Abandoned ✔️

By showerofgrace

295K 17.3K 8.1K

As the silver-haired alpha breathes in toxic smoke to numb his broken soul in the stormy night, lightning bri... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2: Jin and Joon
Chapter 3: OB-GYN
Chapter 4: Getting to Know You
Chapter 5: Our Pup
Chapter 6: Morning Pastel
Chapter 7: A Day Out
Chapter 8: Precious Gift
Chapter 9: Promise
Chapter 10: Happiness Shared
Chapter 11: Disrespect
🔞 Chapter 12: Heat
Chapter 13: Moved
🔞 Chapter 14: Sweet Darkness
Chapter 15: Beautiful
Chapter 16: Warmth
Chapter 17: Who You Are
Chapter 18: Respect
Chapter 19: Sweetness
🔞 Chapter 20: Safe For Once
🔞 Chapter 21: Painting
Chapter 22: House Warming
Chapter 23: We Will Protect You
Chapter 24: Lucky
Chapter 25: Wishes
Chapter 26: Family
Chapter 27: Big Boy
Chapter 28: Inheritance
Chapter 29: Please, Hold On
Chapter 30: I Don't Need More
Chapter 31: Side-by-Side
Chapter 32: New Alpha
Chapter 33: Different
Chapter 34: Solar Eclipse
Chapter 35: I Have You
Chapter 36: Saved All of Us
Chapter 37: Authornim
🔞 Chapter 38: Your Embrace
Chapter 39: Autobiography
Chapter 40: I Will Win
Chapter 41: Letting Go
Chapter 42: Maturing
🔞 Chapter 43: I Will Hold Onto You
🔞 Chapter 44: Embrace Me
Chapter 45: Safe
Chapter 46: The Jeons
Chapter 47: Always Yours
Chapter 48: Kim Jimin
Chapter 49: Aestas and Ignis
Chapter 50: Welcome Home
Chapter 51: Meet the Jeons
🔞 Chapter 52: Saved Us
🔞 Chapter 53: Family Warmth
Chapter 54: Appa and Alpha
Chapter 55: End of the Day
Chapter 56: Protect Our Pup
Chapter 57: Life and Death
Chapter 58: Growing Families
Chapter 59: Warmth
🔞 Chapter 60: I Know You
Chapter 61: Sweet Family
🔞 Chapter 62: I Am Here With You
Chapter 63: Freedom
Chapter 64: Courage
Chapter 65: Kindness and Warmth
🔞 Chapter 66: Never Let Go
Chapter 67: Aftermath
Chapter 68: Love
Chapter 69: Luna Jeon
Chapter 70: My Bond is Precious
Chapter 71: Send Them Back Home
Chapter 72: Crimson
Chapter 73: Crimson Sunrise
Chapter 74: The Calm After the Storm
Chapter 75: Justice
Chapter 76: Our Little Gem
Chapter 77: Red and Gold
Chapter 78: Sunsets Lead to Sunrises
Chapter 79: Our Little True Blood
Chapter 80: No Repentance
🔞 Chapter 81: In Your Arms
Special Chapter 1
🔞 Special Chapter 2
Special Chapter 3
Special Chapter Finale

Chapter 1: October Gift

8.1K 327 196
By showerofgrace

As the rain pours outside of the restaurant and lightning flashes across the night sky, the exhausted, silver-haired alpha reaches his shaky hand out to the pack of cigarettes sitting on the counter. The moment thunder clashes through the air and shakes the building, the large alpha snatches up the pack and goes outside and stands beneath the awning at the back of the building.

He takes a deep breath of the rainy air then places a cigarette between his lips. The exhausted alpha sighs as he stares at his shaking hand then flicks his lighter. As the flame dances in front of the man's face, another flash of lightning streaks across the night.

"I really should stop before I kill my lungs." The alpha grumbles then places the flickering flame against the end of his cigarette.

