stories from Belwood: the twi...

By crystal_pro_2024

1.3K 11 0

5 years after the events of ben gen rex, rex has moved up to being part of providence's special forces team... More

Episode 0 - it started when...
Episode 1- the day everything changed.
Episode 2 - the new threat.
Episode 3: last measures.
Episode 4 - what's with the weather?
Episode 5 - the architect.
Episode 6 -making magical frenemies.
Episode 7 - quarry brakes out.
Episode 8 - the search in Hong Kong.
Episode 9 - dark passage
Episode 10 - the darkstar rises
Episode 11 - the return
Episode 12 - the arrival
Episode 13 - animo, breach and the new girl.
Episode 14 - maxed out.
Episode 15 - the hunted
Episode 16 - where do-little girls come from?
Episode 17 - tired out.
Episode 18 - the pressure of the gauntlet.
Episode 19 - the plague
episode 20 - plumbers helpers.
Episode 21 - in the badlands
Episode 22 - bad copy. bad copy!
episode 23 - a wayward hero
Episode 24 - vengeance of vilgax.
Episode 25 - six times six
Episode 26 - alone together.
Episode 27 - the family holiday.
Episode 28 - primus
Episode 29 - back in black.
Episode 30 - Animo's evolved.
Episode 31 - the swarm.
Episode 32 - save the last dance.
Episode 33 - the green fist
Episode 34 - not so secretive.
Episode 35 - just a little party.
Episode 36 - lost in the void.
Episode 37 - the first of 5
Episode 38 - undercover
Episode 40 - official plumbers training.
Episode 41 - tricked
Episode 42 - plumbers under attack.
Episode 43 - assault on Abysus.
Episode 44 - the secrets held in chromastone
Episode 45 - a man on the inside.
Episode 46 - together strong.
Episode 47 - in the end game.
Episode 48 - the one to control them all
Episode 49 - the war begins
Episode 50 - one final push

Episode 39 - remote controlled.

12 0 0
By crystal_pro_2024

Our episode starts with black knight in Hong Kong, on the outside of quarry's cell.

Quarry: here to gloat some more rex?

Black: you'll find that I'm not rex.

He turned around and recognized her.

Quarry: I wasn't expecting to see you again, how's your little puppet master experiment going?

Black: it's been placed on the back burner now that I've got something that works better and now that I'm not hiding behind a monitor.

Quarry: so why are you here?

Black: quite frankly, we're being spread too thin with all of these collars, so I need somebody who I can rely upon to make sure that as many Evos as possible have collars.

Quarry: so, you're just going to hand me an army?

Black: you keep everything to Hong Kong; I don't care what you do with them. I have much bigger things to worry about.

Quarry: and as for providence's special team here.

Black: do what you want with rex's friends. Just keep it to Hong Kong.

She shut down his cell as black pawns started to replace the providence grunts. Cut to the sewers a few days later where the Hong Kong trio where in the sewers, waiting for rex to come and get them.

Skwydd: where are they, they said they would've been here by now.

Tucc: they've probably just got caught up with something.

Cricket: we need to get out of here as soon as possible. There collaring everyone.

Tucc: just give them a minute.

However, as they waited, they found that some of the black pawns have grouped around them and although Skwydd was able to create a cloud of nanite ink, they soon found themselves being taken in and just as the black pawns clear out, we find rex, bobo and Circe making their way through the sewers.

Circe: I can't wait to meet the old gang again.

Rex: we need to be careful, providence has been collaring all Evos in this area, we'll pass for humans, with theses disguises, but Bobo is going to be harder to get past them.

Bobo: I'm not leaving them behind, not after the first time. Besides we need the bodies.

Rex: I know, I know. Now, put on your cloaks.

Circe and rex put on their cloaks while Bobo hid in rex's cloak, making it seem like he has a hunch back, and as they made it to the meet up spot, they found some nanite ink on the wall.

Rex: looks like they were here.

Circe: you don't think providence got them, do you?

Rex: we can't be too sure. They may have just run away.

Bobo placed his finger on the ink, before licking in off of his finger, making rex and Circe gag.

