Love you, Hate you

By 557damon

18.5K 1.4K 770

Once he was in love... His love was selfless, endless, extreme and had no boundaries and so is his hate.... e... More

Spilled Coffee
Locked inside
Stolen moment
Drunk boss
Evil witch
Stubborn assistant
Doom or blessing?
Rocky start
Bickering duo
Black Dahlia
Strangers from past -1
Strangers from past-2
Hooked up?
Damsel in Distress?
Sweet Torture
Bewitched by desire
Do you love me?
One step forward two steps back
Distance makes heart grow fonder
Worry and Agony
Like a Moth to a Flame
Author's Note
Chains of heart
Its all you!

Extra: Memory or illusion

415 32 11
By 557damon



Arthit is standing at the threshold of his condo, facing his driver," you can go now and please tell Ms. Prae to report me in the morning"

The driver nods, a perturbed expression on his face as he states down at the mop of golden hair peeking out from the forte of muscular arms,"would you like me to call a doctor?"

The actor glances down at the person lying in his arms. Open and vulnerable with closed eyes, snuggled against his chest like a small kid, slender fingers fisted his white dress shirt," no need. I can handle it"

The automatic lock sensor activates as soon as Arthit steps inside away from the threshold and door to the condo gets locked up. AI system announcing for completion of task. The actor walks over to the sofa and lays his assistant there. Opening his shoes and socks next, before he climbs up to take off the coat.

"Hey Kong! You awake?? Can you hear me??", Arthit peers at his husband whose whole face is cherry red.


"Shit! He is burning up. Just what in the hell happened??", Arthit caresses the golden bangs, sweeping them away, giving insight to the glorious forehead. He was busy talking with directors, not paying quiet attention to his surrounding when all commotion happened. He didnt even realised when Kongpob stepped away from his side. One second his assitant was beside him and next the whole area is resonating with the sound of harsh slap landed on the main investor's face. Before Arthit could make a sense of the situation, it escalted drastically. The whole place blew away booming sound of broken glasses and decoratives. The guests were raininh punches and kicks on one another without any care. And amidst them was his assistant, barely conscious sitting against the wall with eyes closed.

...He doesn't has fever?? Has he taken any medicine?? I need to get him to cool down first to make him a bit sober only then he could tell me exactly what took place earlier...thinking of an idea, the elder starts to get up when a hand on his chest stops him. He looks down and finds his assistant squinting back at him. "You woke up?? Hah!! You had scared me there. I thought that bastard Fiang has given you some -

Arthit cuts off mid speaking as a pair of lips pounced on him out of nowhere. Not prepared for this kind of reaction at all, it took some long seconds before he realised that his assistant who is also his husband is actually kissing him....and too aggressively..

Kongpob feels like thousands of needles are prickling him with how his body is burning up. A need coursing through his veins, terrorizing him with how familar it was. But along with fear, he can also taste the thrill drumming beneath all. He had experienced this ablazing inferno before too. Not only experienced but has gotten burnt off for ever. Still, he could not control himself. His body is not rationalizing with his brain at all. He just wants to keep on kissing the soft pink lips. Burying his hand in the silky lengths, he grabs on them, entering the opening as soon as the other person gives way. His other hand is clutching the back of broad shoulders as he sits up, gluing their fronts. An illicit moan slips out of young man as he rubs against the other.

Blocked by the sensual movements, Arthit let the other control him. His own mind is foggy for some reason. He knows that they should stop but the why is missing here. He whole body is tingling as he let his hands wander down, reaching just above the soft swells and caresses them.

Arthit groaned as the other bits hard on the collarbone, leading him to squeeze the perfect round bottoms harshly, managing out a surprised yelp from Kongpob, finally awakeing the actor from the sex crazed bubble. Gripping the slender shoulders, he pulls back Kongpob, diffusing their attached mouths.

"What the hell Kongpob!! Why did you kissed ...hang on!! His eyes are glazed and unfocused. His whole body is feverish...has he consumed some sort of aphrodisiac... The actor holds the other by his nape and pulls him back from where he is nuzzling his collarbone. Gently tapping his assistant on cheeks, Arthit tries to talk to him," hey Kong! Had you alcohal or something at the party?"

