Mr Or Miss ?

By TaeTaekook_child

32.5K 1.7K 924

A Bisexual boy in the process of becoming a star(Actor) falls in love with a straight guy who was already eng... More

1.What's your dream?
2.Girl Character?
3.Cupid 💘
4.Broken 💔
6.Buttercup (✿☉。☉)
7. Tricky
8.Birthday 🎉
9.Sound of Love ♥️💚
10. Love is love ! ♥️
11.Drama 🤣
12.A hug which keeps the soul warm.
13.A better person who will love you.
14. Who are you☆
15.Never be the same (;(
16.Do you feel the love?♡
17.Pleasure <3
19.Sweet torture
20.Sweet touture pt2
21.The tattoo on his shoulder
22.The tattoo on his shoulder pt2
23.I like Him.
26.As long as it's Ohm!
27.A Regret
28.Boy in luv
29.Thousand words within a kiss.
30.Counting the tattoos on your skin.
31.Cherryblossom's a broken puzzle hard to heal.
33.Guy in Red suit.
34.Gotta Run after my Love.
35. All I want is you.
36. Seal the deal. (final)

18.Call my Name.

921 46 28
By TaeTaekook_child

Next Day

In the Afternoon

Nanon's POV

I woke up with heavy headache I feel like  my world is spinning infront of me . I whined in pain while holding my head , Ohm came near me and sat beside me he said

Ohm : Having a heavy headache?

Nanon : It's paining a lot.

Ohm : wait a minute I will be coming with tablet.

After a minute he came with a tablet and glass of water, he made me to have tablet , I took the tablet but still the pain was so heavy he took  headache roller and applied it on my forehead and started massaging my forehead with his thumb finger.

Nanon : This feels very good Dr.Ohm.

Ohm : I know.

Nanon : Don't you have shift today?

Ohm : I'll better go for night shift today even I am exhausted from last night.

Nanon : Okay. Enough now it will heal after having some food I guess.

Ohm : Hmm. Fresh up fast and come to my condo I made hangover soup.

Nanon : You are cooking now?

Ohm : Yes, I need to start adjusting myself with you right. Now no more questions have a quick bath and come for brunch idiot

Nanon : Hmmm.

In the shower

Did I heard it correct? He even made brunch for us? And why the hell he said he need to adjust with me? Adjust for what ? Ahhhh this headache is making me crazy I don't have any fucking energy to stand ,I need to eat something and take rest for whole day if I don't then I will be dying today. I took a hot shower wrapped a towel around my waist and started applying skin care products on my face cause I am soon to be Hero I need to take care of my face. After applying the cream on my face I moved my fingers around my neck then I saw  two small blue-purplish bruises on my collar bone I panicked what the fuck is this? Oh my god it's literally visible........fuck that bitch I can't even recall her face now never I will sleep around with people if this happens again who the fuck she thinks of herself to mark me ? Oh my god this looks so fucking gross yuck. I think I fucked up last night....I removed my towel around my waist and started looking myself around Thankgod no  bruises infront, back let's check back no bruises in the back also I was feeling disgusting but then my eyes feel on the tattoo which is on my shoulder "FIRST TOUCH🦋" yes, it's looks very beautiful on my shoulder if I start admiring it then I won't stop admiring it...... I inked this when my wound got healed from car accident to remember his first touch for my life I love this tattoo a way too much. And this bruise is like a piece of shit from now on if I sleep around I should warn them not to mark usually this won't happen until they love it very much was I that good last night that she did this thing ? Whatever let's not care I just hope it should not stay for a long time I hate seeing this I need to ask Ohm for some  cream to heal this shitty bruise.


In Ohm's condo

Ohm : you have come , come here sit on the dinning chair I will get you the soup. Wanna have some noodles?

Nanon : Hmm.

Ohm : Take it.

While Nanon eating Ohm just stares at him.

Nanon : What are you looking at?

Ohm : Nothing just the brusises on your collar bone.

Nanon : Yeah I forgot about this , do you have any remedy cream for these shity brusises?

Ohm : Shity?? 🤨

Nanon : Yeah I don't like having brusises kinda irritates me . It's like marking.

Ohm : Ohhhh 🤨

Nanon : Why are you looking so Pissed off?

Ohm : Why won't I ? It looks pretty on you.

Nanon : Pretty ?? I fucking hate it when I get hickeys from one night stands.


Nanon : Yeahhh remember the girl from last night club....I don't know why she did it but I hate it now. Usually people don't give hickeys like this unless they like it too much.

Ohm : Can you tell me what happened last night.

Nanon : I don't remember clearly I was drinking with you one girl came we went to a room after that I don't remember anything to be honest I don't even remember the girl's face and I - I don't remember doing it. Why are you asking did I do something wrong?

Ohm : Yeah you got into a big fight and you even punched me in the stomach for stopping you but somehow with struggle I took taxi with you and left you in your condo.

