Bound by you till eternity

By ShobhanaSinha

34.5K 3.5K 3.6K

Taking the envelope she handled him and studying it carefully, he asked her "You...are you sure you want to r... More

Character introduction
Character Aesthetic
Updating schedule
Welcome to phase 1
[1]-What could've been avoided
[2]-The meet
[3]-What happenned?
[4]-I am not strong
[5]-What is happening to me
[6]-She is off limits
[7]-What are you doing to me
[8]-I trust you
[9]-Make mistakes and learn from them
[10]-You love him?
[11]-I am your well wisher
[12]-Is she the one?
[13]-Come with me
[14]-Let's make a deal
[15]-This heart craves more
[16]-Why do you care?
[17]-Dinner invitation
[19]-Why did you lie to me?
[20]-Will you be alright?
[21]-Stay away from her
[22]-Please avoid conflicts
[23]-The obscure date
[24]-That pleading look
[25]-What if you leave me?
[26]-Don't cry for me
[27]-Do you trust me?
Insta live
[28]-Should I tell her?
[29]-We need you here
[31]-Thank you, papa
A good news

[18]-She is just my assistant

659 95 125
By ShobhanaSinha

Hey my lovely readers?

How are you all?

Hope you all are enjoying my book so far.

This chapter has a letter which will be read by Sophia and is in Italics. Please don't get confused.

Let's begin with the chapter now.

1st draft - 21/05/2022



We were right now at our home and having dinner, with Raj.

Mummy and Raj have a very good bond and I feel so happy about it but the only thing that bothers me is his feelings towards me.

Not for once did he let me feel awkward and I was thankful for that.

"So how was your trip?" Raj asked.

"It was good," I said, taking a bite from my chapati.

"How was your meet up with Adarsh Sharma?" he asked and I looked up at him to see him already looking at me with an intense gaze.

"It was good," I kept my answer short and did not give much details away but then just at the mention of his name I was reminded of how he had lifted me in his arms and dumped me on the passenger seat of his car.

The thought itself brought an instant smile on my lips and just then, I heard my mumma say, "Why are you smiling?"

I looked at her and shook my head.

"I know why you are smiling," I heard Raj say and I looked at him.

"Why?" I asked.

"You want me to tell aunty about it?" he asked.

"Yes," I said, challenging him.

"Okay," he said and turned to mumma.

"You know aunty, your daughter is happy because she got to meet Akash Sharma," he said and my eyes widened.

'Did his tongue slip and he said Akash instead of Adarsh' I thought.

"Akash Sharma?" mumma asked.

"Yes, you know Aman Sharma's son," he said and this time I was sure that he didn't slip, indeed he took Akash sir's name intentionally.

"Oh, he even called and convinced Sophia to attend this interview," mumma said.

"Oh is it?" Raj asked wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Sophia, by any chance do you like him?" mumma asked and I choked on the water that I was drinking.

"Oh god mom, no," I said, groaning once I was sober and saw mumma and Raj laughing their heart out.

I glared at mumma to see her giving me innocent look and I shook my head in amusement.

"You know mom, no one would say that you are the mother of a grown up girl who is all ready ready to step up in corporate world," I said.

"I don't even want to be called the mother of a grown up. I am just forty three dear," mumma said and I chuckled.

"What? Don't laugh," she said and I pursed my lips in a thin line.

I kept my finger on my lips and she said, "On a serious note, why was Akash so persistent for you to attend the interview."

"He thought I was qualified, hard working and would prove to be a great asset to their company. I think that is the reason why," I said, keeping my hands on the dining table.

"Whatever it is, I am happy for you, Sophia. I feel now all your hard work is being paid off. The struggle that you have been going through was all worth it and I am happy that now you would be working in a domain that you are qualified in," mumma said and I smiled.

"I know mumma. That is what I am most happy about," I said.

"So, how are you going to shift there? You would need an apartment to move, right?" Raj asked.

"Ummm...Adarsh sir has already shown me one of his flat. It is quite good," I said, not meeting his gaze.

"Oh," he said and when I looked at him, he was already looking down.

"It is quite good mom and also the flat is very spacious," I said, looking at mumma.

"Oh. He seems quite a good man," mumma said and I hummed in response.

"You seem quite smitten by the flat it seems," Raj said and I looked at him.

Nodding my head, I said, "Yes, it's very beautiful."

"When are you planning to go?" he asked.

"I have already booked the tickets and we will fly day after tomorrow," I said.

"Okay," he said and turned to mumma.

"Aunty, do you need anything or any help?" he asked.

"No, that is not required. Sophia and me are almost done with the packing. Moreover we are only taking our clothes with us," mumma said.

