Love Never Existed - Hyunsung

By Hanniemin9

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Why do we stop believing in love? And why is it that we believe in love? What is love in the first place? An... More



203 17 2
By Hanniemin9

"The one that ripped the cover of my book off..." Jisung withdrew his hands from my face and stepped back, " book..."

"D-do you remember that? I-"

The shock Jisung had displayed on his face soon vanished and this one was replaced by a sudden burst of laughter.

I shut my mouth in surprise as I started to blink repeatedly. I got confused.

After seeing my expression, Jisung wiped a tear from the corner of his right eye and said, "I'm sorry, man, hahaha. It's just that...earlier your clumsiness seemed so familiar to me....but I didn't know from where... Who would have thought that person on the plane was you, huh? How small the world is... Life is so interesting, isn't it?"

He then turned back to the front and kept on walking as if nothing, still chuckling.

I hesitated when he kept on walking. I thought he would be questioning me more. So, I had to rush to him to walk by his side. I really thought he would be more shocked to know that I was that guy, but his shock only lasted like three seconds.

He got surprised, acknowledged me, and then kept on walking?


"So...if you remember that event...that means you remembered me...?"

"Ummm, nop. I didn't say that," he commented offhandedly, "I remember the events, the circumstances, what I did, what I said, etc...but the face of the person wasn't stored in my head. I thought I would recognize you if I got close to your face, but I didn't. It was so many years ago, wasn't it?"

Ouch. That hurts.

I somehow felt hurt by the first comment and even slightly lowered my head.

"I also was checking out if you didn't have a mark or something..." He glanced at me then smiled, "you got hit with my book but fortunately you have no mark on your face or head. That's good. It would be a waste if you have something ugly carved on that handsome face..."

However, I lifted my face when I heard the last part. He was still worried about me just like that time and even called me handsome. Again.

I chuckled. I didn't know if I should tell him the same or not. I thought that would be a little awkward for him, so I just nodded in acknowledgment.

"By the way..." I tried to keep the conversation going, "how is your book? That time you said you would repair it, right?..."

He hummed and commented, "yes, I did. Well...pretty much."

"Pretty much?" I asked when I saw him scrunch his nose. Like something bothered him.

"Yeah... The thing is that I tried to restore the cover like it was originally, and I kinda did it...but the section where the name of the author was written was long gone. I didn't notice until I arrived's the saddest thing about that..."

"Oh... Is that something bad?" I inquired when a tint of sadness was displayed in his eyes.

That time he looked like he was totally fine by a total stranger ripping his book, but now he looks dejected.

"For me it is...that's a really good book..."

"Oh...but have you ever typed the title and searched for it? Maybe in that way-"

"I've tried...but it was in avail. I bought that book in a small and scrappy bookstore on Jeju island. The seller told me that the books there were from small authors that had printed their own works. was a unique piece..."

"I'm really sorry..." I sincerely apologize, "that was my fault..."

He chuckled, "it's okay. Do not least the whole book is intact."

I smiled and tried to keep the conversation out of that book. I didn't want us to fall into awkward silence.

"Ummm... If I remember the name was 'Why do I love you?' Am I right?"

"You have a very good memory... Yes, that's the name..." he nodded, "did you perhaps read the name of the author? hahaha,"

"I didn't, but now I regret not doing it, you know?"

"Well...I guess we are unlucky this time," he joked.

"Yeah, hahaha... I...ummm...what is the book about?"

We stopped the conversation for a moment since a crowd just passed through us, separating us in the process.

Once we got back together, he retook the conversation where we left it.

"That book? Well...that book tells the love story between a sweet and perfect guy and an oblivious and cute guy...'s a sweet novel. It gives you the point of view of several people, but mostly the main character and the other from the author. I would like to tell you more, but I cannot tell you something extra, hahahaha. I feel like anything else will be a spoiler, and I don't like to give, I'll stop here, alright...?"

"It's okay!" I laughed, "It sounds like a good book. I like that type of story, you know? Love, romance...and all of that..."

"Yeah? Well...if you do...if you are a soft person, then you are going to love it..."

"Do you recommend I go back to Jeju, find that scrappy bookstore, and buy that book, or would you do me the honor of lending it to me?"

"Hahahahahaha, absolutely go back to Jeju and buy it...because I am not going to lend it to you,"

I laughed, "so that it?"

"Yeap..." he commented nonchalantly, "good books are sacred, my friend. I will no longer lend them and risk myself losing one of my books forever. I already did that with a few people in the past, and they never returned them. I learned my lesson."

"But...I am a very responsible person. If you lend me that book, I can return it as soon as I finish it..."

"I'll think about it," he said while looking at me while lifting his eyebrow, "just give me some time to think... like...umm...five..."

