Vince & Vinnie

By SeriousxLogic

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Vince & Vinnie " Y o u 'r e c r a z y ! Y o u g o a r o u n d k i l l i n g i n n o c e n t p e o p l... More

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By SeriousxLogic

In the photo above is Vince in the blue and Vinnie in the red.

Bambi's PoV

Standing my board up in the warm sand I look out at the ocean. The sun setting on the endless horizon. We've watched this sunset nearly everyday since we were born and every time I'm shocked by its beauty. I inhale and lay down on my beach towel.

"You ready to head in? It's getting cold." I ask my sixteen year old little brother Grayson who's laying next to me watching the sunset through his sunglasses.

He nods. "Promise me something before we go Bambi. Promise me we'll always find time to do this."

We look at one another and i can't help be smile. I'm so glad Grayson and I are close.

"Are you pussing out on me gray?" I joke.

He laughs and throws sand in my direction.

"I'm not! God, you always have to ruin a nice moment."

"I promise." I say as we both get up and start packing our things.

When I was born my parents would bring me to this beach everyday. We would swim and surf. Build sandcastles. Then watch the sunset. Then once Grayson came along my dad was working more, being the alpha of the pack and all. And of course my mum was by his side 24/7. So that left 5 year old me and baby Grayson. The both of us went to the beach everyday. I taught him how to swim, and surf. Now he's like three inches taller than me and one of the best surfers in Gold Coast, Australia.

"You think the alpha is still here?" Grayson frowns.

Word has gone around for months that the new alpha of the Eden Black pack was traveling the world in search for his mate. I heard that just yesterday he was in Europe. Turns out he's here in Gold Coast. In my pack's house to be even more exact.

"Let's find out." I smirk racing Grayson up to the house.

I'm not nervous that there is a one and a million chance that I could be the Alpha's mate. A guy like him. Someone who's slaughtered thousands of people and not even care is the furthest thing from appealing to me. Maybe the alpha of Eden Black is mateless for all of his wrong doing.

Grayson beats me back to the house and trash talks me all the way to the shed where we store our boards.

"Don't worry little gray. One day I will demolish your slow ass and I will tell all your little second year friends that you got smoked by your sister."

"Keep telling yourself that." He laughs as we start towards the house.

We're right outside the front door when when we hear a loud growl. The alpha.

Grayson is quick to open the door and run in but I'm frozen. For the most wonderful smell holds me still. It smells like champagne and oak trees. Are we celebrating something?

Mate. My wolf purrs.

No. Hell no!

"Grayson!" I whisper yell.

He turns around and looks at me confused.

"Come on Bambi. Something could be wrong."

He has no clue how wrong things just got.

Why me moon goddess? Why me?

"Something is wrong Grayson! Just come here." I wave at him frantically.

As soon as he steps back outside I pull him behind shed.

"What the hell Bambi?"

"The alpha. His sent. My mate Grayson. That, monster, is my mate!" My heart is pounding and I want to scream and cry at the same time.

"No. Your messing with me. That's not funny Bambi."

"I'm not kidding Grayson! Help me!" I sob.

"Shit your serious."

He puts his hands on my arms and pulls me into a tight hug. Littles teardrops find their way out of my eyes.

"Okay listen to me. I'm going to go inside very casually and get you a jacket. You're gonna stay down at the beach until he leaves." He says rubbing my arms, warming me up.

"What if he asks for me? What if he already knows?"

"Then I'll make up something. I'll tell him I haven't seen you. I won't let him just take you away Bambi." He pulls back and looks down at me.

I nod smiling up at him.

"Just stay at our spot at the beach I won't be long."

He starts to jog away.

"Grayson wait." I run after him.

"I love you."

"I love you too shorty." He smiles hugging me one more time.

I let him go and he jogs off into the house. I run back to our spot on the beach a wait.


Vince's PoV

"The kids should be here any minute. They usually spend the day down on the beach." Alpha Jones speaks handing me a cup of coffee.

I'm about to say something but a cool breeze hits me. Inhaling I smell her sent. Sea salt and flowers. She's here. My mate is here.

