
Chapter 17: Who You Are
Chapter 18: Respect
Chapter 19: Sweetness
🔞 Chapter 20: Safe For Once
🔞 Chapter 21: Painting
Chapter 22: House Warming
Chapter 23: We Will Protect You
Chapter 24: Lucky
Chapter 25: Wishes
Chapter 26: Family
Chapter 27: Big Boy
Chapter 28: Inheritance
Chapter 29: Please, Hold On
Chapter 30: I Don't Need More
Chapter 31: Side-by-Side
Chapter 32: New Alpha
Chapter 33: Different
Chapter 34: Solar Eclipse
Chapter 35: I Have You
Chapter 36: Saved All of Us
Chapter 37: Authornim
🔞 Chapter 38: Your Embrace
Chapter 39: Autobiography
Chapter 40: I Will Win
Chapter 41: Letting Go
Chapter 42: Maturing
🔞 Chapter 43: I Will Hold Onto You
🔞 Chapter 44: Embrace Me
Chapter 45: Safe
Chapter 46: The Jeons
Chapter 47: Always Yours
Chapter 48: Kim Jimin
Chapter 49: Aestas and Ignis
Chapter 50: Welcome Home
Chapter 51: Meet the Jeons
🔞 Chapter 52: Saved Us
🔞 Chapter 53: Family Warmth
Chapter 54: Appa and Alpha
Chapter 55: End of the Day
Chapter 56: Protect Our Pup
Chapter 57: Life and Death
Chapter 58: Growing Families
Chapter 59: Warmth
🔞 Chapter 60: I Know You
Chapter 61: Sweet Family
🔞 Chapter 62: I Am Here With You
Chapter 63: Freedom
Chapter 64: Courage
Chapter 65: Kindness and Warmth
🔞 Chapter 66: Never Let Go
Chapter 67: Aftermath
Chapter 68: Love
Chapter 69: Luna Jeon
Chapter 70: My Bond is Precious
Chapter 71: Send Them Back Home
Chapter 72: Crimson
Chapter 73: Crimson Sunrise
Chapter 74: The Calm After the Storm
Chapter 75: Justice
Chapter 76: Our Little Gem
Chapter 77: Red and Gold
Chapter 78: Sunsets Lead to Sunrises
Chapter 79: Our Little True Blood
Chapter 80: No Repentance
🔞 Chapter 81: In Your Arms
Special Chapter 1
🔞 Special Chapter 2
Special Chapter 3
Special Chapter Finale

Chapter 4: Getting to Know You

4.8K 275 117
By showerofgrace

"So, do you have any dreams that you want to pursue?" Namjoon softly asks Jin and holds his hand once he is settled in the nest beside Jin.

"I want to be a writer." Jin answers and looks at his hand in Namjoon's large hands.

"That sounds like fun. What needs to be done to help you pursue it?" Namjoon asks and looks into Jin's big, chestnut brown eyes.

"I was in university before I got pregnant." Jin quietly answers and becomes entranced by Namjoon's golden eyes.

"Do you want to go back to university?" Namjoon softly asks and holds his gaze.

"No. I want to be with Little One." Jin truthfully answers.

"I will do whatever I can to help you pursue your dream."

"I know. I think that I'll start out writing on my own. When I write something that I like, I'll ask you to help me." Jin answers then reaches up and gently traces Namjoon's face.

"I will wait for you to tell me when you need my help." Namjoon whispers and closes his eyes as he melts under Jin's gentle touch.

"So, this is what a bond feels like." Jin barely whispers as he feels warmth spread through him when he hears Namjoon's heart beat.

"It happens so fast." The alpha mumbles and becomes putty under Jin's touch.

"It really does." Jin smiles and traces Namjoon's nose with his index finger.

"I'm the illegitimate son of the Chairman and founder of Solis Conglomerate." Namjoon suddenly tells Jin who pauses and turns his full attention on Namjoon. "My mother was his secretary. He was already mated at the time. Two years after I was born, his mate bore an alpha for him. My father didn't care that I am illegitimate. He treated me as his oldest son. When I was six, my mother died from cancer. My father never mistreated her. She was the beta he loved. His mate hates me because she knows that I am the heir to everything, so when I was 17, she called me into her office one day and had a chemical that forced me into a rut. My half brother was there. They quickly chained me up and called my father, claiming that I suddenly stormed in and attacked them. I don't remember much because I was at the peak of a chemically induced rut. My father knew that it wasn't me, but there was no proof. So, he did what he had to and kicked me out. However, he didn't kick me to the streets. He gave me this apartment and everything that I've ever needed or wanted. We are still close because I know that he kicked me out to protect me. He was afraid that she would do something worse to me. I became a chef because I didn't want to depend on my father for everything. I wanted to become independent." Namjoon explains with his eyes closed and his hand still intertwined with Jin's for comfort.

