Unlawfully Confined

بواسطة Alizeh8

73.4K 2.6K 303

Walking inside her room, Suhana unwrapped her dupatta from her head and put it on the bed after making sure a... المزيد

Author's Note (Don't Skip!)
01- Runaway Bride
02- A New Journey
03- Deer Caught In Headlights
04- Friends
05- Starting Afresh
McAvoy Estate
06- It's Not What It Looked Like
07- The Beast Within
08- Trapped
09- Invading Privacy
10- Caged
Author's Note
Author's Note
12- Questions And Answers
13- Sarah
14- Lies
15- Volcano
Authors Note
16- Surprise
17- Celebration
18- A Hope?
19- Obsession
20- Uncertainty
21- Identity Unmasked
22- Expectation VS Reality
23- Ruined
24- Epiphany
25- Awakening

11- Conflicts of Thoughts

3.2K 121 12
بواسطة Alizeh8

3rd Person POV

After Alexander left the cottage, Suhana was distraught at the thought of being caged by a new captor. All she wanted was peace. There was already so much going on in her and her family's life. 

But now? Now Alexander has become the biggest threat to her existence. She and her family's lives are now in the hands of a mafia. The only thing she can do now is to keep her mouth shut. 

Also, his hatred toward Muslims made her feel like walking on a thread. It would be too difficult to make him believe and agree to free her. Though she wondered why he hated Muslims so much, she didn't want to know the reason behind it. 

She prayed her Duhor prayer before Martha called, telling her that Sarah was back. She went inside the manor again and helped Sarah freshen up. Alexander was gone to his office, easing Suhana's nervousness an ounce about bumping into him again. 

After lunch, they both went to Sarah's room. Suhana's face was plastered with sickness, her fever making her look paler. Sarah noticed Suhana not feeling well and an idea of how to make someone comfortable instantly played inside her mind.

-"Suuhanaa, you are not well. Come on. Sit on the bed. I know how to make you feel better," Sarah said in a cooing voice.

-"Really? And how do you know that I'm not well?" Suhana asked sounding like a kid.

-"Because...Cause your face is paler and your forehead is warm. So...sit here, I'll make you feel comfortable." Sarah said touching Suhana's forehead.

-"Okay. Let's see what magic you got."

Sarah giggled hearing magic and jumped out of the bed. Suhana sat on the bed, looking at Sarah who was now standing on the rug. 

-"Ready?" Sarah's voice laced with excitement.

-"Yup. I'm Ready, My lady."

As soon as Suhana replied, Sarah's expression changed. That child tried to make a weird seductive face, making Suhana's jaw drop seeing the unexpected expression on a 5-year-old's face. Sarah pulled the scrunchie and let her hair fall. Taking slow steps, She whipped her hair, causing Suhana to blink rapidly.

Sarah was trying to swing her small hips like a bar dancer? Suhana never saw anyone dance like this but today? Today, she was watching a kid dancing like that. Suhana clutched the bedsheet seeing Sarah fall to her knees and try to bounce her bum like twerking?  

She was out of words. She didn't know what Sarah was doing and why she thought it would make her feel comfortable. What she was seeing in front of her was more than unbelievable. She didn't want it to be what she assumed but Sarah's dance steps said otherwise.

Sarah was about to pull open her clothes when Suhana jumped out of bed and held Sarah's hand.

-"Ok...ok... That's enough. Wh...what were you doing Sarah!?"

-"I was dancing to make you feel comfortable."

-"Like this?!"  

-"Yes, I saw Rachel dancing like this to make Alex comfortable. So, I wanted to make you feel comfortable too."

-"You saw WHAT!?"

-"Yes, that day I was playing hide and seek with Jesper, Rachel's son. I went to hide inside Alex's closet and I saw him and Rachel coming inside the room. Alex said he wanted to feel comfortable so Rachel danced like this. He was really happy and smiled when she danced like this. But I don't know what happened after some time. He took her to the bed and started hurting her and she screamed."

Suhana could say nothing after being dumbfounded by Sarah's words. She knew very well what actually happened and was amazed at how Sarah took it as. A fit of laughter broke out from Suhana's lips and she collapsed on the floor, hugging her belly.

I shouldn't be laughing at this. Allah. 

I shouldn't be laughing.

What is wrong with me!? 

After laughing like a maniac for a while, Suhana sat up. She moved her gaze up at Sarah and found her smiling.

Poor girl.

Allah knows what else she saw and heard living in this house with that Satan.

She shouldn't have encountered anything like this.

What if she did something like this in front of someone else!?

Allah! She's just an innocent kid. 

Unaware of certain things and their meanings.

-"Sarah, dear did... did you try to dance like...this in front of anyone else?"


-"Good. Very good. Now, dear...you can't dance like...this...in front of anyone...even if...that person...is feeling...uncomfortable. Um...what Rachel did...was only for...your uncle...and only...she can do it. Okay? Don't...don't dance like this...ever again...okay sweetie?" Suhana didn't know what words to use to make Sarah understand.

-"But why only she can dance like this?" Sarah asked after thinking over what Suhana told her.

