stories from Belwood: the twi...

By crystal_pro_2024

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5 years after the events of ben gen rex, rex has moved up to being part of providence's special forces team... More

Episode 0 - it started when...
Episode 1- the day everything changed.
Episode 2 - the new threat.
Episode 3: last measures.
Episode 4 - what's with the weather?
Episode 5 - the architect.
Episode 6 -making magical frenemies.
Episode 7 - quarry brakes out.
Episode 8 - the search in Hong Kong.
Episode 9 - dark passage
Episode 10 - the darkstar rises
Episode 11 - the return
Episode 12 - the arrival
Episode 13 - animo, breach and the new girl.
Episode 14 - maxed out.
Episode 15 - the hunted
Episode 16 - where do-little girls come from?
Episode 17 - tired out.
Episode 18 - the pressure of the gauntlet.
Episode 19 - the plague
episode 20 - plumbers helpers.
Episode 21 - in the badlands
Episode 22 - bad copy. bad copy!
episode 23 - a wayward hero
Episode 24 - vengeance of vilgax.
Episode 25 - six times six
Episode 26 - alone together.
Episode 27 - the family holiday.
Episode 28 - primus
Episode 29 - back in black.
Episode 30 - Animo's evolved.
Episode 32 - save the last dance.
Episode 33 - the green fist
Episode 34 - not so secretive.
Episode 35 - just a little party.
Episode 36 - lost in the void.
Episode 37 - the first of 5
Episode 38 - undercover
Episode 39 - remote controlled.
Episode 40 - official plumbers training.
Episode 41 - tricked
Episode 42 - plumbers under attack.
Episode 43 - assault on Abysus.
Episode 44 - the secrets held in chromastone
Episode 45 - a man on the inside.
Episode 46 - together strong.
Episode 47 - in the end game.
Episode 48 - the one to control them all
Episode 49 - the war begins
Episode 50 - one final push

Episode 31 - the swarm.

15 0 0
By crystal_pro_2024

With the group in their new home, Circe found that her room was now covered by Bobo's equipment.

Circe: why is all of your stuff in my room?

Bobo: there isn't enough room in that bus, not with Kevin refusing to leave.

Circe: just get everything out of my room.

Bobo: as you wish princess.

Circe: and I don't mean everything, just your things.

Bobo: you have to take the fun out of it.

She walked into the main control room where she finds Dr holiday and white night looking at the security system of providence, as they had managed to hack into their systems.

Circe: providence looks so different.

White: look at what they've done to the petting zoo.

Circe: why do the Evos look, happy?

Dr holiday: look at their necks.

She found more of the mind control collars and Caesar looking over them.

Circe: what is he doing?

White: if I had to guess, he's helping her.

DR holiday: well, I've got some reports in about some kind of insect Evo rampaging around a city in China.

White: then gather the group and head out, I'll keep my eyes here and I'll let you know if anything changes on providence's end. Kenwyn can stay here with me, just in case.

DR holiday nodded as she left and changed into her combat gear and they flew off, landing in the small village where they found that it was demolished.

Rex: what kind of insect Evo could've done this?

Circe: I've never seen anything like this.

They feel some rumbling as Kevin switches to skunkmoth while rex built his boogie pack and they flew through the air, finding an army of insect Evos rampaging through another village where they found that some providence agents were trying to contain the mess.

Kevin: those are some ugly looking Evos.

Rex: let's see if I can attempt to cure one, and then we can see what there's things are made of.

Dr holiday: hang on, look at them.

Six: there eating metal.

Rex: so, no builds?

Circe: don't worry, I'll protect you.

Rex: you've also got nanites.

DR holiday: but they may be too small and spread out to be noticed.

Bobo: can we just get to the blasting already?

Kevin: let's do this.

As they all land, Kevin changed into wrecking bolt and he started rolling through them, creating a line for the providence grunts to escape through. Meanwhile Bobo and DR holiday where blasting, while six tried to cut through them, although all of them found that their weapons where ineffective against their thick exoskeletons.

Kevin: looks like we'll need more firepower.

Kevin switched to bashmouth, and his metal teeth flew down as he tried to take a bite out of one of the Evos, although he was covered in some kind or liquid.