As he takes a deep breath of the poisonous fog, he hears something clatter in the alley, so he stops and turns to see who is there. When lightning lights up the sky, he sees a terrified man staring at him completely drenched by the pouring rain. The alpha freezes when a second flash of lightning lights up the sky because he is able to see the pregnancy bump barely covered by the thin clothing clinging to the smaller male.

The pregnant omega quickly stumbles backward to escape the large alpha that is staring at him but ends up tripping and falling to the ground. When the omega looks up, the alpha is gone, so he tries to quickly stand to his feet before the alpha returns to hurt him. As he stands up, there is a sudden warm presence around him, and a jacket is draped over his thin shoulders as an umbrella protects him from the rain.

When the omega looks up in surprise, the alpha from before is right beside him, wrapping a protective arm around his shoulders. The terrified omega slowly follows the alpha into the restaurant then sits in the seat that the alpha pulls out for him.

The omega's eyes grow in size as he looks around the Michelin Star restaurant. The place is sparkling clean and everything is fancy to the omega.

Some clinking noises and the sound of fire lighting up catches the omega's attention, so he turns to see what the alpha is doing. He silently watches as the alpha begins cooking something that smells beyond delicious to the cold, starving omega.

When shivers begin shaking his thin frame, the omega protectively wraps his arms around his swollen belly to try and warm up. The alpha quickly turns and looks at the shivering omega when he hears a quiet whimper then quickly moves to the pregnant omega's side.

"Are you ok?" A deep voice asks the pregnant omega.

"I-I'm cold." The omega quietly whispers and curls into a ball, waiting for retaliation from the alpha.

"Let me get you something warm to wear." The alpha mumbles and quickly walks away to grab warm clothing.

The alpha returns faster than lightning with a thick sweater in his hands then carefully slips the coat off of the omega. He grimaces when he sees the bony shoulders and collarbones sticking out from the wet t-shirt. No one should be in cold October rain dressed like this.

The omega quickly moves his hand to cover up his unmarked shoulder as shame fills him and tears begin to well up in his eyes. He is pregnant and unmarked. There is nothing more shameful for an omega in this pack than that.

"It's ok. I won't judge you. I have no right to judge you." The alpha softly tells the scared omega and gently removes the omega's hand.

"I'm shameful." The omega softly cries and covers his face.

In this moment, the alpha knows that the omega has been abused and abandoned and that breaks his heart. He can't imagine how scared and alone the pregnant omega must feel. He knows that the stares and whispers the omega receives is enough to make anyone go crazy with fear and sorrow.

"You are not shameful." The alpha softly whispers and carefully wipes the omega's tears away. "Here, go to that room and change into this sweater. You will warm up."

The omega sniffles and looks at the sweater in the alpha's hands then nervously reaches out for the warmth he has been craving. When he finally touches it, everything in him melts. The alpha's soothing scent tells the omega that he is safe.

"Thank you." The omega whispers and carefully gets up from the chair.

The omega collapses with the very first step as exhaustion takes over his body, so the alpha quickly reaches out and catches the omega in his arms and holds him with a steady grip.

"It's ok." The alpha quickly tells the omega before the omega panics. "Let me carry you."

"O-Ok." The omega nods and relaxes in the alpha's strong hold.

The pregnant male gasps when the alpha easily scoops him up in his arms and carries him to the room. Once the alpha sets the omega down and is sure that he is comfortable, he straightens himself up and walks to the door.

"My name is Kim Namjoon. Call out for me if you need anything." The alpha smiles then walks out and shuts the door to give the pregnant omega privacy.

"Kim Namjoon." The omega whispers and smells the alpha's sweater.

When the omega pulls the wet shirt off of his thin body, he shivers and quickly pulls the sweater over his head. The moment the sweater engulfs his thin body, he hums in delight as warmth fills him. After a little while of relaxing, he looks down at his pale, bare legs and tries to pull them up to his body to cover them because all that he has on is a pair of shorts. However, his swollen belly does not allow his legs to curl up underneath the large sweater, so the omega lets out a disgruntled huff.