"Minutes?" I tried to guess.

"Years..." he fake-coughed. But I was close enough to listen.

It was more than clear he would not be lending that book.

I also treasure my novels, so I understand part of his reasoning. If he lent some of his books in the past and they never returned them, then I would probably also not want to lend them to anyone anymore.

"Why do you like that book so much?"

Jisung stayed quiet for a moment, pondering. After a moment, he spoke, "there are many reasons."

"For example?"

" of the main characters is such a role model... The words and the examples the author uses to explain the story gets stuck in your head. It goes from basics to more complex situations. It makes you feel thrilled. It makes you feel part of the story. I liked that it has sensitive topics, funny moments, and sweet and intimate scenes between the main characters, but among all...I love how love is portrayed in that story... Love is a difficult matter to deal with in real life...and if everyone was like Minho, the name of one of the main characters, I think that...falling in love wouldn't be so scary..."

I got curious to know more about the last thing he said. It seemed as if he wasn't talking about the book anymore, but I didn't dare to ask that. So, I tried to get information by still using that book as a reference.

" 'If everyone was like Minho...falling in love wouldn't be so scary?' " I repeated what he said. ''So...this is he?"

He smiled as he looked up to the sky. Jisung seemed to find inspiration up there because he kept his gaze in that direction while slowly walking. "Minho is loyal...protective...thoughtful....cares a lot about others and always finds the right way to make his lover feel loved and secure... He is strong and believes in himself even if he doesn't admit it sometimes..."

I looked at him for a moment as I softened my expression. The more he talked about this character, the more I thought he wasn't talking about this fictional person, but someone from real life.

I just wonder if he is talking about that guy he dated in Jeju.

Could it be that he is still dating him?

"You described this Minho as if he was your ideal type..." I commented as soon as he finished talking.

Jisung looked back to the front and shook his head, "I told you, he is my role model... I don't want to have someone like him...I would have liked to be like that for someone..."

"For whom?"

"For my wif-" Jisung halted his words and then turned back to me. The glance he gave me was one of mistrust. As if what he was about to say was delicate, and nobody could have the pleasure to know. He seemed regrettable to even think that he was about to reveal something personal to a person he just met.

I even felt bad for being so straightforward on my question and rapidly inquiring about who he was referring to.

I scratched the back of my neck and cleared my throat.

Jisung turned his attention back to the front and said, "why don't you tell me about you, Hyunjin? What were you doing that time in Jeju?"

I sighed inwardly. I thought this time the conversation would fall apart. However, he was really kind and didn't let it happen.

I complied and kept the environment between us smoothly. "I was on vacation. Chan hyung and his parents invited me. That was my first year in college so..."

I gave the full details of that time without mentioning that I encountered him everywhere. I could tell him everything, except for that important part.

"Wooow... So that means, we spend pretty much the same amount of time there and even went to the same places... How is it that I never saw you, huh? is not like Jeju is so small, right?"

"It is not small, but... Well, I did...I did see you...from afar of course..."

This time, Jisung and I stopped at a bench and decided to sit.

"Huh? You did? Really?"

" at that were with a guy...and..."

"Tsk!" Jisung clicked his tongue.

I halted abruptly and stared at him.

"D-did I say something wrong?"

"No, you didn't. It's just memories from Jeju don't include that asshole. That person you saw me with was my ex-boyfriend. I went there with him because his family moved out to Jeju, but well...things between him and I didn't end well, and well...he is a bitter memory to me..."

So this responds to my question. He is not dating that asshole anymore!

I got so happy to know this that I even joked to make him forget about that idiot.

"You called him an asshole... So that means he wasn't like the Minho you described to me?"

He laughed. Surprisingly, my question caused that. Jisung didn't seem bothered at all.

"He was the opposite to two complete worlds..."

It was amazing how from there the conversation between Jisung and I flew so well. Even though we only talked about all those places we visited in Jeju and the ones we missed. He and I seemed to be establishing a good relationship even though we just met.

He gave me the confidence to speak normally without stuttering or blushing.

The more I looked at him, the more I wanted to know about him. But time was against us.

When the clock struck 1:00 a.m. Jisung received a call. Changbin was calling him to go back to the cafe since they have to go back home.

I accompanied him, and we got back with my friend and his brother.

We talked some more, and after a while Chan hyung and I saw them disappear in the distance.

My friend Chan was so happy that came to me and hugged me.

"So...?" I said while patting his back, "what is this for?"

"Thank you...thank you, are a really good friend..."

"Umm...why are you telling me this now?"

Chan hyung separated from me, wearing a very weird expression. He seemed to be blushing.

However, he didn't tell me anything.

"Come on...let's go for Su-jin..."

When he mumbled my cousin's name, I freaked out. It was there when I realized what hour it was.



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