Dr holiday: Kevin, what did you do?

Kevin: I'm just trying to help.

Rex: well switch to rush and get out of there.

Kevin: I've got this.

He switched to crystalfist, one of the Evos tried biting into him, but when it was met with crystals it backed off. However, as rex tried to cure one, they all ran away and started to dig underground. Managing to get away in an instant, although the grunts where still there, they quickly left as the group looked at the tunnels and back at the village, finding it wrecked, although all of the wood remained, while the metal was gone.

Rex: ok, what just happened?

Dr holiday: I'm not sure but I'm going to need a sample of some kind. Do you still have any on you Kevin?

Kevin: my crystals probably nocked it all off.

Circe: what about this?

She pointed out some of the small remaining metal with some of the same liquid that was spewed onto Kevin and Dr holiday looked it over.

DR holiday: this could work. Let's return to base, and figure this whole thing out.

As they got into the ship and returned to the base, they found Kenwyne sitting at the monitor that white was.

Kenwyn: so, how was the adventure?

Rex: we got our butts handed to us.

Kenwyn: and it looks like providence isn't doing much better.

Dr holiday: those insects Evos where huge and only ate metal.

Kenwyn: well, that's different.

Six: and we don't have the same resources here.

Kevin: we've still got this. Right?

Circe: I don't know but we need to figure out how to stop them before they destroy more villages.

Bobo: so, where's the man in the suit?

Kenwyne: working on a chamber so he isn't always stuck in that suit.

Dr holiday: think darkmatter can give me a hand with this?

Kevin: let's find out.

As the pair walked off, and six and Bobo broke off, the three were left there.

Kenwyn: I joined providence to stop this sort of thing from happening, but now...

Circe: I get you. I didn't even want to join providence when I was first given the choice, but knowing rex was willing to give them another chance, after everything they did to him.

Rex: well, they helped us stop van Kleiss and we helped change how they saw humanoid Evos.

Kenwyn: what can you guys tell me about black knight? White won't tell me anything.

Rex sighed as he filled her in.

Meanwhile Dr holiday and dark matter looked over the piece of oxidized metal, trying to analyze it with the little equipment they had.

Dr holiday: what are you getting on your end?

Kevin: it seems to be a mix of locusts, termites, and beetles.

DR holiday: where does dark matter's intelligence come from?

Kevin: I don't entirely know, but I've been able to instantly recharge the omnitrix when darkmatter so he's definitely smart.

Dr holiday: there's something on here btu it's braking up to fast to figure out.

Kevin: we need a living one of these Evos.

DR holiday: then where do we find them?

Kevin: where did you say that those Evos where?

DR holiday: it was this village in China, and they were moving this way.

She showed a map and as darkmatter looked at it, he placed a ruler on the map of the line and as they looked up the map to find that the line was intersecting with the giant city of Beijing. They looked at each other horrified, as they went into the main room finding everybody chatting.

Kenwyn: there ready to bleach the area.

Dr holiday: we know where they're going to pop up next.

White: and where's that?

DR holiday: Beijing.

Six: there'll be over a million tons of steel there.

Rex: and billions of people.

Circe: and black wants to wipe them all out.

White: unless we can stop them, what are we meant to do?

Kevin: if we can extract some of their pheromone, then we can use it against them.

Circe: that's a smart plan for Kevin 11.

Kevin: its dark matter talking. Not Kevin.

Rex: and where do we get some pheromone from?

DR holiday: a living one. It breaks down too fast for us to take it from a dead one, if you can even kill it. so, who wants to go and get a fresh sample?

Everybody steps back, other than rex.

Rex: seriously you it's your guy's plan.

Dr holiday: Kevin and I need to be here to dismantle it. and the antitrix is like 50% metal.

Kevin: and I'm not taking it off.

Rex: and I'm filled with millions of little machines.

DR holiday: we all are, but unless you build something, they don't seem to be able to smell the metal on you.

Rex: just take me to where they are.

DR holiday: they should be here.

Kenwyn: I'll take him. It's getting boring in here.

DR holiday: go right ahead.

Kevin turned back to normal, and he looked at the antitrix.

Kevin: no matter how much I tune this thing up; its charge is inconsistent.

