stories from Belwood: the twi...

By crystal_pro_2024

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5 years after the events of ben gen rex, rex has moved up to being part of providence's special forces team... More

Episode 0 - it started when...
Episode 1- the day everything changed.
Episode 2 - the new threat.
Episode 3: last measures.
Episode 4 - what's with the weather?
Episode 5 - the architect.
Episode 6 -making magical frenemies.
Episode 7 - quarry brakes out.
Episode 8 - the search in Hong Kong.
Episode 9 - dark passage
Episode 10 - the darkstar rises
Episode 11 - the return
Episode 12 - the arrival
Episode 14 - maxed out.
Episode 15 - the hunted
Episode 16 - where do-little girls come from?
Episode 17 - tired out.
Episode 18 - the pressure of the gauntlet.
Episode 19 - the plague
episode 20 - plumbers helpers.
Episode 21 - in the badlands
Episode 22 - bad copy. bad copy!
episode 23 - a wayward hero
Episode 24 - vengeance of vilgax.
Episode 25 - six times six
Episode 26 - alone together.
Episode 27 - the family holiday.
Episode 28 - primus
Episode 29 - back in black.
Episode 30 - Animo's evolved.
Episode 31 - the swarm.
Episode 32 - save the last dance.
Episode 33 - the green fist
Episode 34 - not so secretive.
Episode 35 - just a little party.
Episode 36 - lost in the void.
Episode 37 - the first of 5
Episode 38 - undercover
Episode 39 - remote controlled.
Episode 40 - official plumbers training.
Episode 41 - tricked
Episode 42 - plumbers under attack.
Episode 43 - assault on Abysus.
Episode 44 - the secrets held in chromastone
Episode 45 - a man on the inside.
Episode 46 - together strong.
Episode 47 - in the end game.
Episode 48 - the one to control them all
Episode 49 - the war begins
Episode 50 - one final push

Episode 13 - animo, breach and the new girl.

22 0 0
By crystal_pro_2024

We start with animo and breach standing over providence's tower. Looking down as they go back over their plan.

DR animo: you're sure you can get us in there?

Breach: it would help if you removed that ridiculous suit.

Animo reluctantly takes off the animal suit he had been wearing for 5 years straight.

Breach: I'm still shocked that you're trying to free him.

Animo: what can I say, the resources she's promising to give us. It makes it worth it.

Breach: how do you know she even know she will give you the DNA samples.

Animo: I don't but I can't refute a prize like that.

Breach opened up a breach and while it got the two inside of the building, they found themselves inside the hanger. However, the only people there were Caesar and onyx.

Caesar: her code is quite complex. Whoever wrote it must have been a genius.

Onyx: you'd think that, but he was taken down pretty quickly despite having a few of the same powers I do. He knew how to cancel them out, but he didn't count on the power of teamwork, something eternal did.

Caesar: what kind of powers do you have?

Onyx: Gyrokinesis, super speed and enhanced technological knowledge. Being a super genius is literally in my genes. Even if I still don't get biology that much.

Caesar: once we've fixed up your friend do you think you'll be sticking around?

Onyx: probably, at least until I can find my friends.

Caesar and she turn around to keep on working on the machine while Dr animo and breach hide away.

Animo: she said all of those pesky heroes wouldn't be in Bellwood.

Breach: it's just one hero. We can take her on our own. Come on. I know where they'll be keeping him.

The pair run off through the base, managing to use one of the doors to get themselves into the petting zoo. Breach scoffed as they entered the room and she tried to open up another breach.

Breach: you know where to go doctor.

The pair split off and while Dr animo searches for the power core, breach manages to sneak her way to the holding cells. As she looked through them, she saw all different kinds of Evos and aliens. And even a few Evo aliens. She spotted an Evo splixon who was half was split and who looked to be in some kind of pain. She spotted an Evo conductoid that had been constantly overcharge so it was only getting stronger and stronger. Until it drained it's self of all of its energy. She spotted a particularly nasty looking Oryctini who seemed to need to be constantly fed something. However, as she kept on walking, she found who she had been looking for. She found van Kleiss.

Breach: we're getting you out of here.

Van Kleiss: what are you doing here breach?

Breach: I've been wanting to come and get you for the longest time, but this place has something that's messing with my breaches.

Van Kleiss: then how do you plan on getting me out of here?

Breach: those heroes are distracted and animo taking down the generators we'll be able to get you out.