"Meanie." The omega huffs and pets his belly.

After a few minutes, Namjoon hears the omega softly call out for him, so he quickly leaves the food that he is cooking and runs to the omega. When he opens the door to the room, he melts at the adorable sight of the omega being engulfed in his sweater.

"Is it ok?" Namjoon asks and walks over to the omega.

"Yes, thank you." The omega smiles as he looks up at the handsome alpha. As Namjoon lifts him into his arms, the omega realizes that the alpha is unmarked which the omega finds surprising since the alpha is handsome and seems kind.

When Namjoon places the omega in the chair from earlier, the omega realizes that there is a cushion now on the seat. He happily hums as he becomes comfortable in the chair.

"Here you go. This should warm you up some more." Namjoon smiles as he places a steaming bowl of congee on the table in front of the omega.

"Is this for me?" The omega asks with big eyes as he licks his lips in anticipation.

"Of course." Namjoon smiles and hands him a spoon.

"Thank you." The omega sniffles as tears begin to well up in his eyes.

"Eat as much as you want and at the pace you want." Namjoon softly tells the omega then walks off to clean up the kitchen.

The moment that the omega tastes the warm food, he begins to sob. This is the first warm meal he has had in months. Namjoon leaves the omega alone to cry because he knows that the omega needs this moment alone.

Once the crying stops, Namjoon goes over to the omega to see the omega's eyes sleepily drooping while his hand rests on his swollen belly.

"Do you have a place to stay for the night?" Namjoon softly asks him as he picks up the empty bowl.

"I uh I'll go to the shelter. There might be a bed there." The omega quietly answers and tries to stand up.

"I heard that it's harder to find beds during rainy nights." Namjoon mutters and looks down at the omega.

"Someone might pity me and give me their bed for the night." The omega mumbles and looks away.

"You can stay at my place tonight. It's not out of pity. It's because I would worry all night and not sleep while worrying about you." Namjoon quickly mumbles and walks away to clean the bowl.

The omega stares at the alpha in surprise as the alpha walks away at lightning speed. He knows that no one would give up their bed to him for free, and they would be asking for something that he is not willing to give.

When the omega looks out the window while trying to decide what to do, lightning streaks across the sky and thunder clashes through the air. He gently places his hand over his belly and looks down at his baby bump.

"I will trust him for us." The omega whispers to his pup with a soft smile.

After a few minutes, the alpha nervously walks over to the omega, completely terrified that he had scared the pregnant male.

"Ok, I'll stay with you tonight if it's not a bother." The omega answers and looks up at the nervous alpha.

To the omega's surprise, a sweet smile lights up the alpha's face as he vigorously nods and tries to find the right words to say.

"I uh it's not a bother at all." Namjoon smiles and quickly grabs another one of his coats.

The omega looks at the alpha shocked when Namjoon drapes his coat around the omega then gently picks him up bridal style. Namjoon smiles when the omega carefully wraps his arms over the alpha's shoulders.

Once the omega is seated in the alpha's car, Namjoon quickly runs back to the restaurant and locks everything up. He then quickly runs back to the car and hops in the driver's seat.

"Kim Seokjin. My name is Kim Seokjin. I figured that you should know my name since I'm staying with you tonight." The omega mumbles as he nervously fidgets with his fingers in his lap.

"It's nice to meet you, Kim Seokjin." Namjoon smiles and starts up the car.

"You too, Kim Namjoon." Jin smiles and relaxes.

Jin looks around the car in awe because he knows that the car is a luxury car. He carefully traces the leather seat and looks at all of the fancy looking buttons.

By the time they arrive at Namjoon's condo building, Jin is in shock because he did not expect someone working in a restaurant to live in such a nice place. He looks around as Namjoon carefully picks him up out of the car and carries him inside.