As the pair of rexes and Kenwyne flew over to the resting spot of the Evos, Kenwyne landed, and she handed rex some small pieces of tech.

Kenwyne: there mostly plastic so you should be safe to use them.

Rex: are you sure you don't want to do this?

Kenwyn: I'm fine right here.

Rex sighed as he descended into the pit of Evos, finding that they were sleeping, he started talking through his earpiece.

Rex: all right doc, I'm here. Can you see what I'm seeing?

DR holiday: kind of, but the camera on this earpiece is small and not placed well.

Rex: I thought you had this ready to go.

DR holiday: I had to make this in a few minutes, it's not even waterproof.

As rex moved forward, he found himself watching one of the Evos splitting in two. Rex turned his head and he got to see what was going on while sending the video back.

Rex: what's going on?

DR holiday: it must be a form of mitosis, which must be why they need to eat so much. Because there multiplying.

Circe: that's not good.

Six: and they'll still be heading to Beijing if rex doesn't get some of that pheromone.

Rex: I'm on it.

He finds one that was sleeping, and he managed to find a soft spot, injecting the needle into it, as some of the pheromone came spewing out onto him, coating him in it.

Rex: I think we have a problem.

Dr holiday: I can tell, your earpiece is covered in the pheromone.

Rex: it isn't the only thing.

Circe: get out of there, now.

Rex: already running.

However, as he kept in running, he found his path blocked by some of the Evos.

Rex: since I'm not hiding my builds anymore.

He built his smack hands hand he started pushing everybody out of the way as he made it to the rope, and he used his punk posters to jump out of the cave. Switching to his sky slyder as he attempted to get to the helicopter that had already jumped onto the air, although the Evos shot something corrosive at it, that managed to break the build from right under him. He built his rex ride as he got to driving away as fast as he could.

Rex: I can't lose them.

DR holiday: just keep moving, you might be able to throw them off of their route.

Rex: no way, I'm going to have to jump underwater to get away from them.

Circe: do you have any idea how long you'll have to be down there?

Rex: I've got a pretty good idea.

Circe: don't do it.

Rex: too late.

He jumped into the water, but as he descended, he found that his eyes where glowing blue again and a new build would form around his mouth, creating tanks on his back. He felt it taking in water, although it would soon rely on the water as he found that it was creating breathable air from the water.

Rex: guys, I think I just unlocked a new build.

However, as he was breathing heavily and talking, the new build couldn't keep up with him and he passed out, he found himself waking up in some kind of lab, on a heated bed with DR holiday being the only other person in the room.

Rex: what happened?

DR holiday: you jumped into a lake and that new build was supplying oxygen, but not enough for your brain to let you stay awake. I had to quarantine your clothes as they could have some of the pheromone still on them.

Rex: wait a minute, does that mean...?

Dr holiday: oh, be mature, I'm a doctor.

Rex paused as she threw him a lab coat, which covered him enough to walk out of the room and to the bus where his spare clothes were.

Circe: did you manage to find any pheromone?

DR holiday: I think there's a very small amount on the nylon tag of his underpants, but that's not our biggest concern, is it?

White: they've ordered a bleach protocol, there' going to nuke the Evos and blow up the great wall to do it.

Dr holiday: they have Caesar with them, surly he'd want to study them.

Circe: clearly not, we need to do something.

White: I agree, but unfortunate I can't go out there myself since this suit is mostly metal.

Circe: ok, so the rest of us go out there, and by DR holiday some time to do her science stuff.

Six: it could work, but we'd be taking on the providence grunts as well.

Kevin: then it's a good thing that we have some friends to help us out.

They all look at him as we cut to the great wall and the group landing, now having he alien force with them.

Lucy: you weren't kidding, there pulling out all of the stops.

Kevin: think we can stop them?

Ben: I think they need to have a work with gravattack.

Gwen: it never gives you gravattack.

Ben: just watch.

He activated his omnitrix and he slammed down on it, changing into kickin hawk.

Ben: this can work.

Rex: just keep the grunts distracted while we deal with the Evos.

Gwen: if there as strong as you say they are, then you'll need some help.

Kevin: well, some magic would be nice.

Gwen: especially since you've missed our last 3 dates.