"Vin do you smell that or is it just me?" My brother asks looking at me.

"Yeah I smell my mate. Salt water and flowers."

We both stand up simultaneously. A twin thing.

"You only have one daughter. Right alpha jones?"

"Yes. Bambi. Bambi Cecilia Jones." He answers.

If we both pick up the same sent to one girl does that mean she's both of our mates?

"We must warn you of her before the three of you meet."

"Warn us?" We question at the same time.

"What do you mean?" Vinnie asks.

"Our Bambi. She has a big heart but she is fierce. She's not the best when it comes to authority."

Vinnie and I look at each other and smile.

"Oh don't worry. We'll take care of that." I answer honestly.

We put up with no childish behavior or disrespect. From anyone.

Moments later a boy walks in shirtless and drenched my mates sent.

Who the fuck is he!? My wolf growls. Vinnie's face says he's thinking the same thing.

"Alpha Vince, Alpha Vinnie this is our son Grayson. He's sixteen."

Son. Thank god. I was gonna snap this kids neck.

He looks at the both of us confused but shakes our hands.

"So you're twin alpha's. That's crazy." He's says looking at the both of us.

"Grayson where is your sister? I'm sure the alpha's are on a schedule, coming all the way from Arizona."

The boy looks at the ground.

"Um I'm not sure. She ditched me and went with her friends." He lies.

That's bullshit. Vinnie says through mind link.

I know. She must be hiding from me. I mean us.

That breaks my heart a little. Our own mate. Hiding from us.

"Anyways it was a pleasure to meet you both but I told some girls at the pier that I'd hangout with them."

Before anyone can say another word Grayson is out of the room.

He's protecting her. She knows we're here and he's protecting her. That's a good brother but we're the wrong alpha's to mess with.

He comes back wearing a jacket.

"I'll be back later mom and dad. If I see Bambi I'll tell her your looking for her." He lies again.

It's sort of amazing watching him lie for his older sister. But when I think about it I would do the same.

"Hey Grayson. You wouldn't mind if we came to the pier with you? We seem to be missing something that we'd like to take home."

He blinks at me knowing he's been caught. He won't give up his sister so easily though. We both know he wasn't going to the pier.

"No. Of course not. I'll even help you look for her." He smiles weakly.

Vinnie whispers something in my ear. "He keeps lying. Why don't we just take him outback and teach him a lesson?"

Teaching him a lesson would be our initial plan but our mate is on the line here.

"She'll reject us if we hurt him," I say loud enough for everyone to hear.

"So before we go Grayson why don't you tell us where your sister is. We both know your protecting her."

His head falls.

"You'll have to kill me first." He says before running out the door.



Bambi's PoV

After what seemed like forever I hear Grayson's footsteps coming down the steps to the beach.

Sitting on last step I continue throwing piles of sand in the air.

"I can smell his sent right now. It's so strong. But I'm scared Grayson. I can't leave you here all by yourself. Not to be with a monster, psychotic, alpha. I've never even met the guy and I know he'll hate me, just because of who I am. Ya know?"

"We don't know." A deep voice startles me out of my seat.

There's a beautiful man before me. Two actually. I think I jumped up and turned around all too quickly.

"I'm seeing doubles now." I rub my eyes trying to gather myself.

"Your not seeing double Bambi. We're twins." The man chuckles.

"No shit!? This is so weird."

I take a closer look.

The guy on my left has on a black T-shirt and jeans. While the guy on my right has on a grey t-shirt and jeans. Simple but I'm living for it.

Their both smiling at me with pearly whites and dimples. It's impossible not to blush.

"Are you sure I didn't hit my head or something because I'm seeing two of the same thing. Curly brown hair, brown eyes..." Little hairs all over my body stand straight up as I look at the rest of these delicious men.

What am I talking about? This guy, o-or these guys are killers.

I take a step back.

"You didn't hit your head but you were hiding from us. I'm Vinnie and that's my brother Vince." The one in grey speaks and opens his arms to me. He seems friendly.

Hug him! My wolf screams. Something deep inside me is yearning to touch him but I'm constantly reminded of who they truly are. Monsters.