Van Kleiss: how does that animal freak know where the power generator is in this place?

Breach: let's just say that an old friend told us. Well, an old friend of yours.

In just a few moments the power went down, and breach tried to open a breach. Finding that the field was still active and was going to be for a moment. However, the Evo containment cages where losing power and breach smirked as she walked off with van Kleiss. However, from behind them, a grey and green streak showed up.

Onyx: I'll guess that you two are behind this.

Van Kleiss: and you are?

Onyx: call me the woman who's about to kick your butt.

While the other cages started to open, onyx threw down some devices and grey fields came up and around the Evos that hadn't yet noticed that their cages had opened. For those who had noticed, she encased them in a grey glow, and they were thrown back into their cages. She threw down a few devices and the same thing happened to their devices. She pulled out her sword and turned it into an almost invisible air blade. It wouldn't be enough to cut anybody, but it would be enough to push people around, and send them flying if it was slashed fast enough. However she had strained her powers moving that much at once and her skin reverted back to its normal color, although some veins where still grey.

Van Kleiss: I thought you said all of the Heroes were out of town.

Onyx: did nobody tell you that there's a new hero in town? Now then we can do this the easy way where you give yourself in or we can do this the hard way where I show you why you should've picked the easy way.

Breach managed to open up a breach and she tried to throw it at onyx whop just moved to the side of them at super speed, leaving trail of mostly green behind her. She used the wall to throw herself at breach, jumping off of her as she landed a hit that managed to send breach flying back. She then turned her attention to van Kleiss who tried to shoot out his gauntlet, but onyx managed to catch it.

Onyx: impressive, but you're not the only one with a fancy gauntlet. I just hope this still works.

Van Kleiss watched as her hoodie transitioned into a battle suit, the suit being practically skintight, and on her chest now rested a symbol of arrows going in various directions. She yanked him close to her and she punched him.

Van Kleiss: what are you?

Onyx: not from this side of the omniverse. If you think that your worst threat, I've faced then you are wrong. I've gone up against pirates, dragons, crazed geniuses, androids with my powers and a goddess. You're nothing more than a warmup.

One of them watched as her other hand glew purple and from it, a portal opened up under van Kleiss and in the containment cell. Onyx dropped him in and watched as the portal shut behind him. She fell to the floor as all of the color drained from her hair and face.

Onyx: something's wrong with my powers.

She explained as her eyes started glowing grey. They flicked a few times before she dropped to the floor and fell unconscious.

Van Kleiss: what just happened?

Break: I don't know but I can get us out of here now. Assuming that he hasn't managed to mess up the timing.

She opened up a breach and the pair escaped, making sure to grab animo with them. They appeared next to black knight who congratulated breach and animo for getting van Kleiss free.

Van Kleiss: what do you want with me?

Black: the same thing I've always wanted. Those meta nanites. And if I can't get Rylander to work with me to find them, then I know you'll be more than happy to help.

She kept her back turned to him, as to not show her face.

Van Kleiss: and why would I help you do that?

She builds her version of the B.F.S and she turned around and met his eyesight.

Black: because the consortium is about to get a lot smaller, and with the amount of people who are about to "leave" the consortium, it's leaving one free spot. I know what you want van Kleiss and I know how to get you it. All you have to do, is work with me.

Van Kleiss: I'm not one to take orders.

Black: that's fine, I'm only asking that you help me find them. What you do in between while we look is none of my concern. Just don't get caught again. Got it?

Breach opened up a breach and van Kleiss and breached stopped through it. The breach closing as animo didn't want anything to do with them anymore.

Animo: as for my DNA?

Black knight slid a brief case over to him. Small glass tubes filled with different kinds of fur and scales.

Black: pleasure doing business with you DR animo.

She walked off, leaving animo with himself and the DNA. He pressed a button on his phone and his suit walked over to him. He got in it and walked off. Going his sperate ways. Meanwhile, onyx had woken up, gasping for air as she found herself on a medical table, her hoodie removed, showing her dark grey tank top underneath and wires attached to her arms, checking her pulse.

Dr holiday: are you feeling, ok? Looking at the camera's you just passed out.

Onyx: I over exserted myself. It's nothing to serious.

Dr holiday: it's just with all of these different energies that are going through you, I can't believe it's doing you any favors.

Onyx: those energies are my power.

