Status: On Tour With 1D

By Duckwinpie

30.2K 864 114

"We want you guys to come on tour with us." That one sentence brought the normal lives of Kate, Chelsea and... More

Leaving NZ
Arriving In England
The Ghost Of Leprechaun Past
Let The Interviewing Begin!
Lisa - Not What We Were Expecting
First, Second And Third
The Concert
Video Diary - London
Toasters and Trends in Twit-land
Shopping and Reunions
New Years Night
Hair Cutting
Louis - We're At War?
Video Diary - Glasgow
My Attempt At Being A Stand-up Comedian
The Singles Club
Opportunity Comes Knocking
Let The Interviewing Begin! (Part Two)
Video Diary - Los Angeles
Too Hot To Function
We Have a Glee Moment
Until Next Time
Sneak Peek
Quick Note

Drunk Night

1.2K 29 4
By Duckwinpie

So much for getting back to weekly updates. I'm sorry, but I just started my second to last year of school and my maths teacher expects me to do three pages of homework in one night and then I had work so these last two weeks have been pretty full on for me.

So I just had swimming sports and me and my friends were singing Sweet Home Alabama on the way back to get our bags. And my house won! Woo!! And I did nothing at all to help as I didn't swim for the entire three hours!

Also, I'm officially 16! Now I can finally learn to drive! This is gonna be interesting... Wish all the drivers in NZ good luck.

Hopefully I'll see you soon


It had been two weeks since the New Year and life had been getting better ever since Liam left his laptop in the lounge while doing a twitcam and had caught the rest of us being idiots. In a quick summary of what happened, I ran around singing the pink panther theme song, Chelsea dressed up as an ancient Greek and muddled up every sentence she said, Christina ran around with her toy bunny I made for her for Christmas and then we had a silly string fight with the boys and did the Harlem Shake. Then Liam came back and we realised that three million people had watched us being idiots.

Since then, the hate had decreased and fans actually liked us. There were still a few haters out there who can't seem to let the fact that we're on tour with the boys go, but we just ignore them.

"I thought you said this was only gonna be a small party?" I asked Zayn as I flicked though four pages that made up the guest list for his big 20th birthday party. They'd rented a hall just for tonight and we'd moved from our lovely little cottage to a hotel (which I was sad about since I quite liked it there)

"It is but everyone has a plus one."

It seemed as though only three seconds later that I found myself surrounded by people I didn't know and wondering what the hell had happened to everyone.

I decided that there's no one better to hang out with than food so I headed over to the snack table and helped myself to whatever was chocolate and then I grabbed a plastic cup full of punch.

I took a sip of the brightly coloured drink and swallowed. I frowned, running my tongue around my mouth to catch the remaining taste. Something wasn't right...

"Harry?" I asked, looking around for the curly haired boy. I pushed my way through the crowd until I spotted his curly mop of hair. "Haz!" I yelled, tapping on his shoulder. He turned around to face me and I saw a girl standing beside him. "Oh, sorry."

"No worries!" he grinned. He turned back to her. "I'll talk to you later, okay?" She nodded, kissing his cheek before leaving. "What cha want Ducky?"

"Can you try this?" I asked, holding my cup out to him. He looked down at it and flicked his eyes back to mine, raising an eyebrow. "I didn't do anything to it! Promise!" I defended.

He sighed heavily and took the cup, looking as though he was being forced to. I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour. He downed a mouthful, eyebrows furrowing together.

"I think... I think someone's spiked it," he said before drinking some more. "Yep, definitely spiked." He confirmed.

"I knew it!" I said. "We should probably tell the others before-"

"WASS UP?!?!?!" a voice shouted, cutting me off as an arm was slung around my shoulder.

"Too late." Harry laughed. I glared at him before turning my head to face a very drunk girl.

"Hello Christina."

"Kate, you would not believe this!" she slurred, spilling her drink all over the floor. "But I just met this guy and I think he could be the one for you!!! Come on!!" she yelled, starting to drag me away.

Help me! I mouthed at Harry. He smirked before mouthing back Hell no! I stuck my middle finger up in a salute to him before following Christina through the crowd.

"There he is!! Say hello to Frank!!" she said, pointing to 'Frank'.

"Christina," I said. "That's a pot plant."

"IT'S FRANK!!!" she screamed. I held my hands up in defeat.

"Okay okay, it's Frank!" I said quickly. "What about we go find Chelsea?"

"Buzzy bee! Ready or not, here we come!!!!" Christina yelled, running into the crowd where we soon found her by the punch bowl.

"Don't drink that!" I said, causing her to jump.

"Why not?" she asked after she saw who it was.

"I drank mine!" Christina said in a Forest Gump voice.

"That would be why." I answered, pointing at the drunken girl who was sniffing Chelsea's hair.

"You smell like purple farmer crackers Chelsea," she smiled. What the fuck are purple famer crackers?

"Uh, thanks?" Chelsea replied, not whether to take it as a compliment or not. "Let's go home Christina."

"I wanna be a Peter Pan fish when I grow up," Christina mumbled as we pulled her towards the exit.

"That's nice." I said.

As we reached the door, there was a sudden yell and a barely clothed Niall raced past us. "BLUE PANDAS ARE THE CHEESE MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!!" he screamed, clearly drunk as well. A second later, Liam appeared.

"Don't worry, I got him." He told us before disappearing after the giggling Irish lad.

"I thought leprechauns were supposed to be able to hold their liquor?" Chelsea asked as we started walking back to the hotel we were staying at.

"Niall's a special snowflake." I answered and she made a noise of agreement. And then Christina walked into a pole.

"Oops! Sorry!" she giggled, hugging it in apology. "Hey, wanna dance?" and without waiting for even a millisecond, began to pole dance. "Le waltz!"

To say me and Chelsea couldn't stop laughing would be an understatement. We were near pissing ourselves. Let's be honest, when was the last time you watched your best friend ask a pole to dance?

Christina eventually lost her grip on the pole (and reality, but I'm sure that was lost long ago) and fell backwards into a pile of fresh snow. "Hey guys, look!!" she yelled, sitting up and shoving her cupped hands at us. "It's a potato!"

I have no idea how she thought a handful of snow was a potato, but she also though a pot plant was a guy named Frank, so I'm guessing this is just her when she's drunk.

"Go potato! Be free!" she cried as she threw the snow into the air and as soon as it dropped to the ground, she started to sob. "Why'd you go potato? We were gonna have so much fun together!!"

"Come on Christina," Chelsea chuckled, helping the girl to her feet. "We're going home now."

"But we have to bury potato!" Christina protested.

"How about this; we go home, get some sleep, then we'll bury potato tomorrow, okay?" I suggested. Christina thought for a moment before nodding her head swiftly.

We somehow managed to get back to the hotel without any more dramatic happenings and in under ten minutes. I looked back in the direction we'd come from and uttered three words before entering.

"Happy Birthday Zayn."

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