"That is good to know," he said and looked at me.

"Do you need any help? If you want I can drop you both" he said.

"No Raj, seriously, it is not a problem at all. There is nothing much to manage actually," I said, giving him a small smile.

"Okay aunty, I think I should go now," he said and keeping his plate in the kitchen sink, went to the main door.

"Mumma, I will drop him off," I said and stood up to bid him goodbye.

I was following him when he stopped abruptly and turned around, just in front of the exit door.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"So, this is it, huh?" he asked and I started at my feet.

"Sophia," he said and I looked up to see him staring at me with a small smile.

"Don't ever feel that you need to reciprocate my feelings. I am happy that at least after knowing my feelings you didn't stop talking to me," he said and chuckled but I could sense the pain that he was trying to hide.

"I...I don't want to give you any false hopes, Raj," I said.

"I am glad that you did not lead me on. It is not your fault that I have feelings for you," he said and I looked away.

"Sophia," he said.

I looked at him again and he gave me a gift wrapped in a beautiful cover.

Taking it in my hands, I was about to open it when he said, "Please don't open it now. Consider this as my farewell gift."

"Raj...I really want to remain friends with you. I...I," I said and trailed off.

"But I would understand if you don't want to remain friends with me," I said.

"As I said, I just want you to be with me like we were before. Just...just forget whatever I said. I don't want to lose a good friend like you," he said.

What he said left me speechless.

" still want to be friends with me?" I asked him skeptically.

"Yes, why not? So, let's start afresh, what say?" I asked.

"Let's start afresh," I said with a grin.

"I am Raj Aggarwal and who might this pretty lady be?" he said, extending his hands for a handshake.

"I am Sophia Chaudhary, nice to meet you," I said and shook my hands with his with a smile.

"So let's just be friends and enjoy ourselves?" he asked and I nodded my head eagerly.

"I just want to say Sophia, I am very happy for you. I just hope that you rise and shine like a sunshine. I have seen how hard you worked last year to complete your studies and now when you are getting a chance to live your dream, I want you to enjoy it to the fullest, make new friends, live your life while taking care of your mother," he said.

I was shocked at what he was saying but did not interrupt him.

"I know how bad you want to enjoy your life like every girl your age does and now when everything is coming on track, you should try and enjoy yourself," he said.

"You deserve all the happiness in the world, Sophia. In the quest and need to fulfil your responsibility as a daughter don't forget that you have a life too. It seems like, Sophia is lost somewhere," he said.

My eyes welled up with tears.

"You and aunty are good people, Sophia and god does not let any good human being suffer. You are moving to a new city, will meet new people. Just mingle with them. I know behind this serious Sophia there is another bubbly, carefree Sophia, somewhere, she is just lost," he said and wiped my tears with the pad of his thumb.

"As a friend, I just want you to be happy," he said and I hugged him tight.

He really is a true friend and I will forever be grateful to god for bringing him in my life.

Bidding my goodbye, I went to my room and opened the gift.

It had a beautiful sunflower brooch with a letter in it.

"You will be a businesswoman now. I think this brooch will suit you when you attend business parties and wear business suits. I am sorry I couldn't think of anything else but when I come to think of it, you are just like my gift.

I want you to shine, just like a sunflower does in the shade of the sun.

For you, the sun is Adarsh Sharma and for your sake, please be the sunflower.

I will wait for the day when you will outshine the beauty of this brooch, the sunflower and that day, I'll be the one, standing behind you, rooting for you, clapping for you, celebrating for you when you reach the pioneer of success, for the woman you will turn into.

For the woman who will face all the hardships, to be where you want to be.

When you try to find your path, just remember, success isn't a destination. It is a journey, which will not be easy but I know, you will go through it, with all the obstacles that will come your way, for your mother, for yourself, and may be somewhere for me?

I hope in this huge world of yours, you will always have a small place for me, in your heart, just as a friend.

How I wish I could be your sun in this life but I am not.

I just hope...maybe in next life?

Hope will keep me going and hope will keep you going, so never loose it.

All the best.

Lots of love


I folded the letter and kept it on the bed.

I didn't know when my eyes started to water while caressing the sides of the beautiful brooch.

Keeping it close to my chest, I cried in silence.

"I will make you proud, Raj and you will always have a place in my heart," I said to myself in between my silent cries.

It was finally Friday and the last meeting that I had attended literally gave me a headache.

I wish Sophia was here, I am sure her presence in the meeting would have given a little relief as she would have made notes of the meeting while I would have been in a position to pay more attention on the stats.

"Just two more days, then you can work as a team," I mumbled to myself and proceeded to my mansion.

Whistling on a tune while twirling the car keys around my fingers, I entered my home to see all my family members slumped on the couch and their eyes were glued on the TV.