"", Kongpob mumbled, as he struggles to get close to the actor. His muddled brain can't understand why the other is refusing him. He wants to hug...wants to be hugged and cuddled with the other. They had done it so many times in the past but why his P'Arthit is protessting??? does he not like him anymore??...

...coke?? but I have also had it, even though it was just 2-3 sips....then why owww!!

The elder one winces before shoving the away the later. " what the hell is wrong with you? ouch! Have you turned into a rabid dog??"

Arthit feels up his chin and glares at the giggling figure, when comes in contact of the damaged skin, " you are dead if it leaves any mark ugghh!!!"

Arthit groaned when got chomped again by his husband who is out of his wits...this won't do. I need to do something really quick before he eat me idea pops up in his head and he gets up very next instant, carrying Kongpob on his arms who has himself latched on the nipples like an infant, sucking the nubs over the white shirt....Jesus!! what the hell!! What kind of torture is this? The actor stumbles to put some gap, but his feet suddenly very heavy like the floor shaking?? Why do I feel like....shitt!!! Is it that cold drink??? Is Kongpob saying the truth??...

Fumbling with the knob, the actor stumbled inside. His steps uncoordinated as he trudges towards the shower. Standing directly under the showerhead, he lowers his assistant who remains glued to him. No sooner, Arthit pushed the button, they got drenched from head to toe with ice cold water. The trick doing its work as Kongpob instantly jumped away from the fountain, giving way to the actor who banged both his palms against the tiled walls, and throws his head back, letting the water aimed at him directly.

...kongpob was right. The cold drink was spiked for sure. I feel like burning inside. My throat is parched and the thirst is increasing each passing second.... Fortunately, I only had two sips because of my strict diet plan else I would had also been in same situation as Kongpob...speaking of him, why is it so quiet??...

Arthit looked over his shoulder and gasped at the display of honey tone skin. Kongpob is sitting on the wet floor. He has more than half buttons of his shirt off and is working on the rest. The dark slacks he has worn is halfway down the legs. The actor rushes beside the younger one, grabbing his wrist to stop the other from getting totally naked.

" Kongpob, you can not-

"Its hot!! So hot!! Am feeling so hot!!Am I dying phi? I don't want to die!!", an intoxicated Kongpob cries, tears falling off his eyes.

...beautiful....he is so damn beautiful...aggh!!.. the actor averts his eyes to the side as he catches a glimpse of the rosy peaks poking the wet shirt wrapped around later as second skin. His eyes widens next. Glancing down, he finds the other rubbing his face against his palm like a cat.

"mmm!! It feels nice P'Arthit", incoherent of his activities, Kongpob mumbled. His whole body is hurting with the burn and ache. He is trembling from head to toe. He can't understand it. He just knows that this person who is also his husband, who once has been his everything, who is nothing more than an enemy to him is the only one who can make it right for him. He likes how the large and slightly calloused palm feels against his cheek. He wants more of it.

Arthit gulped. His throat dries for entirely different reason. His eyes roams over the person who is his husband. The shirt is now totally transparent, giving birth to all kinds of fantasies in actor's mind. He is aware that his assistant is not in his right state of mind. It can only be the world's end day  when the other would allow him to see him this way. But so is he. He is losing his mind watching his life long desire turning into a reality. Even if it under some aphrodisiac. Kongpob is not looking at him with hate. Nor the brown orbs are blank of emotion. It is the same Kongpob who has knocked on his room that night 3 years back. The one who declared his true feelings. One who embraced Arthit with all and taken each and everything from the actor, engraving himself in the senior's body and soul.


Arthit nearly trips in his steps as he made his way towards the door. The rapping against the woods are consistant and urgent. He has been drinking for more than an hour and is finally witnessing the effects of getting drunk. His brain is a bit fuzzy about the details but as he could make out the work papers strewn all over the living area, one can say that he is not totally out . He is in such a shitty mood today. If not for the promise to his mentor, he wouldn't had left long ago. Its not easy, seeing love of your life in somebody else's arm, watching your crush shooting heart eyes, giving soft and secretive smiles to some other was soul crushing painful. Everytime he watches his young master adoring Sam with those big, round, brown eyes, Arthit felt like someone is slicing up his lungs, making it difficult to breath. He wanted to cry his heart out to his parents but he can not. He wants to scream, to hit something. He wishes to claw those eyes gazing his kongpob with lust, desires to break those hands which dared to touch the other...but...he can't do anything. Cause...cause Kongpob likes Sam. Arthit didn't need his young master to confirm the news. He is attuned to the younger one's each and every aspect. The look of pure fondness on honey golden face is something he can never forget..has the outcome been different, if he had been a bit more brave...a bit courageous and greedy?? Would Kongpob had accepted him if he had confessed? -

Open up!! Please!!

