[OUTDATED] ☆The Caged Bird☆ S...

By sammytheskitty33

58.8K 1.5K 711

[Severally outdated] ⚠️ Tigger Warnings in intro page ⚠️ you are a lone young Siren living in the Atlantic O... More

🌟 ~There's a reboot of this book~ 🌟
before we start! I need to warn ya.
part 1: stranded then saved
part 2: the proposal
part 3: don't worry about me..
part 4: a new day, a new life
part 5: the beast with wings
part 6: a knight in 'shining' armor
part 7: needed again
part 8: education... under watch
part 9: hiding something...
part 10: growing up fast
part 11: the outside world!
part 12: meeting bismuth
part 13: parental worries
part 14: tour of the plant house
part 15: tour of the forge
part 16: the glory hog..
part 17: Pinkie promise
part 18: Nothing to worry about
part 19: reading is enlightening!
part 20: Dangerous...?
part 21: Fun day
part 22: New day, new discovery!
part 23: 'silly' assumptions
part 24: the gloves are off
part 25: one little thing
part 26: Make you better
part 27: safe and "secure"
part 29: ...are best left unsaid.
part 30: Fusion talk
part 31: Ocean's pull
part 32: in deep waters
part 33: Contemplative car ride
part 34: Homeschool reunion
part 35: suspicious

part 28: some things...

520 21 4
By sammytheskitty33

-and not only are hybrid sirens intelligent and deferential, but they are also very friendly and polite; especially towards humans! Not only that but with a bit of encouagement, they are very willing to comply with-

"Milord Steven? Did you hear what he said?"

"Huh? Oh!" Startled, steven placed his phone back into his pocket and looked back up at the ice cream vendor with a polite smile. "Uhm..." his eyes narrowed slightly and he hummed softly. "Actually... you know what to do." He looked down at you expectantly, to which you instinctively straightened up and looked up at the vendor. "A (flavor) ice cream... please." You said with a pause. The employee nodded and started to make said requests, you looked up at steven, your eyes pleading. "Not yet. Wait until the transaction's over." You grumbled but turned back to the vendor, just in time to see him handing you your (flavor) ice cream cone. "Thank you!" You stated in a polite voice, handing him the required amount of cash and taking your cone with a closed lip smile.

Steven smiled and placed the desired (flavor) cookie into the top of your frozen dessert. You squealed happily and started to enjoy your frozen treat, as Steven patted your head, grinning to himself.

"Where are we going now?"

"Well, I was thinking fun land again " Steven states, adjusting the duffle bag on his shoulder. "But I've been wanting to introduce you to someone for a while now. And I think he'd really like to meet you."

You flicked your tail excitedly. "Ooh, who is he?"

"Well, he's-"

"Well... would ya look who it is..."

There was a sudden voice from somewhere ahead of you. Unfamiliar to you, but familiar to Steven, as he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, making you stumble a bit. "Ah- milord, what's the matter?" After a few seconds, his grip on your hand suddenly tightens.

"Oh... it's you."

You stared up at Steven, with a lifted brow, puzzled at his sudden stop. He had a rather bitter expression on his face as he stared ahead at something. "Who?"

You followed his gaze to find a rather lanky individual approaching with his hands in his pockets. He had a cavalier expression, but you could see there was a slightly bitter undertone in his eyes. "Long time, no see, Universe. You been busy with family or somethin'?"

"What do you want, Kevin?" Steven spat, to which the snarky teen simply shrugged. "Oh, I'm just out for some air... it's been kinda hectic now that your alien family moved here."

Steven's jaw tightened. "They're called gems. And they're trying their best!"

Kevin rolled his eyes, disinterested. "Well whatever. Aside from that, word's out that you got a new mythos thing." He replied matter-of-factly. He had a somewhat condescending note to his voice. "I kinda wanted to see it."

"They aren't a thing." He corrected crossly. "They're my mentee."

"Mentee?" Kevin looked down at you with an indifferent expression.

His eyebrows raised in surprise at you while you flicked your tail, waving it at him in a form of greeting.

"That's... kinda cool I guess." He muttered, both weirded out and intrigued at the same time. But he shifted his attention back to Steven raising, his indifference returning. "What exactly are you mentoring them to do?"

Steven huffed, but decided to remain polite. "I'm... teaching them how to adapt to human life style."

"Didn't you make a school for that sort of thing?" Kevin questioned, and Steven grunted impatiently.

"That's different; that's to help Gems find a new purpose for themselves among humans! (Name)'s trying to learn how to fit in with humans!"

"That's... basically the same thing, dude." Kevin deadpanned. 

You tilted your head. "To be fair, he's teaching me much more than just cultural aspects of humans."

Kevin looked at you with a quirked brow. "What?"

"Ehem, (Name)-"

Steven's plead went unheard as you continued on matter of factly. "He's also teaching me about proper behavior and how to listen well to others, especially your elders!"

Kevin blinked, looking mildly taken aback. "...really?" His eyes briefly flicked to Steven, and he saw he was looking quite tensed at the moment. His eyes narrowed in a sudden suspicion. "What exactly have you learned so far?"

You nodded enthusiastically. "A lot! But the lessons love most that if you do good, you'll get prizes as a result!" You raised your ice cream cone for emphasis.

"Oh... that's... cool." Kevin feigned interest, flicking his gaze between you and the tense Steven. "What... stuff did he have you, exactly?"

You beamed brightly, unaware of Steven's grip tightening on your hand. "If I listen well to milord, I get tasty stuff like cookies and candies!"

A sudden snicker broke out of Kevin. "What?"

You were going to say more, but there was a harsh tug on your arm, which startled you into dropping your ice cream and you look up to find an irritated Steven holding your arm up. "That's enough (Name)!"

At this point Kevin was snickering to himself. "Wow, Steven. I gotta say, I'm actually pretty impressed," he said, his voice leaning towards mocking as he smirked at the teen. "It's one thing to condition a mythos, but milord? Are you serious?"

Your brow lifted. "Condition?"

"It's not conditioning, it's learning!" Steven hissed behind clenched teeth. "There's nothing wrong with a little positive reinforcement!"

You looked up at Steven, brows knitted in bewilderment. Positive reinforcement?

"And I didn't make them call me that;" Steven quickly adds. "They just... call me that because they think it's polite!"

Kevin rolled his eyes, still wearing that condescending smirk of his. "Sure, whatever you say, Mr. Universe." He then yawns stretching his arms over his head. "Well, as much as I'd like to stick around to know more about your new pet, I'm afraid I have other things to tend to."

He laces his hands behind his head, amd starts to walking off past you both. "I'll see you around."

"Uh... goodbye, Mr. Kevin!" You awkwardly waved to the departing teen before looking up to Steven as he silently seethed.

"...come on."

Without warning, he suddenly started to pull you along with quite a bit of force, making you almost trip over yourself to keep up.

"H-Hey!" You yelped, stumbling to keep up with his speed. "Where are we going now??"

Without looking down at you, he simply replied, "Home."

You shrank slightly.

Did I do something wrong?

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