When I looked at the TV, I saw my interview being telecast which I had given yesterday to a renowned business channel.

I silently watched from behind them and then, taking the remote, I switched it off and earned few groans from all of them.

When they turned and their eyes fell on me, they all smiled and laughed sheepishly.

I rolled my eyes and sat beside Akash loosening my tie.

"The interview was lit," Akash said and I grinned.

"Thank you so much bhai," I said and he patted my shoulder.

"So did you invite Sophia for dinner?" mom asked.

"No. They must have come by now. Let me call her and ask her and aunty to be here for dinner tomorrow," I said.

"Okay," aunt said and I went to my room.

Taking a quick shower, I wore my T-shirt and sweatpants and plopped on my bed.

Fishing my phone out of my pockets, I called her.

"Yes," I heard her sweet voice say on the phone and I smiled.

"Hey, how was your flight?" I asked.

"I am sorry, who is this?" she asked and my mouth hung open.

Keeping the phone off my ears, I stared at it for a few seconds and then kept it on my ear again.

Did she not recognize me? I mean my voice?

"Sophia, this me, Adarsh Sharma, your boss," I said, offended.

How could she not recognize my voice?

"Oh...Adarsh sir? I am so sorry, I didn't have your number with me," she said.

"Well, you have got it now. Save it," I said.

"I will, when I have time," she said and I stared at the phone again, in disbelief.

"How is aunty?" I asked, ignoring her previous statement.

"She is fine, just arranging some stuff," she said.

"And you, are you not supposed to help her?" I asked.

"I am supposed to help her but you know how mothers are, right? She never likes the way I organize things," she said.

I chuckled listening to her.

"So, are you settled?" I asked.

"Yes and thank you so much for getting the flat cleaned," she said.

"I had to, after all I am your friend," I said and rolled on the other side of my bed.

"Yes and a very good friend at that," she said and I smiled.

So finally she was being comfortable around me.

"What are you going to have for dinner?" I asked.

"Hmm..the kitchen set up will take time so I was thinking to get a takeaway or something," she said and I grinned.

"Do you know any restaurants?" I asked.

"No, not yet," she said, sighing.

"Umm...if you don't mind, I can get something for you to eat," I said.

"No, please don't bother, I will manage," she said.

"Sophia, you called me your friend and friends help each other," I said.

When I didn't hear anything for the next few seconds, I said, "It is not a bother, trust me."

"Okay," she said after a few seconds and I grinned.

"Okay, I will be there in a few minutes," I said, quickly getting off my bed and wearing my running shoes.

"You don't have to hurry Adarsh sir, please take your time," she said and I smiled.

"Oh come on Sophia, I am not hurrying, I am just helping you. Anyways, tell me, what would you like to have," I asked, taking my car keys now.

"Hmm...anything vegetarian," she said.

"You don't eat non-veg?" I asked.

"I do but mom has been advised not to eat non-veg due to her health condition," she said.

"Oh, so even you don't eat non-veg?" I asked.

"Yes, I don't want her to feel left out that is why I have given up on non-veg," she said.

"You are a good daughter, Sophia," I said, smiling, making my way to the main door.

"I don't know if I am a good daughter but I only know that I can do anything for my mom," she said.

"Okay, I will be there in half an hour, okay? Do you need anything else?" I asked.

"No sir, as it is you have been of great help till now and I don't want to take advantage of that," she said.

"Come on Sophia, not again. I will meet you in an hour," I said and disconnected the call.

Before I could exit the main door, I saw Akash calling me.

when I turned around, I asked, "Yes bhai."

"Where are you going, so late at night?" he asked.

"Nothing. Sophia is here and I was just going to her flat. She needs to have dinner and she is not aware of good restaurants here, so I thought of getting something for her," I said.

"So you are ready to be a delivery boy now, for her?" he teased and I chuckled.

"Come on bhai. You already know that she is just my assistant," I said and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Of course, yes," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Do you want to accompany me?" I asked.

"Where is she staying?" he asked.

"In the apartment close to our office that we own," I said.

"The thirtieth floor flat?" he asked.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"I figured you would give her that flat only, considering it is the most luxurious flat of that apartment," he said in a teasing tone.

"Come on bhai or we will be late," I said and dragged him with me.

How did the chapter come out?

The letter that Raj wrote to Sophia, has my heart, literally.

I think this letter is much better than the letter Siya wrote for Akash when they had broken up. I hope you all remember it.

if you all liked the chapter, please vote comment and share my book.

Also, please follow me on wattpad and instagram. My insta ID-magnificent_shobhana.

Till next chapter, tk cr bbyee


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