I glance over at Vince, the one in black and notice Grayson's jacket in his hand. Grayson!

"Where's my brother? Grayson!" I try to walk past them but at the same time they step in front of me.

"Your brother is fine Bambi. Here put this on, let's go inside." Vince holds up the jacket so I can slip it on.


"You live where!?"

"Phoenix, Arizona. Now let's got get your things packed. Our flight leaves in a half hour." Vince says again.

Isn't Arizona just rocks? And when did I agree to leave?

"What's the weather like? Are there any beaches?"

"The weather is great. I don't know about beaches though." Vinnie says playing with my hand.

"You don't know if there are any beaches where you live? You must not get out much."

In all honesty I'm just trying to waste time. I'm scared to leave with these two handsome randoms.

"For fucks sake." Vince groans and scoops me off of my feet and carries me upstairs. Vinnie follows.

"I have two legs ya know."

"Where's your room?" He asks ignoring me.

"Maybe it's the door that says Bambi on it. Which is also my name in case you didn't remember."

He takes his other hand and spanks me sort of hard.


"Don't get smart with me Bambi."

"Whatever." I mumble.

Finally he finds my room, drags me inside, and sits me on my bed. Vinnie comes in right after.

"Now, pack the things you need."

"I don't know what I need! I don't know what's in Arizona. I don't even know how far away it is!" I yell laying back on my bed.

"Don't raise your voice." They say simultaneously.

"Haha that's cute. Do it again."

They both smile.

"Seriously Bambi. Just pack your things." Vinnie says sitting at my desk.

"Fine. Gosh."

I get up and pull out the biggest suitcase I have and start throwing random things inside.

"This would go a lot quicker if I had some help." I nag throwing a sandal at Vince.

"You're right. We only have twenty eight minutes to get to a twenty hour flight."

I stop dead in my tracks.

"Twenty hours! Your shiting me right?" My brain is ready to melt.

"Don't say that word again and twenty hours plus. Depends on the stops." Vince growls opening a drawer and dumping all of my bras and panties onto the suitcase.

"Are those...?" Vinnie starts.

The two of them stare at the pile of lace and thongs.

My face goes crimson.

"Um you said twenty hour flight right? Yeah I'm gonna change my clothes then."

Embarrassed, I grab my pajama shorts and a t-shirt and run into the bathroom. With the door closed behind me I can exhale.

I strip out of my denim shorts, Grayson's jacket, and my swimsuit only to realize I brought no undergarments. Shiiiittt.

I could just got commando. For twenty hours though? Oh hell no.

I crack the bathroom door and poke my head out. "Um Vince."

He looks at me and smirks. "Yes Bambi?"

"I kinda need a bra and underwear."

They both laugh at me.

"Ha-ha very funny. Please just hand me that sports bra and the underwear with the tacos on them."

He hands me the garments.

"Thanks." Without even closing the door I quickly pull on the bra and undies.

"You are very welcome baby girl."

My heart skips a beat at the name.

Once I'm all dressed I take my hair out of the bun it's in and comb it a little.

"Eighteen minutes Bambi." One of the boys call.

I grab literally everything in my bathroom. Hair products, straightener, blow dryer, loofah, makeup bags...everything and take them into my room.

"This isn't gonna work. I have too much crap."

I toss everything on my bed and pout.

This is all too much in such little time.

"Hey. We're your mates and we're not leaving here without you so we'll make it work." Vinnie smiles trying to stuff my straightener into the same bag as my MacBook. I can't help but laugh at him.

"He's right. If there's anything you can go a day without we'll just get you new things when we get home."

I think it's finally starting to set in. I have two mates. Two very sexy mates at that.

Murderers. My subconscious adds.

They haven't been complete asses like I imagined the alpha of their pack to be. Not yet at least.


Goodbyes with my family and the pack are all too brief but Vince would have dragged me out if I spent another second in that pack house.

"Wait! Bambi! Wait!" I'm just about to close the car door when I see Grayson sprinting towards us with a board bag under his arm. I stumble out and meet him half way.

"Please don't beg me to stay. This is already hard enough gray."