Nanon : Shit shit shit I'm really sorry, I -I didn't meant it . Is it hurting? Should I apply any remedy? I -I was not in my right mind, I was drunk I don't know what I will do when I get wasted.

Ohm(😟) : So you really don't remember?

Nanon : No , but I am really sorry.

Ohm(😁) : Okay don't worry ,I will make sure you won't forget from next time.

Nanon : Huh?

Ohm : Leave it, I need to study.

Nanon : Ugh , what about the remedy cream?

Ohm (while leaving the hall): I don't have any, let it be it will heal after some days... It looks good on you.

Nanon : Eyii Ohm Pawat this is not funny. Don't make fun of this Shit.

Ohm Chuckles while closing the door of his room : He is indeed an idiot to forget it but he is cute...Oh god do something with my heart it's not normal. Why the hell is wearing clothes? I just wanna see him naked Oh my god What is wrong with me?I'm going insane now.

Meanwhile Nanon infront of Mirror

What's wrong with him? he is acting weird today. Why the hell he find these brusises pretty? Is he doctor or a psycho ? And what does he mean by saying I will make sure you won't forget from next time ? Did he slapped me yesterday for punching him Noooo he won't do that he is kind , he will leave the place instead of having any physical fights and in very first place he is a doctor. Whatever now how to get rid of them?


Nanon's POV

These days he is being clingy a lot and even hanging out a lot. He is getting pissed off when I leave to any place without informing him, he is coming with me to every club and making sure I won't drink too much and the worst is now a days if someone flirts with me the next minute they will disappear which makes me to think am I getting old like my Mom always says but that can't happen if that happens my fans will say in my face that I'm getting old, or thin or fat don't get me wrong they say that in a good way and also they are very honest. The weirdest behaviour of him now a days  whenever his shift gets completed he will come and hug me or sniff me and if he is tired he will sleep on my lap , two days before for the first time I saw him ignoring Sarah's phone call I thought they might had a fight and he is just escaping I won't ask him about his relationship with Sarah because I don't have a right to do that , the kiss was already a mistake to him. I should be obvious to make him think that, I think of him as a friend and nothing more than that. I am observing him he changed a lot since I said him I moved on from him.  And now he is cuddling me from back and whispering in my ears which is giving shivers all over my body. I try very hard to hold myself from doing any stuff to which he thinks I have not moved on from him but times like this where I can feel his tough and bulky body behind him , he moves very close to me not leaving any gap that I can feel his thing which is literally rubbing against my ass .

Ohm : Hey idiot what did you made?

Nanon : Beef soup.

Ohm : Emm then I should cook for myself today!

Nanon : Stop being clingy dog and move I need to grab the bowl. And I know you can't beef so I made you chicken salad. It's in the fridge

Ohm(whispers) : You know all my needs Thanks Nanon.

He called my Name and left to sit on the sofa, he was watching some match but I was thinking, I should be happy that he called my name but right now I am feeling weird it feels like I heard him already whispering my name repeatedly might be it was in my wet dreams but it sounds so realistic....

Nanon : Ohm will you eat everything?

Ohm : No I can't , this will be a lot so I will save it for tomorrow morning.

Nanon : Okayyyy

Nanon(in his mind) : He is not calling my name I wanted to hear my name again but No he is not calling me.

After a long silence.

Nanon : Ohm.

Ohm : Huh?

Nanon : Ohm.

Ohm : Huh?

Nanon : Ohm

Ohm : Tell me what Idiot why are you keep on calling my name.

Nanon : Emmmm...that - I uffff can you call my name for once.

Ohm(😏 so he recalled something) : NAAAAAANNNOOOONNNNN

Nanon : Don't shout just call my name.


Nanon : Not like shouting just now you said my name when you were saying thanks like that.

Ohm : Like what? I forgot.

Nanon : Sath , How can you forget just now you called me.

Ohm : Exactly what I am wondering HOW CAN YOU FORGET?

Nanon : Don't repeat after me , just whisper my name that's all.

Ohm : And what will I gane if I call your name in whispering tone?

Nanon : You know what I am done , I am asking you one thing and you are making fun of it. FINE, AFTER YOU ARE DONE GET OUT.

Ohm : Ohhhh Nanon is sulking , then come here Nanon , I will do as Whatever you want Nanon.

Nanon : Yeah you are again making fun of it.

Ohm : hehehe Ok Okay , chill !! Give me your ear......Nanon (whispers)

Nanon : Again

Ohm : Nanon (whispers)

Nanon : Come again.

Ohm(😏) : Naaaannnoonnn

Nanon : Enough. what's with that tone? Are you mad do I look like a joke to you? now get out I'm getting sleep.

Ohm : Why are you telling me to go away ? Did you recall anything? In first place why you wanted me to whisper your name? Did you forget something important?

Nanon : Why it's important? Nothing is important ! your in a weird way... Get out I am tried Ohm please...