She looked down and noted that what had once been the grey semi-sphere, although now it was nothing more than a grey scar.

DR holiday: your powers aren't natural, are they?

Onyx: I get my super speed and gravity powers from the cores. There made form a type of crystal that can be used to control different elements.

Dr holiday: different elements?

Onyx: earth, air, fire, water... mine happen to be the rare gravity and the artificial speed core. The gravity core is my natural core, the one I was altered to be able to use. The speed core was my brothers, but I inherited it when he blew himself up.

Dr holiday: I'm so sorry.

Onyx: it gets worse. He then came back to life and me stabbed him right through the chest, using my power. I was under mind control, but it still hurts every day.

Dr holiday: that can't have been easy to deal with.

Onyx: what makes it even worse is that I've killed my whole biological family, and I was ok with one of them. My mom died in childbirth, and I slashed through my dad, and he deserved it. He wanted to rewrite time to get rid of me, to keep my mom alive. But in doing that he would've erased my universe from existence.

Dr holiday: do you want to talk about it?

Onyx: I've been wanting to talk about it since diamond got me out of his way when I was 6. but so much has happened. I got trapped in a different dimension and diamond erased my memory to try and give me a better life then the complicated mess that I came from. And for a while it worked. I was a normal girl, I had a best friend, my own personal bully, a terrible school life balance and I got to learn how to use a sword. Now that I'm saying that aloud, still not normal. And as of late, my whole world has been turned upside down.

DR holiday: we'll find a way to get you home.

Onyx: I don't even mean that. I consider my best friend my sister but now that she's gotten herself a wife and she's settling down, I feel like I've lot part of my connection with her. My family in crystalopolis have started to move on. My adoptive mother has opened up a flower shop with my aunt and my aunt's partner. My uncle... just the same as always. My cloned twin sister has joined the army, under the command of my Bio aunt. And just when I thought I had figured out what I wanted to do with my life, being a part of the perfect powerless, Celest had to show her ugly head and get me sent here. Not to mention I'm the connected of my universe so it's my responsibility to make connections all across the universe.

DR holiday: is that where the third energy I from?

Onyx: normally I can meditate and talk to the previous connected, but I'm cut off here. I can't even talk to the gravity core that is inside my body. My powers are much weaker, and my stamina has gone down significantly.

DR holiday: we can work on that. And how are repairs on your friend going?

Onyx: I really did a number on her.

DR holiday: what's she like anyway?

Onyx: she's mature. naive but mature. Considering she was the second in her line. The first one was just an immature brat, the third was way to inconsistent to ever work and the fourth never took anything seriously.

DR holiday: and you're other friends?

Onyx: Charlie was that personal bully but over time she's become one of my closest friends. She's the leader of the perfect powerless and she's the only one who doesn't actually have powers. I've come to respect her, and she's come around to not being a jerk all the time. It's because of her that we were able to take down eather. Blush is the spy of the group. Growing up on the streets she was forced to steel to survive before the knight took her in and gave her those bat wings. She's always the most levelheaded person of the group and if we're going by the usual 5-man band then she's the heart, Charlie's the leader, I'm the smart one and Eve's the powerhouse as while my powers are grate, by her's are just more versatile and she can tank more hits them me.

DR holiday: and the 5th one?

Onyx: I'd rather not get into portal girl.

DR holiday: you've got a lot going on. How do you cope?

Onyx: easy, I don't. most of the time ii just ignore it because it's way too much to focus on at once. So, I'd find one and work on that.

DR holiday: that's not a healthy way of dealing with all of that.

Onyx: I know but if I get too emotional, I unlock the capability of creating a black hole accidentally.

DR holiday looked at her, her hands resting on her lap.

Onyx: sorry, I didn't mean to get into all of that.

DR holiday: are you seeing anybody back home?

Onyx: I don't do romance.

DR holiday: I mean as in a therapist or anything?

Onyx: the closest thing I could get is just talking about everything with my friends. I'm kind of hopping between dimensions usual. I'm never in a dimension for longer than a month. I thought that was going to change with the hero dimension but then, eternal showed up and locked me up for a while, and then there was that battle with Celest and then...

DR holiday: let's say we come back to this another time? It looks like the others are back and some of them look to be in rough shape.

She explained as she looked on a monitor to the landing bay.

DR holiday walked out, and onyx followed her, grabbing her hoodie and tying it around her waist. 

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