Kevin: I've been busy.

Gwen: I know, so let's make up for it.

Lucy: wait, you two are dating?

Ben: get over it lucy, we've got some grunts to distract. I've done this before, and I'll do it again.

He ran forward and he started attacking them, while Noah landed next to the bleaching device, glitch coming off of him and onto the bleaching device.

Noah: can you shut it down?

Glitch: I can, but it will need some time. I will require some cover.

Noah: but you're my cover.

Charmcaster: d what you need to, this is going to be fun.

She pulled out her spell book and she spoke a spell.

Charmcaster: Namala.

Suddenly some of the grunts where encased in pink bands, as glitch continued to mess around with the bleaching device. However, one of the grunts called out.

Calan removing his helmet: what are you doing?

Kenwyn: what we need to, we have a plan, and bleaching isn't part of it.

Calan: and what is your plan?

Kenwyn: it's a work in progress.

Calan: as you are superior, I command you to step down agent Kenwyne.

Kenwyn: I defected.

Calan: so, I'll treat you the same way I've been told to treat them.

Kenwyn: you'll have to get to me first.

She got into a defensive position as Calan ran towards her. Meanwhile the rest were trying to hold off the Evos.

Kevin: looks like I need my idea's guy.

He changed back into darkmatter, and he created a massive wall of his red cerebral crystals, a wall so wide that the Evos only had two ways of getting around the wall, creating containment points where Kevin would quickly finish the wall.

Kevin: that should hold them, unless they...

He's cut off by the ground rumbling as the Evos managed to tunnel under him.

Rex: unless they tunnel under, right?

Kevin: they won't stay under ground for long, we just need to stall until...

He's cut off again by DR holiday who asks for him to get over to her as fast as possible.

Kevin: I'm going to borrow the chopper.

Rex: what do you mean by that?

Kevin changed into bootleg, and he merged with the plane, flying off into the distance leaving the others to fend for themselves. However as there appeared to be to many, ben changed into omni-kix gravattack and he managed to place them all into his gravitational field.

Ben: I can only hold them all while in the armor, but it's killing the battery, if you're going to do something, do it now.

However, from behind him, some of the grunts where shooting at him.

Ben: I'm trying to protect you here.

Gwen: I've got them.

She shot out some mana blasts, hitting most of the grunts as lucy took out the rest.

However, Kevin soon returned with something in the ships new cannon.

Kevin: you sure this will work?

DR holiday: it should, it has to.

Circe: what's the plan?

DR holiday: this is a much more concentrated version of the pheromones, if it's used to tag lunch then we'll be able to get them to think there the lunch, and with the few that remain, we'll be able to deal with them.

Ben: well, I can't keep them in the air much longer.

DR holiday: just keep them together.

Ben: I'll try.

He managed to get them into one place where Kevin started blasting the liquid pheromone at the Evos before ben timed out and fell to his knees.

Ben: I forgot just how much carrying that much drains me.

They watch as the Evos start eating each other and the group regrouped with the providence grunts.

Ben: now this is just brutal.

Kevin: and I love it.

Ben: are you going to stay as bootleg?

Kevin: until I time out.

Calan: you know I'm still going to have to report all of this, right?

Rex: that we did your job with no casualties?

Calan: unfortunately.

Six: it's nothing personal.

Bobo: for you maybe, but this. this is a work or art.

The group got into the helicopter and with Kevin merging with it, they flew off back to their new base, landing he returned to normal as he gave Gwen a hug and he gave ben a fist bump.

Ben: thanks for bringing us in, it always feels good to cross over like this.

Rex: tell me about it. and when you get the chance do you think you can track down the forgetie again?

Gwen: why?

Charmcaster: isn't that an old fairy tale?

DR holiday: black knight used our old research on it to make her mind control mist for the Evos.

Ben: sure, maybe we can even find Zak again.

Circe: that would be a blast from the past.

Lucy: oh, I remember that guy. He's that crypted one, right?

Circe: yep.

Ben: well, we should be heading off, there's still a lot of DNAliens to fight and that.

Rex: if we find any, we'll let you know.

Glitch turned back into his car form, and he drove off with the alien force, the others congratulating themselves inside of their base. 

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