Bobo: this as defiantly made in a rush. He was surprised. It was probably a surprise attack.

Circe: you got all of that from a lick of nanite ink?

Bobo: why are you even shocked, I'm a monkey.

Rex: you're a chimpanzee.

Bobo: who has ever called me that?

Circe: guys, we need to focus on the mission at hand. We need to find them.

Rex: right, come on. We'll have to go top side.

As they went up on the streets, they found an Evo begging for his collar to be removed.

Rex: hold still, I'll try to...

He placed his hands on the collar and he tried to use his technopathy to turn the collar off, however as he tried to, the collar sprayed out some of its mist and not only did it get the Evo, but it also got rex who was immobilized as he fell to the floor.

Circe: REX!

Bobo got out his blasters and he started to try and attack the Evo, although he found that he was out of ammo.

Bobo: I thought I charged these things last night.

The Evo started to attack Bobo, although Circe was able to use her screech to get it to change its focus onto her and after a few minutes she spotted that the Evo stood still for a moment before fighting again. She screeched at it again, this time harder and louder and the Evo eventually fell to the floor, without her doing anything to it that would cause it to do that.

Circe: I hate those collars, there inhumane.

Bobo: we're not exactly human.

Circe: and that's how providence is getting away with this.

Rex managed to get himself up, and as he got up, he spotted the arcade that was only behind them. He could also here some of the kids talking, and he understood them well enough

Kid: I can't believe how much they're paying us to play theses arcade games.

Kid 2: I know right, especially since arcades went out of style ages ago.

Circe: are you ok rex?

Rex: I'm fine, but that didn't feel like the first time I was under their control.

Circe: she's probably changed the formulae some since we you got under her control at the beginning of all of this.

Rex: I don't think that's the case. It was more like I was a character with a controller unplugged. Or disconnected or whatever you want to call it.

Bobo: you're comparing this to video games?

Rex: that's for a reason. I think something's going on here. Cloaks on.

Circe got her hood back up as rex got his back on and Bobo hid in rex's cloak. They walked into the arcade, and they found that the many different machines had varying controls for a stick and a button to gloves that you could ware. But all of them had the same VR headset that you would be asked to ware.

Circe: is it just me or do theses, look like Evos we've seen in Hong Kong before?

Bobo: yeah, I swear I saw that guy just down the street.

Rex: let's ask a manager.

After walking around, they found the manager and rex struck up a conversation.

Rex: hey, so I can't help but notice that many of these machines have Evos that I've seen around here.

Manager: we make all of these machines in house, so we have to model the enemies based on something.

Circe: not all Evos are bad you know.

Manager: I know, but they make for great enemies designs.

Circe: that's disgusting and we're out of here.

As they walk out, they are spotted by the security system and quarry looked over at his monitor then at the three figures behind him.

Quarry: you know what to do, collar and capture.

The three figures leave the building and head back onto the streets where they spot a providence ship flying overhead, and they suck into the tight alleyway where there cloaks manage to keep them safe.

Rex: how are things on your side?

Cut to Kevin and Kenwyne who were in Bellwood, keeping their eyes out for providence agents.

Kevin: this place looks like a ghost town.

Circe: don't phrase it like that, you'll make ectonurite's infect the world or something.

Kevin: do you think one ectonurite could do that on their own?

Bobo: I'd believe it, those guys creep me out.

Rex: looks like providence has them. We'll have to come back for them, we can't risk being caught.

Circe: or there right across the street.

Rex: let white know we're on our way back.

Kenwyne: what's an ectonurite?

The communication cuts off as the Hong Kong guy steps into the light, showing off the fact that they were wearing collars. Before the group could do anything, they find themselves being overwhelmed as cricket was tossing rex around, Tucc had Bobo held very well and Skwydd had managed to confine Circe enough to collar her, and Tucc had gotten to Bobo, while rex had grabbed onto cricket and he built his sky slyder, flying them onto a building where he would build his block party to fend off cricket long enough to brake the collar off of her.

Rex: are you ok?

Cricket: thanks to you.

Rex: what happened here? I thought that this place was very welcoming to Evos.