"I just wanted you have to have your board. In case you find a decent brake in Arizona." My little brother smiles at me with watery eyes.

He takes the board over to car and ties it down to the roof with a bike cable.

A tear falls from my eye.

"Don't forget me baby gray."

"I love you too much bam." He grins pulling me in for a hug. The last hug.

"I should probably go now."

We release each other.

"Alright. Be safe." He says shooing me into the car.

"I will try."

He smiles and closes my door. The car rumbles and starts to pull away. I wave to Grayson until I can't see him anymore. I just left my brother, my family, my pack, my home. My serious pout face turns on as we get closer and closer to the airport.

"Hey what's wrong?" Vinnie, also in the backseat with me asks.

"I'm just homesick."

Somehow he grasps me in his arms and pulls me onto his lap.

"It's okay you'll see them again. Think of this as just a change of scenery. Plus you got two sexy ass mates. I can say that because we're twins." He whispers in my ear.

"That makes me feel better." I giggle.


He places a gentle kiss on my head. Awe.


"I'm starving!" I whine.

"We're about to get on the plane now. Why didn't you say anything while we were waiting for all of you freaking bags to be weighed?" Vince rudely questions handing the lady our plan tickets.

"I wasn't starving then Vince. So keep your attitude in a bottle."

He sends me a death glare. Of course I send one right back. I know he wants to say something really alpha like and put me in my place but we're around too many people.

"Just get on the plane please." He rubs his temples.

For the first time I do as told and make my way onto the plane.

The flight attendant lady says that our seats are in a first class bunker but I've never been on a plane before. So I get confused when she leads just the three of us to a really small secluded room. There's couch like seating inside. As well a little flatscreen and ice box.

The boys walk right in and take a load off. Like they've done this a million times. Oh wait they have.

Vinnie pats the seat in between them. I walk over and sit down. The room makes me nervous but I feel safe with Vince and Vinnie.

"This is really weird, It's like a living room for puppies." I giggle.

"Why puppies?"

Their both laughing at me again.

"I don't know puppies were in my mind at the moment." I wiggle my arms around.

My stomach growls.

"Did you hear that?"

They both stop and listen.

"Hear what?" Vince asks.

"My stomach telling me that it's gonna kill me if I don't give it food."

I hold my empty stomach.

"What do you want to eat?" Vinnie laughs.

"Pizza. Or cereal. Maybe both."

"What kind of combo is that?" Vince asks getting up and getting a drink from the ice box.

"It's the kind of combo that I'm craving right now Vince."

"I'll go see if they have pizza and cereal." Vinnie leaves the little room.

"Vince can I ask you a serious question?"

He turns around and looks me dead in the eyes.

"What?" He takes a sip of the bottled water in his hand.

"Are you grumpy because you don't like me?"

He sighs and rakes a hand through his hair.

"I love everything about you Bambi. I'm grumpy because my whole life I've had to share with my twin brother and I was kind of hoping your were mine and only mine." He sits the bottle on a small counter.

"I am yours if you really think about it. Like right now. It's just you and me."

He looks at me pondering for a second.

"Your right." And like lightning strikes he pulls me out of my seat, lifts me In the air, and wraps my legs around his torso.

For the second time today my face is crimson.

"I might have to share but you're all mine at the same time."

Before I realize what's happening his soft lips are pressed against mine, kissing me passionately. I taste his minty tongue as our lips moving in sync.

Out of breath we both pull away. But he comes back and tugs at my bottom lip with his teeth.

Major turn on.

"See, I told you I was yours. Just as much as I am his." I peck him on the nose.

Basically on Que. Vinnie renters the little room.

"Did I interrupt?" He asks holding a bowl of cereal in one hand and a slice of pizza in the other.

"Not at all."

I climb down from Vince and take the bowl of cereal from Vinnie.

"Golden grams! How did you know this is my favorite cereal?"

"I had a hunch." Vinnie smiles at me.

Sitting back down and eating my cereal I glance up at Vince. He's smiling at me too.

My two smiley twins.


Chap.1 (word count 3416)

I hope you enjoy. Leave a vote and a comment i wanna know what you think ;)

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