-"Bec...because...because she's an adult. And...and your uncle is an adult. She can dance like...this. But you are a child, right? And children...they do not dance like...this." Suhana blurted out.

-"Oww...okay. I will not dance like her. She was also looking like a kangaroo when she was dancing. I didn't like it but Alex was happy. He felt comfortable. So I wanted to make you comfortable too."

Suhana tucked her lips and looked at the floor in order to stop herself from bursting into laughter again. Taking a deep breath, she looked up at Sarah and said,

-"Sweetie, you don't have to do anything like this...to make me or anyone else feel comfortable, okay?"

-"Okaaaay Suuhanaaa. I will not dance like this again. Now let's go outside." Sarah said pinching Suhana's cheeks.

-"But you need to take your afternoon nap."

-"Noooo! I want to go to the playground. I don't want to sleep," Sarah whined.

-"Okayyy. We'll go to the playground. Happy?"


Suhana tied Sarah's hair into a ponytail before they walked out. Sarah ran inside the playground as soon as they reached there, while Suhana sat on the tree swing nearby. 

Seeing Sarah joyfully playing there made Suhana feel alive. It was like she completely forgot what Alexander did to her. Being near Sarah made her feel relaxed. She was living in the moment, elated.


Billy's sudden voice made her get off the swing at once and she turned around to face him. The fact that Billy was also in the barn completely escaped her mind because of all the other stress caused by Alexander. 

But now as she remembered that he was also in the barn, her joyous face turned into a distressful one. Distressful because she didn't know what Billy would do to her for knowing his secret.

Instantly, she took a few steps back while her hold on her dupatta tightened. Billy saw the fear in her eyes for him and felt a pang of guilt in his heart.

-"Whoa! Relax. I won't harm you. I'm here only to talk."

Suhana didn't reply. She only kept her eyes fixed on him, preparing herself mentally to run if he shows any signs of danger.

-"I...I can't believe you are scared of me Suhana. You are like my sister for God's sake! I won't harm you!"

Billy wanted to scream in disappointment at himself because of how scared Suhana was after seeing him. Never in his life, had he thought that someone's judgment of him would cause him to feel so dead inside.

Except for Suhana, his own sister knew about his actual job. But she was furious after knowing the truth, unlike Suhana. Billy cared for Suhana like his own sister and wanted her to shout, and scream at him but she did nothing like that. Instead, she was scared of him. 

-"Suhana, I...I know I lied to you. But trust me, I have always considered you my sister and you don't have to be scared of me. I have been looking for a chance to talk about what you saw last night in the barn. Please give me a chance to explain."

Hearing the sincerity in his voice, she only gave a shaky, silent nod for him to explain.

-"I assume you already figured out that I work for the mafia and Alex...he is the leader. Last night, the man whom Alex...was a mole. He was going to sell our info so Alex had to..."

-"Why do you work here?" Suhana asked out of curiosity. 

-"My dad...he used to work for Alex's father. All our life, we both were unaware of what our fathers were into till they decided to tell us and told us to take their positions 9 years ago. Both me and  Alex didn't want to be a part of it but our fathers' death made us accept it anyway. Since then, Alex has been running this business while I work as his third in command."

Billy paused for a moment and sighed.

-"Alex and I grew up together. We are like brothers and also best friends. But the world doesn't know that. People know him as the biggest film producer of this era and me as his PA. No one in the world of the mafia knows who he is, what his real name is, or how he looks. My dad, Alex's parents, and his sister were killed because the enemies got to know who they are. That's why everything is a secret. Mainly to keep Sarah safe. Alex doesn't care about himself. But none of us can afford something to happen to her. Even in this estate, only I, Robert, Martha, and the guards know the truth. And now you do too."


Robert and Martha are involved!?

-"What you saw last night, I hope you will not tell anyone anything. If not for us then for Sarah at least. Though you can rest assured that I will never hurt you, it is Alex who will not think twice before doing something. If it was his old self, I would have told you not to worry cause he wasn't this ruthless before. But now, I feel it is important that you know who and what you are dealing with."

Suhana didn't say anything. The weight of all the revelations in such a short span of time made her feel trapped in a whirlpool. She wasn't looking at Billy anymore. Her fingers fiddled out of anxiety while cold sweat drops formed on her forehead remembering Alexander's threat.

-"Did...did he say anything to you?" Billy asked in a worried tone. He could sense something happened just by seeing her panic.


-"Alex. Did he say anything?"

-"He said he'll...he'll slaughter...my fam...family in front of me and I...I can't d...do anything to s...stop h...him if I...tell anyone a...about him...a...and I a...also can't l...leave until...until he b...believes that I w...will not t...tell any...one ab...about him" Suhana uttered impulsively.

Billy massaged his temple with one hand while his other hand rested on his waist.

-"Suhana, you can't tell anyone anything. If you do anything that will reveal his identity, he will do what he said and none of us can do anything regardless of how much we care about you."

-"Do, do you think I want to be involved in this? I don't want to say anything to anyone and I will NOT. But how do I make him believe that? He suspects me already because I know his truth now and also for some reason hates me because I'm a Muslim. HOW DO I MAKE HIM BELIEVE THAT I DON'T WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH HIM OR HIS MAFIA!? I just want to leave this place."