"You must have been so scared and in so much pain." Jin whispers and pulls Namjoon into his arms.

"I was, but everything is ok now. I am independent and don't have to see them anymore. Someday, I'll have to take over the company. My father has made it clear that I am the heir." Namjoon mutters and looks at Jin who is beyond shocked. The alpha who took him off of the streets and is bonding with him is the heir to a large company.

"Wow, you're rich." Jin mumbles and looks at Namjoon with big eyes.

"Yeah." Namjoon chuckles and pecks Jin's cheek who instantly blushes.

"I am guessing that your half brother's mate is pregnant." Jin mumbles as he remembers what Namjoon told him earlier.

"Yeah. I guess so." Namjoon mutters and shrugs.

"Will that affect you?" Jin asks because he's worried that Namjoon will get hurt again.

"Probably not. I honestly don't know. I haven't seen him since I was 18." Namjoon answers and plays with Jin's fingers.

"I can't believe that anyone would do something that horrible to you." Jin whispers and shakes his head in disbelief. "I met the sperm donor when I was 18. He was a senior in the same university I was in. He was popular because he's from a wealthy family. He was handsome, but not nearly as handsome as you. Anyways, I was a freshman and easily flustered. He must have enjoyed making me blush because he did whatever he could to fluster me. Eventually, I had a crush, and he knew it. Before I knew it, I was in a janitor's closet losing what all omegas hold dear until we mate. I honestly don't know how it happened. It was so fast. I know he said some sweet things then brushed his fingers across my skin and set me on fire. We never officially dated. He had an alpha girlfriend that everyone thought he would mate. For some reason they broke up. He told me it was because he wanted to be with me. I believed him and thought he loved me. What I didn't know was that he had many others and an even wealthier female alpha waiting to mate him. 

One day, I was vomiting and really sick, so I took a pregnancy test just to see. To my horror, the little lines appeared. I was terrified to tell him. When I went to tell him, he told me that he was getting married because his family was forcing him to, and that he wouldn't mark her because he loved me, so I quickly told him that I was pregnant. He was furious and hit me multiple times. I stood there, frozen in my spot. He yelled and demanded that I get rid of my pup then stormed out of the room. I sobbed right then and there. My lip was busted and my nose was bleeding. I waited for him until he returned from his honeymoon then I saw the mate marks on their shoulders, and I knew that I was just something to toy with. When he looked at me, there was disgust in his eyes. He stormed over to me and grabbed me by the throat then yelled, demanding a desperate whore like me to leave and never return as long as I still had my pup. In that moment, I decided to keep my pup. I would never let anyone hurt Little One. I ran the moment he threw me across the room. I went home to my parents, but they cursed me out and kicked me out. I had dishonored my family. They were disgusted by me. After that, I was completely alone and terrified. No one would hire me since I was an abandoned, pregnant omega. I lived off of whatever food I could find.

Then, one cold, rainy night, this handsome and kind alpha pulled me into his world and refuses to let go. I'm no longer cold an alone." Jin whispers towards the end as tears fall down his cheeks. He finally has someone to tell his story to. There is finally someone who will listen and comfort him.

Namjoon suddenly sobs and pulls Jin into his arms. Jin smiles as his tears stream down his face. He gently runs his fingers through Namjoon's silver hair then presses a soft kiss on the alpha's forehead.

"I will never allow anyone mistreat you. You will always be able to eat whatever you want because I will cook it for you. You and Little One will only know warmth and safety from now on. I promise." Namjoon cries and holds the pregnant omega close.

"I know, and I trust you." Jin smiles and cups Namjoon's face.

As the two wolves bond, Little One slowly begins to take on the alpha's scent as his father. When it comes time for Namjoon to leave for work, he frets and threatens to take the day off, but Jin giggles and makes the worried alpha go to work.

When Namjoon walks into the kitchen, his co-workers look at him with raised eyebrows because this is the first time he has arrived with the scent of an omega on him.

"What?" Namjoon grumbles and trudges past them.

"Why do you smell like a very sweet scented omega?" His sous chef grins and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Because my mate is pregnant." Namjoon deadpans and changes into his uniform.

"Your what is what?!" The sous chef shouts in shock.

"My mate is pregnant." Namjoon sighs and ties his apron around his waist.

"I don't see a mark though." His sous chef points out as the others nod their heads in agreement.