Cricket: they were, and then providence had a change in leadership, now Evos have been outlawed. If you're an Evo you're getting collared.

Rex: how is providence controlling this many people?

Cricket: it isn't providence, one Evo has been granted immunity, our old friend...

Rex: quarry.

Cricket: good guess.

Rex: it wasn't a guess.

They looked down to see that Bobo and Circe had now joined Skwydd and Tucc in being taken into the arcade.

Cricket: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to get them collared.

Rex: you didn't do this. We have to free them and shut this operation down.

Cricket: maybe you should call in your back up.

Rex: that was my back up. Ben's team is busy with the Highbreed and what's left of my team is busy with locating something else. I can fill you in when we get back.

Cricket: how are the two of us supposed to take on everybody else in there? Quarry has some security.

Rex: but now that he has those two, he'll use them as the security just to get back at us. I can get past them, but it's going to be up to you to take him down.

Cricket: I don't think I can do that.

Rex: trust me, you can. Now then.

His eyes glowed blue for a moment as he managed to get some new builds, a pair of giant blue axes with energy blades.

Cricket: how long have you had that for?

Rex: I've gotten a few new powers since I last saw you guys. I think I'll call these things the bad axes.

As they manage to get down, rex busts into the arcade and he started flailing the bad axes around, managing to destroy the machines before the people were allowed to evacuate.

Rex: I know you're around here quarry, why don't you show yourself, unless you have something to show me.

Quarry over the P.A: oh, I have something to show you all right.

From behind a door stepped out the four that where held captive and rex switched to his smack hands.

Rex: I don't want to do this guy.

Quarry: then you had better give yourself up now.

Rex: that's not happening.

He ran forward and he started fighting, creating an opening for cricket to slip into quarry's office, although as she landed, she found that she hands made a noise he could here. As his rocky body turned around, she managed to jump towards him, using her legs to give her a better kick, sending him stumbling back.

Quarry: that wasn't a bad kick. I see my training has been going well.

Cricket: it isn't training if I'm mind controlled.

She kicked him around the head and then she looked at the monitors as he managed to get control of her. She kicked him with her cricket legs.

Quarry: I'll give you the next hit free, you had better make it count.

Cricket looked around and she saw the server room behind quarry, and she jumped backwards and onto the wall, using it for leverage to get in the strongest hit she could on quarry, where he was sent flying back into the server, destroying it although he didn't feel it.

Back outside of the room, rex watched as the collars just fell off of the group.

Circe: did we just get collared?

Bobo: you'll get used to it.

Tucc: I hope not.

Skwydd: where are you guys?

Rex: we were running a few minutes behind because someone needed to get some food.

Bobo: a monkey's got to eat.

Circe: where's cricket?

Rex: fighting quarry and doing a good enough job to get you all free apparently, now if you excuse me.

He built his new bad axes, and he ran forward and into the server room where he found that quarry had picked up cricket by her legs and he was holding her upside down.

Quarry: do you have any idea what you've just done?

Rex lunged forward and he managed to use his new bad axes to cut one of quarry's arms off, causing it to fall to the floor, the one that onyx had cut off only a few weeks earlier.

Rex: she did the right thing. You're done quarry.

Quarry: well, played, both of you. But you understand that I can't just let you leave, don't you?

The rest of the group, followed into the room and they stood behind rex, all of their abilities showing, and Bobo had his blasters showing, knowing that it wasn't charged but using it to help with the intimidation.

Quarry: well do you know who gave me theses collars?

Rex: black knight.

Quarry: she let me out, but I got them from this fine young man. He called himself Caesar, ring a bell.

Circe: why would he help you?

Rex: nobody ever told him about quarry's danger.

Skwydd: so, let's get out of here before we get reminded.

Rex cut open another hole in the wall of the abandoned arcade with his bad axes and he let everybody get out before running along the side of the wall with his bad axes, collapsing the building on quarry.

Rex: so, who wants to go and get some smoothy's?

They got into the sewers, and they made their way to the stolen providence jet where they flew off into the back to Bellwood, now the resistance had a few more members to add to its forces.  

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