Suhana's sudden outburst caught Billy off guard. It scared him. He was scared that she might do or say something out of fear and nervousness that would cost her sanity.

-"Suhana, listen to me. I trust you. I know you will do nothing that will cause any danger. But you have to take slow steps to make him believe you. He hates Muslims because he thinks all of them are the same as his brother-in-law who killed his sister and wanted to kill him and Sarah too. But I know it's not true. And I know that he'll understand it too one day. Till then, you have to stay very cautious. You can't risk doing any mistakes."

-"Wh...who ki...killed S...Sarah's mom!?" Shocked would be an understatement for what Suhana felt at that moment.

-"Amir, Elanor's husband."


-"Alex's father killed Amir's father as they were rivals. Amir somehow found out their identity and wanted to take revenge. So he made Elanor fall in love with him and got married. He wanted to erase the McAvoy family entirely. But didn't get an opportunity until last year. He would have killed Sarah too but failed."

-"An...and wh...where is h...he n...now?"

-"He is dead Suhana. Alex killed him before he could harm Sarah. That's why we are always extra cautious about our real business being revealed. And that's also the reason Alex hates Muslims, except for Mr. Feroze and his family. He hates them because he got betrayed by someone he considered his family. Now that I've told you almost everything, I hope you understand how risky the situation is."

Suhana closed her eyes and took several deep, shaky breaths. Everything Billy told her was taking a toll on her mind. So many things happened since last night that she was having a hard time believing that everything was real.

Billy was still standing there, looking at her with concern. Before either of them could say anything, Sarah came running at Suhana and asked her to take her back inside the manor.

Suhana took the cue and left with Sarah, without wanting to speak with Billy about anything anymore. 


In the office, Alexander couldn't concentrate on anything. His mind was constantly going back to the moment when he held her tiny body. The moment he claimed her lips. The moment when she said she wanted to leave.

He was in conflict with himself. Between hating her for acting hard to get, hating her kind, and wanting to slam her against him. It wouldn't be so complex only if she didn't pull up the 'don't touch me' act every time after arousing him. 

All he wanted was for her to spend one night with him. Twice, if she tastes better. But her refusal messed up everything inside his head. He never got rejected for anything. Though he could always use force to get what he wants.

But with her, he felt like lowering his level if he forces her. He believes she doesn't deserve this attention from him. She's a lowlife, a liar, a Muslim. She doesn't deserve to live, let alone make him use force on her and waste his energy. 

There was no doubt in his mind that she arouses him. Because he can't lower his standard and force himself on someone like her, he decided to stay away from her as much as possible. He only needs to make sure she doesn't open her mouth to anyone.

And, for the sexual tension that builds inside him whenever she's in view, he decided to call Rachel for it. Although Rachel considers herself his girlfriend, he only sees her as one of his current mediums for meeting his physical needs.

He only remembers her or any other of his girl admirers in such situations. So, he called her to his office to let out his frustration. Within an hour, she was there, wearing tiny pieces of fabric that hardly covered her figure.

Being an actress, Rachel naturally looks like a diva. Her sensual physique was the reason Alexander started spending time with her in the first place. But now, she seems so dull in front of Suhana. Even her wearing tight and short clothes couldn't arouse him now as Suhana's simple veil did.

He didn't waste time as soon as he saw Rachel. The dire need of putting out the flame of desire was suffocating him. Soon, the soundproof walls of his cabin were filled with Rachel's orgasm. Alexander's sick and twisted mind imagined Suhana beneath him every time he came inside Rachel.

They were inside the cabin for hours, undisturbed by any employee according to Alexander's orders. No matter how many times he released himself, it couldn't calm his heart. Rachel knew how to satisfy and she succeeded every time in the past.

But this time, everything about her appeared so unmatchable to Suhana. He couldn't just bring himself to admit that he was getting exactly what he wanted, which is having sex. It shouldn't matter who is crashing beneath him.

And Rachel is way too hot and appealing than Suhana. Then why it wasn't satisfying his mind was out of his understanding. With a loud groan, he came for the last time and got up from the couch leaving Rachel confused.

-"Alex honey, wanna go for another round?" Rachel's seductive voice hit his ears like an ambulance siren.

Why her voice doesn't sound as sweet as Suhana's whimpers.

-"I need to spend the evening with Sarah. Bye."

Rachel scowled upon Sarah's name. She detested Sarah because his little niece is the most important person in the world to him and he made it clear on the very first day. Whereas Rachel wanted all his attention and love for herself and her son. 

She envied that little girl to the core even if it is his niece but acted all sweet and caring at her in front of him. Wearing his clothes in haste, he walked out of there without a word. Rachel was still lying naked on the couch, angered as she saw him leaving abruptly.

Getting into his car, he started for the manor. He didn't know why he was going back home when it was still office hours. He never leaves office unless it is an emergency. But today there's none.

Sarah was only an excuse. He loves spending time with his little princess but he knew it was not the actual reason behind leaving. It was like his mind just wanted to go back to the manor. Why? He didn't know.

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