Young master??...hearing the well acquainted voice the other person hurried and clicked open the gate only to stagger back as Kongpob pounces on him. Wrapping both his limbs around Arthit like an octopus. On instinct, elder's hand surrounds themselves around the figure clinging on to him.


I love you l love you pleas..hicke don't leave me

Totally floored by the unseen confession coming his way, Arthit is too stunned to say anything. Robotically, he reaches out and shuts the door with one hand. His ears are ringing from the words. On a normal day, he would had doubted the revelation as well as investigated this admission bang mid in the night before taking any action or laughed it off as some sort of prank. But alcohal has reduced the fuctioning of his brain, unabling him to decipher the true meaning or intention or emotion behind Kongpob's disclosure. Instead of being suspicion, Arthit can only feel a warm, fuzzy feeling blooming in the dark pitch of his heart. Something like hope lightening up his whole....

"what are you waiting for Arthit?? Reply him. Answer him that you too love him back. Show him how you feel about him. Dont let go of this opportunity", devil Arthit wearing a dark and red cloak floating in the air from head to toe whispers.

"No no Arthit. Think logically-

"Oh shut the fuck up for once!! Let the guy do something bad for once. Why you keep on chirping right and wrong always", devil Arthit ridiculed the angel Arthit.

Angel Arthit drowned in white cloth and feathers snorted," What would a devil like you know about black and white. You guys only look for loopholes and ummpff", white angel glared at the other who has his mouth covered and is taunting him with a smug grin before vanishing, whispering his last message...he is yours to begin with Arthit. Claim his love and heart. Don't waste time in pondering over useless details....

And that's when everything went wrong. When human lets his passion and sentiments overruled his sense of rationality, letting his heart and feelings overpower all the logical thinking of brain and gives in. That's the point of no return. Decisions taken while running high on emotions, whether it is anger, love or hate, always leads to sorrow and grief, tearing apart relationships and wrecking each and everything in its wake.


Kongpob blinks open his eyes, his hand raising immediately to block the harsh sunlight filtering through the white curtains, past the floor length glass windows??....its not my room..Realising, he sits back in haste and groans clutching his forehead as everything swims. Eyes closed he remains in the same position for few minutes, trying to reboot his brain.


Drink up!


You do have a really really good body. How about compensating with it?


You do have some nerve. I'll destroy you


Brown eyes flew open as glimpses of events from last night appears in his memory one after other. He has accompanied the actor to greet the director. Where he has accidently spilled the drink on the white haired guy. Despite his apology, Fiang touched him inappropriately, which led to Kongpob slapping him in front of all the guests. Then.....Earth??? Was it that loan shark with Fiang?? ....what happened then??'s completly blank...The assistant closes his eyes to concentrate more to remember. Shreds of memories of Arthit carrying him, them under the shower, him stripping NOOOOO!!! Did I really......what the fuck!!!...

Kongpob ears turns red. He can't believe that whaetver his brain conjured up fir him is a reality and not an illusion. He was still in middle of deciding, when hears a loud crashing noise. Descending the bed, he comes to his feet and finds himself in his night pajamas...did he helped me in changing???...He shakes his head to stop from overthinking. He don't want to think about it or remember whatever transpired in his less than stellar stage. He tends to do most disastrous things whenever intoxicated. So its better he don't remember. Ignorance is bliss sometimes. He aims for the bathroom but stops short catching his reflection in the mirror.

Huh?? Why it seems like a deja vu?? A vision flashes before his eyes, making Kongpob stagger. He grabs the bed pole to support's the dream I was having earlier....but why is Mr.Rojanapat there...and someone please tell meee...WHY IS IT SO R-RATED???ugghh! it a memory or-

Another series of continuos loud crashes has the assistant rushing out of the bedroom, momentarily giving a pause to his thoughts.


1st July, 2022

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