Ohm : Okay I will but let me finish it.

I made him to get out of my room handed him the bowl and closed my door ,What the fuck was that ? why did he called like that? That might be a dream. He is having fun....but why did he called me like that he is weird to sound that sexy....My Name sounds very good when he calls it I hope he calls me by my name often.


He started teasing me lot about the brusises as if he was the one who did it. So it's better to hide it will foundation as I was applying....

Ohm : it's still visible idiot.

Nanon : Shut the fuck up.

Ohm came near me and whipped away my foundation and said with most serious face and said

Ohm : Don't apply anything it looks so good on you.

I looked into his eyes for some time wondering why he is so serious right now then he bursted out laughing so hard I started slapping his neck he was still laughing I took the foundation stick and applied on his face he is resisting he is strong I agree but I am not that weak I applied foundation on his face and left him he was so pissed off and started Whipping his face I was laughing at him by the way he is whipping his face.....

He came near me with deadly serious expression and said

Ohm : You know right that I don't like having something on my face....and you are laughing at me?

Nanon : You look like comedian HAHAHA

Ohm : Laugh now laugh how much you want soon your laughing hahaha spelling will be reversed.

That's what he said and left,I was in denial my laughing spelling will get reversed? GNIHGUAL ? what does that mean ? It sounds funny tho hahaha 🤣 wait what did he said your laughing spelling will get reversed? HAHAHA , AHAHAH ???? what does this mean now , it's hard to understand his bookworm spellings whatever.

(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞(G3 : Nanon is dumb sometimes he doesn't know Ohm's flirting skills and his dirty mind)

Nanon's POV

Today Ohm had Night shift but I need to go to hospital if not P'Jennie will kill me some how I made some story to Ohm and slipped from my condo. I went to hospital and did my job very fast and signed for night shift then I took bus went to my home ,after so many days I stayed with my Mom for 1 hour and came to my condo. after sometime he came to my condo

Ohm : Hey let's hang out.

Nanon : Where ?

Ohm : How about science or Art Museum?

Nanon : Boring! But I will come do I have any other option.

He said me to wait and he came with his car ..

Ohm : What are you looking at get in.

Nanon(gets in) : Why in your car today?

Ohm : Simply I want to drive today. So let's connect Bluetooth Emmm song ??? this is perfect.

Nanon : Love talk by WayV? I don't know this song.
(There he is started signing for the first time I heard his singing tbh it sounds not bad)

Ohm (singing while driving)

I can hear it callin'
From where you are loving the way you wanna talk
Touch me, tease me, feel me up
Touch me ,tease me , feel me up
"Call me when it's dark , something in the way you wanna talk "
Touch me , tease me , feel me up.

Then ," Kiss me more" by doja cat

"34+35" by Ariana Grande

"Fever "by Enhypen

"Drive" and "Red lights "by Straykids.

Ohm : Are you feeling it?

Nanon : What feeling?

Ohm : I mean the lyrics are you enjoying it?

Nanon : Hmmm. I don't know you like these kind of songs.

Ohm : You still don't know about me a lot....
No worries I will let you know every feeling of mine.

Nanon : What ?

Ohm : I mean the feeling when I listen to music.


Ohm's POV
He looks  super calm and mesmerized by the art gallery.

Ohm : You like it?

Nanon : Yeah very nice , it's calm and intresting.

Ohm : I know Museums and Art gallery are good places for a date.

Nanon: huh ? Date?

Ohm : I mean people are dumb , Museums are good for Date places.

Nanon : Ohhh.

Ohm : Okay, wait here I will get something for us to drink.

Nanon : Hmm.

He is standing in the balcony looking down bending while resting his arms on the slab...His ass is S shaped and big why I have not noticed all these days ? That day I forgot to squeeze it because my concentration was on his dick and a sudden urge to touch his ass. I went near him slowly and slapped his ass for which he startled and shouted

Nanon : WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? It's paining uffff....

Ohm : Shuu we are in museum keep silence idiot.

Nanon : Why did you slapped it ?

Ohm : Why can't I? come on can't I slap or squeeze my BF's ass...(squeezing Nanon's ass)

Nanon : Sath.....Ughhh  When did you became my boyfriend?

Ohm : Uuh ? BF means Best friend not boyfriend did you forget? You were the one who said me that.

Nanon having a nice gay panic moment.

Nanon : That painting looks good.

Ohm : 😏

Oh my god I am writing this ?
Tbh I never flirted that's why I am very much shocked by writting this.
I need hobi water and Namjesus prayers.
I am literally laughing at myself I can't stop laughing in first place....
Oh god My mind is literally broken into dirty pieces......Dear God make sure to allow me in heaven even for one day cause I know I will be welcomed to Hell.

See you people in next badass chapter !!

Bye TC!!

I am sure my favourite song was Anti romantic by TXT I don't know when it got changed to Love talk and our song
Fuckuuuu lifeuuu 🤧

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