"It's not safe to mate and mark before the pregnancy reaches seven months. He's six months along, so we only have a month." Namjoon answers and shrugs his shoulders.

"Since when did you have a six month pregnant mate?!" They all gasp and stare at him.

"Well, he became pregnant six months ago." Namjoon deadpans and begins preparing everything for the night. "Are you all going to gawk, or are you going to get to work?" Namjoon snaps which causes all of them to run frantically run around the kitchen.

They all notice that he is grouchier than normal, so they try to keep a safe distance from the grumpy alpha until the newest member of the team walks over to him.

"Why are you so upset tonight?" He asks with big eyes. "Don't get me wrong, you're always grouchy, but you're worse tonight." The young chef points out.

"Because I'm here instead of at home with him." Namjoon growls and flicks oil into the pan.

"Ohhhh ok." The young beta nods and continues cooking next to Namjoon.

"So, how old is he?" Another carefully asks.

"20." Namjoon answers and tosses his flaming noodles in the air.

"20?! They all shout in surprise.

"Yes." Namjoon huffs and glares at them because of all of the questions.

"How old was he when he got pregnant?!" The beta asks with big eyes.

"He was 20." Namjoon mumbles and places the noodles on a plate.

"Woooow. You're 28!" His sous chef shrieks in horror.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Namjoon asks with an exasperated voice.

"Nope." They all mumble and go back to their own business.

When they finally have a break, Namjoon grabs his cigarettes and goes outside for a smoke. As he smokes, a female alpha who has been coming a lot recently walks over to him.

"Did you have fun today?" She asks when she smells the scent of the omega on him.

"Why do you ask?" Namjoon mumbles as he watches his smoke flow from his lips.

"You smell sweet." She answers, hinting at the scent of the omega on him.

"I don't see how that is any of your business." Namjoon mutters and breathes in another puff of smoke then relaxes as the warm fog fills his lungs.

"I didn't mean to pry." She answers then reaches her hand out for a cigarette.

"Sorry, I don't share." Namjoon mumbles and places the pack in his pocket. He's not stupid. He's catching the subtle, alluring scent that the female alpha is releasing. "I can't smoke at home much since my mate is pregnant." Namjoon explains with a bow then walks off to another area to be alone.

As the alpha looks at his phone, waiting for a text from Jin, he realizes that Jin doesn't have a phone and panics.

"I'm leaving!" Namjoon shouts in panic and runs into the kitchen as he takes off his apron.

"Is your mate ok?" The sous chef asks as Namjoon hurriedly changes.

"I'm worried." Namjoon mumbles then runs out. "I'll see you guys tomorrow!" He shouts then runs out into the now stormy night.

The whole drive home is a nightmare for the worried alpha because he realizes that Jin could be needing to contact him but can't. When the alpha bursts into the apartment, he sees Jin drinking water in the kitchen.

"Joon! What are you doing here? Are you ok? Why are you so wet?" Jin asks and quickly walks over to the panting alpha.

"Are you ok?" Namjoon asks without answering Jin's questions.

"I'm ok. I was sleeping until the thunder woke me up. Why are you wet?" Jin asks again as he checks on the alpha.

"I was afraid something happened to you while I was gone because I realized that you don't have a phone." Namjoon explains and hugs Jin.

"I'm ok." Jin smiles and breathes in Namjoon's scent. "You smell just like you did last night when we met." 

"It's the same combination: rain, cigarettes, and food." Namjoon chuckles and buries his face in Jin's hair.

"Did you know that your natural scent smells like a rainy pine forest?" Jin asks and snuggles his face against Namjoon's wet chest.

"I did not." Namjoon smiles and breathes in Jin's comforting scent. "You smell like jasmine and vanilla."

"I smell a female alpha." Jin mutters and scrunches his nose as he looks up at Namjoon.

"Ah yeah. She has been bothering me recently." Namjoon huffs and looks down at the pretty omega.

"Oh!" Jin squeaks and looks down at his baby bump in shock.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Namjoon asks with concern filling his mind.

"He just kicked really hard." Jin smiles and lovingly rubs his belly.

"Are you mad because I have the scent of a random female alpha on me? Hm?" Namjoon softly asks as he gets level with the pup.

Jin softly giggles at the scene in front of him and gently brushes his fingers through Namjoon's wet hair.

"You need to dry off before you catch a cold." Jin smiles down at the handsome alpha.

"Ok. Go to the nest. I'll be right there." Namjoon smiles and goes to grab some fresh clothes.

-photo edited by Lily-Sabrina.-

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