As they walk towards the doors of the condo complex, a guard politely bows to Namjoon and opens the doors for them. Then a guard inside the lobby politely bows and opens the elevator for them. To Jin's utmost surprise, there is a guard inside the elevator who presses the button to the top floor of the building.

"Are you a prince?" Jin whispers so that the beta guard can't hear him.

"No." Namjoon grins and looks at the adorable omega.

"I think you are." Jin mumbles and looks at the guard.

When the elevator doors open, they open right into Namjoon's condo. As Namjoon carries Jin into the condo, Jin looks around in awe and quietly gasps.

"I am so sorry. I totally forgot that the guest rooms are being renovated." Namjoon freezes in surprise when it dawns on him.

"It's ok. I can sleep on the couch just fine." Jin smiles and looks at the large, cozy couch.

Namjoon ignores Jin and carries the omega to his room. Jin looks up at Namjoon in shock as the alpha gently places him on the king-size bed.

"You can sleep in here." Namjoon mumbles and carefully pulls the covers over the pregnant omega then walks off to grab sweatpants to cover the omega's bare legs.

When the alpha returns, he realizes that the omega will likely be hot in the thick sweater and sweatpants, so once he hands the sweatpants to the omega, he goes to his closet and grabs a t-shirt. Jin quietly watches the alpha as the alpha returns with the t-shirt.

After handing the clothes to Jin, Namjoon goes to the bathroom and prepares for bed. When Namjoon does not return for some time, Jin carefully slips out of the bed and walks to the bathroom with a head full of curiosity.

"Is everything ok?" Jin asks as he knocks on the door.

"Hm? Oh yeah." Namjoon answers then looks up when the omega opens the door.

Jin pauses when he sees the alpha rummaging through his clothes' hamper with an unlit cigarette dangling out of his mouth.

"I was uh thinking that maybe you would be more comfortable if you nested. I know that you won't find my scent the most comforting for you and the pup, but I figured that it might help." Namjoon stutters as his cheeks turn red because it was really instinct that blindly drew him to his clothes' hamper.

"Your scent is soothing because my pup does not have his scent because he didn't stay around long enough." Jin mumbles and looks down at his feet.

"Then I hope these help." Namjoon quickly answers and scoops up the clothes that he lightly wore as he blows the unlit cigarette out of his mouth onto the bathroom counter.

"Thank you so much for everything." Jin whispers as tears begin to pool in his eyes.

"Don't cry." Namjoon whispers and reaches out and wipes Jin's tears away.

"You've done so much for my pup and me tonight. I don't know how to repay you." Jin sniffles and looks up at the alpha.

"All that I want is for you to rest well." Namjoon smiles and carefully cups Jin's face in his large hand.

"Thank you." Jin whispers and tries to smile for the first time in a long time.

Namjoon sees the tiny smile that crosses Jin's face and decides that that smile is the smile he wants to see more of.

"Let's get you a nest." Namjoon smiles and supportively wraps his free arm around Jin's waist then walks to back into the room.

Within a few minutes, Jin is happily snuggled in his first nest. He smiles when he feels his pup kick and places his hand on his belly. For once, they are safe and warm and fed.

"You can sleep on the bed." Jin softly tells Namjoon as Namjoon walks out of the room.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Namjoon smiles and reaches out to the light switch to turn the lights off.

"You don't make me uncomfortable. You make me feel safe." Jin whispers towards the end, but Namjoon hears every word.

Namjoon feels his heart flutter and his wolf howl in joy at Jin's words. Without a word, Namjoon flicks the lights off then goes to the side of the bed that the nest isn't on and lies down. Jin smiles and relaxes in the presence of the alpha then closes his eyes to get some sleep.

"Good night, Kim Namjoon." Jin mumbles as he begins to drift off to sleep.

"Good night, Kim Seokjin." Namjoon smiles and instinctively places his hand on the edge of Jin's nest as sleep begins to take over.

The sound of the storm quietly accompanies the gentle breaths of the two wolves as they begin to bond through the night.

-photo not mine.

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